Trump Doesn't Go Far Enough

On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.

Islam is both a religion and a political movement. Seeing how their religion is against our political system, they shouldn't be here. I have seen things on the news about muslim emigrants who were "vetted" to be allowed to come here. Some were known to have murdered their daughters for acting "Western." Anybody that much against our society just shouldn't be here. Some would say that only muslim corpses should be allowed here.

A muslim would also likely tell you that Islam is a "religion" of peace. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. With that and other things being the case, trying to find a muslim who is truly against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. Deal with it. Vote for Trump!
You are neither free nor have a mind.

It looks like another brainwashed, delusional cultist is speaking. Is there anything I said that you would like to refute? Or did you just want to spout a braindead opinion.

That's what your O/P is.
Same standard old libtard bullshit.

'We cant ban Muslim immigration. IT would hurt their feelings and then they might hate us and attack us or something.'

Same ignorance, hate, and stupidity common to most on the right.

'Muslim immigration' can't be 'banned' because to do so is un-Constitutional, violates the rule of law, and is contrary to our Nation's fundamental tenets.

Fuck the constitution. It was written over 200 years ago. Times have changed. As to our fundimental tenents, whatever they were, they are out of date too. Also, even then, our constitution was written by and for the American people. It can't and shouldn't pertain to every human on the planet. Another thing is that during WW II, FDR banned immigration from Germany and Japan. If it was "constitutional" for him to do so, it should be constitutional for us to do so also.
You are neither free nor have a mind.

It looks like another brainwashed, delusional cultist is speaking. Is there anything I said that you would like to refute? Or did you just want to spout a braindead opinion.

That's what your O/P is.
Same standard old libtard bullshit.

'We cant ban Muslim immigration. IT would hurt their feelings and then they might hate us and attack us or something.'

Same ignorance, hate, and stupidity common to most on the right.

'Muslim immigration' can't be 'banned' because to do so is un-Constitutional, violates the rule of law, and is contrary to our Nation's fundamental tenets.

Fuck the constitution. .....

On the other hand, fuck YOU troll.

:ahole-1: :321::cuckoo::fu:
some Muslims cherry pick what they worship. I do however get your point. Violence is plain as day in the Quran, Hadith and other forms of Islamic "enlightenment".
When Muslims say " you don't understand islam" or something similar they are full of shit. Shit, I would be ashamed too..

Mohammed is supposedly so "holy" to muslims, that it offends them if anybody tries to draw any kind of picture of him. But mohammed was a bloodthirsty murderer. Some say that he was even a pedophile. And they are probably right. There isn't much to cherry pick there. If somebody considers a scumbag to be "holy," then that makes them scumbags too.
It isn't quit that black and white lol. Him being a pedophile is always an interesting question. By today's standards, yes. Back then?

Things ARE that black and white. And a pedophile is always a pedophile. Just because it may have been more acceptable in the past doesn't change that. Also, the Azetcs used to rip out the hearts of their captives as an offering to their gods. The bodies were then consumed by the populace. Just because it was an acceptable practice, do you think that they weren't cannibals?
The guy should come out and say that he wants to repeal the 1965 immigration act.

I don't know what the 1965 immigration act is. But it sounds like something Trump should repeal. The law that makes it possible for mexicans or whoever to come here and drop an anchor baby should also be repealed.
An anchor baby like Bobby Jindal?

I don't know who Bobby Jindal is. But I don't care if he was a Nobel laureate. If he was an anchor baby, his citizenship should be repealed and he should be deported. You aren't going to escape enough of the "bad ones" unless you get rid of the whole lot. White people just don't need non-whites around. We can get along just fine without them. And without a doubt, do much better.
The guy should come out and say that he wants to repeal the 1965 immigration act.

I don't know what the 1965 immigration act is. But it sounds like something Trump should repeal. The law that makes it possible for mexicans or whoever to come here and drop an anchor baby should also be repealed.
An anchor baby like Bobby Jindal?

I don't know who Bobby Jindal is. But I don't care if he was a Nobel laureate. If he was an anchor baby, his citizenship should be repealed and he should be deported. You aren't going to escape enough of the "bad ones" unless you get rid of the whole lot. White people just don't need non-whites around. We can get along just fine without them. And without a doubt, do much better.
He's Governor of Louisiana, and was a GOP candidate for president until recently.
some Muslims cherry pick what they worship. I do however get your point. Violence is plain as day in the Quran, Hadith and other forms of Islamic "enlightenment".
When Muslims say " you don't understand islam" or something similar they are full of shit. Shit, I would be ashamed too..

Mohammed is supposedly so "holy" to muslims, that it offends them if anybody tries to draw any kind of picture of him. But mohammed was a bloodthirsty murderer. Some say that he was even a pedophile. And they are probably right. There isn't much to cherry pick there. If somebody considers a scumbag to be "holy," then that makes them scumbags too.
It isn't quit that black and white lol. Him being a pedophile is always an interesting question. By today's standards, yes. Back then?

Things ARE that black and white. And a pedophile is always a pedophile. Just because it may have been more acceptable in the past doesn't change that. Also, the Azetcs used to rip out the hearts of their captives as an offering to their gods. The bodies were then consumed by the populace. Just because it was an acceptable practice, do you think that they weren't cannibals?
You sure do like to rely on emotion
So, if Trump's proposal banned visitors from and immigrants from specific countries during the "pause", instead of banning "Muslims" would you-all be happier?
Fuck the constitution. It was written over 200 years ago. Times have changed. .
You should be exiled from the USA.

No I shouldn't. For one reason, my parents and their parents were citizens. In fact, apart from the ancestors that were indian, I probably had White ancestors who were here before there even was an America. For another reason, our government isn't against my religion. Our government is just against common sense. Money determines what is right or wrong in this country.
some Muslims cherry pick what they worship. I do however get your point. Violence is plain as day in the Quran, Hadith and other forms of Islamic "enlightenment".
When Muslims say " you don't understand islam" or something similar they are full of shit. Shit, I would be ashamed too..

Mohammed is supposedly so "holy" to muslims, that it offends them if anybody tries to draw any kind of picture of him. But mohammed was a bloodthirsty murderer. Some say that he was even a pedophile. And they are probably right. There isn't much to cherry pick there. If somebody considers a scumbag to be "holy," then that makes them scumbags too.
It isn't quit that black and white lol. Him being a pedophile is always an interesting question. By today's standards, yes. Back then?

Things ARE that black and white. And a pedophile is always a pedophile. Just because it may have been more acceptable in the past doesn't change that. Also, the Azetcs used to rip out the hearts of their captives as an offering to their gods. The bodies were then consumed by the populace. Just because it was an acceptable practice, do you think that they weren't cannibals?
You sure do like to rely on emotion

Are you high!? Everything I say is just fact. Emotion doesn't come into play. But the emotion of empathy would keep the U.S. from impaling every muslim here. Let alone deporting them. The emotion of empathy would keep the U.S. from sending overpopulating illegal invader scab scum mexicans back over the border into mexico using catapults or wood chippers. And as for the muslim ISIS supporters invading Europe, do you suppose it was the emotion of empathy that caused Europeans to let them in?
So, if Trump's proposal banned visitors from and immigrants from specific countries during the "pause", instead of banning "Muslims" would you-all be happier?

All immigration into this country from non-whites should be banned. This is the new reality. Our planet can't sustainably support the number of people that it has. The population of White people isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day, there are about 228,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. A different solution other than the mass migration of people HAS!!! HAS!!! HAS!!! to be adopted.
some Muslims cherry pick what they worship. I do however get your point. Violence is plain as day in the Quran, Hadith and other forms of Islamic "enlightenment".
When Muslims say " you don't understand islam" or something similar they are full of shit. Shit, I would be ashamed too..

Mohammed is supposedly so "holy" to muslims, that it offends them if anybody tries to draw any kind of picture of him. But mohammed was a bloodthirsty murderer. Some say that he was even a pedophile. And they are probably right. There isn't much to cherry pick there. If somebody considers a scumbag to be "holy," then that makes them scumbags too.
It isn't quit that black and white lol. Him being a pedophile is always an interesting question. By today's standards, yes. Back then?

Things ARE that black and white. And a pedophile is always a pedophile. Just because it may have been more acceptable in the past doesn't change that. Also, the Azetcs used to rip out the hearts of their captives as an offering to their gods. The bodies were then consumed by the populace. Just because it was an acceptable practice, do you think that they weren't cannibals?
You sure do like to rely on emotion

Are you high!? Everything I say is just fact. Emotion doesn't come into play. But the emotion of empathy would keep the U.S. from impaling every muslim here. Let alone deporting them. The emotion of empathy would keep the U.S. from sending overpopulating illegal invader scab scum mexicans back over the border into mexico using catapults or wood chippers. And as for the muslim ISIS supporters invading Europe, do you suppose it was the emotion of empathy that caused Europeans to let them in?
bullshit. Dude, you just called Islam black and white. If you bothered to learn anything about it, you wouldn't say dumb shit like that.
I'm not saying these dumbfucks you speak of aren't emotional, I'm just saying you are..
I suppose the moon isn't far enough.

Just back to the worthless countries the worthless sand negros came from would be far enough.
That's a racist remark. I suppose you know that.

You say "racist" like it was a bad thing. Somebody here who is now banned started a thread called, "Is racism bad? Tell me why." Look it up and leave a reply. I will look for it. Then I will pick up the gauntlet and answer you.
Mohammed is supposedly so "holy" to muslims, that it offends them if anybody tries to draw any kind of picture of him. But mohammed was a bloodthirsty murderer. Some say that he was even a pedophile. And they are probably right. There isn't much to cherry pick there. If somebody considers a scumbag to be "holy," then that makes them scumbags too.
It isn't quit that black and white lol. Him being a pedophile is always an interesting question. By today's standards, yes. Back then?

Things ARE that black and white. And a pedophile is always a pedophile. Just because it may have been more acceptable in the past doesn't change that. Also, the Azetcs used to rip out the hearts of their captives as an offering to their gods. The bodies were then consumed by the populace. Just because it was an acceptable practice, do you think that they weren't cannibals?
You sure do like to rely on emotion

Are you high!? Everything I say is just fact. Emotion doesn't come into play. But the emotion of empathy would keep the U.S. from impaling every muslim here. Let alone deporting them. The emotion of empathy would keep the U.S. from sending overpopulating illegal invader scab scum mexicans back over the border into mexico using catapults or wood chippers. And as for the muslim ISIS supporters invading Europe, do you suppose it was the emotion of empathy that caused Europeans to let them in?
bullshit. Dude, you just called Islam black and white. If you bothered to learn anything about it, you wouldn't say dumb shit like that.
I'm not saying these dumbfucks you speak of aren't emotional, I'm just saying you are..

If you didn't read my thread, why are you even talking to me. I don't give half of a cold turd what some muslim or brainwashed politically correct person told you what islam is about. I am TELLING you what islam is all about. For example, the koran says that allah is the greatest deceiver of all. Is that black enough for you? As for my being emotional, I can't tell you what I actually think. I would likely get banned. Maybe arrested. But I can tell you that the emotion of empathy wouldn't get in the way of doing what needed to be done for me. Because I'm not a follower of a doomsday cult. You apparently are.
On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.

Islam is both a religion and a political movement. Seeing how their religion is against our political system, they shouldn't be here. I have seen things on the news about muslim emigrants who were "vetted" to be allowed to come here. Some were known to have murdered their daughters for acting "Western." Anybody that much against our society just shouldn't be here. Some would say that only muslim corpses should be allowed here.

A muslim would also likely tell you that Islam is a "religion" of peace. But Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. With that and other things being the case, trying to find a muslim who is truly against violence is like trying to find a Christian who is against Jesus. Deal with it. Vote for Trump!

You're an idiot.

Idiots are a drag on our country.

You and all the other idiots should be deported so us smart people don't have to be dragged down by the likes of you.

Sorry to inform you of this. But if you can't refute anything I've said and just dismiss it, then YOU are the idiot. It is YOU who is the grag on our country. Deal with it. And as far as you being smart goes, I haven't seen any evidence of it.

Read The Constitution. What you are saying violates the first amendment

Why do you hate the Constitution and America?

All you've done is prove that you're an idiot.

And idiots are a drag on the country.

Plus, as I've just proven, you hate The Constitution and America. You sound like the enemy.

So you should be deported.

Do the country a favor and self-deport yourself.

Seeing how you don't seem to get it, I will tell you how things actually work. The constitution was written by and for Americans. It just doesn't apply to non citizens. Or to put it another way, in the countries where they came from, if they know anything about it at all, the constitution doesn't mean shit to them. For example, does what is written in the I Ching hold much significance for you?

Next, do you even know how the law works? Such as the laws written in the constitution? Being the idiot you are, I doubt it. So I will tell you. No matter how any law in any country is written, it means whatever those in power says it means. Maybe you should deport yourself and leave this country to those who know how things really work.

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