Trump didn't just win! He won every major demographic group including all education levels

His neighbors voted against him. The one major district Trump lost in was the one where Trump Tower stands and where he maintains a home in Manhatten. His hometown and community rejected him.
Trump did better with those demographics than Cruz (NY Values) and Kasich

Not something to celebrate
Trump won among the same party in NY that nominated the racist shitstain Carl Paladino to be governor.
Well this will result in some wailing and gnashing of teeth on a biblical scale within the RNC.


"The billionaire Republican frontrunner is shown to have won supermajorities of nearly every demographic group who voted in today’s Republican primary: men (59%), women (56%), all age groups 30 and older, whites (59%), and, perhaps most surprisingly, New Yorkers of all education levels.

Long described as the candidate of those with lower education levels, Trump won supermajorities among those with high school diplomas or less (67%), some college education (59%), a college degree (53%) and those with postgraduate degrees (50%)."

New York primary live: Trump wins as Clinton and Sanders battle it out

Trump won NY Republicans because he's the least conservative candidate in the race, and NY Republicans tend to be some of the least conservative Republicans in the country.
Well this will result in some wailing and gnashing of teeth on a biblical scale within the RNC.


"The billionaire Republican frontrunner is shown to have won supermajorities of nearly every demographic group who voted in today’s Republican primary: men (59%), women (56%), all age groups 30 and older, whites (59%), and, perhaps most surprisingly, New Yorkers of all education levels.

Long described as the candidate of those with lower education levels, Trump won supermajorities among those with high school diplomas or less (67%), some college education (59%), a college degree (53%) and those with postgraduate degrees (50%)."

New York primary live: Trump wins as Clinton and Sanders battle it out
Hillary actually won more votes than all the GOP candidates combined by many accounts.

You guys can forget about that state.

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It's free room and board and 3 squares a day. She'll be in hog heaven.
Maybe maybe not. There for sure will already be a few 300 pound bull dykes there already. So it may not be as 'heavenly' as you think. Plus the prison doesn't have conjugal visits so that leaves Huma out in the cold.
Well this will result in some wailing and gnashing of teeth on a biblical scale within the RNC.


"The billionaire Republican frontrunner is shown to have won supermajorities of nearly every demographic group who voted in today’s Republican primary: men (59%), women (56%), all age groups 30 and older, whites (59%), and, perhaps most surprisingly, New Yorkers of all education levels.

Long described as the candidate of those with lower education levels, Trump won supermajorities among those with high school diplomas or less (67%), some college education (59%), a college degree (53%) and those with postgraduate degrees (50%)."

New York primary live: Trump wins as Clinton and Sanders battle it out

in a closed primary ta boot
Well this will result in some wailing and gnashing of teeth on a biblical scale within the RNC.


"The billionaire Republican frontrunner is shown to have won supermajorities of nearly every demographic group who voted in today’s Republican primary: men (59%), women (56%), all age groups 30 and older, whites (59%), and, perhaps most surprisingly, New Yorkers of all education levels.

Long described as the candidate of those with lower education levels, Trump won supermajorities among those with high school diplomas or less (67%), some college education (59%), a college degree (53%) and those with postgraduate degrees (50%)."

New York primary live: Trump wins as Clinton and Sanders battle it out
I bet Hillary gets four or five times as many votes in New York from every demographic you can name. I bet even Bernie gets double what Trump gets.
G0000 has it figured out. There are more dems in NY than repubs. The woman is sharp.
While Trump winning big in the New York GOP primary was a stunning and unforeseen revelation to you tards, eh?
Well this will result in some wailing and gnashing of teeth on a biblical scale within the RNC.


"The billionaire Republican frontrunner is shown to have won supermajorities of nearly every demographic group who voted in today’s Republican primary: men (59%), women (56%), all age groups 30 and older, whites (59%), and, perhaps most surprisingly, New Yorkers of all education levels.

Long described as the candidate of those with lower education levels, Trump won supermajorities among those with high school diplomas or less (67%), some college education (59%), a college degree (53%) and those with postgraduate degrees (50%)."

New York primary live: Trump wins as Clinton and Sanders battle it out

Impressive until you realize that Hillary Clinton got twice as many votes as Drumpf....
That's because it's NY. Cruz already figure out it will mean nothing in the general. NY values, i.e., democrat values.

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