trump delivers message for upcoming elections to repubs

More proof that you're not a serious person. Rather more like an immature clown.
My messages are nuanced.... not really designed for unemployable parasites.

Continue to eat the corn out of Josef Stolen's shit and giggle like a little bitch as the country falls apart.
At no time did Trump tell Republicans not to vote which is how you lying left wingers are trying to spin this. Trump simply pointed out that Republicans will not vote if Dems are allowed to continue rigging and cheating in the elections.

Look we get it, the left is intentionally dishonest they lie and twist and spin trust me we are not surprised.

At no time did Trump tell Republicans not to vote which is how you lying left wingers are trying to spin this. Trump simply pointed out that Republicans will not vote if Dems are allowed to continue rigging and cheating in the elections.

Look we get it, the left is intentionally dishonest they lie and twist and spin trust me we are not surprised.
He said "none are going to vote".....that us pretty much a gun to the party's head unless they can fabricate voter fraud for Donald. Yup....Donald is now my Hero!

Spin all you want. I LOVE THE IDEA!
He said "none are going to vote".....that us pretty much a gun to the party's head unless they can fabricate voter fraud for Donald. Yup....Donald is now my Hero!

Spin all you want. I LOVE THE IDEA!
What he really said is the election fraud must be exposed. People are hard at work doing just that. In the meantime Trump is convincing more people every day that massive fraud took place.
Yes! All of us god fearing Trump supporting real Americans should boycott the elections!

Let's print up shirts and hats! Boycott 2022!!!
You people may THINK this issue is funny but if you succeed in causing half the country to walk away from voting, don't imagine that'll mean they've decided to get on their knees to you freaks. JUST THE OPPOSITE is going to happen. So... keep it up, chuckles.
You people may THINK this issue is funny but if you succeed in causing half the country to walk away from voting, don't imagine that'll mean they've decided to get on their knees to you freaks. JUST THE OPPOSITE is going to happen. So... keep it up, chuckles.
Republican men get on their knees constantly for other Republican men.
What he really said is the election fraud must be exposed. People are hard at work doing just that. In the meantime Trump is convincing more people every day that massive fraud took place.
Rasmussen agrees!

The tide is turning and at a minimum, it should make it much more difficult for them to steal 2022 or 2024.
Republican men get on their knees constantly for other Republican men.
You really are a nasty piece of work, aren't ya? Fortunately, those like you will be hiding under a bed once the shit gets real.
Why? You people fall for lame propaganda too. So, who's the bigger fucking hypocrite here, sir? Please show your work.
IT IS trump's WORDS! He is telling the repubs. If you don't find voter fraud....DON'T VOTE. Simple as that. The man is throwing repubs under the bus. THANKS DONALD!
IT IS trump's WORDS! He is telling the repubs. If you don't find voter fraud....DON'T VOTE. Simple as that. The man is throwing repubs under the bus. THANKS DONALD!
Absolutely. Thank you, former *pResident Orange assface. And you worthless fucking magaturds need to snap to His Word, or else.

Don't. Vote. In. 2022. Or. 2024. Magaturds.

You've received your instructions.
What he really said is the election fraud must be exposed. People are hard at work doing just that. In the meantime Trump is convincing more people every day that massive fraud took place.
He is threatening the GOP. “Get behind me and my messaging or I will destroy you.”

the "fraud" is just messaging.

this is his pretext to say the elections are not valid and then incite his army of morons to take up arms and forcibly take control of the government.
He is threatening the GOP. “Get behind me and my messaging or I will destroy you.”

the "fraud" is just messaging.

this is his pretext to say the elections are not valid and then incite his army of morons to take up arms and forcibly take control of the government.
The GOP destroyed themselves not demanding the fraud be investigated. Those people will lose their primaries.

I totally agree with him. repubs need to sit it out. Do you need more proof that trump cares only about himself?
Trump once again demonstrates the retarded circular logic for which he is so famous.

TRUMP: Alien spores from outer space have infested calf meat!
GIULIANI: I have 76...93...I have 227 affidavits!
TRUMP: Because of alien spores from outer space, my tard herd is going to stop eating calf meat.
Nope. He has a way out of the mess your boy Bidung will be leaving him.

Guess you didn't like gas at 1.70 a gallon.

Guess you didn't like UE the lowest it had been in 50 years.

Guess you didn't like jobs all across the country.

And you sure didn't like a great economy.

In 2024 Trump will have one hell of a mess to clean up. But Trump being Trump will get it done. He's all for America and Americans unlike the incompetent walking talking disaster that YOU voted for.

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