Trump denied Biden government aircraft to inauguration

Individual 1 in SDNY for campaign finance violations
The inciter in chief in Washington DC
Georgia and the phone call to the Sec of State to "find" votes, aka public corruption.
I see State charges there. The incitement is covered by impeachment. So no federal pardon is relevant to those, right?
Most of those are both violations of federal and state law. And if Trump is found guilty of inciting sedition, then as Article 2 says,

but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.
Trump could pardon himself, if that were a concern.
There are two big problems to that. First common law says that a sovereign can't pardon himself, as does the DOJ office of legal counsel.

And the USSC in 1915 said that issuing a pardon presumes the receiver is guilty. And the acceptance of a pardon confirms the receivers guilt.

Trump issuing himself a pardon carries with it a confirmation of his guilt. And if the USSC rules with common law against self pardoning, Trump would have confessed to his guilt, and left himself open to prosecution.
Donald Trump's pettiness apparently knows no bounds, because Joe Biden isn't getting what Trump himself got ... a government aircraft taking him to D.C. for his inauguration.

Biden just boarded a private jet for the short flight to Washington. Protocol has been for the incoming President to get the courtesy of a military aircraft. Aside from the fact this tradition is rooted in the transfer of power, it's gotta be safer, with all the bells and whistles that come with it.

FYI ... Donald Trump was afforded this courtesy when he flew to Washington on January 19, 2017, the day before he was inaugurated.

Unbelievable! So evil and petty!

You are forgetting that the EVIDENCE shows that he wasn't duly elected President.

He is a USURPER selected by the Deep State.

He deserves NOTHING


Donald Trump's pettiness apparently knows no bounds, because Joe Biden isn't getting what Trump himself got ... a government aircraft taking him to D.C. for his inauguration.

Biden just boarded a private jet for the short flight to Washington. Protocol has been for the incoming President to get the courtesy of a military aircraft. Aside from the fact this tradition is rooted in the transfer of power, it's gotta be safer, with all the bells and whistles that come with it.

FYI ... Donald Trump was afforded this courtesy when he flew to Washington on January 19, 2017, the day before he was inaugurated.

Unbelievable! So evil and petty!
Oh boo fucking hoo. It is 97 miles. Illegitimate administrations who fear their military and their constituents don't deserve military flights. He didn't have any problem having the capitol fenced and spending 1.6M for private security, why isn't he getting a flight for that $1.6M. HaHaHa! So what.
the last American president is leaving.
Are you people always like this when you lose? Holy shit, I've never heard such drama in my life!
Where have you spent the last four years of your life. If you were alive and not under a rock, you have indeed seen MORE drama and if you deny it --you are just another lefty liar as we suspected all along anyway.
Donald Trump's pettiness apparently knows no bounds, because Joe Biden isn't getting what Trump himself got ... a government aircraft taking him to D.C. for his inauguration.

Biden just boarded a private jet for the short flight to Washington. Protocol has been for the incoming President to get the courtesy of a military aircraft. Aside from the fact this tradition is rooted in the transfer of power, it's gotta be safer, with all the bells and whistles that come with it.

FYI ... Donald Trump was afforded this courtesy when he flew to Washington on January 19, 2017, the day before he was inaugurated.

Unbelievable! So evil and petty!

Taking silverware and furniture from the White House was petty. Ripping off the “W’s” from keyboards was petty. Did Biden have to drive to Washington? How about him take a secured train from Wilmington?
Donald Trump's pettiness apparently knows no bounds, because Joe Biden isn't getting what Trump himself got ... a government aircraft taking him to D.C. for his inauguration.

Biden just boarded a private jet for the short flight to Washington. Protocol has been for the incoming President to get the courtesy of a military aircraft. Aside from the fact this tradition is rooted in the transfer of power, it's gotta be safer, with all the bells and whistles that come with it.

FYI ... Donald Trump was afforded this courtesy when he flew to Washington on January 19, 2017, the day before he was inaugurated.

Unbelievable! So evil and petty!

You are forgetting that the EVIDENCE shows that he wasn't duly elected President.

He is a USURPER selected by the Deep State.

He deserves NOTHING



What "evidence"? Biden was "duly elected" in spite of Trump's conspiracy theories, obstruction, cheating, and fraud. If you have credible "evidence" of fraud - you should present it before Biden is sworn in tomorrow. Hurry...


Only a moron would believe that Republican states, Republican election officials, Republican courts and judges all conspired with Democrats to rig the election for Biden. Just think about that...
the last American president is leaving.
Are you people always like this when you lose? Holy shit, I've never heard such drama in my life!
Where have you spent the last four years of your life. If you were alive and not under a rock, you have indeed seen MORE drama and if you deny it --you are just another lefty liar as we suspected all along anyway.
If you weren't a newbie, you would have known that I'm a slightly left leaning social moderate. But the point is, your sky is falling and your world has ended, and I'm just curious if the same thing happened when Obama was elected.
Donald Trump's pettiness apparently knows no bounds, because Joe Biden isn't getting what Trump himself got ... a government aircraft taking him to D.C. for his inauguration.

Biden just boarded a private jet for the short flight to Washington. Protocol has been for the incoming President to get the courtesy of a military aircraft. Aside from the fact this tradition is rooted in the transfer of power, it's gotta be safer, with all the bells and whistles that come with it.

FYI ... Donald Trump was afforded this courtesy when he flew to Washington on January 19, 2017, the day before he was inaugurated.

Unbelievable! So evil and petty!
Biden is already in Washington making stupid PROPAGANDA videos already. Watch the video (snicker) Biden is leading the nation in morning of the 400,000 killed except no one bothered to go be led by Biden----but hey the truth doesn't matter, the lib media are pushing the narrative.


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