Trump does not have the power to restart the economy

First of all there’s no federal mandate for businesses to shut down. The reason why a lot of Nonessential businesses have shut down is because of guidelines set forward by local state governments. All this consternation over what Trump will or will not do is unfounded. What dr. Fauci and dr. Birx say is what matters.
Its not the idea that he can override the governors thank goodness, its just the idea that you would try to open up business by Easter when the virus hasnt even hit its peak yet.. Drumpf is an incompetent fuckup and will likely get more Drumpftards killed.

If you study the numbers the "peak" is forming now in the US and the EU. That's why Pence has his 15-day shelter-in-place model. Today, 3/26 is day-11, by Monday 3/30 (hopefully) the peak will have formed and we will be heading downward. Easter is 4/12, so we should be well down the bell curve by Easter. Understood that the infections could start back up again, but with warmer weather and hopefully some effective medications let's hope we can start some people in safer regions, as approved by governors, going back to work with safety restrictions.

The alternative of continuing the shutdown may really cripple the economy, which helps no one.
Where did you get the data that the peak is forming now? I would like to see it. From what the experts are saying we have another 2-3 weeks before we peak. If we get a second wave you can kiss the economy good bye and welcome the next great depression.

Just found this video of what the virus does to your lungs. The yellow parts are where the virus is causing inflammation. Even if you survive this youre going to be seriously damaged.

Your article supports the contention that the peak of "infections" is forming now. The "deaths" follow the infections generally by 2-3 weeks. My graph is for "active cases" or total cases - recovered and -deaths. We'll see next week, but the 3-week prediction for deaths is around Easter and the infections should be lessening significantly by then.
From the CNN article, the 1st sentence:
"A leading epidemiologist advising the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has estimated the peak of deaths in the US coronavirus pandemic will be three weeks from now, after which "most of the damage will be done," and says it may be possible to only isolate the vulnerable, allowing many back to work. "
Since this is a new virus this is all just an educated guess by the experts. What if the virus does something different and new infections continue to rise after a relaxing of the recommendations?

Agree that the virus can change, it could also change to be less infectious.
There are other factors to consider, vaccines, medications, warm weather, better "social distancing" compliance, better hygiene compliance, etc. Its a decision that governors need to agree with or disagree with as well. No one wants to be "irresponsible" but getting back to work sooner rather than later has advantages as well.
Its like Dr. Fauci said. "the virus will determine the timeline". Drumpf needs to be listening instead of coming up with random dates setting false expectations. Notice he got pissed off when the news reporter asked him where he was getting his dates? Thats because he simply pulled it out of ass. There was no other reason to get upset at the question.
First of all there’s no federal mandate for businesses to shut down. The reason why a lot of Nonessential businesses have shut down is because of guidelines set forward by local state governments. All this consternation over what Trump will or will not do is unfounded. What dr. Fauci and dr. Birx say is what matters.
Its not the idea that he can override the governors thank goodness, its just the idea that you would try to open up business by Easter when the virus hasnt even hit its peak yet.. Drumpf is an incompetent fuckup and will likely get more Drumpftards killed.


Peak Month of Flu Activity
1982-1983 through 2017-2018

View attachment 315558
That says the flu. Dont tell me there are still some idiots that think this is just the flu? You better check with Drumpf. Even he admitted it was not the flu.

What are the seasonal patterns of rhinoviral, coronaviral, enteroviral, and adenoviral upper respiratory tract infections (URIs)?

Italy peaked, and started slacking off -

until yesterday when the bell for round two rang.

the virus doesnt give 2 shits about what Goldilocks wants or TDS bullshit.
First of all there’s no federal mandate for businesses to shut down. The reason why a lot of Nonessential businesses have shut down is because of guidelines set forward by local state governments. All this consternation over what Trump will or will not do is unfounded. What dr. Fauci and dr. Birx say is what matters.
Its not the idea that he can override the governors thank goodness, its just the idea that you would try to open up business by Easter when the virus hasnt even hit its peak yet.. Drumpf is an incompetent fuckup and will likely get more Drumpftards killed.


Peak Month of Flu Activity
1982-1983 through 2017-2018

View attachment 315558
That says the flu. Dont tell me there are still some idiots that think this is just the flu? You better check with Drumpf. Even he admitted it was not the flu.

What are the seasonal patterns of rhinoviral, coronaviral, enteroviral, and adenoviral upper respiratory tract infections (URIs)?

View attachment 315565

so go to CVS and get a damn flu shot - end of problem.

right ?
First of all there’s no federal mandate for businesses to shut down. The reason why a lot of Nonessential businesses have shut down is because of guidelines set forward by local state governments. All this consternation over what Trump will or will not do is unfounded. What dr. Fauci and dr. Birx say is what matters.
Its not the idea that he can override the governors thank goodness, its just the idea that you would try to open up business by Easter when the virus hasnt even hit its peak yet.. Drumpf is an incompetent fuckup and will likely get more Drumpftards killed.


Peak Month of Flu Activity
1982-1983 through 2017-2018

View attachment 315558
That says the flu. Dont tell me there are still some idiots that think this is just the flu? You better check with Drumpf. Even he admitted it was not the flu.

What are the seasonal patterns of rhinoviral, coronaviral, enteroviral, and adenoviral upper respiratory tract infections (URIs)?

View attachment 315565
What does that have to do with this virus? You did notice that Australia got hit and their seasons are opposite of ours right?
Italy peaked, and started slacking off -

until yesterday when the bell for round two rang.

the virus doesnt give 2 shits about what Goldilocks wants or TDS bullshit.
Got a link to prove WTF you're talking about?
Here is a plot of Italy vs USA*.183 to compare equal populations.
Italy "cases" are just peaking now, or are you talking about deaths?
First of all there’s no federal mandate for businesses to shut down. The reason why a lot of Nonessential businesses have shut down is because of guidelines set forward by local state governments. All this consternation over what Trump will or will not do is unfounded. What dr. Fauci and dr. Birx say is what matters.
Its not the idea that he can override the governors thank goodness, its just the idea that you would try to open up business by Easter when the virus hasnt even hit its peak yet.. Drumpf is an incompetent fuckup and will likely get more Drumpftards killed.

If you study the numbers the "peak" is forming now in the US and the EU. That's why Pence has his 15-day shelter-in-place model. Today, 3/26 is day-11, by Monday 3/30 (hopefully) the peak will have formed and we will be heading downward. Easter is 4/12, so we should be well down the bell curve by Easter. Understood that the infections could start back up again, but with warmer weather and hopefully some effective medications let's hope we can start some people in safer regions, as approved by governors, going back to work with safety restrictions.

The alternative of continuing the shutdown may really cripple the economy, which helps no one.
Where did you get the data that the peak is forming now? I would like to see it. From what the experts are saying we have another 2-3 weeks before we peak. If we get a second wave you can kiss the economy good bye and welcome the next great depression.

Just found this video of what the virus does to your lungs. The yellow parts are where the virus is causing inflammation. Even if you survive this youre going to be seriously damaged.

Your article supports the contention that the peak of "infections" is forming now. The "deaths" follow the infections generally by 2-3 weeks. My graph is for "active cases" or total cases - recovered and -deaths. We'll see next week, but the 3-week prediction for deaths is around Easter and the infections should be lessening significantly by then.
From the CNN article, the 1st sentence:
"A leading epidemiologist advising the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has estimated the peak of deaths in the US coronavirus pandemic will be three weeks from now, after which "most of the damage will be done," and says it may be possible to only isolate the vulnerable, allowing many back to work. "
Since this is a new virus this is all just an educated guess by the experts. What if the virus does something different and new infections continue to rise after a relaxing of the recommendations?
And you are not an expert....I would think even a libtard can understand the hardship brought on by a want one don't you? want a bad recession...well I hope you get one ten fold and i hope you learn something from it.....
I dont have to be an expert. I just listen to the experts like Drumpfs incompetent ass should be doing instead of pulling dates out of his ass. I'm recession proof. It would need to be a depression for me to personally suffer.
More people will die due to economic hardship than this flu will kill....that's not to hard to understand....the nation must get back to as normal as it can and as fast as it can....

But the bill they just passed is going to screw that up royally.
The Wife just got off a teleconference call with all the other big wigs trying to determine what they were going to do with their employees.
The original plan was to have the big wigs work from home and take 30% pay cut,while the worker bees would take a 20% cut. Keeping in mind that this is a very exclusive hotel,spa and restaurant with thousands of workers that will be sitting at home and collecting 80% of their pay. The owner is known for being a philanthropist so her generosity doesnt surprise me.
The reasoning behind the plan was to keep everyone employed so they wouldnt lose their insurance.

With the gov plan those low end employees would make double their previous pay and be able to collect that money for 39 weeks without having to look for work.
But of course they'd lose their insurance.

Now they have to rethink things.
How many employees are going to opt for the money rather than health insurance and a job when this is over?
Pretty sure jobs are going to be pretty scarce once they give the all clear.
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First of all there’s no federal mandate for businesses to shut down. The reason why a lot of Nonessential businesses have shut down is because of guidelines set forward by local state governments. All this consternation over what Trump will or will not do is unfounded. What dr. Fauci and dr. Birx say is what matters.
Its not the idea that he can override the governors thank goodness, its just the idea that you would try to open up business by Easter when the virus hasnt even hit its peak yet.. Drumpf is an incompetent fuckup and will likely get more Drumpftards killed.

If you study the numbers the "peak" is forming now in the US and the EU. That's why Pence has his 15-day shelter-in-place model. Today, 3/26 is day-11, by Monday 3/30 (hopefully) the peak will have formed and we will be heading downward. Easter is 4/12, so we should be well down the bell curve by Easter. Understood that the infections could start back up again, but with warmer weather and hopefully some effective medications let's hope we can start some people in safer regions, as approved by governors, going back to work with safety restrictions.

The alternative of continuing the shutdown may really cripple the economy, which helps no one.

You defeat the Pathogen first, then reopen the economy. The focus is on the enemy, just like in World War II. After a few months or a few years of this, when the Pathogen has been defeated, you can start to rebuild. Its what the United States did in World War II.
First of all there’s no federal mandate for businesses to shut down. The reason why a lot of Nonessential businesses have shut down is because of guidelines set forward by local state governments. All this consternation over what Trump will or will not do is unfounded. What dr. Fauci and dr. Birx say is what matters.
Its not the idea that he can override the governors thank goodness, its just the idea that you would try to open up business by Easter when the virus hasnt even hit its peak yet.. Drumpf is an incompetent fuckup and will likely get more Drumpftards killed.


Peak Month of Flu Activity
1982-1983 through 2017-2018

View attachment 315558
That says the flu. Dont tell me there are still some idiots that think this is just the flu? You better check with Drumpf. Even he admitted it was not the flu.

What are the seasonal patterns of rhinoviral, coronaviral, enteroviral, and adenoviral upper respiratory tract infections (URIs)?

View attachment 315565
What does that have to do with this virus? You did notice that Australia got hit and their seasons are opposite of ours right?

In our global economy someone can be in Peking today and in Sidney tomorrow.

Australia reports
460,250 cases Deaths -20,857 = death rate 0.045 %

No evidence that those 20,000 individuals could have been saved by quarantining the country.

Shutting down commerce will cause starvation and misery. UNACCEPTABLE

First of all there’s no federal mandate for businesses to shut down. The reason why a lot of Nonessential businesses have shut down is because of guidelines set forward by local state governments. All this consternation over what Trump will or will not do is unfounded. What dr. Fauci and dr. Birx say is what matters.
Its not the idea that he can override the governors thank goodness, its just the idea that you would try to open up business by Easter when the virus hasnt even hit its peak yet.. Drumpf is an incompetent fuckup and will likely get more Drumpftards killed.

If you study the numbers the "peak" is forming now in the US and the EU. That's why Pence has his 15-day shelter-in-place model. Today, 3/26 is day-11, by Monday 3/30 (hopefully) the peak will have formed and we will be heading downward. Easter is 4/12, so we should be well down the bell curve by Easter. Understood that the infections could start back up again, but with warmer weather and hopefully some effective medications let's hope we can start some people in safer regions, as approved by governors, going back to work with safety restrictions.

The alternative of continuing the shutdown may really cripple the economy, which helps no one.

You defeat the Pathogen first, then reopen the economy. The focus is on the enemy, just like in World War II. After a few months or a few years of this, when the Pathogen has been defeated, you can start to rebuild. Its what the United States did in World War II.



First of all there’s no federal mandate for businesses to shut down. The reason why a lot of Nonessential businesses have shut down is because of guidelines set forward by local state governments. All this consternation over what Trump will or will not do is unfounded. What dr. Fauci and dr. Birx say is what matters.
Its not the idea that he can override the governors thank goodness, its just the idea that you would try to open up business by Easter when the virus hasnt even hit its peak yet.. Drumpf is an incompetent fuckup and will likely get more Drumpftards killed.

If you study the numbers the "peak" is forming now in the US and the EU. That's why Pence has his 15-day shelter-in-place model. Today, 3/26 is day-11, by Monday 3/30 (hopefully) the peak will have formed and we will be heading downward. Easter is 4/12, so we should be well down the bell curve by Easter. Understood that the infections could start back up again, but with warmer weather and hopefully some effective medications let's hope we can start some people in safer regions, as approved by governors, going back to work with safety restrictions.

The alternative of continuing the shutdown may really cripple the economy, which helps no one.

You defeat the Pathogen first, then reopen the economy. The focus is on the enemy, just like in World War II. After a few months or a few years of this, when the Pathogen has been defeated, you can start to rebuild. Its what the United States did in World War II.



Of course there will be an economy Chicken Little.

More like if we dont like it we will just send the fuckup on his merry way in Nov when we elect anyone else not named Drumpf.
More people will die due to economic hardship than this flu will kill....that's not too hard to understand....the nation must get back to as normal as it can and as fast as it can....
And we are ON IT! Within 3 months as Wuhan took to knock it out. And now all 42,000 Starbucks in China have their doors open and are back in business. They are named Ling NanTian Di in China.

Right now here are some PERCENTAGE facts relative to a few countries cases and deaths.

New cases. Spain is going crazy over there. Italy, you know. Iran, can't believe anything they say, but it's bad in Iran and they don't have medical care at all. The Netherlands, not a lot of cases, but a lot of people dying. 25 out of 100, out of the million population. That's big. The fatality rate is a percentage. 10 percent in Italy. So, you have a 10 percent chance of dying if you get corona in Italy. Spain, 7.5 percent. All right. France, 5.5 percent. The USA. 1.5 percent. 1.5 percent. Great Britain, 5 percent. The Netherlands, 6 percent. There it is. :2up:
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First of all there’s no federal mandate for businesses to shut down. The reason why a lot of Nonessential businesses have shut down is because of guidelines set forward by local state governments. All this consternation over what Trump will or will not do is unfounded. What dr. Fauci and dr. Birx say is what matters.
Its not the idea that he can override the governors thank goodness, its just the idea that you would try to open up business by Easter when the virus hasnt even hit its peak yet.. Drumpf is an incompetent fuckup and will likely get more Drumpftards killed.

If you study the numbers the "peak" is forming now in the US and the EU. That's why Pence has his 15-day shelter-in-place model. Today, 3/26 is day-11, by Monday 3/30 (hopefully) the peak will have formed and we will be heading downward. Easter is 4/12, so we should be well down the bell curve by Easter. Understood that the infections could start back up again, but with warmer weather and hopefully some effective medications let's hope we can start some people in safer regions, as approved by governors, going back to work with safety restrictions.

The alternative of continuing the shutdown may really cripple the economy, which helps no one.

You defeat the Pathogen first, then reopen the economy. The focus is on the enemy, just like in World War II. After a few months or a few years of this, when the Pathogen has been defeated, you can start to rebuild. Its what the United States did in World War II.



Of course there will be an economy Chicken Little.

More like if we dont like it we will just send the fuckup on his merry way in Nov when we elect anyone else not named Drumpf.

A FUBR economy is NOT acceptable
More people will die due to economic hardship than this flu will kill....that's not too hard to understand....the nation must get back to as normal as it can and as fast as it can....
And we are ON IT! Within 3 months as Wuhan took to knock it out. And now all 44 Starbucks in China have their doors open and are back in business.

Right now here are some PERCENTAGE facts relative to a few countries cases and deaths.

New cases. Spain is going crazy over there. Italy, you know. Iran, can't believe anything they say, but it's bad in Iran and they don't have medical care at all. The Netherlands, not a lot of cases, but a lot of people dying. 25 out of 100, out of the million population. That's big. The fatality rate is a percentage. 10 percent in Italy. So, you have a 10 percent chance of dying if you get corona in Italy. Spain, 7.5 percent. All right. France, 5.5 percent. The USA. 1.5 percent. 1.5 percent. Great Britain, 5 percent. The Netherlands, 6 percent. There it is. :2up:
Also breaking news today that the test kits China sent to Italy and Iran were faulty and unreliable.....
First of all there’s no federal mandate for businesses to shut down. The reason why a lot of Nonessential businesses have shut down is because of guidelines set forward by local state governments. All this consternation over what Trump will or will not do is unfounded. What dr. Fauci and dr. Birx say is what matters.
Its not the idea that he can override the governors thank goodness, its just the idea that you would try to open up business by Easter when the virus hasnt even hit its peak yet.. Drumpf is an incompetent fuckup and will likely get more Drumpftards killed.


Peak Month of Flu Activity
1982-1983 through 2017-2018

View attachment 315558
That says the flu. Dont tell me there are still some idiots that think this is just the flu? You better check with Drumpf. Even he admitted it was not the flu.
Yah, and every dem governor all of the sudden like sheep follow each other thinking they're smarter than doctors dispensing pills. Even if the pill has cure capabilities
I guess is a weird way you could blame this on Trump too. Since he's smarter than dem governors.

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