Trump denied Biden government aircraft to inauguration

Yes, he should be cordial. He represents the office. And he should, for once in his term as president, act like it.

After what the Nazis did?

No, no one should be cordial to any democrat - ever.

Fuck the Nazis, every last one of the swine.
Biden is nothing. He is not even enough to be a figurehead. He is a sop.
a thing given or done as a concession of no great value to appease someone whose main concerns or demands are not being met.

Who is behind Biden? Someone is paying the protesters, paying off politicians. Cuomo isn't destroying his state's businesses for free. Neither is Gavin Newsom. Someone is paying big money and bigger promises of future success. Someone is supporting the posters that spend days drifting from message board to message board drumming up the propaganda. Who is behind all of this.

Who could it be?

Right! He just called for the mob to attack the Capitol....cause.....well...he thought it would make for great TV. And if reports are accurate, he loved the riot at the Capitol.

Well, that's a fucking lie.

But you Nazis lie, it's what you do.
Donald Trump's pettiness apparently knows no bounds, because Joe Biden isn't getting what Trump himself got ... a government aircraft taking him to D.C. for his inauguration.

Biden just boarded a private jet for the short flight to Washington. Protocol has been for the incoming President to get the courtesy of a military aircraft. Aside from the fact this tradition is rooted in the transfer of power, it's gotta be safer, with all the bells and whistles that come with it.

FYI ... Donald Trump was afforded this courtesy when he flew to Washington on January 19, 2017, the day before he was inaugurated.

Unbelievable! So evil and petty!
What ridiculous crap. Beijing Biden opted to take a private plane. Do leftists ever become less gullible and stupid?
This shows us nothing about Biden... Biden will just laugh....

Will he thank Premier Andropov for helping him defeat Ronald Reagan?

This shows us how unstable Trump's mind is...

Seig Heil indeed.

Biden will just ask himself does this affect the Vaccine rollout? No! Time to get to work...

Yeah, Biden and his Warp Speed did what everyone said was impossible, delivered a vaccine in 9 month.

And it is totally Biden Harris who did it, Seig Heil

He has a strong team that should be able to do multiple things at the same time....

Biden's team might actually take the train... It is fitting for a man who has been humble in his service to his country...

We have to thank Trump for giving Biden this opportunity...

Yeah, the best Iran and China could buy.

Uber Alles Democrat
ISIS was born in Camp Bucca Prison in Iraq in 2004.. Trump is really ignorant about everything.. That's why he lies so much.

Nope, you ignorant Nazi.

ISIS was born when Obama created it. It modeled itself on the defunct Isil in some ways, but was not an Iraqi organization.

The Reich thanks you for lying and depends on good soldiers like you to lie for the Reich every time.

Seig Heil, Uber Alles Democrat
Good to see Trump at last giving as good as he got.

What Trump got was the same courtesies that other incoming presidents got. Now he is being petty.
Actually....he spent 4 years hearing how he has no idea what he is doing. He tried to defend his actions and he was called a liar. He tried to explain his motives and he was called a liar. He tried to explain what his goals were and he was told he has no idea what he is doing.

But now he is wrong to not assist Biden?

He is no idiot. He is well aware, based on what we saw from the left and the media, it doesn't matter what he says to Biden. If Biden makes the wrong move, he will blame Trump advice. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it

So Biden and his party made it clear that Trump was a charlatan who only cared about himself and his rich friends...and folks like you and the media agreed. So now deal with it.

Good luck Joe. I give you less than 2 years before it will be a Harris administration. And who will take Joe out? Pelosi and the 25th. Mark my words.

Good luck Joe.

What happened over the last 4 years is politics as usual. The difference is that when it was over, other presidents treated the incoming president with respect. Trump has discussed the letter left for him by Obama. And that was after Trump spent 8 years screaming out a birth certificate.

This is not about personal issues. It is about the handing over of the highest office in the land. It is about tradition and simple courtesy, not childish temper tantrums.
Trump did the birther thing for a few years. When he ran for president he stopped and whereas he criticized Obama during his campaigns as every president does, he never called him names. That was for two yerars of campaigning. He criticized Obama policies, but never questioned his character or intentions.

Until election day...and since election day, Biden called trump a liar, a xenophobe, a racist, a homophobe, a clown, a charlatan, a disgrace....etc...etc....etc.

It worked for Biden...but he truly expects Trump to now "work with him"?

Would you?

I wouldn't want to have a beer with him. But the office could be cordial to the new office holder. Trump thinks it is all about him personally. Its not.
Why? Was the potential incoming president cordial to the sitting President? To the last day calling him every name in the book?

Yes, he should be cordial. He represents the office. And he should, for once in his term as president, act like it.
So the man who was referred to as "not my president" and "a Russian asset" and "bad for America" and "a disgrace and not worthy of the office" and "not a legitimate president" for four years is NOW criticized for not being presidential.

Gotta love it.
Donald Trump's pettiness apparently knows no bounds, because Joe Biden isn't getting what Trump himself got ... a government aircraft taking him to D.C. for his inauguration.

Biden just boarded a private jet for the short flight to Washington. Protocol has been for the incoming President to get the courtesy of a military aircraft. Aside from the fact this tradition is rooted in the transfer of power, it's gotta be safer, with all the bells and whistles that come with it.

FYI ... Donald Trump was afforded this courtesy when he flew to Washington on January 19, 2017, the day before he was inaugurated.

Unbelievable! So evil and petty!

You are forgetting that the EVIDENCE shows that he wasn't duly elected President.

He is a USURPER selected by the Deep State.

He deserves NOTHING



What "evidence"? Biden was "duly elected" in spite of Trump's conspiracy theories, obstruction, cheating, and fraud. If you have credible "evidence" of fraud - you should present it before Biden is sworn in tomorrow. Hurry...

View attachment 445485

Only a moron would believe that Republican states, Republican election officials, Republican courts and judges all conspired with Democrats to rig the election for Biden. Just think about that...
If you weren't a newbie, you would have known that I'm a slightly left leaning social moderate. But the point is, your sky is falling and your world has ended, and I'm just curious if the same thing happened when Obama was elected.

You know it's funny, in the 90's you would be extremist radical left, but by today's standards you really are just slightly left.

When the "center" is defined by Mao...
This shows us nothing about Biden... Biden will just laugh....

Will he thank Premier Andropov for helping him defeat Ronald Reagan?

This shows us how unstable Trump's mind is...

Seig Heil indeed.

Biden will just ask himself does this affect the Vaccine rollout? No! Time to get to work...

Yeah, Biden and his Warp Speed did what everyone said was impossible, delivered a vaccine in 9 month.

And it is totally Biden Harris who did it, Seig Heil

He has a strong team that should be able to do multiple things at the same time....

Biden's team might actually take the train... It is fitting for a man who has been humble in his service to his country...

We have to thank Trump for giving Biden this opportunity...

Yeah, the best Iran and China could buy.

Uber Alles Democrat

Looks like you have been triggered there....

We might just have to get you deprogrammed....

By the way warp speed is a joke... I mean you are so gullible...

Trump reduced the budgets Government Agencies that helped on the Vaccine.
He insulted Germany for spending money on Vaccine Development instead of tanks and bombs... Thankfully Germany thought he was a joke...
And lastly UK, they are producing a vaccine (which Trump's admin refused to approve) which at present ($4) costs 4 times less than the others but will be available in a year for <$1 if not for cents...
Rump pettiness knows no bounds. But his American Carnage is about over. I just watched him walk out of the White House for the last time and fly off in a helicopter. The clouds parted, the sun came out and this song played in my head. :)

Looks like you have been triggered there....

We might just have to get you deprogrammed....

By the way warp speed is a joke... I mean you are so gullible...

Trump reduced the budgets Government Agencies that helped on the Vaccine.
He insulted Germany for spending money on Vaccine Development instead of tanks and bombs... Thankfully Germany thought he was a joke...
And lastly UK, they are producing a vaccine (which Trump's admin refused to approve) which at present ($4) costs 4 times less than the others but will be available in a year for <$1 if not for cents...

Yeah, I mean there is no way a vaccine could be developed and deployed in 9 months.

Government agencies didn't develop the vaccine, the private sector with MASSIVE support from the Trump administration did.

And your lie is so cute about Germany, expecting them to pay their NATO bill "keeps them from developing a vaccine."

What a fucking joke. Germany are dead beats.

We all know the UK isn't capable of developing or designing anything.

America innovates, the world follows.

But Quid Pro will change that.
Rump pettiness knows no bounds. But his American Carnage is about over. I just watched him walk out of the White House for the last time and fly off in a helicopter. The clouds parted, the sun came out and this song played in my head. :)

Rump pettiness knows no bounds. But his American Carnage is about over. I just watched him walk out of the White House for the last time and fly off in a helicopter. The clouds parted, the sun came out and this song played in my head. :)

I wonder what you will say over the next few months as the media will desperately try to hide the downfall of the US until eventually the higher unemployment and energy prices just can't be hidden any more........
This shows us nothing about Biden... Biden will just laugh....

Will he thank Premier Andropov for helping him defeat Ronald Reagan?

This shows us how unstable Trump's mind is...

Seig Heil indeed.

Biden will just ask himself does this affect the Vaccine rollout? No! Time to get to work...

Yeah, Biden and his Warp Speed did what everyone said was impossible, delivered a vaccine in 9 month.

And it is totally Biden Harris who did it, Seig Heil

He has a strong team that should be able to do multiple things at the same time....

Biden's team might actually take the train... It is fitting for a man who has been humble in his service to his country...

We have to thank Trump for giving Biden this opportunity...

Yeah, the best Iran and China could buy.

Uber Alles Democrat

Looks like you have been triggered there....

We might just have to get you deprogrammed....

By the way warp speed is a joke... I mean you are so gullible...

Trump reduced the budgets Government Agencies that helped on the Vaccine.
He insulted Germany for spending money on Vaccine Development instead of tanks and bombs... Thankfully Germany thought he was a joke...
And lastly UK, they are producing a vaccine (which Trump's admin refused to approve) which at present ($4) costs 4 times less than the others but will be available in a year for <$1 if not for cents...
Just curious Cowboy. Other than citing your hatred and distrust of the 45th President of the United States......exactly what is false about a vaccine for a new virus being developed and distributed 5 times faster than any other vaccine?
Flynn was dangerous. An ambitious talented military man, who didn't think the intelligence agencies he knew listened to the russians, would listen to his calls.

Or if they did, they wouldn't tell anybody about it.

You Nazis are such hypocrites.


WASHINGTON, DC- Remember when Gen. Michael Flynn was investigated under the so-called Logan Act and eventually had to resign after he allegedly had “conversations” with foreign leaders during the transition period between Obama and President Trump? You may recall that at the time Flynn had these conversations, he had already been named as Trump’s National Security Adviser for the upcoming administration.

Well, imagine our surprise when Ben Rhodes, former deputy national security adviser during the Obama Administration claimed on Monday that “foreign leaders are already having phone calls with Joe Biden.” Odd…isn’t that exactly what Flynn was investigated for?

If we’re being consistent, Joe Biden has not been confirmed as the president elect, the votes have not been certified, and there is ongoing litigation. Using the same criteria the Democrats used in 2016, wouldn’t what Biden is doing be illegal?


The simple truth is there is no law for the Reich.
FruitCacke, which foreign leaders and what policies did they discuss?

Farouk, learn to read.

Tyranny has two tiered justice systems, as America does. As your Iran does.
You claim hypocrisy for considering a violation of the Logan Act against Flynn but not Biden. Flynn's potential violation was obvious. I note, you have no clue who Biden spoke with AND what they spoke about.

For your edification, speaking with foreign leaders is not necessarily a violation of the Logan Act. It's what you speak about with them which can be in violation. And you just admitted, albeit unwittingly, that you have no fucking clue what they discussed.

You lose again, Fruitcake, because you're out of your mind.

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