Trump Defends Roy Moore, Citing Candidate’s Denial of Allegations

Trump breaks from RNC, Ivanka in supporting Moore

President Trump has broken with his party leadership and his own daughter, telling reporters that Roy Moore "totally denies" the multiple sexual harassment and assault allegations against him and "you have to listen to him also."

The RNC and NRSC have pulled all support for Moore. Multiple senior Republicans, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, have said they believe Moore's accusers. Ivanka Trump told the AP: 'There's a special place in hell for people who prey on children. I've yet to see a valid explanation and I have no reason to doubt the victims' accounts.'"

More from Trump:

  • "We don't need a liberal Democrat in that seat... we don't need somebody soft on crime like [former prosecutor Doug] Jones."
  • "Women are very special. I think it's a very special time, a lot of things are coming out and I think that's good for our society and I think it's very very good for women and I'm very happy" these things are coming out.
  • Reminder: Trump faced multiple harassment and assault allegations of his own during the presidential campaign.
Trump breaks from RNC, Ivanka in supporting Moore
Trump was just on tv defending Moore on the grounds he denies the accusations
No on the grounds that he is innocent until proven's a great concept maybe you can take a night course and brush up...
Of course you’ll use an outlier poll that tells you what you want to hear. It’s why you watch Fox News.
Jones up by 9 according to FOX POLL.
Sure when all of the inlier polls were as wrong as they could be last year and this year...You don't have to kick me in the head.
If you wonder how trump managed to con so many dummies, just note the con posts in this thread

The best part? They actually "think" their posts are winners!
Moron still doesn’t understand the difference between a court of law and an election
Of course I you? You can't punish a crime that has not been proven no matter how badly you would like to...sorry. Election or not.
>> “We don’t need a liberal person in there, a Democrat, Jones,” Mr. Trump said. “I’ve looked at his record. It’s terrible on crime. <<

An interesting read, since what Doug Jones is known for is prosecuting the KKK slime who bombed the Birmingham church and killed four little girls. Hear the dog whistle?

Basically one guy is known for going after racists who kill young girls while the other guy is known for just going after young girls.
Well...if one is Alt-Right, Jones is terrible on crime.
Tell us why you think gays should be put in jail for being who they are like your boy Moore advocates.
I’ll await your answer..
Moore does not want to jail gays what a foolish statement. But your Muslim buddies will toss them off buildings.
Time and time again we see deplorables that don’t know the basics about their fuhrer Trump. Now we see Bunctious not know basics about Moore while he’s supporting him.

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