Trump Doesn't Go Far Enough

      The Marshall Report ^ | Dianne Marshall
      America's Usurper, Obama has been supporting his Muslim brothers and violating The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. On the USCIS web site. In Section 212 Chapter 2, it Prohibits entry into America Aliens belonging to an organization seeking the unlawful overthrow of the federal government of the United States by force, violence and other unconstitutional means. Islamic immigration would be illegal under this law. Why? The Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam. To which are against our values and violate the Constitution as it requires them to kill the infidel, which happens to...
On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.

Islam is both a religion and a political movement. Seeing how their religion is against our political system, they shouldn't be here. I have seen things on the news about muslim emigrants who were "vetted" to be allowed to come here. Some were known to have murdered their daughters for acting "Western." Anybody that much against our society just shouldn't be here. Some would say that only muslim corpses should be allowed here.

A muslim would also likely tell you that Islam is a "religion" of peace. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. With that and other things being the case, trying to find a muslim who is truly against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. Deal with it. Vote for Trump!
You are neither free nor have a mind.

It looks like another brainwashed, delusional cultist is speaking. Is there anything I said that you would like to refute? Or did you just want to spout a braindead opinion.

That's what your O/P is.
Same standard old libtard bullshit.

'We cant ban Muslim immigration. IT would hurt their feelings and then they might hate us and attack us or something.'

Do you have a passport? If so please point out where it specifies your religion

It doesn't need to when it comes to sand negros. If you look like a sand negro, and you have a sand negro name, you are a sand negro. And likely muslim. In which case, "Polish up the impalement spile!"

Likely and Muslim doesn't add up to terrorist. Do the math asshole. The CIA says that ISIS has 31,500 members out of 1,570,000,000 Muslims. Please post back the equation and percentage
The guy should come out and say that he wants to repeal the 1965 immigration act.

I don't know what the 1965 immigration act is. But it sounds like something Trump should repeal. The law that makes it possible for mexicans or whoever to come here and drop an anchor baby should also be repealed.
That would be the 14th amendment.

Thanks for the info. It was meant to help freed slaves have citizenship. Not help every foreign women who can come here and spit out a baby give that baby citizenship.
No, it acknowledges the fact that all persons born in the United States are citizens of the United States.
On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.

Islam is both a religion and a political movement. Seeing how their religion is against our political system, they shouldn't be here. I have seen things on the news about muslim emigrants who were "vetted" to be allowed to come here. Some were known to have murdered their daughters for acting "Western." Anybody that much against our society just shouldn't be here. Some would say that only muslim corpses should be allowed here.

A muslim would also likely tell you that Islam is a "religion" of peace. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. With that and other things being the case, trying to find a muslim who is truly against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. Deal with it. Vote for Trump!
You are neither free nor have a mind.

It looks like another brainwashed, delusional cultist is speaking. Is there anything I said that you would like to refute? Or did you just want to spout a braindead opinion.

That's what your O/P is.
Same standard old libtard bullshit.

'We cant ban Muslim immigration. IT would hurt their feelings and then they might hate us and attack us or something.'

Same ignorance, hate, and stupidity common to most on the right.

'Muslim immigration' can't be 'banned' because to do so is un-Constitutional, violates the rule of law, and is contrary to our Nation's fundamental tenets.
some Muslims cherry pick what they worship. I do however get your point. Violence is plain as day in the Quran, Hadith and other forms of Islamic "enlightenment".
When Muslims say " you don't understand islam" or something similar they are full of shit. Shit, I would be ashamed too..

Mohammed is supposedly so "holy" to muslims, that it offends them if anybody tries to draw any kind of picture of him. But mohammed was a bloodthirsty murderer. Some say that he was even a pedophile. And they are probably right. There isn't much to cherry pick there. If somebody considers a scumbag to be "holy," then that makes them scumbags too.
It isn't quit that black and white lol. Him being a pedophile is always an interesting question. By today's standards, yes. Back then?
The guy should come out and say that he wants to repeal the 1965 immigration act.

I don't know what the 1965 immigration act is. But it sounds like something Trump should repeal. The law that makes it possible for mexicans or whoever to come here and drop an anchor baby should also be repealed.
That would be the 14th amendment.

Thanks for the info. It was meant to help freed slaves have citizenship. Not help every foreign women who can come here and spit out a baby give that baby citizenship.

You got citizenship you don't deserve just for being spit out here, mental case.
On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.

Islam is both a religion and a political movement. Seeing how their religion is against our political system, they shouldn't be here. I have seen things on the news about muslim emigrants who were "vetted" to be allowed to come here. Some were known to have murdered their daughters for acting "Western." Anybody that much against our society just shouldn't be here. Some would say that only muslim corpses should be allowed here.

A muslim would also likely tell you that Islam is a "religion" of peace. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. With that and other things being the case, trying to find a muslim who is truly against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. Deal with it. Vote for Trump!

You're an idiot.

Idiots are a drag on our country.

You and all the other idiots should be deported so us smart people don't have to be dragged down by the likes of you.

Sorry to inform you of this. But if you can't refute anything I've said and just dismiss it, then YOU are the idiot. It is YOU who is the grag on our country. Deal with it. And as far as you being smart goes, I haven't seen any evidence of it.

Read The Constitution. What you are saying violates the first amendment

Why do you hate the Constitution and America?

All you've done is prove that you're an idiot.

And idiots are a drag on the country.

Plus, as I've just proven, you hate The Constitution and America. You sound like the enemy.

So you should be deported.

Do the country a favor and self-deport yourself.
On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported.

And where would you 'deport' an American citizen to?
Do you have a passport? If so please point out where it specifies your religion

It doesn't need to when it comes to sand negros. If you look like a sand negro, and you have a sand negro name, you are a sand negro. And likely muslim. In which case, "Polish up the impalement spile!"

You're too stupid to even pull off being a racist. You fail on every level.
On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.

Islam is both a religion and a political movement. Seeing how their religion is against our political system, they shouldn't be here. I have seen things on the news about muslim emigrants who were "vetted" to be allowed to come here. Some were known to have murdered their daughters for acting "Western." Anybody that much against our society just shouldn't be here. Some would say that only muslim corpses should be allowed here.

A muslim would also likely tell you that Islam is a "religion" of peace. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. With that and other things being the case, trying to find a muslim who is truly against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. Deal with it. Vote for Trump!

You're an idiot.

Idiots are a drag on our country.

You and all the other idiots should be deported so us smart people don't have to be dragged down by the likes of you.

Sorry to inform you of this. But if you can't refute anything I've said and just dismiss it, then YOU are the idiot. It is YOU who is the grag on our country. Deal with it. And as far as you being smart goes, I haven't seen any evidence of it.

Read The Constitution. What you are saying violates the first amendment

Why do you hate the Constitution and America?

All you've done is prove that you're an idiot.

And idiots are a drag on the country.

Plus, as I've just proven, you hate The Constitution and America. You sound like the enemy.

So you should be deported.

Do the country a favor and self-deport yourself.

You mean do the planet a favor...
      The Marshall Report ^ | Dianne Marshall
      America's Usurper, Obama has been supporting his Muslim brothers and violating The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. On the USCIS web site. In Section 212 Chapter 2, it Prohibits entry into America Aliens belonging to an organization seeking the unlawful overthrow of the federal government of the United States by force, violence and other unconstitutional means. Islamic immigration would be illegal under this law. Why? The Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam. To which are against our values and violate the Constitution as it requires them to kill the infidel, which happens to...

I would at the very least deport all muslims since the time that law was inacted. Though first, I would pass a law that would give the government the authority to summarily execute without trial all those who lie about their allegence to the united states in order to have citizenship. Then, any muslim who says that their foremost allegence is to the united states in order to stay here can be executed on the spot for lying. Because to be a follower of the islamic religion-political system means their foremost allegence would be to their religion-political system. Otherwise, they wouldn't even be members of that religion-polital system.
On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.

Islam is both a religion and a political movement. Seeing how their religion is against our political system, they shouldn't be here. I have seen things on the news about muslim emigrants who were "vetted" to be allowed to come here. Some were known to have murdered their daughters for acting "Western." Anybody that much against our society just shouldn't be here. Some would say that only muslim corpses should be allowed here.

A muslim would also likely tell you that Islam is a "religion" of peace. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. With that and other things being the case, trying to find a muslim who is truly against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. Deal with it. Vote for Trump!
You are neither free nor have a mind.

It looks like another brainwashed, delusional cultist is speaking. Is there anything I said that you would like to refute? Or did you just want to spout a braindead opinion.

That's what your O/P is.
Same standard old libtard bullshit.

'We cant ban Muslim immigration. IT would hurt their feelings and then they might hate us and attack us or something.'


Indeed. No matter which muslim sect we support, another will want to send kamikazes to murder as many innocents as they can. Which in their filth clogged minds would cause them to be sent straight to heaven and be gived 70 virgins or what the fuck ever. Some would say kill them all. Let allah sort them out.
      The Marshall Report ^ | Dianne Marshall
      America's Usurper, Obama has been supporting his Muslim brothers and violating The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. On the USCIS web site. In Section 212 Chapter 2, it Prohibits entry into America Aliens belonging to an organization seeking the unlawful overthrow of the federal government of the United States by force, violence and other unconstitutional means. Islamic immigration would be illegal under this law. Why? The Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam. To which are against our values and violate the Constitution as it requires them to kill the infidel, which happens to...

I would at the very least deport all muslims since the time that law was inacted. Though first, I would pass a law that would give the government the authority to summarily execute without trial all those who lie about their allegence to the united states in order to have citizenship. Then, any muslim who says that their foremost allegence is to the united states in order to stay here can be executed on the spot for lying. Because to be a follower of the islamic religion-political system means their foremost allegence would be to their religion-political system. Otherwise, they wouldn't even be members of that religion-polital system.

And the gold medal for 'Stupid as Hell' goes to.....^^^^^^^^^^
On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.

Islam is both a religion and a political movement. Seeing how their religion is against our political system, they shouldn't be here. I have seen things on the news about muslim emigrants who were "vetted" to be allowed to come here. Some were known to have murdered their daughters for acting "Western." Anybody that much against our society just shouldn't be here. Some would say that only muslim corpses should be allowed here.

A muslim would also likely tell you that Islam is a "religion" of peace. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. With that and other things being the case, trying to find a muslim who is truly against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. Deal with it. Vote for Trump!
You are neither free nor have a mind.

It looks like another brainwashed, delusional cultist is speaking. Is there anything I said that you would like to refute? Or did you just want to spout a braindead opinion.

That's what your O/P is.
Same standard old libtard bullshit.

'We cant ban Muslim immigration. IT would hurt their feelings and then they might hate us and attack us or something.'

Same ignorance, hate, and stupidity common to most on the right.

'Muslim immigration' can't be 'banned' because to do so is un-Constitutional, violates the rule of law, and is contrary to our Nation's fundamental tenets.
Must you vomit up the lies of the left media every day?

The constitution makes no requirements regarding immigration.

Why are people like you so gullible that everything the MSM says you believe... Can't you think for yourself?
Do you have a passport? If so please point out where it specifies your religion

It doesn't need to when it comes to sand negros. If you look like a sand negro, and you have a sand negro name, you are a sand negro. And likely muslim. In which case, "Polish up the impalement spile!"

Likely and Muslim doesn't add up to terrorist. Do the math asshole. The CIA says that ISIS has 31,500 members out of 1,570,000,000 Muslims. Please post back the equation and percentage

Did you not read my thread? Or did you just forget what it said. Basically, ALL muslims are ISIS. Or close enough that it doesn't really matter. That is the equation. For example, the U.S. had a spectacular failure in trying to find Syran rebels to fight ISIS. Why? Because the rebels saw the Syrian government as the bigger threat. Or to put it another way, they are more supportave of ISIS than they are of the Syrian government. Maybe it's because the Syrian government is too secular and doesn't behead people.

All of the success ISIS has had is because muslims in general aren't all that much against them. The same goes for the muslim scum Europe is allowing to enter into their countries. And the same is true for the sand negros that monkey Obama wants to let come here. I will show you a picture of a muslim child that was given refuge in Europe. To show his "gratitude," he made a beheading gesture to TV cameras. You need to pull your head out of your politically correct ass and start thinking rationally.

raghead immigrant child beheading gesture.jpg
The guy should come out and say that he wants to repeal the 1965 immigration act.

I don't know what the 1965 immigration act is. But it sounds like something Trump should repeal. The law that makes it possible for mexicans or whoever to come here and drop an anchor baby should also be repealed.
That would be the 14th amendment.

Thanks for the info. It was meant to help freed slaves have citizenship. Not help every foreign women who can come here and spit out a baby give that baby citizenship.
No, it acknowledges the fact that all persons born in the United States are citizens of the United States.

You are wrong. The 14th amendment was passed in 1868. Its purpose was to help freed slaves be citizens. Nothing else. Another point is that unless you are a citizen, no children you have here should be given citizenship. Take tha muslim ISIS supporters flooding into Europe and those our monkey president wants to let come here. Europe doesn't want them. Any sane person in the U.S. doesn't want them. Why give citizenship to those you don't want or their children. Take that sand negro who committed the latest mass murder. He was born here. Do you think he deserved citizenship?

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