Trump Despicable Political Speech to Boy Scouts Slammed by Former Scouts and Parents

Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.

But Boy Scouts are homophobic, so who cares.
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.

But Boy Scouts are homophobic, so who cares.
There are no gays in the Boy Scouts of America ...
And there were no gays in the Hitler Youth either.


Hitler Jugend Bavaria 1935

Another picture from your private collection of gay porn, I assume.
Watch the video as 40,000 boy scouts shout "we love Trump" and boo Obama. I guess the media headline should be "many scouts love Trump" right?

Nazis did the same with children Trump isn't that far from Adolph

You are correct. My own comparison to Hitler addressing the Hitler Youth at Nürnberg makes the same point.
Since the Boys Scouts are now the Butt Scouts that love all their homo boys and troop leaders, this is what obama would look like to address them...


It's just hard to believe that... THING... was our president for 8 years. What a horrendous BLACK stain on America's pages of history.

lol WTF? You make up total bullshit, complete with faked up photos and then act all outraged about it?


OOOOH yeah... what's the matter, snowflake, can't stand to take a little of your own medicine?

Bite me, ass wipe.
Anybody remember how the GOP did nothing but hate on and slander the Boy Scouts for the last 8 years?
No but I do remember the left trying to turn them into the gayscouts, transgenderscouts & girlscouts
Nothing's changed, but now your cool with them I guess because they let Trump turn their big party into a campaign rally.
Boy Scouts Of America Love Trump

Read post 59, then go fuck yourself.
Watch the video as 40,000 boy scouts shout "we love Trump" and boo Obama. I guess the media headline should be "many scouts love Trump" right?

Nazis did the same with children Trump isn't that far from Adolph

Except Hitler was a socialist to the core… The same cannot be said for Trump.

You need to read a book.

Perhaps you need to actually read one, instead of chewing on the pages. Why else would it have been called the "National Socialist German Workers Party"? The only difference between Hitler's form of socialism and “Democratic socialism” was semantics.

America is actually a constitutional representative republic, not a democracy. A representative republic protects the minority from the majority, whereas a democracy is the rule of the majority. You leftists get caught up in words, getting tripped up over “National Socialism” as opposed to “Democrat Socialism.”

So when Hitler ginned up hatred for the Jews, he could get the mob to agree with him. He could get the mob to believe him. There were no representatives to stop Hitler. He was one man helming the desperation of a majority of people. Spot the difference?

Hitler's socialism was also evident in his economic policies, which were employment for everyone and building roads and infrastructure. He did that with government programs to put people back to work, and by huge public spending.

So tell me again just how Trump is a "Nazi"?
Posting political news on the front pages with a link in now considered trolling.

Now, look at the demonization of Scouts process being used to deflect away from the thread topic. That is a real definition of trolling.
You sound like a pussy whipped bitch… Now go cry
You sound like a whiner and uninformed low intelligence cult follower who is unable to articulate responses and relies on lame insult post because you just have to say something.
Anybody remember how the GOP did nothing but hate on and slander the Boy Scouts for the last 8 years?
No but I do remember the left trying to turn them into the gayscouts, transgenderscouts & girlscouts
Nothing's changed, but now your cool with them I guess because they let Trump turn their big party into a campaign rally.
Boy Scouts Of America Love Trump

Read post 59, then go fuck yourself.
Post 59 is stupid, you triggered old snowflake
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.

Obama was a Boy Scout?

How many U.S. presidents were Boy Scouts?

"Barack Obama was not a part of the Boy Scouts of America; rather he was a member of Gerakan Pramuka, the Indonesian Scout Association, and he reached the equivalent of Cub Scout."

“Who the hell wants to speak about politics when I’m in front of the Boy Scouts?” (Trump) said. ... Then, standing before all 40,000 of them, he bragged about the “record” crowd size, bashed President Barack Obama, criticized the “fake media” and trashed Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. In the lengthy 35-minute speech, the president threatened to fire his health and human services secretary if he couldn’t persuade members of Congress to vote for the Republican health-care bill.
Trump’s Boy Scouts speech broke with 80 years of presidential tradition
Just when ya think it can't get more pathetic, it gets more pathetic...

Trump is a National disgrace--he puts his show on all of the time.
Anybody remember how the GOP did nothing but hate on and slander the Boy Scouts for the last 8 years?
No but I do remember the left trying to turn them into the gayscouts, transgenderscouts & girlscouts
Nothing's changed, but now your cool with them I guess because they let Trump turn their big party into a campaign rally.
Boy Scouts Of America Love Trump

Read post 59, then go fuck yourself.
Post 59 is stupid, you triggered old snowflake
Post number 59 agrees with the title of this thread. So based on that you also think this thread is stupid.

So eager to insult the right that you hang yourself in the process
Anybody remember how the GOP did nothing but hate on and slander the Boy Scouts for the last 8 years?
No but I do remember the left trying to turn them into the gayscouts, transgenderscouts & girlscouts
Nothing's changed, but now your cool with them I guess because they let Trump turn their big party into a campaign rally.
Boy Scouts Of America Love Trump

Read post 59, then go fuck yourself.
Post 59 is stupid, you triggered old snowflake
Post number 59 agrees with the title of this thread. So based on that you also think this thread is stupid.

So eager to insult the right that you hang yourself in the process
Post 59 is just triggered Obama amd gay bashing. Total nonsense.
Anybody remember how the GOP did nothing but hate on and slander the Boy Scouts for the last 8 years?
No but I do remember the left trying to turn them into the gayscouts, transgenderscouts & girlscouts
Nothing's changed, but now your cool with them I guess because they let Trump turn their big party into a campaign rally.
Boy Scouts Of America Love Trump

Read post 59, then go fuck yourself.
Post 59 is stupid, you triggered old snowflake

This is what you say is stupid. So fucking partisan you're blinded by it.

Post 59
While I agree with your point I don't with Trump.

There is no reason for him to invoke Obama while talking to the youth. Like ZERO reasons.
A successful president does not invoke his predecessors to elevate himself.
No but I do remember the left trying to turn them into the gayscouts, transgenderscouts & girlscouts
Nothing's changed, but now your cool with them I guess because they let Trump turn their big party into a campaign rally.
Boy Scouts Of America Love Trump

Read post 59, then go fuck yourself.
Post 59 is stupid, you triggered old snowflake
Post number 59 agrees with the title of this thread. So based on that you also think this thread is stupid.

So eager to insult the right that you hang yourself in the process
Post 59 is just triggered Obama amd gay bashing. Total nonsense.
You're beyond help
Watch the video as 40,000 boy scouts shout "we love Trump" and boo Obama. I guess the media headline should be "many scouts love Trump" right?

Nazis did the same with children Trump isn't that far from Adolph

Except Hitler was a socialist to the core… The same cannot be said for Trump.

You need to read a book.

Perhaps you need to actually read one, instead of chewing on the pages. Why else would it have been called the "National Socialist German Workers Party"? The only difference between Hitler's form of socialism and “Democratic socialism” was semantics. ...

Although Hitler's Nazi Party was not socialist its roots were in the German Worker's Party which had a strong socialist element but Hitler changed the name to National Socialist German Worker's Party (Nazi). This was to get the support of German labor which was supportive of socialism. There was still a revolutionary socialist wing of the Nazi Party led by Ernst Röhm and his SA, like the HJ and the Boy Scouts of America, uniformed in tan. This was eliminated in the Night of the Long Knives in 1934.

Unlike socialist countries, private enterprise and large corporations thrived under the Nazis.
Anybody remember how the GOP did nothing but hate on and slander the Boy Scouts for the last 8 years?
No but I do remember the left trying to turn them into the gayscouts, transgenderscouts & girlscouts
Nothing's changed, but now your cool with them I guess because they let Trump turn their big party into a campaign rally.
Boy Scouts Of America Love Trump

Read post 59, then go fuck yourself.
Post 59 is stupid, you triggered old snowflake
Post number 59 agrees with the title of this thread. So based on that you also think this thread is stupid.

So eager to insult the right that you hang yourself in the process

Anyone that is on this board like you trying to deflect this political--hateful speech at the Boy Scout Jamboree-- back to Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton belong "locked up" in a mental institution.

This is disgusting. There are 4 and 5 year old kids, family members and people who dedicate their entire lives trying to produce honor, dignity, respect in the youth of this country--and this country elected a 71 year old child who has never exhibited an ounce of that. Yet you still voted for him.

You should be wearing bags over your heads right now, instead of defending this Ass Clown.

Anybody remember how the GOP did nothing but hate on and slander the Boy Scouts for the last 8 years?
No but I do remember the left trying to turn them into the gayscouts, transgenderscouts & girlscouts
Nothing's changed, but now your cool with them I guess because they let Trump turn their big party into a campaign rally.
Boy Scouts Of America Love Trump

Read post 59, then go fuck yourself.
Post 59 is stupid, you triggered old snowflake
Post number 59 agrees with the title of this thread. So based on that you also think this thread is stupid.

So eager to insult the right that you hang yourself in the process
Post 59 has no relationship to the OP, in fact, it is a deflection from the topic of the OP.
Anyone that is on this board like you trying to deflect this political--hateful speech at the Boy Scout Jamboree-- back to Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton belong "locked up" in a mental institution.

This is disgusting. There are 4 and 5 year old kids, family members and people who dedicate their entire lives trying to produce honor, dignity, respect in the youth of this country--and this country elected a 71 year old child who has never exhibited an ounce of that. Yet you still voted for him.

You should be wearing bags over your heads right now, instead of defending this Ass Clown.
A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent.

There is not one trait there that Trump exhibits.

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