Trump Defiant!

My God how I love and respect this President! :clap2::clap2::clap2::2up:

Both sides are to be blamed!

Trump defiant on Charlottesville unrest: 'Blame on both sides'
It's refreshing to see a POTUS with no debt or allegiance to anyone except those who voted for him.
And you utterly failed to see the irony of calling him the POTUS (President of the UNITED STATES) when you sucked his cock for only caring about his diminishing base.

By the way, he doesn't care about them, either. He holds his Chumps in utter contempt. That's why he is constantly hoaxing them.

Donald Trump only cares about Donald Trump.
My God how I love and respect this President! :clap2::clap2::clap2::2up:

Both sides are to be blamed!

Trump defiant on Charlottesville unrest: 'Blame on both sides'
It's refreshing to see a POTUS with no debt or allegiance to anyone except those who voted for him.
And you utterly failed to see the irony of calling him the POTUS (President of the UNITED STATES) when you sucked his cock for only caring about his diminishing base.
You took it up the ass. Gotta hurt so much you're not thinking straight. God Bless.
Trump is a tool. Both sides my arse. The 'other side' wants separation of the races. If you want that, then I guess he is your guy...

Trump has no moral compass. Never has, never will.
He's their guy. Don't bother engaging them. Arm yourself in case they come after you.

Hey Jeenius, "they" have been armed for decades already.

The thought of leftists buying pistols they don't know how to shoot is funny. :badgrin:
This white supremacist has been in hiding the past few days. Wonder why. Lol


Are you calling me a white supremacist, you delusional, leftist, stupid rotten fuck?

No, I am not a white supremacist. You sir, however, are a douchebag idiot paid shill, ok?
No not paid... yes you are a racist by your own words. Over and over again. Embrace your racism don't run away from who you are.
Well, when Trump comes out to his "infrastructure" presser and begins by puking hate all over the media - while his staff stands around going either WTF or oh for fucks sake - it will make it easier for gopers to walk away from him.

The question is whether they can do HC or tax reform wiith no help from the WH. I think they've no choice bot to go bipartisan, but I really think we're just fucked for three years. Charlie Dent can probably set a spending limit for a year, and they can probably pass some sequestration thing, but beyond that ... I can't see how you do it. McConnell brought this on himself with Garland though. He has very little good will to call in.
Yeah... so how's that infrastructure bill going?
Tax reform?
Poor low energy Don has to keep mopping up the mess he created the day before... and the day before that and the...
Your medical bills are going higher and higher. Your health insurance bills are headed for record highs.

Your taxes and federal debt are going to be at least $1.4 trillion higher than they should be this year.

"Yeahbut we won!"
The Butthurt Brigade needs to get over the fact The Donald cares about the truth, not about what The Swamp insists Americans should think!
Yeah but there is nothing to be defiant about. It's all media based fake news. If anybody should be the subject of some sort of inquiry it's Va. Gov. McAuliffe but strangely enough nobody is talking to him. Maybe because he is a democrat.
The Butthurt Brigade needs to get over the fact The Donald cares about the truth,
Oh, god. I have to log off. I honestly cannot laugh any harder today. I just can't. It's starting to hurt.
Yeah but there is nothing to be defiant about. It's all media based fake news. If anybody should be the subject of some sort of inquiry it's Va. Gov. McAuliffe but strangely enough nobody is talking to him. Maybe because he is a democrat.

Not only is Terry McAuliffe a democrat and Swamp Rat, he is a close associate of Swamp Rats Crooked Hillary and Obama!

My God how I love and respect this President! :clap2::clap2::clap2::2up:

Both sides are to be blamed!

Trump defiant on Charlottesville unrest: 'Blame on both sides'
It's refreshing to see a POTUS with no debt or allegiance to anyone except those who voted for him. Screw Hillary, McCain and Washington. America chose widely.

Absolutely! Bless President Trump! Bless the eight years of his Administration!

Because according to how the Left is behaving ....well.... America will definitely choose Trump again for a second term! :2up: :banana:
Trump is a tool. Both sides my arse. The 'other side' wants separation of the races. If you want that, then I guess he is your guy...

Trump has no moral compass. Never has, never will.
He's their guy. Don't bother engaging them. Arm yourself in case they come after you.

Hey Jeenius, "they" have been armed for decades already.

The thought of leftists buying pistols they don't know how to shoot is funny. :badgrin:
You confederates said that same thing 160 odd years ago

"You Confederates" Son, your concept of time and the lifespan of human beings seems to be a bit out of whack.

There are zero Confederates alive today.

The mid-1950s called, they said all Confederates were dead by then.

Who did Trump condemn again? Who was beating the shit out of the car with bats?

Both sides when only one needed condemning. I don't blame them. The guy was a fuckwit. Using your analogy, if you and I disagree on something and I flip you the bird, that gives you the right to blow my head off. Talking about bringing a sledge hammer to knock in a one-inch nail....
My God how I love and respect this President! :clap2::clap2::clap2::2up:

Both sides are to be blamed!

Trump defiant on Charlottesville unrest: 'Blame on both sides'
It's refreshing to see a POTUS with no debt or allegiance to anyone except those who voted for him. Screw Hillary, McCain and Washington. America chose widely.

Absolutely! Bless President Trump! Bless the eight years of his Administration!

Because according to how the Left is behaving ....well.... America will definitely choose Trump again for a second term! :2up: :banana:
At heart......The Trump family immigrated from Germany. As such, the Trump's are Nazi's and his grandfather and father adored Hitler. Trump read read Mein Kaump before he went to bed at night (according to his first wife).Donald Trump 'kept book of Adolf Hitler's speeches in his bedside cabinet and may have read it for inspiration'

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