Trump Doesn't Go Far Enough

On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.

Islam is both a religion and a political movement. Seeing how their religion is against our political system, they shouldn't be here. I have seen things on the news about muslim emigrants who were "vetted" to be allowed to come here. Some were known to have murdered their daughters for acting "Western." Anybody that much against our society just shouldn't be here. Some would say that only muslim corpses should be allowed here.

A muslim would also likely tell you that Islam is a "religion" of peace. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. With that and other things being the case, trying to find a muslim who is truly against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. Deal with it. Vote for Trump!

Where is it written that Mohammed said that?

You would have to watch the documentary, "Islam: What the west needs to know" to find out. But in the koran it basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. If you don't believe it, just enter into your browser, "Koran: Allah is the greatest deceiver of all." It will show you how it was exactly phrased and where in the koran it is.
That's the whole point. I don't want the "freedom" to be exposed to it. Also, not long ago, White business "owners" used to have the freedom to not do business with negros. Or hire them. Where did that freedom go. Another thing is that since 1965, there have been over 179,000 White men, women and children murdered by negros. I want the freedom to keep that number from rising. Another "freedom" I would like to do without is having this country pay to keep a couple million negros in jail. Or having them in our revolving door justice system.

If negros can't get along without having Whites around, what in the hell would make any White person think that they are worth having around. I see endless bullshit on TV about negros complaining about racist cops or racist White people in general. Well just give them their own country and they won't have to worry about it any more.

Son, you're kind of fucked up in the brain.

I'm thinking it's the meth.
For that and other reasons, there is only one logical solution. Separation.

Freemind, thank you for the ideas. Must admit I haven't studied the separation scenario however it would be sad if we humans couldn't make an integrated model work well for us.

Having said that, I am listening to some folks who have studied the "March of Islam" and I must admit that's a force that we need to better understand. Most immigration today seems pretty benign..."leaving a worse place for a better life for kids, etc." However my study-in-progress to better understand Islamic goals raises concerns. Have a look at Bill Warner's research; also Richard Bulliet has some good lectures on this (both are easy to find on Youtube).

As a businessman, I of course like a business approach to solving problems. So I readily agree when Trump, for example, says let's get the smartest people in the room, lock the door and let them emerge only when they have something good to recommend.

Over :)

First of all, I should tell you that I am not a menber of the KKK or National Socialist party. Nor have I ever been to one of their meetings or listen to raido broadcasts by such people. Neither have I read Mein Kampf or that book about the protocols of the elders of zion. Most of the things I say come from my own mind. Through decades of thinking about things. One of the problems with our society is that it isn't necessary to fool all the people all of the time. All that is really needed is to fool just enough of the people for just long enough.

As for the separation thing, there are similar creatures all over the planet who live in proximity to each other. But usually stick to their own kind. That is because it is a necessary thing. As for humans, throughout the evloution of living creatures there has been parasitism and symbiosis going on. Though for humans, neither thing is necessary any more. But you probably know about the warlike nature of humans throughout history. Obviously humans are still prone to parasitism. That is something that should be fought. The other natural tendancy to do so is probably why even babies have been shown to be "bigoted."

One Idea I agree with I seem to remember hearing long ago on TV by, I think, David Duke. His idea was to take a sizeable portion of the south east U.S. and make it a negro homeland. Then send all of them there. Where they would be free to speak ebonics, follow islam, celebrate kwanza, give their children African sounding names like "Laquan" or engage in any other negro activity with no fear of "racism" from Whites.

I would take it a step further and make a sizeable portion of the south west U.S. and make it a Latino homeland. Then send all of them there. Where they can speak all the Spanish they want or have all Spanish language TV channels. Or belong to LaRaza (The Race) if they want to. They could also keep all of the overpopulating illegal invader scab scum from Mexico out of their country. If all those non-whites can't live without White people around, it is amazing that any white person would want them living amongst us.

As to the islam thing, I would recommend you watch the documentary, "Islam: What the west needs to know." Next, take all of the smartest people you can find and lock them in a room to find a solution. The most important solution being to figure out a way to lower the world population of non-whites, especially those in India and China, by half. In that case, you may as well brick the doorway over.

You wrote of black Americans being sent to the south:

"Where they would be free to speak ebonics, follow islam, celebrate kwanza, give their children African sounding names like "Laquan" or engage in any other negro activity"

You know.....they are free to do all of that anywhere in the country as it is, don't you?

That's the whole point. I don't want the "freedom" to be exposed to it. Also, not long ago, White business "owners" used to have the freedom to not do business with negros. Or hire them. Where did that freedom go. Another thing is that since 1965, there have been over 179,000 White men, women and children murdered by negros. I want the freedom to keep that number from rising. Another "freedom" I would like to do without is having this country pay to keep a couple million negros in jail. Or having them in our revolving door justice system.

If negros can't get along without having Whites around, what in the hell would make any White person think that they are worth having around. I see endless bullshit on TV about negros complaining about racist cops or racist White people in general. Well just give them their own country and they won't have to worry about it any more.

You strike me as a person of weak mind and body who thinks its cool to type the word "negro" over and over. That's what some people use the internet for.........creating a fantasy to substitute for their cowardly reality.
On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.

Islam is both a religion and a political movement. Seeing how their religion is against our political system, they shouldn't be here. I have seen things on the news about muslim emigrants who were "vetted" to be allowed to come here. Some were known to have murdered their daughters for acting "Western." Anybody that much against our society just shouldn't be here. Some would say that only muslim corpses should be allowed here.

A muslim would also likely tell you that Islam is a "religion" of peace. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. With that and other things being the case, trying to find a muslim who is truly against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. Deal with it. Vote for Trump!

What about that whole Constitution thingy?

Why should the constitution apply to those for whom the constitution is against their religion. And in case you're wondering, religious faith usually trumps political beliefs. For example, how many people pray to George Washingtons to see to it that the soul of a dead family member goes to heaven. Also, is there anything in the constitution that promises an afterlife in heaven?
That's the whole point. I don't want the "freedom" to be exposed to it. Also, not long ago, White business "owners" used to have the freedom to not do business with negros. Or hire them. Where did that freedom go. Another thing is that since 1965, there have been over 179,000 White men, women and children murdered by negros. I want the freedom to keep that number from rising. Another "freedom" I would like to do without is having this country pay to keep a couple million negros in jail. Or having them in our revolving door justice system.

If negros can't get along without having Whites around, what in the hell would make any White person think that they are worth having around. I see endless bullshit on TV about negros complaining about racist cops or racist White people in general. Well just give them their own country and they won't have to worry about it any more.

Son, you're kind of fucked up in the brain.

I'm thinking it's the meth.
That's the whole point. I don't want the "freedom" to be exposed to it. Also, not long ago, White business "owners" used to have the freedom to not do business with negros. Or hire them. Where did that freedom go. Another thing is that since 1965, there have been over 179,000 White men, women and children murdered by negros. I want the freedom to keep that number from rising. Another "freedom" I would like to do without is having this country pay to keep a couple million negros in jail. Or having them in our revolving door justice system.

If negros can't get along without having Whites around, what in the hell would make any White person think that they are worth having around. I see endless bullshit on TV about negros complaining about racist cops or racist White people in general. Well just give them their own country and they won't have to worry about it any more.

Son, you're kind of fucked up in the brain.

I'm thinking it's the meth.
That's the whole point. I don't want the "freedom" to be exposed to it. Also, not long ago, White business "owners" used to have the freedom to not do business with negros. Or hire them. Where did that freedom go. Another thing is that since 1965, there have been over 179,000 White men, women and children murdered by negros. I want the freedom to keep that number from rising. Another "freedom" I would like to do without is having this country pay to keep a couple million negros in jail. Or having them in our revolving door justice system.

If negros can't get along without having Whites around, what in the hell would make any White person think that they are worth having around. I see endless bullshit on TV about negros complaining about racist cops or racist White people in general. Well just give them their own country and they won't have to worry about it any more.

Son, you're kind of fucked up in the brain.

I'm thinking it's the meth.

If I said something that you don't think is true, just let me know. That is, when you're through sniffing glue.
For that and other reasons, there is only one logical solution. Separation.

Freemind, thank you for the ideas. Must admit I haven't studied the separation scenario however it would be sad if we humans couldn't make an integrated model work well for us.

Having said that, I am listening to some folks who have studied the "March of Islam" and I must admit that's a force that we need to better understand. Most immigration today seems pretty benign..."leaving a worse place for a better life for kids, etc." However my study-in-progress to better understand Islamic goals raises concerns. Have a look at Bill Warner's research; also Richard Bulliet has some good lectures on this (both are easy to find on Youtube).

As a businessman, I of course like a business approach to solving problems. So I readily agree when Trump, for example, says let's get the smartest people in the room, lock the door and let them emerge only when they have something good to recommend.

Over :)

First of all, I should tell you that I am not a menber of the KKK or National Socialist party. Nor have I ever been to one of their meetings or listen to raido broadcasts by such people. Neither have I read Mein Kampf or that book about the protocols of the elders of zion. Most of the things I say come from my own mind. Through decades of thinking about things. One of the problems with our society is that it isn't necessary to fool all the people all of the time. All that is really needed is to fool just enough of the people for just long enough.

As for the separation thing, there are similar creatures all over the planet who live in proximity to each other. But usually stick to their own kind. That is because it is a necessary thing. As for humans, throughout the evloution of living creatures there has been parasitism and symbiosis going on. Though for humans, neither thing is necessary any more. But you probably know about the warlike nature of humans throughout history. Obviously humans are still prone to parasitism. That is something that should be fought. The other natural tendancy to do so is probably why even babies have been shown to be "bigoted."

One Idea I agree with I seem to remember hearing long ago on TV by, I think, David Duke. His idea was to take a sizeable portion of the south east U.S. and make it a negro homeland. Then send all of them there. Where they would be free to speak ebonics, follow islam, celebrate kwanza, give their children African sounding names like "Laquan" or engage in any other negro activity with no fear of "racism" from Whites.

I would take it a step further and make a sizeable portion of the south west U.S. and make it a Latino homeland. Then send all of them there. Where they can speak all the Spanish they want or have all Spanish language TV channels. Or belong to LaRaza (The Race) if they want to. They could also keep all of the overpopulating illegal invader scab scum from Mexico out of their country. If all those non-whites can't live without White people around, it is amazing that any white person would want them living amongst us.

As to the islam thing, I would recommend you watch the documentary, "Islam: What the west needs to know." Next, take all of the smartest people you can find and lock them in a room to find a solution. The most important solution being to figure out a way to lower the world population of non-whites, especially those in India and China, by half. In that case, you may as well brick the doorway over.

You wrote of black Americans being sent to the south:

"Where they would be free to speak ebonics, follow islam, celebrate kwanza, give their children African sounding names like "Laquan" or engage in any other negro activity"

You know.....they are free to do all of that anywhere in the country as it is, don't you?

That's the whole point. I don't want the "freedom" to be exposed to it. Also, not long ago, White business "owners" used to have the freedom to not do business with negros. Or hire them. Where did that freedom go. Another thing is that since 1965, there have been over 179,000 White men, women and children murdered by negros. I want the freedom to keep that number from rising. Another "freedom" I would like to do without is having this country pay to keep a couple million negros in jail. Or having them in our revolving door justice system.

If negros can't get along without having Whites around, what in the hell would make any White person think that they are worth having around. I see endless bullshit on TV about negros complaining about racist cops or racist White people in general. Well just give them their own country and they won't have to worry about it any more.

You strike me as a person of weak mind and body who thinks its cool to type the word "negro" over and over. That's what some people use the internet for.........creating a fantasy to substitute for their cowardly reality.

First of all, blow me. Second of all, why can't I say "negro." Would you prefer "black" or "african american?" How about nig-ger, darkie, coon, porch monkey, spade, tar baby, spear chucker or jungle bunny. Is negro preferable to them? Or maybe you would prefer that I use the zoological term Homo africanus. Also, if anybody around here is a coward, it is you. Especially if you're White. Because that means you are too cowardly to stick up for your own kind. I bet if you were mexican you wouldn't have any problen belonging to the group LaRaza. (The Race)

First of all, I should tell you that I am not a menber of the KKK or National Socialist party. Nor have I ever been to one of their meetings or listen to raido broadcasts by such people. Neither have I read Mein Kampf or that book about the protocols of the elders of zion. Most of the things I say come from my own mind. Through decades of thinking about things. One of the problems with our society is that it isn't necessary to fool all the people all of the time. All that is really needed is to fool just enough of the people for just long enough.

As for the separation thing, there are similar creatures all over the planet who live in proximity to each other. But usually stick to their own kind. That is because it is a necessary thing. As for humans, throughout the evloution of living creatures there has been parasitism and symbiosis going on. Though for humans, neither thing is necessary any more. But you probably know about the warlike nature of humans throughout history. Obviously humans are still prone to parasitism. That is something that should be fought. The other natural tendancy to do so is probably why even babies have been shown to be "bigoted."

One Idea I agree with I seem to remember hearing long ago on TV by, I think, David Duke. His idea was to take a sizeable portion of the south east U.S. and make it a negro homeland. Then send all of them there. Where they would be free to speak ebonics, follow islam, celebrate kwanza, give their children African sounding names like "Laquan" or engage in any other negro activity with no fear of "racism" from Whites.

I would take it a step further and make a sizeable portion of the south west U.S. and make it a Latino homeland. Then send all of them there. Where they can speak all the Spanish they want or have all Spanish language TV channels. Or belong to LaRaza (The Race) if they want to. They could also keep all of the overpopulating illegal invader scab scum from Mexico out of their country. If all those non-whites can't live without White people around, it is amazing that any white person would want them living amongst us.

As to the islam thing, I would recommend you watch the documentary, "Islam: What the west needs to know." Next, take all of the smartest people you can find and lock them in a room to find a solution. The most important solution being to figure out a way to lower the world population of non-whites, especially those in India and China, by half. In that case, you may as well brick the doorway over.

You wrote of black Americans being sent to the south:

"Where they would be free to speak ebonics, follow islam, celebrate kwanza, give their children African sounding names like "Laquan" or engage in any other negro activity"

You know.....they are free to do all of that anywhere in the country as it is, don't you?

That's the whole point. I don't want the "freedom" to be exposed to it. Also, not long ago, White business "owners" used to have the freedom to not do business with negros. Or hire them. Where did that freedom go. Another thing is that since 1965, there have been over 179,000 White men, women and children murdered by negros. I want the freedom to keep that number from rising. Another "freedom" I would like to do without is having this country pay to keep a couple million negros in jail. Or having them in our revolving door justice system.

If negros can't get along without having Whites around, what in the hell would make any White person think that they are worth having around. I see endless bullshit on TV about negros complaining about racist cops or racist White people in general. Well just give them their own country and they won't have to worry about it any more.

You strike me as a person of weak mind and body who thinks its cool to type the word "negro" over and over. That's what some people use the internet for.........creating a fantasy to substitute for their cowardly reality.

First of all, blow me. Second of all, why can't I say "negro." Would you prefer "black" or "african american?" How about nig-ger, darkie, coon, porch monkey, spade, tar baby, spear chucker or jungle bunny. Is negro preferable to them? Or maybe you would prefer that I use the zoological term Homo africanus. Also, if anybody around here is a coward, it is you. Especially if you're White. Because that means you are too cowardly to stick up for your own kind. I bet if you were mexican you wouldn't have any problen belonging to the group LaRaza. (The Race)

Anyone can say all of those words from the safety of their keyboard.

You wouldn't use that phrase in the company of black people any more than you'd shove a hot poker up your ass. You don't have the courage.
First of all, I should tell you that I am not a menber of the KKK or National Socialist party. Nor have I ever been to one of their meetings or listen to raido broadcasts by such people. Neither have I read Mein Kampf or that book about the protocols of the elders of zion. Most of the things I say come from my own mind. Through decades of thinking about things. One of the problems with our society is that it isn't necessary to fool all the people all of the time. All that is really needed is to fool just enough of the people for just long enough.

As for the separation thing, there are similar creatures all over the planet who live in proximity to each other. But usually stick to their own kind. That is because it is a necessary thing. As for humans, throughout the evloution of living creatures there has been parasitism and symbiosis going on. Though for humans, neither thing is necessary any more. But you probably know about the warlike nature of humans throughout history. Obviously humans are still prone to parasitism. That is something that should be fought. The other natural tendancy to do so is probably why even babies have been shown to be "bigoted."

One Idea I agree with I seem to remember hearing long ago on TV by, I think, David Duke. His idea was to take a sizeable portion of the south east U.S. and make it a negro homeland. Then send all of them there. Where they would be free to speak ebonics, follow islam, celebrate kwanza, give their children African sounding names like "Laquan" or engage in any other negro activity with no fear of "racism" from Whites.

I would take it a step further and make a sizeable portion of the south west U.S. and make it a Latino homeland. Then send all of them there. Where they can speak all the Spanish they want or have all Spanish language TV channels. Or belong to LaRaza (The Race) if they want to. They could also keep all of the overpopulating illegal invader scab scum from Mexico out of their country. If all those non-whites can't live without White people around, it is amazing that any white person would want them living amongst us.

As to the islam thing, I would recommend you watch the documentary, "Islam: What the west needs to know." Next, take all of the smartest people you can find and lock them in a room to find a solution. The most important solution being to figure out a way to lower the world population of non-whites, especially those in India and China, by half. In that case, you may as well brick the doorway over.

You wrote of black Americans being sent to the south:

"Where they would be free to speak ebonics, follow islam, celebrate kwanza, give their children African sounding names like "Laquan" or engage in any other negro activity"

You know.....they are free to do all of that anywhere in the country as it is, don't you?

That's the whole point. I don't want the "freedom" to be exposed to it. Also, not long ago, White business "owners" used to have the freedom to not do business with negros. Or hire them. Where did that freedom go. Another thing is that since 1965, there have been over 179,000 White men, women and children murdered by negros. I want the freedom to keep that number from rising. Another "freedom" I would like to do without is having this country pay to keep a couple million negros in jail. Or having them in our revolving door justice system.

If negros can't get along without having Whites around, what in the hell would make any White person think that they are worth having around. I see endless bullshit on TV about negros complaining about racist cops or racist White people in general. Well just give them their own country and they won't have to worry about it any more.

You strike me as a person of weak mind and body who thinks its cool to type the word "negro" over and over. That's what some people use the internet for.........creating a fantasy to substitute for their cowardly reality.

First of all, blow me. Second of all, why can't I say "negro." Would you prefer "black" or "african american?" How about nig-ger, darkie, coon, porch monkey, spade, tar baby, spear chucker or jungle bunny. Is negro preferable to them? Or maybe you would prefer that I use the zoological term Homo africanus. Also, if anybody around here is a coward, it is you. Especially if you're White. Because that means you are too cowardly to stick up for your own kind. I bet if you were mexican you wouldn't have any problen belonging to the group LaRaza. (The Race)

Anyone can say all of those words from the safety of their keyboard.

You wouldn't use that phrase in the company of black people any more than you'd shove a hot poker up your ass. You don't have the courage.

If there was anything to be gained from kamikazing myself in that manner, I would. It isn't a matter of courage. It is a matter of accomplishing something. Also, doing so without going to prison for a hate crime.
You wrote of black Americans being sent to the south:

"Where they would be free to speak ebonics, follow islam, celebrate kwanza, give their children African sounding names like "Laquan" or engage in any other negro activity"

You know.....they are free to do all of that anywhere in the country as it is, don't you?

That's the whole point. I don't want the "freedom" to be exposed to it. Also, not long ago, White business "owners" used to have the freedom to not do business with negros. Or hire them. Where did that freedom go. Another thing is that since 1965, there have been over 179,000 White men, women and children murdered by negros. I want the freedom to keep that number from rising. Another "freedom" I would like to do without is having this country pay to keep a couple million negros in jail. Or having them in our revolving door justice system.

If negros can't get along without having Whites around, what in the hell would make any White person think that they are worth having around. I see endless bullshit on TV about negros complaining about racist cops or racist White people in general. Well just give them their own country and they won't have to worry about it any more.

You strike me as a person of weak mind and body who thinks its cool to type the word "negro" over and over. That's what some people use the internet for.........creating a fantasy to substitute for their cowardly reality.

First of all, blow me. Second of all, why can't I say "negro." Would you prefer "black" or "african american?" How about nig-ger, darkie, coon, porch monkey, spade, tar baby, spear chucker or jungle bunny. Is negro preferable to them? Or maybe you would prefer that I use the zoological term Homo africanus. Also, if anybody around here is a coward, it is you. Especially if you're White. Because that means you are too cowardly to stick up for your own kind. I bet if you were mexican you wouldn't have any problen belonging to the group LaRaza. (The Race)

Anyone can say all of those words from the safety of their keyboard.

You wouldn't use that phrase in the company of black people any more than you'd shove a hot poker up your ass. You don't have the courage.

If there was anything to be gained from kamikazing myself in that manner, I would. It isn't a matter of courage. It is a matter of accomplishing something. Also, doing so without going to prison for a hate crime.

Hate crime? That's bull. You can legally walk up to any black person in America use any of those terms. You won't be arrested nor jailed. You use them here......and YOU WANT TO USE THEM all the time.....but you don't. That is simply because you are afraid of what the reaction would be. You don't have the stones.
Why should the constitution apply to those for whom the constitution is against their religion. And in case you're wondering, religious faith usually trumps political beliefs. For example, how many people pray to George Washingtons to see to it that the soul of a dead family member goes to heaven. Also, is there anything in the constitution that promises an afterlife in heaven?

We hold these truths self-evident, that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.

We would say "Inalienable" now days, but old Tom knew what he was speaking of.

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