Trump defies globalist, calls for US dominance in energy


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Trump Defies Globalists, Calls for US Dominance in Energy

President Trump has openly defied a technocratic plan by the globalists to shut down US energy independence.

In a reversal of Obama administration policies that suspended domestic energy production, particularly coal, Mr. Trump wants the US to once again become a net exporter of energy.


But those ANTI American haters, Trump haters, won't ever see it, and totally won't ever understand it. None of it because they prefer huge Governments telling them how to live, what to live like, what is right, what is wrong, how to take a chit, how to eat, breathe and sleep. Without daddy Gov. telling them how to function they'd curl up in a ball and die, Just like they would in a grid down situation.
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Dr. Steve Pieczenik: You Are Seeing The Death Throes Of The MSM And Political Parties
As long as sulfur dioxide scrubber systems are used to reduce emissions from the exhaust of coal-fired powerplants, coal is the better option.

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