Trump Defiant!

The other side thinks its fine to silence views with violence. Of course, since you belong to that side you see nothing wrong with it.

Also it's remarkable how you interpreted his message which said "both" as meaning "only one". The butthurt displayed must be unfathomable.

Ah, yet another post trying to justify deplorable behaviour.
Who ran the car into the crowd again? Violence indeed.
The other side thinks its fine to silence views with violence. Of course, since you belong to that side you see nothing wrong with it.

Also it's remarkable how you interpreted his message which said "both" as meaning "only one". The butthurt displayed must be unfathomable.

Ah, yet another post trying to justify deplorable behaviour.
Who ran the car into the crowd again? Violence indeed.

Who did Trump condemn again? Who was beating the shit out of the car with bats?
Trump is a tool. Both sides my arse. The 'other side' wants separation of the races. If you want that, then I guess he is your guy...

Trump has no moral compass. Never has, never will.
He's their guy. Don't bother engaging them. Arm yourself in case they come after you.

Hey Jeenius, "they" have been armed for decades already.

The thought of leftists buying pistols they don't know how to shoot is funny. :badgrin:
The other side thinks its fine to silence views with violence. Of course, since you belong to that side you see nothing wrong with it.

Also it's remarkable how you interpreted his message which said "both" as meaning "only one". The butthurt displayed must be unfathomable.

Ah, yet another post trying to justify deplorable behaviour.
Who ran the car into the crowd again? Violence indeed.

Who did Trump condemn again? Who was beating the shit out of the car with bats?
Yes Norman it's easy to call out your bullshit.
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1. 3 days ago Trump blamed both sides - the Trumptards praised him

2. 2 days ago Trump flip flopped and called out the neo-Nazis specifically - the Trumptards praised him.

3. A day ago Trump flop flipped and went back to blaming both sides - the Trumptards praise him.

Classic cult behavior.
Trump is a tool. Both sides my arse. The 'other side' wants separation of the races. If you want that, then I guess he is your guy...

Trump has no moral compass. Never has, never will.
He's their guy. Don't bother engaging them. Arm yourself in case they come after you.

Hey Jeenius, "they" have been armed for decades already.

The thought of leftists buying pistols they don't know how to shoot is funny. :badgrin:
This white supremacist has been in hiding the past few days. Wonder why. Lol
My God how I love and respect this President! :clap2::clap2::clap2::2up:

Both sides are to be blamed!

Trump defiant on Charlottesville unrest: 'Blame on both sides'
Trump has added a new title to his long list of titles.

Nazi Collaborator.

Russian Ambassador to the United States.



Cut-and-run Democrat.

Pro Socialized Medicine.

An idiot who has now defended Antifa as "patriots" and actually calls himself a "conservative" is talking about a "cut-and-run Democrat".

That is too funny.
My God how I love and respect this President! :clap2::clap2::clap2::2up:

Both sides are to be blamed!

Trump defiant on Charlottesville unrest: 'Blame on both sides'
Trump has added a new title to his long list of titles.

Nazi Collaborator.

Russian Ambassador to the United States.



Cut-and-run Democrat.

Pro Socialized Medicine.

An idiot who has now defended Antifa as "patriots" and actually calls himself a "conservative" is talking about a "cut-and-run Democrat".

That is too funny.
Show me where I defended Antifa as patriots, liar.

Yes, Trump was a cut-and-run Democrat, retard. How do you not know this?
Trump is a tool. Both sides my arse. The 'other side' wants separation of the races. If you want that, then I guess he is your guy...

Trump has no moral compass. Never has, never will.
He's their guy. Don't bother engaging them. Arm yourself in case they come after you.

Hey Jeenius, "they" have been armed for decades already.

The thought of leftists buying pistols they don't know how to shoot is funny. :badgrin:
This white supremacist has been in hiding the past few days. Wonder why. Lol


Are you calling me a white supremacist, you delusional, leftist, stupid rotten fuck?

No, I am not a white supremacist. You sir, however, are a douchebag idiot paid shill, ok?
BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know how they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.

Trump is a tool. Both sides my arse. The 'other side' wants separation of the races. If you want that, then I guess he is your guy...

Trump has no moral compass. Never has, never will.
He's their guy. Don't bother engaging them. Arm yourself in case they come after you.

Hey Jeenius, "they" have been armed for decades already.

The thought of leftists buying pistols they don't know how to shoot is funny. :badgrin:
You confederates said that same thing 160 odd years ago
Commenting on your last sentence, this is my response:

You may feel that racism is wrong and you don't think any society should tolerate them. But, they exist AND America has an absolute guarantee of the equal protection of the laws.

Some people are for abortion; some against. And, we are NOT a democracy, so it doesn't matter who has the most people behind their efforts. So, we protect both sides equally.

When you say that a society should not tolerate racists, then ultimately you would force other people to accept your beliefs. You would force private employers to give jobs to unqualified people just to prove the employer isn't racist; you'd force a homeowner to rent out a house to people he don't want living in HIS home just because it's "racist."

We have made room for Muslims, communists, pedophiles / sexual deviants / the LGBT community, and non-Christian religions. We tolerate black racism and every social, political and economic belief on the face of this earth. Yet we cannot tolerate "racism?"

Really? It's acceptable to make room for a religion whose adherents have murdered our citizenry wholesale, but you get your boxers in a bunch over people that are "racist." You've got to be kidding.

Your constitutional republic is absolutely a form of democracy. I know the right hate the world - two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner and all that - but your ARE a democracy no matter how you look at it.

When you dare to put Muslims, LGBT and communists in the same sentence as peodophiles and sexual deviants you have lost the argument. That's like me putting rapist, serial killers and Trump voters in the same sentence,

If you fall for the line that all Muslims are bad when less than 0.0001 percent are doing what you say - well, you've got to be kidding me.

And no, I don't believe in wholesale freedom of speech that is hate speech. Hitler was fantastic at realising this and openly said he didn't want Germany to be a democracy and knew that after watching his political enemies in the 1920s knew that propaganda (ie lies) was the way to fool the public. This is what Trump and all the Fox acolytes have become very good at - making the truth Fake News and Fake News the truth. Do you really believe that Trump got more people at his inauguration when there is ample evidence to prove otherwise? Do you believe there were muslims dancing in the streets in NJ after 9-11 when there is absolutely NO evidence of that happening? Do you believe there was 3 million illegals voting when there is absolutely no evidence of it? Do you believe, like Trump does, that there is 'something to' this business that vaccines lead to autism, when this 'fact' is based on a study that a discredited doctor did on six patients? I could go on. This isn't freedom of speech it is destructive bullshit.

All this kind of shit undermines YOUR democracy and institutions. If that is who you want to hang your hat on, well, you've got to be kidding...
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So where was I?

Oh, yes.

Nazi Collaborator.

Russian Ambassador to the United States.



Cut-and-run Democrat.

Pro Socialized Medicine.
Well, when Trump comes out to his "infrastructure" presser and begins by puking hate all over the media - while his staff stands around going either WTF or oh for fucks sake - it will make it easier for gopers to walk away from him.

The question is whether they can do HC or tax reform wiith no help from the WH. I think they've no choice bot to go bipartisan, but I really think we're just fucked for three years. Charlie Dent can probably set a spending limit for a year, and they can probably pass some sequestration thing, but beyond that ... I can't see how you do it. McConnell brought this on himself with Garland though. He has very little good will to call in.

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