Trump Dissolves Voter Fraud Commission

The Corrupt Democrat Party uses their voter fraud to disenfranchise millions of American from their right to vote.

Which is why the president has disbanded his commission... because he found so much evidence against his political opponents, and... and... and then doesn't use it.

Democrats are against Voting Rights and that is why they block Voter ID laws that protect everyone's right to vote
The Corrupt Democrat Party uses their voter fraud to disenfranchise millions of American from their right to vote.

Which is why the president has disbanded his commission... because he found so much evidence against his political opponents, and... and... and then doesn't use it.

Democrats are against Voting Rights and that is why they block Voter ID laws that protect everyone's right to vote

Prove it.
The Corrupt Democrat Party uses their voter fraud to disenfranchise millions of American from their right to vote.

Which is why the president has disbanded his commission... because he found so much evidence against his political opponents, and... and... and then doesn't use it.

Democrats are against Voting Rights and that is why they block Voter ID laws that protect everyone's right to vote

Prove it.

Democrats are against voting rights, that is why they block Voter ID laws that protect everyone's right to vote
Wrong. criminal acts occur all the time without even prosecution happening. It's called "getting away with it"

Willful ignorance on your part.

So Trump was right - 3-4 million people committed voter fraud and "got away with it"?

:laugh: :laugh2::lmao:

Who knows?

The issue is we don't have enough data to figure it out, and progressives are A-OK with that.
If there were actually any fraud every proven, it could never be proven whom the fraud went to as we do not record a person's actual vote and time it to name.

It's not how they vote, it's IF they vote, and harder ID requirements coupled with more rigorous audits of WHO votes would fix that.

Which makes your question to Syriusly a stupid question. Why did you even ask it if this is your reply?

No, it's makes my point the whole point. Progs bitch about "we don't see any fraud". When others propose methods to make fraud harder or more visible, progs bitch "that is surpressing voting!!!"

Awful self serving of them.
Voter fraud is ridiculously limited.

There have been fewer than 1,000 convictions of voter fraud since 2000...

Trump orders voter fraud commission dissolved

Meanwhile, there have been roughly 2 billion votes cast over that period. That puts the conviction rate per vote somewhere in the neighborhood of: 0.000000484

You would think if there was 'massive voter fraud' and if there were 3-5 million fraudulent votes cast in 2016- there would be some evidence of it.

It is almost as if Contards are just pulling this BS out of their ass.....

The lack of evidence either way is the issue. More stringent voter ID laws are required, and single day voting has to be re-implemented.
what a card you are!

Do non-citizens vote in U.S. elections?
Author links open overlay panelJesse T.RichmanaGulshan A.Chatthabc1David C.Earnestb
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First use of representative sample to measure non-citizen voting in USA.

Some non-citizens cast votes in U.S. elections despite legal bans.

Non-citizens favor Democratic candidates over Republican candidates.

Non-citizen voting likely changed 2008 outcomes including Electoral College votes and the composition of Congress.

Voter photo-identification rules have limited effect on non-citizen participation.

In spite of substantial public controversy, very little reliable data exists concerning the frequency with which non-citizen immigrants participate in United States elections. Although such participation is a violation of election laws in most parts of the United States, enforcement depends principally on disclosure of citizenship status at the time of voter registration. This study examines participation rates by non-citizens using a nationally representative sample that includes non-citizen immigrants. We find that some non-citizens participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and Congressional elections. Non-citizen votes likely gave Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health care reform and other Obama administration priorities in the 111th Congress.

Seriously? Supposition is a foreign concept to you I can guess.
And no mention of the 100,00 that did happen in one place, by you. Tells us why you would respond the way you did.
Making up numbers. Lol. Right.

10 Elections Decided by One Vote (Or Less)
Now you’re just making up numbers. :rolleyes:
Moron, you made up the number of 60,000 illegal votes in a federal election.
And by “supposition,” you mean, making up numbers — which is what I said. :rolleyes:
You based that on Jesse Richman??


That hoser was thoroughly debunked in the 2014 for spouting this nonsense...

Methodological challenges affect study of non-citizens’ voting

A number of academics and commentators have already expressed skepticism about the paper’s assumptions and conclusions, though. In a series of tweets, New York Times columnist Nate Cohn focused his criticism on Richman et al’s use of Cooperative Congressional Election Study data to make inferences about the non-citizen voting population. That critique has some merit, too. The 2008 and 2010 CCES surveyed large opt-in Internet samples constructed by the polling firm YouGov to be nationally representative of the adult citizen population.

Since you probably can’t comprehend the implication of the highlighted text, I will explain ...

Richman relied on unscientific, non-probability online Internet polling and nutjobs propagate his nonsensical blog because they like what he says despite its dubious origins.

But wait, there's more... on top of it being based upon unscientific, non-probability online Internet polling, it turns out that many of the respondents erroneously identified themselves as citizens in 2010 but then as non-citizens in 2012...

It turns out that such response error was common for self-reported non-citizens in the 2010-2012 CCES Panel Study — a survey that re-interviewed 19,533 respondents in 2012 who had currently participated in the 2010 CCES. The first table below, for instance, shows that nearly one-fifth of CCES panelists who said that they were not American citizens in 2012 actually reported being American citizens when they were originally surveyed for the 2010 CCES. Since it’s illogical for non-citizens in 2012 to have been American citizens back in 2010, it appears that a substantial number of self-reported non-citizens inaccurately reported their (non)citizenship status in the CCES surveys.

Since it's opt-in online polling, who knows how many of the respondents were merely lying hacks who lied in 2012 to make it appear as though non-citizen voting is far more prevalent than it actually is.

I'm embarrassed for ya

No, it's makes my point the whole point. Progs bitch about "we don't see any fraud". When others propose methods to make fraud harder or more visible, progs bitch "that is surpressing voting!!!"

Awful self serving of them.
Voter fraud is ridiculously limited.

There have been fewer than 1,000 convictions of voter fraud since 2000...

Trump orders voter fraud commission dissolved

Meanwhile, there have been roughly 2 billion votes cast over that period. That puts the conviction rate per vote somewhere in the neighborhood of: 0.000000484

So all criminal acts result in convictions?

Again, the issue is we don't know the extent of the problem because of the difficulty in figuring out who exactly is voting.
If it doesn’t end in a conviction, it’s not a criminal act. What we do know is voter fraud is not wide spread with only a handful of people getting caught in most elections.

Wrong. criminal acts occur all the time without even prosecution happening. It's called "getting away with it"

Willful ignorance on your part.
Nope. Tracking down folks who vote improperly is very easy since there’s a documented paper trail. Of all those suspected of voter fraud, 99% of the cases result in in either no charges of acquittals. Only 1% end up getting convicted, resulting in 938 convictions. The other 93,000 committed no crime in voting.

"Very Easy"

The infamous racist Barry Obama says that Voter ID laws discriminate against minorities in America, but he supports Voter ID laws in his home country of Kenya.
That is some really amazing BS.
The Corrupt Democrat Party uses their voter fraud to disenfranchise millions of American from their right to vote.

Which is why the president has disbanded his commission... because he found so much evidence against his political opponents, and... and... and then doesn't use it.
He turned it over to DHS.

No, he disbanded the commission, he didn't turn it over to the DHS.

He basically said that the DHS will then have to deal with this sort of thing.

It's basically "I failed, but I won't admit it"
Wrong. criminal acts occur all the time without even prosecution happening. It's called "getting away with it"

Willful ignorance on your part.

So Trump was right - 3-4 million people committed voter fraud and "got away with it"?

:laugh: :laugh2::lmao:

Who knows?

The issue is we don't have enough data to figure it out, and progressives are A-OK with that.

Bullshit - And assume the position Trumpling!


It's all Trump Trump Trump with you losers. He's living rent free in your excuse for a brain.
The Corrupt Democrat Party uses their voter fraud to disenfranchise millions of American from their right to vote.

Which is why the president has disbanded his commission... because he found so much evidence against his political opponents, and... and... and then doesn't use it.

Democrats are against Voting Rights and that is why they block Voter ID laws that protect everyone's right to vote

Prove it.

Democrats are against voting rights, that is why they block Voter ID laws that protect everyone's right to vote

I said prove it, not repeat it.
Voter fraud is ridiculously limited.

There have been fewer than 1,000 convictions of voter fraud since 2000...

Trump orders voter fraud commission dissolved

Meanwhile, there have been roughly 2 billion votes cast over that period. That puts the conviction rate per vote somewhere in the neighborhood of: 0.000000484

So all criminal acts result in convictions?

Again, the issue is we don't know the extent of the problem because of the difficulty in figuring out who exactly is voting.
If it doesn’t end in a conviction, it’s not a criminal act. What we do know is voter fraud is not wide spread with only a handful of people getting caught in most elections.

Wrong. criminal acts occur all the time without even prosecution happening. It's called "getting away with it"

Willful ignorance on your part.
Nope. Tracking down folks who vote improperly is very easy since there’s a documented paper trail. Of all those suspected of voter fraud, 99% of the cases result in in either no charges of acquittals. Only 1% end up getting convicted, resulting in 938 convictions. The other 93,000 committed no crime in voting.

"Very Easy"

They have the names, addresses and birth dates of everyone who votes. How hard is it to run that through a database to find ineligible voters?
Trump’s ‘commission’ was a ridiculous rightwing partisan contrivance, completely devoid of merit.

It was an inane manifestation of Trump’s delusional paranoia after having lost the popular vote conjoined with conservative mythology that voter ‘fraud’ was costing Republicans elections.
The Corrupt Democrat Party uses their voter fraud to disenfranchise millions of American from their right to vote.

Which is why the president has disbanded his commission... because he found so much evidence against his political opponents, and... and... and then doesn't use it.

Democrats are against Voting Rights and that is why they block Voter ID laws that protect everyone's right to vote

Prove it.

Democrats are against voting rights, that is why they block Voter ID laws that protect everyone's right to vote

I said prove it, not repeat it.

Democrats are against Voting Rights and that is why they block Voter ID laws that protect everyone's right to vote

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