Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

Animal Sentience

The basis of animal rights is the recognition that animals are sentient beings.

This means they are capable of being aware of sensations and emotions, of feeling pain and suffering, and of experiencing a state of well being. ARAs believe that our own behavior towards animals should be guided by this recognition of their sentience.

There are many types of animals. An earthworm is an animal, and it is undoubtedly not sentient. It has no brain, just a nerve ganglion, with negligible intelligence. A chimpanzee is also an animal, and they are estimated to have an intelligence comparable to that of a five year old human child, which clearly does fall within the range of sentience. So it depends which species we are talking about.
Are animals sentient beings

Don't care. Animal Rights is just another progressive trick to create another group they can claim to "represent" and force others to accept to their viewpoint.
LOL! Classic. Proven wrong and suddenly you say "don't care" like a toddler.
why am I not surprised !?

Nice circle jerk you have going on between you and Ravi.
jealous are we?

Not even remotely, between the two of you there is a circle of stupid created, the likes of which could create a rift in the space-time continuum.
How do you know?

I know. When a squirrel is able to express their opinion on being shredded by a hawk, then I may care a little bit.
Just because a squirrel can't communicate with you doesn't mean it doesn't have an opinion.

To have an opinion it has to have sentience, and there is zero evidence of that.
Are you kidding me? Squirrels have been known to cross at cross walks. In my yard, squirrels know to avoid my feeder because I spike it with ghost peppers so the little demons can't handle it. My dog KNEW when my horse was in distress and signaled it to me by whimpering and whining. Don't get me started on Lassie or Flipper.

You know a lot of shit that isn't true.

Instinct, not sentience.
false your views are based on a erroneous idea that humans are superior.

We are.
also false.
how about we strip you naked and drop you in a remote and see if you survive most non domesticated animals would .
the odds are you would not. and you claim to be superior.
false your views are based on a erroneous idea that humans are superior.

We are.
also false.
how about we strip you naked and drop you in a remote and see if you survive most non domesticated animals would .
the odds are you would not. and you claim to be superior.

Our superiority comes from the fact we are not stripped naked and dropped somewhere remote. To remove our technology is like removing a lions claws and teeth.
our less techno superior ancestors did it for hundreds of thousands years with almost zero tech.
if you are superior to them, then it should be a piece of cake.

Why would I waste all that evolution? Again, to make it fair strip the lion of it's claws and teeth. and leave around a few stones and big sticks, and lets see who uses them first.
nope the lion comes with standard equipment just as you do.
the stick and stone would already be at hand.
Just because a squirrel can't communicate with you doesn't mean it doesn't have an opinion.

To have an opinion it has to have sentience, and there is zero evidence of that.
Are you kidding me? Squirrels have been known to cross at cross walks. In my yard, squirrels know to avoid my feeder because I spike it with ghost peppers so the little demons can't handle it. My dog KNEW when my horse was in distress and signaled it to me by whimpering and whining. Don't get me started on Lassie or Flipper.

You know a lot of shit that isn't true.

Instinct, not sentience.
again false

[ ˈinstiNGkt ]
noun: instinct · plural noun: instincts

  1. a natural or intuitive way of acting or thinking:

Again, more wishful bullshit.
fact. a thing you have a hard time with.
Don't care. Animal Rights is just another progressive trick to create another group they can claim to "represent" and force others to accept to their viewpoint.
LOL! Classic. Proven wrong and suddenly you say "don't care" like a toddler.
why am I not surprised !?

Nice circle jerk you have going on between you and Ravi.
jealous are we?

Not even remotely, between the two of you there is a circle of stupid created, the likes of which could create a rift in the space-time continuum.
you are ....
All nice, but hardly reaching human level sapience.
true they don't kill for fun and profit.

Ever watch a cat toy around with a kill?
false comparison cats don't pay or make money for it.

HAHA, called you on it, and you go running like the idiotic twat you are.
really? show me the money your cat made from killing a mouse.
none? I win .
A cat playing with food is an instinctual behavior, not a learned behavior, btw. So it has nothing to do with sentience.
Well, hunting does bring in money and tourism to some of the poorer regions of Africa. Some of these people wouldn't have jobs if not for hunting and conservation.
Not only that, but frequently, if not always, the meat from the trophy is donated to local tribes. One elephant taken legally can feed a lot of people.
A cat playing with food is an instinctual behavior, not a learned behavior, btw. So it has nothing to do with sentience.
Bullshit a cat playing with it's kill is evidence of sentience, joy is not instinctual .
It's sad that this particular lion was killed, but geez, I think some need to put things into perspective here. It is NOT the crime of the century.
I have to say that it is pretty unbelievable that anyone would be calling for the death penalty in this case. That is beyond ridiculous, IMO. He should lose his hunting license for life and pay some fines. Jail time? I don't think so.
There are many people who kill innocent animals. You basically eat those innocent animals every day... Trump's son is not any worse. He has a right to kill the animals and he does it.

This is different. It is trophy hunting. It serves no other purpose than to stroke an ego.

i'm sure the cows you eat appreciate the difference.

Trophy hunters are rather like animal serial killers. They get a thrill out of the kill and they take a trophy so they can remember it and how it made them feel.

Sort of like those serial left-wing posters on here, who copy text they responded to, and paste it in their signatures.......?

There must be some thrill to being stupid, and they copy trophy links in their sigs, to remember how it made them feel to be that dumb. It's all so clear now.

Lol. No, I don't really think that is the same thing.
It's always funny for so called humanists go crazy, absolutely bonkers over the death of an animal.... and yet....

Woman killed at Gauteng Lion Park photographed her death Daily Mail Online

Lady killed by lion... do you see the same outrage over the death of a human.... by the so-called humanists?

Did anyone call for the death of the lion? No? How exactly are these people "humanists" again?

Roughly 200 people are killed every single year by lions and tigers. No outrage there. One guy shoots a lion... death penalty threats..... Seriously. It's pretty clear who the humanists really care about, and it's certainly not humans.
There's an exotic game meat-serving restaurant in New York City that comes highly recommended.

But DON'T order the elephant steaks!

You may have to wait a long, long for your dinner unless everyone in your party orders elephant. They hate having to kill one for just a single order.
It's always funny for so called humanists go crazy, absolutely bonkers over the death of an animal.... and yet....

Woman killed at Gauteng Lion Park photographed her death Daily Mail Online

Lady killed by lion... do you see the same outrage over the death of a human.... by the so-called humanists?

Did anyone call for the death of the lion? No? How exactly are these people "humanists" again?

Roughly 200 people are killed every single year by lions and tigers. No outrage there. One guy shoots a lion... death penalty threats..... Seriously. It's pretty clear who the humanists really care about, and it's certainly not humans.
Thousands of people are murdered ever day
200 killed by lions Is a statistical non starter.

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