Trump doesn't know that people are laughing at him.

The best thing is I think we will get more good quotes out of this guy than we did dubbya. I believe last night he said the word "goodly." Is that a word? I'm not so sure.
If Trump cared about people laughing at him, he wouldn't act like such a goofball. He is a professional entertainer, and he knows how to work a crowd. He wants people to laugh, that's part of the show. But I'm not laughing because I think if he's elected President, he's going to take a wrecking ball to our country. He is accountable to absolutely no one, which his fans think is a good thing, but really it's not. Look what George Lucas did to the prequels of Star Wars because he was accountable to no one. America will be like the Star Wars prequels, totally screwed up beyond any hope of repair.
So I guess that note former presidents leave in the desk drawer for the next president will tell President Trump that the wrecking ball is stashed in the closet in that little room off the Oval Office where slick Willie used to get his blow jobs.
Obama is swinging around on the wrecking ball now, using it to smash down our Constitutional form of government, and the checks-and-balance system of co-equal branches. When Trump is through, Congress will have no power at all, and the Supreme Court will be a rubber stamp.
A true narcissist doesn't really care what people think of him. Particularly when he holds a significant population of idol-worshippers.

I keep coming back to the "New York Values" thing. The Cruzer pointed out early on that the reason Trump was so disliked was that he is the personification of "New York Values."

The Donald perversely turned that around and made it into an insult to the First Reponders of 9/11 - which had nothing to do with the observation, but the Trumpistas are not long on analytics, are they?

But look at the prominent New York pundits and how they have irrationally gathered around The Donald. Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, all of Fox News, Rudy Giugliani, etc. They apparently cannot see how odious that "New York" personality is to those of us in "fly-over country."

I'm not laughing at Donald Trump. I am a loyal Republican, and a staunch Conservatarian, but I think I'm going fishing on November 1.
If Trump cared about people laughing at him, he wouldn't act like such a goofball. He is a professional entertainer, and he knows how to work a crowd. He wants people to laugh, that's part of the show. But I'm not laughing because I think if he's elected President, he's going to take a wrecking ball to our country. He is accountable to absolutely no one, which his fans think is a good thing, but really it's not. Look what George Lucas did to the prequels of Star Wars because he was accountable to no one. America will be like the Star Wars prequels, totally screwed up beyond any hope of repair.
So I guess that note former presidents leave in the desk drawer for the next president will tell President Trump that the wrecking ball is stashed in the closet in that little room off the Oval Office where slick Willie used to get his blow jobs.
Obama is swinging around on the wrecking ball now, using it to smash down our Constitutional form of government, and the checks-and-balance system of co-equal branches. When Trump is through, Congress will have no power at all, and the Supreme Court will be a rubber stamp.

I reeeeally don't think Rump has any interest in that. He's only interested in the chase. Once the nomination process is over and there's nothing left to "win", watch his interest drop like a rock. It's all about ego for that one; he doesn't give a shit about Constitutions or countries. Just Numero Uno and how much adulation he can dredge up from the bottom of the population barrel.
Much like the OP doesn't realize people are laughing at him. Trump was untouchable in the primaries...meanwhile Hildabeast struggles in Indiana to a Socialist

Morning Joe and MSNBC are hardly any barometer of anything.

The tens of millions of people that have voted for Trump have not been laughing.

The Libtard media has not been able to either figure out Trump nor control him and they don't like that.
I'm pretty sure that, for personalities like that, no amount of mockery or scorn gets deeper than about a quarter of an inch, seriously.

They're so self-centered that they've created a pretty thick shell, impenetrable to the obvious.

The best comparison I can think of is Kayne West.
Trump is very sensitive to criticism. He does not let any insult go unanswered. He has a strong sense of revenge
Many anti-Trump people are laughing on the outside at him but crying on the inside.
And that's 'President Trump' to you all.
I'm pretty sure that, for personalities like that, no amount of mockery or scorn gets deeper than about a quarter of an inch, seriously.

They're so self-centered that they've created a pretty thick shell, impenetrable to the obvious.

The best comparison I can think of is Kayne West.
Trump is very sensitive to criticism. He does not let any insult go unanswered. He has a strong sense of revenge
I think it's both.

While he's clearly very sensitive, nothing takes away from his focus on the fact that he's brilliant and right.

So in his mind, he's just swatting away flies who deserve it because they're just WRONG.

Kanye West, same thing. Regardless of the ridiculous things he says and does, nothing deters him.
A true narcissist doesn't really care what people think of him. Particularly when he holds a significant population of idol-worshippers.

I keep coming back to the "New York Values" thing. The Cruzer pointed out early on that the reason Trump was so disliked was that he is the personification of "New York Values."

The Donald perversely turned that around and made it into an insult to the First Reponders of 9/11 - which had nothing to do with the observation, but the Trumpistas are not long on analytics, are they?

But look at the prominent New York pundits and how they have irrationally gathered around The Donald. Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, all of Fox News, Rudy Giugliani, etc. They apparently cannot see how odious that "New York" personality is to those of us in "fly-over country."

I'm not laughing at Donald Trump. I am a loyal Republican, and a staunch Conservatarian, but I think I'm going fishing on November 1.
Trumps point was that when NY values were put to the test, they came through with flying colors
All the criticism of New Yorkers being rude and uncaring crumbled as New Yorkers took a vicious attack and rallied around each other and helped perfect strangers
It was Cruz who chose to ressurect those old NY values stereotypes
I'm pretty sure that, for personalities like that, no amount of mockery or scorn gets deeper than about a quarter of an inch, seriously.

They're so self-centered that they've created a pretty thick shell, impenetrable to the obvious.

The best comparison I can think of is Kayne West.
Trump is very sensitive to criticism. He does not let any insult go unanswered. He has a strong sense of revenge
I think it's both.

While he's clearly very sensitive, nothing takes away from his focus on the fact that he's brilliant and right.

So in his mind, he's just swatting away flies who deserve it because they're just WRONG.

Kanye West, same thing. Regardless of the ridiculous things he says and does, nothing deters him.
I see Trump as almost child like in his need to retaliate

Look at his response to the Cruz camp posting of a picture of his wife is better looking than the skank you married
I'm pretty sure that, for personalities like that, no amount of mockery or scorn gets deeper than about a quarter of an inch, seriously.

They're so self-centered that they've created a pretty thick shell, impenetrable to the obvious.

The best comparison I can think of is Kayne West.
Trump is very sensitive to criticism. He does not let any insult go unanswered. He has a strong sense of revenge
I think it's both.

While he's clearly very sensitive, nothing takes away from his focus on the fact that he's brilliant and right.

So in his mind, he's just swatting away flies who deserve it because they're just WRONG.

Kanye West, same thing. Regardless of the ridiculous things he says and does, nothing deters him.

Still don't know Kanye West but what you describe here is called "self-delusion". It doesn't translate well to "effective". Not even if your purpose is nefarious.

A Rump administration would be little in the way of any kind of action and a whole lot in the way of navel-gazing and continued blusterfluff. It would just be a steady stream of more constant bullshit until such point, if there exists one, where people finally say they've had enough.

Mark my words. Bullshit and con artistry is all he's ever done and all he's capable of.
I'm pretty sure that, for personalities like that, no amount of mockery or scorn gets deeper than about a quarter of an inch, seriously.

They're so self-centered that they've created a pretty thick shell, impenetrable to the obvious.

The best comparison I can think of is Kayne West.
Trump is very sensitive to criticism. He does not let any insult go unanswered. He has a strong sense of revenge
I think it's both.

While he's clearly very sensitive, nothing takes away from his focus on the fact that he's brilliant and right.

So in his mind, he's just swatting away flies who deserve it because they're just WRONG.

Kanye West, same thing. Regardless of the ridiculous things he says and does, nothing deters him.

Still don't know Kanye West but what you describe here is called "self-delusion". It doesn't translate well to "effective". Not even if your purpose is nefarious.

A Rump administration would be little in the way of any kind of action and a whole lot in the way of navel-gazing and continued blusterfluff. It would just be a steady stream of more constant bullshit until such point, if there exists one, where people finally say they've had enough.

Mark my words. Bullshit and con artistry is all he's ever done and all he's capable of.
Since his presidency is a definite possibility, this stuff has to be considered.

My guess (feeble hope?) is that he would tone it down in public and essentially be a different person behind closed doors. His staff would work hard to convince him what damage he can do to international relations by saying the wrong thing in public.

I don't know. I have to think he'd be a little more dignified.
Not that I give the OP any credibility but professionals don't laugh at their guests. But it was likely just a wet dream and he posted this in his sticky sheets.
Just another illustration of the lack of class demonstrated by the left on a regular basis, yet they feel they have the moral terpitud to pounce on every syllable Trump utters.
I'm pretty sure that, for personalities like that, no amount of mockery or scorn gets deeper than about a quarter of an inch, seriously.

They're so self-centered that they've created a pretty thick shell, impenetrable to the obvious.

The best comparison I can think of is Kayne West.
Trump is very sensitive to criticism. He does not let any insult go unanswered. He has a strong sense of revenge
I think it's both.

While he's clearly very sensitive, nothing takes away from his focus on the fact that he's brilliant and right.

So in his mind, he's just swatting away flies who deserve it because they're just WRONG.

Kanye West, same thing. Regardless of the ridiculous things he says and does, nothing deters him.

Still don't know Kanye West but what you describe here is called "self-delusion". It doesn't translate well to "effective". Not even if your purpose is nefarious.

A Rump administration would be little in the way of any kind of action and a whole lot in the way of navel-gazing and continued blusterfluff. It would just be a steady stream of more constant bullshit until such point, if there exists one, where people finally say they've had enough.

Mark my words. Bullshit and con artistry is all he's ever done and all he's capable of.
Since his presidency is a definite possibility, this stuff has to be considered.

My guess (feeble hope?) is that he would tone it down in public and essentially be a different person behind closed doors. His staff would work hard to convince him what damage he can do to international relations by saying the wrong thing in public.

I don't know. I have to think he'd be a little more dignified.
Word is he's only blustery because he feels it's necessary for his campaign. Behind closed doors he's a professional businessman who observes decorum at all times. Much more so than Obama who reportedly uses foul language quite often during meetings. It became worse after he was re-elected. He needs a teleprompter to keep from constantly showing his real self in public. Hillary is much the same. Foul-mouthed when the cameras are off, and a complete 180 from that while under the glare of the media, as if a switch was tripped causing a complete change in personality.

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