Trump Dissolves Voter Fraud Commission

Here's Napoleon's army of 680,000 which invaded Russia:


Here's Trump's imaginary army of 5,000,000 illegal voters in California he can't seem to find:

Seriously? Supposition is a foreign concept to you I can guess.
And no mention of the 100,00 that did happen in one place, by you. Tells us why you would respond the way you did.
Making up numbers. Lol. Right.

10 Elections Decided by One Vote (Or Less)
Once again, even one fraudulent vote is too many. 100,000 in just one county alone!
It can change an election. But of that, you do not care.
And for those they were able to document, how many others were not? Let’s say 100 for every one. That would be 60,000 fraudulent votes in a federal election. Enough, if in the right areas, to change the outcome. How many roadblocks are constantly thrown out there by lawsuits to keep anyone from being able to even verify if someone registered is legal or not?
You do understand the difficultly in verifying a vote, that is anonymous, to begin with, is? Correct?

The constant whining from the left regarding voting with id, the roadblocks and lawsuits to keep anyone from being able to verify, is enough to make anyone that values their vote, left or right, to become suspect.

Bull. And once again you show you care not for anyone else’s vote but your sides. Even one illegitimate vote is too many. Ever heard of Adlai Stevenson?

Stevenson ran for Governor of Illinois in 1982 and 1986, losing both elections to James R. Thompson. In 1982 the initial vote count showed Stevenson winning; however, the final official count showed him losing by 1/7 of one percent. Stevenson promptly petitioned the Illinois Supreme Court for a recount and presented evidence of widespread election irregularities, including evidence of a failed punch card system for tabulation of votes (later to become infamous in the presidential election of 2000). Three days before the gubernatorial inauguration, the Court, by a one vote margin, denied the recount, asserting that the Illinois recount statute was unconstitutional.

However, the Illinois Supreme Court dismissed the lawsuit, and did so in a curious way. Instead of following the normal standard that decides a motion to dismiss, the court did not assume, for purposes of the motion, that the facts stated in the complaint were true. Instead, the court went "behind the pleadings" to look at the conduct of the original partial recount and then dismissed the case because it said that Adlai Stevenson had no reasonable cause to complain about the conduct of the counting and recounting activities. A
Stevenson ran for Governor of Illinois in 1982 and 1986, losing both elections to James R. Thompson. In 1982 the initial vote count showed Stevenson winning; however, the final official count showed him losing by 1/7 of one percent. Stevenson promptly petitioned the Illinois Supreme Court for a recount and presented evidence of widespread election irregularities, including evidence of a failed punch card system for tabulation of votes (later to become infamous in the presidential election of 2000). Three days before the gubernatorial inauguration, the Court, by a one vote margin, denied the recount, asserting that the Illinois recount statute was unconstitutional.

However, the Illinois Supreme Court dismissed the lawsuit, and did so in a curious way. Instead of following the normal standard that decides a motion to dismiss, the court did not assume, for purposes of the motion, that the facts stated in the complaint were true. Instead, the court went "behind the pleadings" to look at the conduct of the original partial recount and then dismissed the case because it said that Adlai Stevenson had no reasonable cause to complain about the conduct of the counting and recounting activities. A grand jury later determined that Adlai Stevenson had unwittingly benefited from some 100,000 illegal ballots that had been cast in Chicago in the 1982 gubernatorial election. U.S. to probe primary vote fraud, Chicago Tribune, March 11, 1987.

Adlai Ewing Stevenson, III - Genealogy

Voter Fraud Database Tops 1,000 Proven Cases

Democrat Leaders, Al Sharpton Give Heroes Welcome To Woman Convicted Of Multiple Counts Of Voter Fraud

Indeed, recent elections bear this out. In 2015, a city council election in the New Jersey town of Perth Amboy was decided by a mere 10 votes. A judge overturned the election and ordered a new one after it was revealed that at least 13 illegal absentee ballots had been cast. The 2003 mayoral primary in East Chicago, Indiana, was overturned by the state Supreme Court after evidence of widespread fraud was revealed. The new election resulted in a different winner. Numerous convictions for election fraud resulted from this election, and are documented in The Heritage Foundation’s Voter Fraud Database.

The Heritage foundation database is the best evidence against widespread voter fraud there is.

Two decades worth of data. How many votes do you suppose have been cast in the last 2 decades in the US? Lets low ball it and say that in that time there have been a half billion votes cast in that time. And the database has 1,107 proven cases of voter fraud.

So, 1107 out of a half a billion.

And for that you want to risk people incorrectly being barred from voting. Admit, you only want people who will vote for the GOP to vote, and nobody else.
Now you’re just making up numbers. :rolleyes:
Moron, you made up the number of 60,000 illegal votes in a federal election.
We shall see... Dhs is now on it.
Here's Napoleon's army of 680,000 which invaded Russia:


Here's Trump's imaginary army of 5,000,000 illegal voters in California he can't seem to find:

We shall see... Dhs is now on it.
Here's Napoleon's army of 680,000 which invaded Russia:


Here's Trump's imaginary army of 5,000,000 illegal voters in California he can't seem to find:

Gosh, if DHS can't find five million Mexicans, what are the chances they'll be able to find one terrorist? :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:
Make light all you want. Even one fraudulent vote is too many, which we already know there was more than that.
We shall see... Dhs is now on it.
Here's Napoleon's army of 680,000 which invaded Russia:


Here's Trump's imaginary army of 5,000,000 illegal voters in California he can't seem to find:

Gosh, if DHS can't find five million Mexicans, what are the chances they'll be able to find one terrorist? :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:
Where will TH3 FIVE MILLION™ strike next?

Watch out, Kansas! They're coming!

Be afraid.

Be very. Afraid.

"Si! We are here for your daughters, gringo."
And you dare wonder why we know you and other dems could care less about election integrity.
Where will TH3 FIVE MILLION™ strike next?

Watch out, Kansas! They're coming!

Be afraid.

Be very. Afraid.

"Si! We are here for your daughters, gringo."
And you dare wonder why we know you and other dems could care less about election integrity.
Where will TH3 FIVE MILLION™ strike next?

Watch out, Kansas! They're coming!

Be afraid.

Be very. Afraid.

"Si! We are here for your daughters, gringo."

Tard thinks I'm a Democrat. Just because I don't buy into Trump's crack dream.
TRUMP: I am the Sun God!

TARDS: Trump is the Sun God!

SKEPTIC: He looks like a mortal to me.

TARDS: You hate religion!
Lol, tard? “When all else fails, throw out insults! Sure to work every time!”
And you dare wonder why we know you and other dems could care less about election integrity.
Where will TH3 FIVE MILLION™ strike next?

Watch out, Kansas! They're coming!

Be afraid.

Be very. Afraid.

"Si! We are here for your daughters, gringo."

Tard thinks I'm a Democrat. Just because I don't buy into Trump's crack dream.
Wait, aren't the progressives always claiming there is no voter fraud?

Yes, and we still claim that. What the hell is your point?
Voter Fraud is done by mail. So if a family member dies, you can put them in the ground and not notify anyone.

And you just keep voting for them.

There are no laws that prohibit home burial, but you must check local zoning laws before establishing a home cemetery or burying on private land.

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Mexico
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

Btw: When people ask where is someone, they say they moved away.

As I recall down to Mexico where it cheaper to live. Just can’t recall the town name. Sorry.

btw2: MOST Red States are way below the average death per 100K rate by 60%.
Whitey's never die in red states. Yep, you got it. Whitey can be put in the ground at your home. Colors get NO zoning clearances in Whitey controlled states, to do the same, so they have to report their dead. That's how they keep their whitey districts floating. And the Colored districts under control and fewer.

Certainly vote by mail lends itself to voter fraud more than in person voting. But I don't know of any evidence to support any significant voter fraud by mail either.

How would they check those rural voters? If people are not reported to states or federal gobmints as dead. Their kids can vote for them. Like them crazy RW Gun Nutters do. If Mommy and Daddy die, they keep them alive to transfer income to them dead by why of 1099 to reduce taxes on themselves. Some do reverse mortgages to get tax free income and housing before or after they die. They Vote for them, Keeping everything going as was to not pay taxes or lose their passive incomes, and SS checks, Use their Medicare/ Medicaid etc. It's what they do in flyover STATES WHERE THERE ARE FEW JOBS.
Really, you can collect live voters ballots from people who don't vote and fill them out for them.
Wait, aren't the progressives always claiming there is no voter fraud?

Yes, and we still claim that. What the hell is your point?
Voter Fraud is done by mail. So if a family member dies, you can put them in the ground and not notify anyone.

And you just keep voting for them.

There are no laws that prohibit home burial, but you must check local zoning laws before establishing a home cemetery or burying on private land.

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Mexico
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

Btw: When people ask where is someone, they say they moved away.

As I recall down to Mexico where it cheaper to live. Just can’t recall the town name. Sorry.

btw2: MOST Red States are way below the average death per 100K rate by 60%.
Whitey's never die in red states. Yep, you got it. Whitey can be put in the ground at your home. Colors get NO zoning clearances in Whitey controlled states, to do the same, so they have to report their dead. That's how they keep their whitey districts floating. And the Colored districts under control and fewer.

Certainly vote by mail lends itself to voter fraud more than in person voting. But I don't know of any evidence to support any significant voter fraud by mail either.

How would they check those rural voters? If people are not reported to states or federal gobmints as dead.

And again- interesting speculation- but there is no evidence of this being a wide spread habit.

Certainly vote by mail lends itself to voter fraud more than in person voting. But I don't know of any evidence to support any significant voter fraud by mail either.
One is significant. It wipes out a legitimate vote one way or the other.
Wait, aren't the progressives always claiming there is no voter fraud?

Yes, and we still claim that. What the hell is your point?
Voter Fraud is done by mail. So if a family member dies, you can put them in the ground and not notify anyone.

And you just keep voting for them.

There are no laws that prohibit home burial, but you must check local zoning laws before establishing a home cemetery or burying on private land.

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Mexico
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

Btw: When people ask where is someone, they say they moved away.

As I recall down to Mexico where it cheaper to live. Just can’t recall the town name. Sorry.

btw2: MOST Red States are way below the average death per 100K rate by 60%.
Whitey's never die in red states. Yep, you got it. Whitey can be put in the ground at your home. Colors get NO zoning clearances in Whitey controlled states, to do the same, so they have to report their dead. That's how they keep their whitey districts floating. And the Colored districts under control and fewer.

Certainly vote by mail lends itself to voter fraud more than in person voting. But I don't know of any evidence to support any significant voter fraud by mail either.

How would they check those rural voters? If people are not reported to states or federal gobmints as dead.

And again- interesting speculation- but there is no evidence of this being a wide spread habit.

Certainly vote by mail lends itself to voter fraud more than in person voting. But I don't know of any evidence to support any significant voter fraud by mail either.
One is significant. It wipes out a legitimate vote one way or the other.
Yes, and we still claim that. What the hell is your point?
Voter Fraud is done by mail. So if a family member dies, you can put them in the ground and not notify anyone.

And you just keep voting for them.

There are no laws that prohibit home burial, but you must check local zoning laws before establishing a home cemetery or burying on private land.

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Mexico
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

Btw: When people ask where is someone, they say they moved away.

As I recall down to Mexico where it cheaper to live. Just can’t recall the town name. Sorry.

btw2: MOST Red States are way below the average death per 100K rate by 60%.
Whitey's never die in red states. Yep, you got it. Whitey can be put in the ground at your home. Colors get NO zoning clearances in Whitey controlled states, to do the same, so they have to report their dead. That's how they keep their whitey districts floating. And the Colored districts under control and fewer.

Certainly vote by mail lends itself to voter fraud more than in person voting. But I don't know of any evidence to support any significant voter fraud by mail either.

How would they check those rural voters? If people are not reported to states or federal gobmints as dead.

And again- interesting speculation- but there is no evidence of this being a wide spread habit.

Certainly vote by mail lends itself to voter fraud more than in person voting. But I don't know of any evidence to support any significant voter fraud by mail either.

One vote can be significant.

Of course you only care about when that one vote is for a Republican- and not when it is a Democrat being denied their vote.

I find it interesting that you contards have gone from "Massive Voter Fraud" to "well that one fraudulent vote"......
Seriously? Supposition is a foreign concept to you I can guess.
And no mention of the 100,00 that did happen in one place, by you. Tells us why you would respond the way you did.
Making up numbers. Lol. Right.

10 Elections Decided by One Vote (Or Less)
Once again, even one fraudulent vote is too many. 100,000 in just one county alone!
It can change an election. But of that, you do not care.
And for those they were able to document, how many others were not? Let’s say 100 for every one. That would be 60,000 fraudulent votes in a federal election. Enough, if in the right areas, to change the outcome. How many roadblocks are constantly thrown out there by lawsuits to keep anyone from being able to even verify if someone registered is legal or not?
You do understand the difficultly in verifying a vote, that is anonymous, to begin with, is? Correct?

The constant whining from the left regarding voting with id, the roadblocks and lawsuits to keep anyone from being able to verify, is enough to make anyone that values their vote, left or right, to become suspect.

The Heritage foundation database is the best evidence against widespread voter fraud there is.

Two decades worth of data. How many votes do you suppose have been cast in the last 2 decades in the US? Lets low ball it and say that in that time there have been a half billion votes cast in that time. And the database has 1,107 proven cases of voter fraud.

So, 1107 out of a half a billion.

And for that you want to risk people incorrectly being barred from voting. Admit, you only want people who will vote for the GOP to vote, and nobody else.
Now you’re just making up numbers. :rolleyes:
Moron, you made up the number of 60,000 illegal votes in a federal election.
And by “supposition,” you mean, making up numbers — which is what I said. :rolleyes:
Christ, I couldn't vote on Election Day without crawling over 85,000 illegal Mexicans clutching bilingual ballots in their paws.

It was ridiculous.

And then when I got to the voting machine, the only options were "Hillary Clinton (Democrat)" and "Satan (Republican)"

The helpful negro running the voting booth told me I was only allowed to vote for Clinton five times, and that if I voted for Satan, a trapdoor would open and I would plunge directly to hell.

There was a guy from the Republican National Committee who was sent to monitor the precinct, but there were two huge Black Panthers blocking his view.

Just as I was leaving (in disgust), an ISIS terrorist came in and stuffed a couple thousand absentee ballots in the box, all marked for Clinton.

I will swear on a stack of bibles used at all of Trump's weddings to affirm this is all true.
what a card you are!

Do non-citizens vote in U.S. elections?
Author links open overlay panelJesse T.RichmanaGulshan A.Chatthabc1David C.Earnestb
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First use of representative sample to measure non-citizen voting in USA.

Some non-citizens cast votes in U.S. elections despite legal bans.

Non-citizens favor Democratic candidates over Republican candidates.

Non-citizen voting likely changed 2008 outcomes including Electoral College votes and the composition of Congress.

Voter photo-identification rules have limited effect on non-citizen participation.

In spite of substantial public controversy, very little reliable data exists concerning the frequency with which non-citizen immigrants participate in United States elections. Although such participation is a violation of election laws in most parts of the United States, enforcement depends principally on disclosure of citizenship status at the time of voter registration. This study examines participation rates by non-citizens using a nationally representative sample that includes non-citizen immigrants. We find that some non-citizens participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and Congressional elections. Non-citizen votes likely gave Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health care reform and other Obama administration priorities in the 111th Congress.

Seriously? Supposition is a foreign concept to you I can guess.
And no mention of the 100,00 that did happen in one place, by you. Tells us why you would respond the way you did.
Making up numbers. Lol. Right.

10 Elections Decided by One Vote (Or Less)
Once again, even one fraudulent vote is too many. 100,000 in just one county alone!
It can change an election. But of that, you do not care.
And for those they were able to document, how many others were not? Let’s say 100 for every one. That would be 60,000 fraudulent votes in a federal election. Enough, if in the right areas, to change the outcome. How many roadblocks are constantly thrown out there by lawsuits to keep anyone from being able to even verify if someone registered is legal or not?
You do understand the difficultly in verifying a vote, that is anonymous, to begin with, is? Correct?

The constant whining from the left regarding voting with id, the roadblocks and lawsuits to keep anyone from being able to verify, is enough to make anyone that values their vote, left or right, to become suspect.
Now you’re just making up numbers. :rolleyes:
Moron, you made up the number of 60,000 illegal votes in a federal election.
And by “supposition,” you mean, making up numbers — which is what I said. :rolleyes:
The Corrupt Democrat Party uses their voter fraud to disenfranchise millions of American from their right to vote.

Which is why the president has disbanded his commission... because he found so much evidence against his political opponents, and... and... and then doesn't use it.

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