tRump doesn't know what "take the high road" means.

Trump says he's taking 'high road' by not meeting with Democrats on coronavirus relief, proving he has no idea what the phrase means. He also lies and says Democrats are holding up the stimulus when they have had a bill on Moscow Mitch's desk for something like 120 days.

There's plenty of other things in the article, not the least of which is using a supposedly official press briefing to stage a campaign event at the Whitehouse in defiance of the law, but I'll let you read and discover for yourselves.



Which has dick-all to do with my OP.

Nice try at deflection though.

No deflection, we know the dimwits definition of high-road.
Trump says he's taking 'high road' by not meeting with Democrats on coronavirus relief, proving he has no idea what the phrase means. He also lies and says Democrats are holding up the stimulus when they have had a bill on Moscow Mitch's desk for something like 120 days.

There's plenty of other things in the article, not the least of which is using a supposedly official press briefing to stage a campaign event at the Whitehouse in defiance of the law, but I'll let you read and discover for yourselves.


The leftard bill is loaded with pork that has nothing to do with COVID-19, really are stupid.
Trump says he's taking 'high road' by not meeting with Democrats on coronavirus relief, proving he has no idea what the phrase means. He also lies and says Democrats are holding up the stimulus when they have had a bill on Moscow Mitch's desk for something like 120 days.

There's plenty of other things in the article, not the least of which is using a supposedly official press briefing to stage a campaign event at the Whitehouse in defiance of the law, but I'll let you read and discover for yourselves.


The leftard bill is loaded with pork that has nothing to do with COVID-19, really are stupid.
So mark it up and send it back.

That's the process, you know.
Trump says he's taking 'high road' by not meeting with Democrats on coronavirus relief, proving he has no idea what the phrase means. He also lies and says Democrats are holding up the stimulus when they have had a bill on Moscow Mitch's desk for something like 120 days.

There's plenty of other things in the article, not the least of which is using a supposedly official press briefing to stage a campaign event at the Whitehouse in defiance of the law, but I'll let you read and discover for yourselves.


The leftard bill is loaded with pork that has nothing to do with COVID-19, really are stupid.
So mark it up and send it back.

That's the process, you know.

Leftards don't want a compromise because it doesn't serve their interests, dumb ass....
Trump says he's taking 'high road' by not meeting with Democrats on coronavirus relief, proving he has no idea what the phrase means. He also lies and says Democrats are holding up the stimulus when they have had a bill on Moscow Mitch's desk for something like 120 days.

There's plenty of other things in the article, not the least of which is using a supposedly official press briefing to stage a campaign event at the Whitehouse in defiance of the law, but I'll let you read and discover for yourselves.


The leftard bill is loaded with pork that has nothing to do with COVID-19, really are stupid.
So mark it up and send it back.

That's the process, you know.

Leftards don't want a compromise because it doesn't serve their interests, dumb ass....
How would you know? The bill never left Moscow Mitch's desk.
Trump says he's taking 'high road' by not meeting with Democrats on coronavirus relief, proving he has no idea what the phrase means. He also lies and says Democrats are holding up the stimulus when they have had a bill on Moscow Mitch's desk for something like 120 days.

There's plenty of other things in the article, not the least of which is using a supposedly official press briefing to stage a campaign event at the Whitehouse in defiance of the law, but I'll let you read and discover for yourselves.


The leftard bill is loaded with pork that has nothing to do with COVID-19, really are stupid.
So mark it up and send it back.

That's the process, you know.

Leftards don't want a compromise because it doesn't serve their interests, dumb ass....
How would you know? The bill never left Moscow Mitch's desk.

I know that they want 375 billion dollars for poorly ran blue states and blue cities......fuck'em.
Trump says he's taking 'high road' by not meeting with Democrats on coronavirus relief, proving he has no idea what the phrase means. He also lies and says Democrats are holding up the stimulus when they have had a bill on Moscow Mitch's desk for something like 120 days.

There's plenty of other things in the article, not the least of which is using a supposedly official press briefing to stage a campaign event at the Whitehouse in defiance of the law, but I'll let you read and discover for yourselves.


Got to love crazy. All they have to do is take out the bailout for failed cities.
the reason I always laugh at people that complain about things like this is two fold. One they were usually one of the first to yell about the deficit until it is their party spending like drunken sailors then it is perfectly fine. Second is they have no real idea of anything that is involved in these kinds of things they only want to complain about the other party.
That's a lie.
What exactly is a lie? That fact I laugh at idiots? Sorry but it’s not.
love how you pretend there little fella
Trump says he's taking 'high road' by not meeting with Democrats on coronavirus relief, proving he has no idea what the phrase means. He also lies and says Democrats are holding up the stimulus when they have had a bill on Moscow Mitch's desk for something like 120 days.

There's plenty of other things in the article, not the least of which is using a supposedly official press briefing to stage a campaign event at the Whitehouse in defiance of the law, but I'll let you read and discover for yourselves.


Got to love crazy. All they have to do is take out the bailout for failed cities.
the reason I always laugh at people that complain about things like this is two fold. One they were usually one of the first to yell about the deficit until it is their party spending like drunken sailors then it is perfectly fine. Second is they have no real idea of anything that is involved in these kinds of things they only want to complain about the other party.
That's a lie.
What exactly is a lie? That fact I laugh at idiots? Sorry but it’s not.
love how you pretend there little fella
I don't pretend, I'm not a child like most of you tRumplings.

"All they have to do is take out the bailout for failed cities." Is a lie.
Trump says he's taking 'high road' by not meeting with Democrats on coronavirus relief, proving he has no idea what the phrase means. He also lies and says Democrats are holding up the stimulus when they have had a bill on Moscow Mitch's desk for something like 120 days.

There's plenty of other things in the article, not the least of which is using a supposedly official press briefing to stage a campaign event at the Whitehouse in defiance of the law, but I'll let you read and discover for yourselves.


Taking the high ground to Trump means WINNING, which is all he has done. The Low Ground? in Obama & the Democrats and their failed coup attempts, as in Hillary, & soon to be as in Biden/Harris...
So you are functionally illiterate just like tRump?
Thank you for demonstrating your juvenile 'debating skills', which evidently consists of zero crime, zero evidence, zero witnesses, projection, and personal attacks.

Poor snowflake....
Wow totally pathetic Decrepitude!

View attachment 385763

I like the guy who uses the childish term tRump endlessly talking about the "high road." It's not even on your map
I'm not the one claiming to take it, son.

You're the one getting all upset about it, dad
At least I know what it means.

Yes, gotta dumb it down for the government educated
You know yer Buddy Moscow Mitch has had months to talk to her about it. Why isn't he doing his job?

Because her demands are so outrageous as to not even be a starting point.
Not demands, a finished bill.

Trump says he's taking 'high road' by not meeting with Democrats on coronavirus relief, proving he has no idea what the phrase means. He also lies and says Democrats are holding up the stimulus when they have had a bill on Moscow Mitch's desk for something like 120 days.

There's plenty of other things in the article, not the least of which is using a supposedly official press briefing to stage a campaign event at the Whitehouse in defiance of the law, but I'll let you read and discover for yourselves.


Clearly, neither do you
Trump says he's taking 'high road' by not meeting with Democrats on coronavirus relief, proving he has no idea what the phrase means. He also lies and says Democrats are holding up the stimulus when they have had a bill on Moscow Mitch's desk for something like 120 days.

There's plenty of other things in the article, not the least of which is using a supposedly official press briefing to stage a campaign event at the Whitehouse in defiance of the law, but I'll let you read and discover for yourselves.


Got to love crazy. All they have to do is take out the bailout for failed cities.
the reason I always laugh at people that complain about things like this is two fold. One they were usually one of the first to yell about the deficit until it is their party spending like drunken sailors then it is perfectly fine. Second is they have no real idea of anything that is involved in these kinds of things they only want to complain about the other party.
That's a lie.
What exactly is a lie? That fact I laugh at idiots? Sorry but it’s not.
love how you pretend there little fella
I don't pretend, I'm not a child like most of you tRumplings.

"All they have to do is take out the bailout for failed cities." Is a lie.
Let’s pretend that you actually know what you are talking about for one second. You were on this very forum complaining about the deficit now suddenly you want it to blow up even more. Imagine that.
yes you have the mind of a child because you will only complain about the debt unless it is your party.
Trump says he's taking 'high road' by not meeting with Democrats on coronavirus relief, proving he has no idea what the phrase means. He also lies and says Democrats are holding up the stimulus when they have had a bill on Moscow Mitch's desk for something like 120 days.

There's plenty of other things in the article, not the least of which is using a supposedly official press briefing to stage a campaign event at the Whitehouse in defiance of the law, but I'll let you read and discover for yourselves.


Heck, most times pussygrabber doesn't know where the hell he is...

You know yer Buddy Moscow Mitch has had months to talk to her about it. Why isn't he doing his job?

Because her demands are so outrageous as to not even be a starting point.
Not demands, a finished bill.

The house.
Has sent.
A finished.

The senate.

Yep, a THREE TRILLION DOLLAR bill that is supposed to help us through China caused COVID-19 virus pandemic.

Here is some of the pork Democrats are trying to cram up our throats!

The Heroes Act reportedly contains many leftist provisions in the bill, including:
  • $755 million for the government for Washington, DC. The bill would also allow the D.C. government to participate in the Federal Reserve’s Municipal Liquidity (MLF) to support additional lending to the city.
  • $1 million for the National Science Foundation to study the spread of coronavirus-related “disinformation.”
  • $10 million for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) as well as $10 million fo the National Endowment for the Humanities.
  • Eliminates limitations on the federal deduction for the state and local taxes (SALT). Republicans limited this deduction through the Trump Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The SALT deduction primarily benefits wealthy, largely Democrat states.
  • Grants additional aid for State and local government bailouts. The bill contains $500 billion in funding for state government relief and $375 billion in aid to local governments. Senate Republicans such as Sens. Rick Scott (R-FL) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) have contended this will particularly aid fiscally irresponsible blue states such as California, New York, and Illinois to the detriment of more fiscally responsible states such as Texas and Florida.
  • $25 million for migrant and seasonal farmworkers, including emergency support services through the Department of Labor.
  • $1.7 billion for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Serving Institutions, $20 million for Howard University, $11 million for Gallaudet University, $11 million for the National Technical Institute for the Deaf.
  • $15 million to maintain operations, rental assistance supportive services, and other actions to mitigate the impact on low-income people with HIV/AIDS through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
  • Create a two month special enrollment period for Obamacare. The bill also extends full premium subsidies to allow workers to maintain their health insurance coverage through COBRA.
  • Allows Attorney General William Barr to make grants to states to create state-run hate crime reporting hotlines.
  • Relief for up to $10,000 of up-front debt relief for all Department of Education loan borrowers.
  • Authorizes up to $50 million in Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) “environmental justice” grants to investigate or address the disproportionate impact of coronavirus in environmental communities.
  • $75 billion for housing assistance.
  • Mandatory early voting for every state and mandatory mail-in ballots for every state. Nate Madden, a press secretary for the House Oversight Committee Republicans, said it would be a “nightmare scenario for voter fraud.”
  • Allows wealthy people who make money from dividends and royalties to claim the Earned Income Tax Credit, which is designed for lower-income Americans.
  • Extends assistance designed for nonprofits to political action groups and chamber of commerce-style associations. Open Markets Institute fellow Matt Stoller called it a “corporate lobbyist bailout.”

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