Trump Doesn't Go Far Enough

On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported.

And where would you 'deport' an American citizen to?

Any "American" muslim citizen should be stripped of their citizenship and be sent back to the country their kind came from. Pakistan, Libya, Syria or wherever.
I think that mosques have to be investigated, too. If they are found to be breeding grounds for terrorism, they should be closed. Will Muslims come to America if Mosques were closed?

When there are fewer and fewer mosques available to them, the more likely there would be towns of Muslims. like Dearborn. Easier to keep track of the Muslims
The guy should come out and say that he wants to repeal the 1965 immigration act.

I don't know what the 1965 immigration act is. But it sounds like something Trump should repeal. The law that makes it possible for mexicans or whoever to come here and drop an anchor baby should also be repealed.
An anchor baby like Bobby Jindal?

I don't know who Bobby Jindal is. But I don't care if he was a Nobel laureate. If he was an anchor baby, his citizenship should be repealed and he should be deported. You aren't going to escape enough of the "bad ones" unless you get rid of the whole lot. White people just don't need non-whites around. We can get along just fine without them. And without a doubt, do much better.
He's Governor of Louisiana, and was a GOP candidate for president until recently.

If he was an anchor baby, just on those grounds alone, he should be stripped of his citizenship and be sent back to whatever country his family came from.
I think that mosques have to be investigated, too. If they are found to be breeding grounds for terrorism, they should be closed. Will Muslims come to America if Mosques were closed?

When there are fewer and fewer mosques available to them, the more likely there would be towns of Muslims. like Dearborn. Easier to keep track of the Muslims

ALL mosques are breeding grounds for terrorism. Because islam is a religion-political system of terrorism. Because to islam, killing is an acceptable means of acheiving the ends of their religion-political system. Even mohammed himself is said to have personally cut off the heads of 600 to 900 peoples heads with a knife. You can't get much more violent than that.

What the U.S. should do is say that we decide in one aspect to follow the polital system that Japan uses. Which is to not allow mosques or muslims into our country. That way were wouldn't have to waste limited resources on keeping track of them.
It isn't quit that black and white lol. Him being a pedophile is always an interesting question. By today's standards, yes. Back then?

Things ARE that black and white. And a pedophile is always a pedophile. Just because it may have been more acceptable in the past doesn't change that. Also, the Azetcs used to rip out the hearts of their captives as an offering to their gods. The bodies were then consumed by the populace. Just because it was an acceptable practice, do you think that they weren't cannibals?
You sure do like to rely on emotion

Are you high!? Everything I say is just fact. Emotion doesn't come into play. But the emotion of empathy would keep the U.S. from impaling every muslim here. Let alone deporting them. The emotion of empathy would keep the U.S. from sending overpopulating illegal invader scab scum mexicans back over the border into mexico using catapults or wood chippers. And as for the muslim ISIS supporters invading Europe, do you suppose it was the emotion of empathy that caused Europeans to let them in?
bullshit. Dude, you just called Islam black and white. If you bothered to learn anything about it, you wouldn't say dumb shit like that.
I'm not saying these dumbfucks you speak of aren't emotional, I'm just saying you are..

If you didn't read my thread, why are you even talking to me. I don't give half of a cold turd what some muslim or brainwashed politically correct person told you what islam is about. I am TELLING you what islam is all about. For example, the koran says that allah is the greatest deceiver of all. Is that black enough for you? As for my being emotional, I can't tell you what I actually think. I would likely get banned. Maybe arrested. But I can tell you that the emotion of empathy wouldn't get in the way of doing what needed to be done for me. Because I'm not a follower of a doomsday cult. You apparently are.
Nope. I just know a mindless sheep when I see one
On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.

Islam is both a religion and a political movement. Seeing how their religion is against our political system, they shouldn't be here. I have seen things on the news about muslim emigrants who were "vetted" to be allowed to come here. Some were known to have murdered their daughters for acting "Western." Anybody that much against our society just shouldn't be here. Some would say that only muslim corpses should be allowed here.

A muslim would also likely tell you that Islam is a "religion" of peace. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. With that and other things being the case, trying to find a muslim who is truly against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. Deal with it. Vote for Trump!

No, Muslim Americans should be interned and vetted. But just because they haven't become violent yet shouldn't be an indicator they never would.
It isn't quit that black and white lol. Him being a pedophile is always an interesting question. By today's standards, yes. Back then?

Things ARE that black and white. And a pedophile is always a pedophile. Just because it may have been more acceptable in the past doesn't change that. Also, the Azetcs used to rip out the hearts of their captives as an offering to their gods. The bodies were then consumed by the populace. Just because it was an acceptable practice, do you think that they weren't cannibals?
You sure do like to rely on emotion

Are you high!? Everything I say is just fact. Emotion doesn't come into play. But the emotion of empathy would keep the U.S. from impaling every muslim here. Let alone deporting them. The emotion of empathy would keep the U.S. from sending overpopulating illegal invader scab scum mexicans back over the border into mexico using catapults or wood chippers. And as for the muslim ISIS supporters invading Europe, do you suppose it was the emotion of empathy that caused Europeans to let them in?
bullshit. Dude, you just called Islam black and white. If you bothered to learn anything about it, you wouldn't say dumb shit like that.
I'm not saying these dumbfucks you speak of aren't emotional, I'm just saying you are..

If you didn't read my thread, why are you even talking to me. I don't give half of a cold turd what some muslim or brainwashed politically correct person told you what islam is about. I am TELLING you what islam is all about. For example, the koran says that allah is the greatest deceiver of all. Is that black enough for you? As for my being emotional, I can't tell you what I actually think. I would likely get banned. Maybe arrested.

Chicken shit coward.
I think that mosques have to be investigated, too. If they are found to be breeding grounds for terrorism, they should be closed. Will Muslims come to America if Mosques were closed?

When there are fewer and fewer mosques available to them, the more likely there would be towns of Muslims. like Dearborn. Easier to keep track of the Muslims

ALL mosques are breeding grounds for terrorism. Because islam is a religion-political system of terrorism. Because to islam, killing is an acceptable means of acheiving the ends of their religion-political system. Even mohammed himself is said to have personally cut off the heads of 600 to 900 peoples heads with a knife. You can't get much more violent than that.

What the U.S. should do is say that we decide in one aspect to follow the polital system that Japan uses. Which is to not allow mosques or muslims into our country. That way were wouldn't have to waste limited resources on keeping track of them.

You have been told several times that is not true, troll.
Things ARE that black and white. And a pedophile is always a pedophile. Just because it may have been more acceptable in the past doesn't change that. Also, the Azetcs used to rip out the hearts of their captives as an offering to their gods. The bodies were then consumed by the populace. Just because it was an acceptable practice, do you think that they weren't cannibals?
You sure do like to rely on emotion

Are you high!? Everything I say is just fact. Emotion doesn't come into play. But the emotion of empathy would keep the U.S. from impaling every muslim here. Let alone deporting them. The emotion of empathy would keep the U.S. from sending overpopulating illegal invader scab scum mexicans back over the border into mexico using catapults or wood chippers. And as for the muslim ISIS supporters invading Europe, do you suppose it was the emotion of empathy that caused Europeans to let them in?
bullshit. Dude, you just called Islam black and white. If you bothered to learn anything about it, you wouldn't say dumb shit like that.
I'm not saying these dumbfucks you speak of aren't emotional, I'm just saying you are..

If you didn't read my thread, why are you even talking to me. I don't give half of a cold turd what some muslim or brainwashed politically correct person told you what islam is about. I am TELLING you what islam is all about. For example, the koran says that allah is the greatest deceiver of all. Is that black enough for you? As for my being emotional, I can't tell you what I actually think. I would likely get banned. Maybe arrested. But I can tell you that the emotion of empathy wouldn't get in the way of doing what needed to be done for me. Because I'm not a follower of a doomsday cult. You apparently are.
Nope. I just know a mindless sheep when I see one

I see it has gotten to the point where, having nothing else to say, you resort to insults. If you think I am a sheep, you don't know what you think you know. Just out of curiosity, if you think I am a sheep, who or what is it that you think I am following.
You sure do like to rely on emotion

Are you high!? Everything I say is just fact. Emotion doesn't come into play. But the emotion of empathy would keep the U.S. from impaling every muslim here. Let alone deporting them. The emotion of empathy would keep the U.S. from sending overpopulating illegal invader scab scum mexicans back over the border into mexico using catapults or wood chippers. And as for the muslim ISIS supporters invading Europe, do you suppose it was the emotion of empathy that caused Europeans to let them in?
bullshit. Dude, you just called Islam black and white. If you bothered to learn anything about it, you wouldn't say dumb shit like that.
I'm not saying these dumbfucks you speak of aren't emotional, I'm just saying you are..

If you didn't read my thread, why are you even talking to me. I don't give half of a cold turd what some muslim or brainwashed politically correct person told you what islam is about. I am TELLING you what islam is all about. For example, the koran says that allah is the greatest deceiver of all. Is that black enough for you? As for my being emotional, I can't tell you what I actually think. I would likely get banned. Maybe arrested. But I can tell you that the emotion of empathy wouldn't get in the way of doing what needed to be done for me. Because I'm not a follower of a doomsday cult. You apparently are.
Nope. I just know a mindless sheep when I see one

I see it has gotten to the point where, having nothing else to say, you resort to insults. If you think I am a sheep, you don't know what you think you know. Just out of curiosity, if you think I am a sheep, who or what is it that you think I am following.

The point is you're a weak, mindless animal; not a man, and certainly not an American.
On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.

Islam is both a religion and a political movement. Seeing how their religion is against our political system, they shouldn't be here. I have seen things on the news about muslim emigrants who were "vetted" to be allowed to come here. Some were known to have murdered their daughters for acting "Western." Anybody that much against our society just shouldn't be here. Some would say that only muslim corpses should be allowed here.

A muslim would also likely tell you that Islam is a "religion" of peace. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. With that and other things being the case, trying to find a muslim who is truly against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. Deal with it. Vote for Trump!

No, Muslim Americans should be interned and vetted. But just because they haven't become violent yet shouldn't be an indicator they never would.

What you say would do no good. If you interned and vetted a pedophile, they would still remain a pedophile. Especially when being a pedophile wasn't the point. Just as being muslim wouldn't be the point.
Fuck the constitution. It was written over 200 years ago. Times have changed. .
You should be exiled from the USA.

No I shouldn't. For one reason, my parents and their parents were citizens. In fact, apart from the ancestors that were indian, I probably had White ancestors who were here before there even was an America. For another reason, our government isn't against my religion. Our government is just against common sense. Money determines what is right or wrong in this country.
You are against the Constitution of the USA and therefore should be exiled.

XXXXX --- Moderation Edit.. Asking for cooperation in keeping the violent threats down.
Last edited by a moderator:
Likely and Muslim doesn't add up to terrorist. Do the math asshole. The CIA says that ISIS has 31,500 members out of 1,570,000,000 Muslims. Please post back the equation and percentage

Then why don't those 1.5B gear up and stop it? These Terroist setup shop in their countries. They accumulate hardware, murder and pillage. These people know who they are? Go get them and eliminate them.

If not ............... Well they must approve. Just like Grandma relatives and friends in SanBerdo....they are in on it. Same thing as drug houses in the Ghetto, they all know who is dealing. Noting but Silence.
Fuck the constitution. It was written over 200 years ago. Times have changed. .
You should be exiled from the USA.

No I shouldn't. For one reason, my parents and their parents were citizens. In fact, apart from the ancestors that were indian, I probably had White ancestors who were here before there even was an America. For another reason, our government isn't against my religion. Our government is just against common sense. Money determines what is right or wrong in this country.
You are against the Constitution of the USA and therefore should be exiled.

or shot
Ironic you propose someone be shot for voicing an opinion you say is against the Constitution. Thick with irony.
Do you have a passport? If so please point out where it specifies your religion

It doesn't need to when it comes to sand negros. If you look like a sand negro, and you have a sand negro name, you are a sand negro. And likely muslim. In which case, "Polish up the impalement spile!"

Likely and Muslim doesn't add up to terrorist. Do the math asshole. The CIA says that ISIS has 31,500 members out of 1,570,000,000 Muslims. Please post back the equation and percentage

There are however poll after poll of Arab countries showing at least a sympathy for ISIS cause in 10 to 20% of their population.. So that would put the "sympathizers" up in the Millions or 10s of Millions..

Some polls even by far left orgs like Pew -- look them up..
Moderation Message:

Too much bloodlust and threats of violence here. There's no specific rule on that content if not directed at a member -- but we are asking for everyone's cooperation to "tone it down" a couple notches..
[QUOTE="freemind, post: The population of White people isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. [/QUOTE]

Thank you Freemind... Some may say reducing the population of us "white people" is a good thing. I don't agree, however we could do more and act more responsibly and thereby perhaps help our "reputations" and change perceptions. Helps to leave America for a few years (a decade in my case) so as to look at America from afar and to try and understand how other cultures perceive America and white people. Some of these perceptions are of course shaped by our media, our motion picture and TV industry, our politicians and by the actions of our military and intelligence agencies.

Next 20-30 years in America will be harder than the last 20-30. This will be a real challenge for us.

Boiling frogs usually die. Unless one or more jump out of the pot and turn off the fire. I sense people are awakening and crawling out of the pot.

We talk a good game in forums such as this one (so far in my experience, US Message is excellent), however real change happens when we actually get out there and put our shoulders into some good initiatives. "Large System Change" happens when we discuss (as we do here) and actually act on good strategies and tactics.

I'm lookin' for constructive initiativeshere in America that need another strong shoulder...and heart :)

Fuck the constitution. It was written over 200 years ago. Times have changed. .
You should be exiled from the USA.

No I shouldn't. For one reason, my parents and their parents were citizens. In fact, apart from the ancestors that were indian, I probably had White ancestors who were here before there even was an America. For another reason, our government isn't against my religion. Our government is just against common sense. Money determines what is right or wrong in this country.
You are against the Constitution of the USA and therefore should be exiled.

XXXXX --- Moderation Edit.. Asking for cooperation in keeping the violent threats down.

We have already been through that exile crap. Also, one of the things I'm really against is idiots like you who think the constitution is some sort of holy document that doesn't need changing. Also, I will tell you something now. You can believe me later. Any law, any right, that criminals or foreigners can use to cause Americas harm should be scrapped. They should be flushed right down the fucking toilet!!!

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