Trump did his job protecting the US from COVID-19. Look at the numbers not the bullshit

Do you agree that Trump stoppinjg flights from China kept the US infection rate as low as possible?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 64.4%
  • No

    Votes: 12 26.7%
  • Otherwise explain why the US has 15x fewer infections than the EU

    Votes: 4 8.9%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
If you add the number of infections for the EU countries and compare that to the US, the EU has about 15x more infections than the US for similar populations. That is because Trump stopped the flights from China as soon as he learned about the potential pandemic. Trump did his job. Now the healthcare professionals in government need to do theirs.
Coronavirus Update (Live): 157,643 Cases and 5,845 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
If you add the number of infections for the EU countries and compare that to the US, the EU has about 15x more infections than the US for similar populations. That is because Trump stopped the flights from China as soon as he learned about the potential pandemic. Trump did his job. Now the healthcare professionals in government need to do theirs.
Coronavirus Update (Live): 157,643 Cases and 5,845 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
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None of the above. Your chart doesn't take into account number of people tested. By Jan 31st, it was already too late, the virus was out and here. And travel bans rarely work to contain the spread of something like this. But for the record, it was an appropriate step to take. However, in the context of doing his job, Trump's behavior over the last two weeks culminating with his hostage address to the nation on Wednesday night exposed him as the incompetent fraud he is once and for all. We could have been way ahead of the curve on testing and dealing with this. But that's the problem Virginia, no, not anyone can (and should) be elected President.
It was certainly very prudent for Trump to take early action to prevent more people infected with the Chinese SARS-2 virus from traveling to America.

If Obama would have taken similar bold leadership action to mitigate the Mexican flu pandemic, thousands of American lives would have been saved.
You have no idea of the extent of the problem because you havent been testing people. Trumps attempt to manage the markets has made things worse.
If you add the number of infections for the EU countries and compare that to the US, the EU has about 15x more infections than the US for similar populations. That is because Trump stopped the flights from China as soon as he learned about the potential pandemic. Trump did his job. Now the healthcare professionals in government need to do theirs.
Coronavirus Update (Live): 157,643 Cases and 5,845 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
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It helped keep the infection rates low.

Kept the infection rates "as low as possible"? Not sure.

It was a good move by the blob.
You have no idea of the extent of the problem because you havent been testing people. Trumps attempt to manage the markets has made things worse.

You keep repeating the same lie. But its still a lie.
Show me proof that anyone that was prescribed a test didn't have one. You can't.
The chart shows that early on the CDC did the testing but didn't have the capacity for COVID-19. That was non one's fault, COVID-19 was a very fast spreading virus. More testing capacity needed to be added and it was. Currently there is way more testing capacity than is needed so not only prescribed tests, but drive thru tests are available. The "hit rate" on COVID-19 is only about 1%, most of the sick being tested are colds and regular flu, not COVID-19.
To understand how good Trump is doing just try to picture what the last three Democrat party frontrunners would have done. Clinton would have funneled all the money to her foundation and then got the MSM to praise her bold actions. Avenotti would have taken all the money and tried to buy Epstein's island and then got the MSM to praise his bold actions. And Biden would have taken the money and created multi million dollar, lifetime jobs for all his useless family members and friends and then got the MSM to praise his bold actions. And that is the story of how fake news tries to influence public opinion.
If you add the number of infections for the EU countries and compare that to the US, the EU has about 15x more infections than the US for similar populations. That is because Trump stopped the flights from China as soon as he learned about the potential pandemic. Trump did his job. Now the healthcare professionals in government need to do theirs.
Coronavirus Update (Live): 157,643 Cases and 5,845 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
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None of the above. Your chart doesn't take into account number of people tested. By Jan 31st, it was already too late, the virus was out and here. And travel bans rarely work to contain the spread of something like this. But for the record, it was an appropriate step to take. However, in the context of doing his job, Trump's behavior over the last two weeks culminating with his hostage address to the nation on Wednesday night exposed him as the incompetent fraud he is once and for all. We could have been way ahead of the curve on testing and dealing with this. But that's the problem Virginia, no, not anyone can (and should) be elected President.

The last 2-weeks the testing capacity was increased, so what's to complain about?
The healthcare professionals in government are doing their thing, but Virginia, its ultimately up to the people to be smart and not get infected.
You have no idea of the extent of the problem because you havent been testing people. Trumps attempt to manage the markets has made things worse.

You keep repeating the same lie. But its still a lie.
Show me proof that anyone that was prescribed a test didn't have one. You can't.
The chart shows that early on the CDC did the testing but didn't have the capacity for COVID-19. That was non one's fault, COVID-19 was a very fast spreading virus. More testing capacity needed to be added and it was. Currently there is way more testing capacity than is needed so not only prescribed tests, but drive thru tests are available. The "hit rate" on COVID-19 is only about 1%, most of the sick being tested are colds and regular flu, not COVID-19.

Sick People Across the U.S. Say They Are Being Denied the Coronavirus Test

Coronavirus Test Kits | COVID-19 Test Kits | Coronavirus Testing

The reason U.S. COVID-19 numbers aren't higher? Not enough tests

We haven't tested people like other nations have... Again...nobody specifically is at fault. However...please don't pretend that the capacity is more than needed. You're wrong.
To understand how good Trump is doing just try to picture what the last three Democrat party frontrunners would have done. Clinton would have funneled all the money to her foundation and then got the MSM to praise her bold actions. Avenotti would have taken all the money and tried to buy Epstein's island and then got the MSM to praise his bold actions. And Biden would have taken the money and created multi million dollar, lifetime jobs for all his useless family members and friends and then got the MSM to praise his bold actions. And that is the story of how fake news tries to influence public opinion.

All three (Clinton, Biden, and Sanders) are career politicians who understand inner workings of government, the value of leadership and have spent their lives in public service (no matter what BS your alt-right media masters throw at them). The responses and leadership all three would have shown, would have been head and shoulders above what the realty game show host currently occupying the chair came up with. Let's face it, his response to his first real crisis in three years should tell people once and for all he has no interest in being President. It's just another game show popularity contest to him.

I have no idea where Avenatti came from. He was never even a consideration. Just another right wing wet dream.
Ralph Nader

"Trump knows that during his tenure, he took innumerable actions that have made the United States more defenseless against this pandemic and other threats.

"He and the evil John Bolton, aggressively moved to disable pandemic prevention forces in the U.S. government, boosted by supine, maniacal right wing talk radio show hosts (Rush Limbaugh said the virus is 'just a cold').

"In 2018, the head of the pandemic response team, Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer, left the National Security Council amid Bolton’s restructuring.

"Once Ziemer was gone, Bolton dismantled the entire pandemic response team.

"Trump also pushed to slash the budgets of the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health.

"Congress stopped the cuts but couldn’t repeal the destructive policies of Trump and his henchmen.

"Trump insanely decided to cut USAID’s Predict program, a critical federal program that tracked infectious diseases."

Trump Minimizing and Sugarcoating Coronavirus Perils | Ralph Nader

MAGA 1918?
To understand how good Trump is doing just try to picture what the last three Democrat party frontrunners would have done. Clinton would have funneled all the money to her foundation and then got the MSM to praise her bold actions. Avenotti would have taken all the money and tried to buy Epstein's island and then got the MSM to praise his bold actions. And Biden would have taken the money and created multi million dollar, lifetime jobs for all his useless family members and friends and then got the MSM to praise his bold actions. And that is the story of how fake news tries to influence public opinion.

All three (Clinton, Biden, and Sanders) are career politicians who understand inner workings of government, the value of leadership and have spent their lives in public service (no matter what BS your alt-right media masters throw at them). The responses and leadership all three would have shown, would have been head and shoulders above what the realty game show host currently occupying the chair came up with. Let's face it, his response to his first real crisis in three years should tell people once and for all he has no interest in being President. It's just another game show popularity contest to him.

I have no idea where Avenatti came from. He was never even a consideration. Just another right wing wet dream.

Trump is doing better than the EU. Just look at the number of infections in the EU as compared to the US. Trump's decisive action early on stopped many infected from entering the US. That gave us time to get the testing straightened out. Now there is adequate testing and the US is doing about 15x better than the EU. That is thanks to Trump's early decisiveness. The democrats would have the US about the same as the EU, you're welcome.
If you add the number of infections for the EU countries and compare that to the US, the EU has about 15x more infections than the US for similar populations. That is because Trump stopped the flights from China as soon as he learned about the potential pandemic. Trump did his job. Now the healthcare professionals in government need to do theirs.
Coronavirus Update (Live): 157,643 Cases and 5,845 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
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Hey world!

How do you like your open-borders globalism now? :laughing0301:
He definitely helped but numbers state that 100mil to 150mil will get it in the US and as many as 1.5mil will die(mostly old and those with underlying conditions). What we can do is straighten out the bell curve so that not everyone is hit at once and we can get more free hospital beds and such. It will take a year for this thing to clear up and by then a vaccine should hopefully be available. Trump and all of our politicians are doing the best they can with this thing.
If you add the number of infections for the EU countries and compare that to the US, the EU has about 15x more infections than the US for similar populations. That is because Trump stopped the flights from China as soon as he learned about the potential pandemic. Trump did his job. Now the healthcare professionals in government need to do theirs.
Coronavirus Update (Live): 157,643 Cases and 5,845 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
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Ask this question again on April 1st after thousands have finally been tested. I did say no if he wanted to his best at stopping it he would have stopped travel in and out of the U.S. from anywhere in the world when it three weeks ago.

Oh it's going to come down to where domestic travel will be banned. DeSantis, in Florida has told the administration domestic flights to Florida should be temporarily banned because of that asshole that flew from N.Y. to Palm Beach the other day and when getting off the plane told the airlines he had the virus.

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