Trump: Defying voters, the Governor of California will halt all executions of 737 stone cold killers

Illegal alien Luis Bracamontes murdered 2 cops in CA; was sentenced to death In court he said: "F*** all the stupid cops & f*** the families, too" "Only thing that I f***ing regret is that I f***ing just killed two. I wish I killed more" Glad you're happy he won't be executed
TWO years ago Californians voted down an initiative to replace the death penalty with life in prison. Would Gov Gavin Newsom be willing to keep the death penalty if a majority of illegal aliens supported it?
Illegal alien Luis Bracamontes murdered 2 cops in CA; was sentenced to death In court he said: "F*** all the stupid cops & f*** the families, too" "Only thing that I f***ing regret is that I f***ing just killed two. I wish I killed more" Glad you're happy he won't be executed

Sounds like the hero of the progressives. A winning ticket would be to let him loose to kill some more cops.
Gavin Loathsome is, not surprisingly, a carbon-copy of that Jerry Brown-as-in-shit. I voted for the Republican Cox in the last election but needless to say, Republicans are a minority in the most hateful, destructive, psychotic state in this country. Other than Brown's failed, multi-billion-scam high-speed "choo-choo" Gavin Loathsome will continue his American-hating policies.
You people talk like an executive taking an action contrary to the wishes of the legislature is a bad thing.
Gruesome Gavin Newsom is ok with saving the life of a murderer but not the life of an unborn child - that’s the left.
Pulled the same shit on gay marriage.

Wait, the left foamed at the mouth about the popular vote and will of the people when Trump won. But when a majority vote for something they don't like they have no problem ignoring the popular vote and will of the people?
"At least Gavin Newsom will be relieved that New Zealand doesn't have the death penalty."
In a year or two most Californians will be against the death penalty and I applaud Newsom for opening up the debate, it's good to have.
In a year or two most Californians will be against the death penalty and I applaud Newsom for opening up the debate, it's good to have.

In a year or two most Californians will be against the death penalty

Do you all really trust the legal system to determine who's guilty and who's innocent? Seriously!

While there's a minority of cases where guilt is undeniable, the vast majority are largely in doubt.

My issue isn't with executing guilty's with the ability of the court system to accurately determine who's really guilty and who is not.
Pulled the same shit on gay marriage.

And where did that eventually leave California? As of today, like most of the country pretty much OK with it.

Weak ass dodge.
They still went against the will of the people.

In San Francisco? You sure about that?

As for the death penalty, it's within the governors ability to do what he just did. It's up to the citizens of California to vote Newsom out which at this point is a long shot at best and I don't think the death penalty is going to change anyone's mind come reelection time.

As a conservative I'd be hoping Newsom loses too because that guy shits charisma.

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