Trump Despicable Political Speech to Boy Scouts Slammed by Former Scouts and Parents

Donald Trump is a coarse braggart who represents nothing to do with scouting.
His political speech to impressionable boys, maligning his predecessor, was typical of him and his hatred of President Obama. He and his broken record claptrap had no business turning the jamboree into a swamp.
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.

Obama was a Boy Scout?

How many U.S. presidents were Boy Scouts?

"Barack Obama was not a part of the Boy Scouts of America; rather he was a member of Gerakan Pramuka, the Indonesian Scout Association, and he reached the equivalent of Cub Scout."

Fake News exposed good job :eusa_clap:

Watch the video as 40,000 boy scouts shout "we love Trump" and boo Obama. I guess the media headline should be "many scouts love Trump" right?

Nazis did the same with children Trump isn't that far from Adolph

Except Hitler was a socialist to the core… The same cannot be said for Trump.

You need to read a book.


Keep your mother fucking socialism yourselves Leave the rest of us out of it...
The thread topic is about a despicable speech given by a President to a large group of youths at an event they hold every four years. Presidents have been addressing them for a hundred years. Every President has spoken to these youths about the organization's values such as good citizenship, being truthful and honest, etc. Trump is the first President to address these youths as he would a political rally. Parents and former Scouts have objected to his self-serving political speech.

Obama never addressed them at this event, and his absence speaks as loud as an actual speech given.

Do you have transcripts of every speech given or a link to them?

And its SOME former scouts, and SOME parents, like most progressives you have a habit of speaking for groups as a monolith, and wrongly so.

Not the entire transcripts as you requested, but quotes that can help you search for the entire transcripts if that is what you want.

FDR's one had political leanings. It was more than likely before Dec 7th 1941, and would probably have upset isolationists in attendance of the statement. It's basically the "War's coming" mantra he had been injecting into his public speeches since France fell and he realized the US would probably be sucked into a European war.

No judgement on my part, just analysis.

As one who has been interested in Scouting over many years, it has been most heartening to have so many evidences of the practical values of Scout training. We must remember that next to active military service itself, there is no higher opportunity for serving our country than helping youth to carry on in their efforts to make themselves physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight, and prepared to help their country to the full in time of war, as well as in time of peace. We must make sure that those volunteer agencies, which are supplementing the church, the home, and the school by providing programs that will help equip the present generation to cope with life problems in the difficult days ahead, are maintained to their maximum capacity and effectiveness.

Looking at Johnson's speech, you have warnings about a disturbing world and a direct God reference, either of which would set off different groups.

I welcome this opportunity to express my pride and deep sense of gratitude for the outstanding example and enviable reputation for human understanding and fair play, which have, throughout the productive life of your organization, been hallmarks of Scouting everywhere. Your conduct, both individually and in your group activities, has been worthy of admiration by all the young citizens of our land. Today, as we face the challenges of an increasingly complex and frequently disturbing world, America needs an alert, responsible, and energetic youth to provide her with a vital resource in a hopefully happier and fuller future for all. As I applaud your past, I also urge you to rededicate yourselves to the ideals of the Scout Oath, and to reaffirm your obligations to your God and to your country. In so doing, you will contribute to the strengthening of America’s heritage and thereby to the realization of our common goals in the Great Society.

George the First went into the whole Drug war thing.

[The Boy Scouts of America has assumed a leadership role in confronting this problem [of drug abuse]. You are teaching self-protection strategies against drugs and other dangers. You have circulated these strategies in direct language in a very successful pamphlet called Drugs: A Deadly Game. And you have done something else—you are leading the youth of America by example./QUOTE]

I was going to peg Ike for things related to support of the UN, but that is rather tenuous.
Watch the video as 40,000 boy scouts shout "we love Trump" and boo Obama. I guess the media headline should be "many scouts love Trump" right?

Nazis did the same with children Trump isn't that far from Adolph

Except Hitler was a socialist to the core… The same cannot be said for Trump.

Think trump is batshit crazy too

Trump is bull in a china shop, damage to the federal government is a good thing
No but I do remember the left trying to turn them into the gayscouts, transgenderscouts & girlscouts
Nothing's changed, but now your cool with them I guess because they let Trump turn their big party into a campaign rally.
Boy Scouts Of America Love Trump

Read post 59, then go fuck yourself.
Post 59 is stupid, you triggered old snowflake
Post number 59 agrees with the title of this thread. So based on that you also think this thread is stupid.

So eager to insult the right that you hang yourself in the process
Post 59 has no relationship to the OP, in fact, it is a deflection from the topic of the OP.
Another retard that doesn't realize post 59 also condemns Trumps speech.

It's unreal how stupid some of you lefties are.
Did the BSA invite him? I read the shit he said, and not to defend it because it was cheap, crass, irrelevant, classless - well Typical Trump stream of consciousness spouting. You know what's on his mind, but that's no comfort. LOL Thad Cochran once said of McCain as potus "the thought of him with his hand on the nuclear trigger sends chills down my spine," LOL but Trump is better and crazier.

But shouldn't people not invite him or even dis-invite him if he shows up on his own? He can give rallies and speeches at Briebart U, but anyplace even considering a non-political above board agenda ..... don't go there. LOL
Watch the video as 40,000 boy scouts shout "we love Trump" and boo Obama. I guess the media headline should be "many scouts love Trump" right?

Nazis did the same with children Trump isn't that far from Adolph

Except Hitler was a socialist to the core… The same cannot be said for Trump.

Think trump is batshit crazy too

Trump is bull in a china shop, damage to the federal government is a good thing

he was at the BSA not the gummit. I had fun being a scout.
Hey, I really love the f*ck stories about yachts and "hot" and partying.

"I'll tell you a story that's very interesting for me," Trump began — and if you read about Levitt, it is hard to miss the similarities. Levitt and his brother, Arthur, revolutionized mass-production housing, helping create the modern suburban development and becoming very wealthy in the process. (He also famously refused to sell to black buyers.) In the 1960s, Levitt sold his company for about $90 million, and with his foreign third wife, "he went out and bought a big yacht, and he had a very interesting life," Trump recounted. "I won't go any more than that, because you're Boy Scouts so I'm not going to tell you what he did. Should I tell you? Should I tell you? You're Boy Scouts, but you know life. You know life."

Watch Trump tell 30,000 Boy Scouts about a hot Manhattan cocktail party he attended 30 years ago

My favorite part:

"I won't go any more than that, because you're Boy Scouts so I'm not going to tell you what he did. Should I tell you? Should I tell you? You're Boy Scouts, but you know life. You know life."

You know what he's talking about. To kids 10 years old.

The 14 Most Inappropriate Moments From Trump’s Speech at the Boy Scout Jamboree


I wonder what the black kids thought about the attacks on Obama.
too me , it was a personal message to mrobama , his family and his supporters and i loved the booing of kids that mostly lived their entire short lives under mrobama .
Nothing's changed, but now your cool with them I guess because they let Trump turn their big party into a campaign rally.
Boy Scouts Of America Love Trump

Read post 59, then go fuck yourself.
Post 59 is stupid, you triggered old snowflake
Post number 59 agrees with the title of this thread. So based on that you also think this thread is stupid.

So eager to insult the right that you hang yourself in the process
Post 59 has no relationship to the OP, in fact, it is a deflection from the topic of the OP.
Another retard that doesn't realize post 59 also condemns Trumps speech.

It's unreal how stupid some of you lefties are.
But smart enough to not follow this A$$ Whole.
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.

Obama was a Boy Scout?

How many U.S. presidents were Boy Scouts?

"Barack Obama was not a part of the Boy Scouts of America; rather he was a member of Gerakan Pramuka, the Indonesian Scout Association, and he reached the equivalent of Cub Scout."
Cool. Trump didn't make it that far.

Did Trump even join?
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.
The 40,000 Scouts at the Jamboree absolutely loved their Trumpenfuhrer speaking to them. They chanted "We Love You" and "USA" in such patriotic fashion, it was heartmoving!


I know Republicans get upset when liberals use children, Apparently it is okay when they do it. Presidents should be preaching unity and purpose despite political differences. They should not be using partisan speeches. The messages should be inspiring. Apparently Trump is not capable of that.
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.

Obama was a Boy Scout?

How many U.S. presidents were Boy Scouts?

"Barack Obama was not a part of the Boy Scouts of America; rather he was a member of Gerakan Pramuka, the Indonesian Scout Association, and he reached the equivalent of Cub Scout."

Why would a president ask the boyscouts to boo to a past president..? How freaking disrespectful..

View attachment 140420


Not just disrespectful but bordering on creepy

Get over it Donald
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.
The 40,000 Scouts at the Jamboree absolutely loved their Trumpenfuhrer speaking to them. They chanted "We Love You" and "USA" in such patriotic fashion, it was heartmoving!


I know Republicans get upset when liberals use children, Apparently it is okay when they do it. Presidents should be preaching unity and purpose despite political differences. They should not be using partisan speeches. The messages should be inspiring. Apparently Trump is not capable of that.

I don't think inspirational is in Trumps bag of tricks

He is a one trick pony and pulls out the same speech wherever he is
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.
The 40,000 Scouts at the Jamboree absolutely loved their Trumpenfuhrer speaking to them. They chanted "We Love You" and "USA" in such patriotic fashion, it was heartmoving!


I know Republicans get upset when liberals use children, Apparently it is okay when they do it. Presidents should be preaching unity and purpose despite political differences. They should not be using partisan speeches. The messages should be inspiring. Apparently Trump is not capable of that.

it's not the using them of props, it's your side denying that it is overtly political, and mewling like a bunch of prissy kittens when anyone to the right of Mitt Romney tries it.

Hypocrites, the bunch of you.

Worst of all the left usually makes the kid props participate in whatever they are orchestrating.
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.
Oh look... another FAKE NEWS story cooked up by the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING... shocker... :eusa_hand:

It is hardly fake news. You are part of the TRUMP PROPAGANDA WING. The shocker is that you have the inability to think for yourself.
The Scouts booed when that asshole Obama's name was mentioned and cheered Trump and chanted USA USA USA!.

The Moon Bats are butt hurt. Fuck 'em. They are butt hurt at everything, aren't they?
My son is a former Eagle Scout

Hated Obama and voted for Trump.

If the Moon Bats are butt hurt over that then they can just kiss my ass.
Only a truly great Leader can command the adulation of the Youth.

Hitler was a "truly great leader," but that is completely separate from the fact that he was also the worlds most hated killer.

You must adore him since you were compelled to post a video of him.

Hell, that video was probably part of his private collection. He sits around all day and wanks it to videos of Hitler.

How disgusting is that?

You are the ones who want to use the Justice Department to go after Trump's political enemies. That is Hitler-esque.

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