Trump Derangement Syndrome is a Real Thing, folks

Very interesting interview with Scott Adams.

Well Roger Stone has known him forty years and I just heard him say today that Don. is sharp as a tack and nothing is wrong with him.
They are saying this because Russia FAILED, the Woman thing Failed so now it's on to the mental health.

when his mental bs fails because the assholes get caught again you know what comes next don't you
they're going to pull a JFK....
So you have a whore, predator, and conman in the Oval Office and you still are not satisfied that we all don't worship his filth? This isn't "trump derangement syndrome," it's a desire to rescue our country from the gutter. Many of us Americans do not welcome rock-bottom filth in government.

Why didn't the filth bother you before? That is what politics is, a bunch of filthy rotten scoundrels, especially the establishment party members. Dirty rotten liars. The only difference between them and Trump is he doesn't lie so smoothly.
Filth always bothered me. But we never had, in my lifetime, any of the sort of the open level of filth that we have now. People used to have a standard of dignity. Barack Obama had this, and was/is a gentleman. But the current whore is way too much to be endured. Shabby. A disgrace to the U.S.A. No class. No dignity. No respect for the most basic of our traditions and procedures. This is the first time we have had a whore-predator-traitor in the Oval Office and a half-naked hoochie mama masquerading as First "Lady," as if she actually is a lady. I am old enough to remember when the U.S. government was headed by people with class and dignity. I remember when Gerry Ford's funeral cortege drove through town and feeling how sad it was. I did not always agree with him, but he was a gentleman married to a lady. Now this is no more.
Obama derangement syndrome is even more real.

That's funny considering the term was INVENTED just about a year ago, AFTER Obama had already left office! You are the first person I've heard ever even use the phrase "Obama Derangement Syndrome!" Is that anything like Hillary's Vast Right-wing Conspiracy? nothing to see behind the curtain, right? It's been my observation that the way the Left works is this by following the Cloward and Piven strategy of overwhelming the system. First, people like Obama and Hillary overwhelm the system with so many crimes and wrongs that the system simply cannot keep up with it all, taking on more and new crimes to deal with before it can resolve the previous, in our slow-moving legal process. What you end up with is a flood of hearings,. confusion and 24/7 coverage where the average person gets lost in it all, 90% of it is never resolved through eternal delays, then when all you hear on the news is constant referrals to the agents in question, their side simply tries to dismiss it all as some sort of "obsession."

But it really isn't all that complex, simply listen to Saul Alinsky:

* RULE 3: “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. (This happens all the time. Watch how many organizations under attack are blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address.)

Example given: the entire Mueller Russia investigation.

* RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

A variation of overwhelming the system. Frequently attempted used by many dolts here by trying to create an irrational argument then demanding you adhere to it.

* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating.

You can see that best here by the number of people who very transparently try that all of the time, thinking they are actually winning any arguments or making a fool of anyone but themselves.

* RULE 7: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news. (Even radical activists get bored. So to keep them excited and involved, organizers are constantly coming up with new tactics.)

Again, very evident if you follow the daily news from the DNC. With the Left, it is always the tactic of the week.

* RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.)

Quite literally, all that the Left and the Democratic Party is good for these days.

* RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”

The MO of the Left. They are usually guilty of everything they accuse others of, first and most, then try to use it to their advantage once others respond. But again, not fooling anyone.

* RULE 11: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.

And here is where the Left have fallen to pieces because every attack on Trump has only backfired and only made him stronger.

* RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions.

Here again is the entire ploy against Trump. Everyone knows that the entire animus against Trump isn't really anything he's done, it is just that he's doing it! Ironic that you can't let up on Trump 24/7, yet when someone points out the many real, lingering, unresolved issues with Obama and Hillary, you try to laugh it off as mere "derangement."

The sad fact is that your entire Alinsky model doesn't work. It hasn't worked and it won't work now that the entire world knows about it! Such stuff is only effective so long as the other side isn't aware of what your doing or why, but that time has passed years ago and these days, the methods of the Left are entirely transparent and predictable, but despite all that and hundreds and hundreds of lost seats, lost offices and elections, IT'S ALL YOU'VE GOT! But keep right on with your puerile attacks and arguments; as long as you keep thinking linearly that what hasn't worked for you in the past will work in the present or future if you just keep doing it, you will --- --- --- keep doing what doesn't work. :lmao: Bottom line is that despite all your noise to the contrary, nothing the Left and the Democratic Party does anymore has anything to do with advancing the needs of the country, only your rapidly slipping grip on power for yourselves. People see that and have given up on you for something real that works. For now, that it Donald Trump. Once they see the difference having a real leader really working to further their interests and nation, more and more of you except the die-hard partisans are going to abandon the Leftist Plastic People for leadership that's sincere.
But the current whore is way too much to be endured. Shabby. A disgrace to the U.S.A. No class. No dignity. No respect for the most basic of our traditions and procedures. This is the first time we have had a whore-predator-traitor in the Oval Office and a half-naked hoochie mama masquerading as First "Lady," as if she actually is a lady
And THERE it is. Hope the Secret Service is watching this one.
I hate anyone that cuts infrastructure, science and education guts. It wouldn't matter what party they're apart of.

I'll fucking attack them because they're undermining this nations leadership in the world.
The dumb liberal knuttjobs are fueled with hours and hours of Left Wing Hate TV everyday.
Some of these TV shows are completely dedicated to hating Trump.
Republicans are just mainstream middle class people who work hard, pay their taxes and who don't bother anyone, and they are who the Democrats have a vicious hatred for.

1 The President Show
2 The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
3 South Park
4 The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon
5 Jimmy Kimmel Live
6 Late Night with Steve Colbert
7 Seth Meyer Late Night
8 Real Time with Bill Maher
9 The Fake News with Ted Nelms
10 The Jim Jefferies Show
11 CBS News
12 60 Minutes
13 ABC News
14 NBC News
15 CNN
16 Morning Joe
17 Rachel Maddow Show
18 Chris Mathews Show
19 Lawrence O’Donnell Show
20 Tosh.0

21 The Opposition

There are probably more.
The dumb liberal knuttjobs are fueled with hours and hours of Left Wing Hate TV everyday.
Some of these TV shows are completely dedicated to hating Trump.
Republicans are just mainstream middle class people who work hard, pay their taxes and who don't bother anyone, and they are who the Democrats have a vicious hatred for.

1 The President Show
2 The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
3 South Park
4 The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon
5 Jimmy Kimmel Live
6 Late Night with Steve Colbert
7 Seth Meyer Late Night
8 Real Time with Bill Maher
9 The Fake News with Ted Nelms
10 The Jim Jefferies Show
11 CBS News
12 60 Minutes
13 ABC News
14 NBC News
15 CNN
16 Morning Joe
17 Rachel Maddow Show
18 Chris Mathews Show
19 Lawrence O’Donnell Show
20 Tosh.0

21 The Opposition

There are probably more.
How stupid. Most people who vote for Democratic (notice that I spelled it properly) candidates, are also middle class people who work hard, pay their taxes, and who don't bother anyone. The hatred is coming from people who identify themselves as Republicans, many of whom also identify themselves as members of the "Christian" cults.
The dumb liberal knuttjobs are fueled with hours and hours of Left Wing Hate TV everyday.
Some of these TV shows are completely dedicated to hating Trump.
Republicans are just mainstream middle class people who work hard, pay their taxes and who don't bother anyone, and they are who the Democrats have a vicious hatred for.

1 The President Show
2 The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
3 South Park
4 The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon
5 Jimmy Kimmel Live
6 Late Night with Steve Colbert
7 Seth Meyer Late Night
8 Real Time with Bill Maher
9 The Fake News with Ted Nelms
10 The Jim Jefferies Show
11 CBS News
12 60 Minutes
13 ABC News
14 NBC News
15 CNN
16 Morning Joe
17 Rachel Maddow Show
18 Chris Mathews Show
19 Lawrence O’Donnell Show
20 Tosh.0

21 The Opposition

There are probably more.
How stupid. Most people who vote for Democratic (notice that I spelled it properly) candidates, are also middle class people who work hard, pay their taxes, and who don't bother anyone. The hatred is coming from people who identify themselves as Republicans, many of whom also identify themselves as members of the "Christian" cults.

The Democratic Party is fighting against racism, hate and violence…..well except for the racist Nation of Islam Democrats, racist Klan Democrats, racist La Raza Democrats, racist BLM Democrats, Muslim Brotherhood bigots, racist LULAC Democrats, CAIR bigots, racist Black Panther Democrats, racist Aztlan Nationalist Democrats, racist Affirmative Action Democrats, racist Sanctuary City Democrats, violent Antifa bigots, and all of the racist demagogue Democrat Politicians, Pundits, Entertainers, Athletes, TV show hosts………actually voting Democrat IS HATE
Let may try this again:
Trump went bankrupt 6 times and has zero conservative principles.
Trump gets off sexually by screwing working people out of their money.
Trump is a dictator who is out to loot the treasury and salvage his failing properties.
Trump was elected because teabaggees hated having a black man in the white house.

A populist unites the people instead of whipping the deplorables into a frenzy.
Let may try this again:
Trump went bankrupt 6 times and has zero conservative principles.
Trump gets off sexually by screwing working people out of their money.
Trump is a dictator who is out to loot the treasury and salvage his failing properties.
Trump was elected because teabaggees hated having a black man in the white house.

A populist unites the people instead of whipping the deplorables into a frenzy.

Actually that is all just liberal dribble
But the current whore is way too much to be endured. Shabby. A disgrace to the U.S.A. No class. No dignity. No respect for the most basic of our traditions and procedures. This is the first time we have had a whore-predator-traitor in the Oval Office and a half-naked hoochie mama masquerading as First "Lady," as if she actually is a lady
And THERE it is. Hope the Secret Service is watching this one.
She has a right to her opinion, but I disagree.

Much of the 'lost' Presidential dignity was causing us to obe unable to address problems honestly because you had to be too polite to speak truthfully.

I see her point, but it is something we have had to abandon for a short time to address major issues.
Let may try this again:
Trump went bankrupt 6 times and has zero conservative principles.
Trump gets off sexually by screwing working people out of their money.
Trump is a dictator who is out to loot the treasury and salvage his failing properties.
Trump was elected because teabaggees hated having a black man in the white house.

A populist unites the people instead of whipping the deplorables into a frenzy.

Actually that is all just liberal dribble
They repeat their lies so much they begin to forget that these are lies that they made up.
I hate anyone that cuts infrastructure, science and education guts. It wouldn't matter what party they're apart of.

I'll fucking attack them because they're undermining this nations leadership in the world.

So why do you hate Trump so much?
So you have a whore, predator, and conman in the Oval Office and you still are not satisfied that we all don't worship his filth? This isn't "trump derangement syndrome," it's a desire to rescue our country from the gutter. Many of us Americans do not welcome rock-bottom filth in government.

Why didn't the filth bother you before? That is what politics is, a bunch of filthy rotten scoundrels, especially the establishment party members. Dirty rotten liars. The only difference between them and Trump is he doesn't lie so smoothly.
Filth always bothered me. But we never had, in my lifetime, any of the sort of the open level of filth that we have now. People used to have a standard of dignity. Barack Obama had this, and was/is a gentleman. But the current whore is way too much to be endured. Shabby. A disgrace to the U.S.A. No class. No dignity. No respect for the most basic of our traditions and procedures. This is the first time we have had a whore-predator-traitor in the Oval Office and a half-naked hoochie mama masquerading as First "Lady," as if she actually is a lady. I am old enough to remember when the U.S. government was headed by people with class and dignity. I remember when Gerry Ford's funeral cortege drove through town and feeling how sad it was. I did not always agree with him, but he was a gentleman married to a lady. Now this is no more.
You have a healthy appreciation for the Democrat conundrum. Their platform is chockful of old and outdated ideas. They worry more about trivia than policy. Their time has passed for now.
Liberals are far too emotionally attached to their political opinions. That is what has led to this epidemic of Trump Derangement Syndrome. These people eat, sleep and dream Trump and not in a good way.
If it keeps them from procreating it's another great Trump victory.
roflmao, obviously you did not watch the video

Trump derangement syndrome is a real thing that psychiatrists are reporting coming from their patients, you fucking hack
And what do psychiatrists say about Trump?

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