Trump desire to suspend the Constitution is not a deal breaker to Republicans

John Adam's said. "The Constitution was written for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other."

I'll believe John Adam's over you, any day. The Founders were very religious people. To the democrats that destroyed the monuments in memoriam to these great men, they were white, male, slave owners. Now you want to use their glory for yourself. Never gonna happen.

From time to time Americans have been called upon to battle evil and tyranny. This time, Americans must look among themselves as the enemy is within.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people”. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” “The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” “When legislature is corrupted, the people are undone.”
The other meant to be any other country.

Interpret it as you wish, which is what religious nuts always do.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people”. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” “The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” “When legislature is corrupted, the people are undone.”
The other meant to be any other country.

Interpret it as you wish, which is what religious nuts always do.
Ironic you should use that quote.
What's wrong with calling a nazi, a nazi? How else do you refer to someone denigrating an entire group of people and calling for their extermination? That's exactly what the nazis did during WWII.
Thanks for posting that Biden is a Nazi.
what in that post was a lie? put up or shut up.
You shut up. I wasted too much time already on you.

You are morally bankrupt that you do not care how many people are killed by gun lovers who cannot do without ONE gun in their possession in order to save lives:

"how many mass shootings have been committed by NRA members? zero. the vast majority have been committed by brain dead liberals whose actions have been fueled by the hate filled rhetoric from the left wing media and the dem party."
Well... the legislature is corrupted. The Constitution, written for a moral and religious people does not apply to democrats.
It does not apply to despots like Trump and his followers like you.

You are really not noticing so many Republicans in Congress and in the courts DISTANCING themselves from the endless lunacy and war formatting that has become the norm with Trump?

Your dream will not come true. There are still sane Republicans in this country and NONE of them will ever join this pathetic war you so dream of.
The AR-15 may not be a Military assault weapon, but it does require a total ban from the hands of civilians who in most, if not all, cases of mass homicide is the weapon of choice.

Why? How is my weapon a threat to you or anyone else? how many people has my gun killed?
Ironic you should use that quote.
I quoted the whole QUOTE, as the meaning is usually lost on those who think they understand it as it meaning to those and only those who are CHRISTIANS and and only those Christians who agree with the interpretation YOU and others like you insist on giving it.

Keep religion out of these discussions.
Why? How is my weapon a threat to you or anyone else? how many people has my gun killed?
You are dense on purpose.

Thank you for not caring that others are capable of using that gun as their favorite one to use in order to kill as many people as they can.
You are dense on purpose.

Thank you for not caring that others are capable of using that gun as their favorite one to use in order to kill as many people as they can.

People are capable of using anything in order to kill as many people as they can. Cars, rental trucks, shotgun, hand guns, pressure cookers.

Should we ban all those things that have been used to kill as many people as they could?

Why do you people always want to punish those that have broken no laws?
Ben Franklin knew that the day would come when the Constitution would be inadequate..
"I agree to this Constitution ... and I believe, further, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other."

What he didn't and couldn't know was that the nation would not be wholly corrupted. It would divide with those corrupted calling themselves democrats and turn the government into a despotic tyranny that must be opposed.
People are capable of using anything in order to kill as many people as they can. Cars, rental trucks, shotgun, hand guns, pressure cookers.

Should we ban all those things that have been used to kill as many people as they could?

Why do you people always want to punish those that have broken no laws?
A good sized knife?

What democrats oppose is that you might use your gun to save your life or the lives of any other innocent. In doing so, harm the murderer.

The future is New York City. That's what they want everywhere.
A good sized knife?

What democrats oppose is that you might use your gun to save your life or the lives of any other innocent. In doing so, harm the murderer.

The future is New York City. That's what they want everywhere.

I have a nice good sized broad sword that would be my first weapon of choice depending upon how many broke into my house
I quoted the whole QUOTE, as the meaning is usually lost on those who think they understand it as it meaning to those and only those who are CHRISTIANS and and only those Christians who agree with the interpretation YOU and others like you insist on giving it.

Keep religion out of these discussions.
I never said I was a Christian. You need to stop putting people where you want them when you know nothing about them. It is arrogant and pretentious.
Well, the orange fuhrer did call it correctly with his "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose my uneducated trumptards..." comment.

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