Trump doesn't really want to end Affordable Care Act


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2014
Lots of talk about trump's recent promise to repeal healthcare. Ignoring the fact that the ACA is vastly popular and has been in use for more than a decade, and his chances of actually repealing it are somewhere between none and none, I don't think he cares about repealing it anyway. Trump is grabbing at straws to keep his base riled up and involved. The more they are riled up, the more money they send him. After all the excitement of Mr Potato head, sexy M&Ms, a black Little Mermaid, and all those other silly things has faded, it's time for the next rallying point for is base. Historically, healthcare has always been something to stir the crazies up, so why not drag that back out to poke up the faithful and restart the funds flowing again. Don't expect much more talk from him about repealing healthcare, but there will be a continuous stream of crazy things he will use to keep his base riled up.

Yeah, just like he didn't want to end Roe v. Wade.
That was different. It was a business transaction. Trump agreed to let the Heritage Foundation choose his SC nominees, and they would deliver the religious nut vote. Nobody in the anti-healthcare bunch has anything to offer him.
Lots of talk about trump's recent promise to repeal healthcare. Ignoring the fact that the ACA is vastly popular and has been in use for more than a decade, and his chances of actually repealing it are somewhere between none and none, I don't think he cares about repealing it anyway. Trump is grabbing at straws to keep his base riled up and involved. The more they are riled up, the more money they send him. After all the excitement of Mr Potato head, sexy M&Ms, a black Little Mermaid, and all those other silly things has faded, it's time for the next rallying point for is base. Historically, healthcare has always been something to stir the crazies up, so why not drag that back out to poke up the faithful and restart the funds flowing again. Don't expect much more talk from him about repealing healthcare, but there will be a continuous stream of crazy things he will use to keep his base riled up.

If he is not actually planning to repeal the ACA, it's a hell of a stupid campaign strategy. I believe he will do it.
Why wouldn't he do it? It's not like he would have to worry about another election.
He might if it is still an active issue at that point. I believe it will fade as the next silly issue develops.
The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is not a silly issue to at least 40 million people.

You bet.

Being penalized for not having health insurance is not a silly issue.

It's a clear sign the left is a totalitarian in it's approach to issues.
The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is not a silly issue to at least 40 million people.
Agreed. That's why it is so doubtful that he will try to carry through with his threat. The anti-ACA crazies don't have a new block of voters to offer like the religious nuts did when they made their deal. You could be right. I just don't see it yet.
He might if it is still an active issue at that point. I believe it will fade as the next silly issue develops.
The fact that he has nothing to replace it with won't stop him. Trump's second term will look like Putin's garage sale of state property to his cronies. Trump will totally privatize healthcare and education.
You don't think so?


Federal Mandate Penalty Reduced to $0 As of 2019​

"Under the terms of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that Congress enacted in late 2017, the individual mandate penalty was eliminated starting in 2019.1 People who were uninsured in 2018 were still subject to the penalty when they filed their tax returns in early 2019, unless they were exempt.

But people who were uninsured in 2019 or a future year do not owe a penalty on their tax returns unless they're in a state that imposes its own penalty (this includes New Jersey, DC, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and California).

The ACA's individual mandate itself has not been repealed, so there does technically continue to be a requirement that nearly everyone maintains health insurance.

And the hardship exemption from the mandate is still important in terms of allowing people aged 30 and older to purchase catastrophic health insurance (without a hardship exemption, catastrophic plans can only be purchased by people under the age of 30). But there is no longer a federal penalty for non-compliance with the individual mandate.. . . "

I would imagine, this is why public support for the ACA has steadily increased. It appears to most of the public, to be a. . "something for nothing," program.

Lots of talk about trump's recent promise to repeal healthcare. Ignoring the fact that the ACA is vastly popular and has been in use for more than a decade, and his chances of actually repealing it are somewhere between none and none, I don't think he cares about repealing it anyway. Trump is grabbing at straws to keep his base riled up and involved. The more they are riled up, the more money they send him. After all the excitement of Mr Potato head, sexy M&Ms, a black Little Mermaid, and all those other silly things has faded, it's time for the next rallying point for is base. Historically, healthcare has always been something to stir the crazies up, so why not drag that back out to poke up the faithful and restart the funds flowing again. Don't expect much more talk from him about repealing healthcare, but there will be a continuous stream of crazy things he will use to keep his base riled up.

I read TDS is driving you crazy.
and his chances of actually repealing it are somewhere between none and none,

And it’s not up to Trump, it’s up to Congress – and whatever happens in the 2024 presidential election, Congress will remain sharply divided with neither party having a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate.

Indeed, even if Republicans gain control of the Senate, there will be Republican senators opposed to repealing the ACA.
Lots of talk about trump's recent promise to repeal healthcare. Ignoring the fact that the ACA is vastly popular and has been in use for more than a decade, and his chances of actually repealing it are somewhere between none and none, I don't think he cares about repealing it anyway. Trump is grabbing at straws to keep his base riled up and involved. The more they are riled up, the more money they send him. After all the excitement of Mr Potato head, sexy M&Ms, a black Little Mermaid, and all those other silly things has faded, it's time for the next rallying point for is base. Historically, healthcare has always been something to stir the crazies up, so why not drag that back out to poke up the faithful and restart the funds flowing again. Don't expect much more talk from him about repealing healthcare, but there will be a continuous stream of crazy things he will use to keep his base riled up.

Only the dead-enders still find this kind of empty rhetoric appealing. Even the slowest of the GOP rank-and-file eventually realized that “repeal-and-replace” was bullshit and no one in the GOP ever had any ideas on health care.

Meanwhile, as someone noted above, the ACA became unambiguously popular, most people finally recognized that it’s a very good thing, and (most of) the GOP has learned that shutting up about it is the smart play.

Most likely this is just the latest manifestation of Trump’s brain melt that has him believing it’s a decade ago and he’s running against Obama. Old, confused man behind the times, pathetically playing the old hits no one likes anymore.
Lots of talk about trump's recent promise to repeal healthcare. Ignoring the fact that the ACA is vastly popular and has been in use for more than a decade, and his chances of actually repealing it are somewhere between none and none, I don't think he cares about repealing it anyway. Trump is grabbing at straws to keep his base riled up and involved. The more they are riled up, the more money they send him. After all the excitement of Mr Potato head, sexy M&Ms, a black Little Mermaid, and all those other silly things has faded, it's time for the next rallying point for is base. Historically, healthcare has always been something to stir the crazies up, so why not drag that back out to poke up the faithful and restart the funds flowing again. Don't expect much more talk from him about repealing healthcare, but there will be a continuous stream of crazy things he will use to keep his base riled up.

Translation: You're absolutely terrified Trump will win so you want to sow as much doubt in his supporters' minds as possible.
Trump has to feed his base. Kushner, who was probably the most moderating voice in the Orange Administration, likely would talk him down from it.

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