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Trump Doing His Best To Increase Cost Of Health Care

Trump administration takes another major swipe at the Affordable Care Act

From the link:
The Trump administration took another major swipe at the Affordable Care Act, halting billions of dollars in annual payments required under the law to even out the cost to insurers whose customers need expensive medical services.

Trump is violating a requirement of a law. I guess this means Fox News et al. are screaming for his impeachment right now, right? Right?

More from the link:
Risk adjustment is one of three methods built into the 2010 health-care law to help insulate insurance companies from the ACA requirement that they accept all customers for the first time — healthy and sick — without charging more to those who need substantial care.

The other two methods were temporary, but risk adjustment is permanent. Federal health officials are required each year to calculate which insurers with relatively low-cost consumers must chip in to a fund, and which ones with more expensive customers are owed money. This idea of pooling risk has had significant practical effects: encouraging insurers to participate in the insurance marketplaces the ACA created for Americans who cannot get affordable health benefits through a job.

Those two paragraphs are longer than a tweet, and have a lot of words bigger than one syllable. So 90 percent of pseudocons probably fell asleep by the second sentence.

But this is serious stuff. It will have a devastating impact on the cost of health insurance. Then Trump will try to blame Obama, and the rube herd will bleev what they are told to bleev, and parrot what they are told to parrot.

More from the link:
“Risk adjustment is a mandatory program under federal law,” said Scott Serota, president of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. “Without a quick resolution . . . this action will significantly increase 2019 premiums for millions of individuals and small business owners. . . . It will undermine Americans’ access to affordable coverage, particularly for those who need medical care the most.”

Matt Eyles, president of America’s Health Insurance Plans, noted in a statement that the timing of this latest move could be particularly disruptive, because this is the season during which insurers around the country decide whether to take part in ACA marketplaces for 2019 and, if so, what rates to charge. “This decision . . . will create more market uncertainty and increase premiums for many health plans,” Eyles said.
More of the great unraveling. I was not an Obamacare fan, however.
Fuck the insurance companies.
Lets ban health insurance.

Agreed, we can call it universal healthcare, and the money saved through preventative care and the removal of insurance companies will actually save money.
Im not ok with universal healthcare but it would probably be better than obiewoncare, probably.
My problem is, Washington is filled with incompetent greedy assholes who dont give 2 shits about any of us.
Putting my healthcare in their hands? No way.
The fed gov has too much power. Unconstitutional power.
Gawd knows they dont need more.
But the CEO of Aetna does care about you? Even tho you don't get to vote for him to remain CEO every few years?
I completely agree! Of course, i cant fathom how someone happily gives the govt 60% of their income. lol

Only very well off people pay taxes that high, and they only pay it on part of their income. The rich people in Sweden are okay with it because Sweden is fucking awesome. They pay young people to go to college in Sweden rather than put them into severe debt because they understand that young people are the future, and the stronger they are the stronger Sweden is. You don't have to pay for health insurance every month. People work less and have a lot less stress overall. Homelessness is almost nonexistent. There is a focus on humanitarianism and the entire country benefits from it, and before some asshole comes along and says ''Go move there then.'' I will say I am working on it. The love of my life is a Swede and I plan to marry her and move there with my son within a year or so. Fuck this country. We wave our flags and talk a lot of shit, but what do we have to be proud of? Some vague horseshit about freedom, as if other countries don't have that and more? Nah, fuck this place. If you people want your shit sandwich so bad I say have it. I'll be in Sweden.
Fuck the insurance companies.
Lets ban health insurance.

Agreed, we can call it universal healthcare, and the money saved through preventative care and the removal of insurance companies will actually save money.
Im not ok with universal healthcare but it would probably be better than obiewoncare, probably.
My problem is, Washington is filled with incompetent greedy assholes who dont give 2 shits about any of us.
Putting my healthcare in their hands? No way.
The fed gov has too much power. Unconstitutional power.
Gawd knows they dont need more.
But the CEO of Aetna does care about you? Even tho you don't get to vote for him to remain CEO every few years?
Gee, how many CEOs care about the end user?
Excellent post :26:
More of the great unraveling. I was not an Obamacare fan, however.

Most progressives weren't fans of Obamacare -- they wanted single payer -- Obama didn't because like I said time and time again -- Obama is a corporatist politician who is more worried about what Republicans think of him than his base.
Trump is violating a requirement of a law.

Nope, not in this case, In February 2018 the U.S. District Court in New Mexico ruled that the formula for calculating these risk adjustment payments was "capricious and arbitrary", a District Court in Massachusetts had earlier upheld the formula.

The Trump Administration could have proceeded with these payments until the dispute between these two courts is worked out, they chose not to, which is within their authority.

Apparently the Insurance companies are just going to have to wait until the courts get their shit together to find out what/if any risk adjustment payments they'll receive.
Trump administration takes another major swipe at the Affordable Care Act

From the link:
The Trump administration took another major swipe at the Affordable Care Act, halting billions of dollars in annual payments required under the law to even out the cost to insurers whose customers need expensive medical services.

Trump is violating a requirement of a law. I guess this means Fox News et al. are screaming for his impeachment right now, right? Right?

More from the link:
Risk adjustment is one of three methods built into the 2010 health-care law to help insulate insurance companies from the ACA requirement that they accept all customers for the first time — healthy and sick — without charging more to those who need substantial care.

The other two methods were temporary, but risk adjustment is permanent. Federal health officials are required each year to calculate which insurers with relatively low-cost consumers must chip in to a fund, and which ones with more expensive customers are owed money. This idea of pooling risk has had significant practical effects: encouraging insurers to participate in the insurance marketplaces the ACA created for Americans who cannot get affordable health benefits through a job.

Those two paragraphs are longer than a tweet, and have a lot of words bigger than one syllable. So 90 percent of pseudocons probably fell asleep by the second sentence.

But this is serious stuff. It will have a devastating impact on the cost of health insurance. Then Trump will try to blame Obama, and the rube herd will bleev what they are told to bleev, and parrot what they are told to parrot.

More from the link:
“Risk adjustment is a mandatory program under federal law,” said Scott Serota, president of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. “Without a quick resolution . . . this action will significantly increase 2019 premiums for millions of individuals and small business owners. . . . It will undermine Americans’ access to affordable coverage, particularly for those who need medical care the most.”

Matt Eyles, president of America’s Health Insurance Plans, noted in a statement that the timing of this latest move could be particularly disruptive, because this is the season during which insurers around the country decide whether to take part in ACA marketplaces for 2019 and, if so, what rates to charge. “This decision . . . will create more market uncertainty and increase premiums for many health plans,” Eyles said.

So the risk corridor is what $10 billion? Rates skyrocket and so does advanced premium tax credits so Trump the tard gains nothing maybe even losing.
More of the great unraveling. I was not an Obamacare fan, however.

Most progressives weren't fans of Obamacare -- they wanted single payer -- Obama didn't because like I said time and time again -- Obama is a corporatist politician who is more worried about what Republicans think of him than his base.
Regressives didnt like ocare? Could have fooled me.
You also said this last year and my insurance costs went down a month or so ago.
My deductible went down 1500 big ones and my co insurance went down 20%

...Trump musta helped you out :rolleyes:

How? Well he ummmm....
Our amazing Pres. Trump knows what is best for his country and people. .... :cool:

You know anything about economics? Good neither do I but I know math and this could end up costing the govt more than any savings they may have realized.
More of the great unraveling. I was not an Obamacare fan, however.

Most progressives weren't fans of Obamacare -- they wanted single payer -- Obama didn't because like I said time and time again -- Obama is a corporatist politician who is more worried about what Republicans think of him than his base.

In sane countries Barack Obama would be considered right wing.
Gee, how many CEOs care about the end user?
Excellent post :26:
In healthcare, not many -- especially at the cost of their own profit margin and bonus payouts

Medicare runs on a 4% overhead -- why? because they don't have to raise costs to justify skimming 20 or 30% off the profits

Medicare can also do something most private insurers can't -- Medicare can create more downward pressure on costs than for profit insurance does -- another reason why Medicare is so popular with people who have it..

You don't see people carrying signs like this saying keep your hands off my Aetna!!

Trump lied right to your faces when he told you he would give you "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

He has such utter contempt for you, and you STILL have not caught on.

Trump never intended, nor does he have the necessary intelligence or ability, to keep that promise.

All he knows how to do is sabotage ObamaCare and make it even worse than it already is.

And yet you still blow obama over the obamacare catastrophy
Trump administration takes another major swipe at the Affordable Care Act

From the link:
The Trump administration took another major swipe at the Affordable Care Act, halting billions of dollars in annual payments required under the law to even out the cost to insurers whose customers need expensive medical services.

Trump is violating a requirement of a law. I guess this means Fox News et al. are screaming for his impeachment right now, right? Right?

More from the link:
Risk adjustment is one of three methods built into the 2010 health-care law to help insulate insurance companies from the ACA requirement that they accept all customers for the first time — healthy and sick — without charging more to those who need substantial care.

The other two methods were temporary, but risk adjustment is permanent. Federal health officials are required each year to calculate which insurers with relatively low-cost consumers must chip in to a fund, and which ones with more expensive customers are owed money. This idea of pooling risk has had significant practical effects: encouraging insurers to participate in the insurance marketplaces the ACA created for Americans who cannot get affordable health benefits through a job.

Those two paragraphs are longer than a tweet, and have a lot of words bigger than one syllable. So 90 percent of pseudocons probably fell asleep by the second sentence.

But this is serious stuff. It will have a devastating impact on the cost of health insurance. Then Trump will try to blame Obama, and the rube herd will bleev what they are told to bleev, and parrot what they are told to parrot.

More from the link:
“Risk adjustment is a mandatory program under federal law,” said Scott Serota, president of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. “Without a quick resolution . . . this action will significantly increase 2019 premiums for millions of individuals and small business owners. . . . It will undermine Americans’ access to affordable coverage, particularly for those who need medical care the most.”

Matt Eyles, president of America’s Health Insurance Plans, noted in a statement that the timing of this latest move could be particularly disruptive, because this is the season during which insurers around the country decide whether to take part in ACA marketplaces for 2019 and, if so, what rates to charge. “This decision . . . will create more market uncertainty and increase premiums for many health plans,” Eyles said.
It's named after a black guy, it must be destroyed!!!

So Trump's people can come up with a similar plan 20 months later and name it after him and thus save America!!!
The whole black thing is tired and old. Get some new material. Jeez you people are pathetic.
Trump administration takes another major swipe at the Affordable Care Act

From the link:
The Trump administration took another major swipe at the Affordable Care Act, halting billions of dollars in annual payments required under the law to even out the cost to insurers whose customers need expensive medical services.

Trump is violating a requirement of a law. I guess this means Fox News et al. are screaming for his impeachment right now, right? Right?

More from the link:
Risk adjustment is one of three methods built into the 2010 health-care law to help insulate insurance companies from the ACA requirement that they accept all customers for the first time — healthy and sick — without charging more to those who need substantial care.

The other two methods were temporary, but risk adjustment is permanent. Federal health officials are required each year to calculate which insurers with relatively low-cost consumers must chip in to a fund, and which ones with more expensive customers are owed money. This idea of pooling risk has had significant practical effects: encouraging insurers to participate in the insurance marketplaces the ACA created for Americans who cannot get affordable health benefits through a job.

Those two paragraphs are longer than a tweet, and have a lot of words bigger than one syllable. So 90 percent of pseudocons probably fell asleep by the second sentence.

But this is serious stuff. It will have a devastating impact on the cost of health insurance. Then Trump will try to blame Obama, and the rube herd will bleev what they are told to bleev, and parrot what they are told to parrot.

More from the link:
“Risk adjustment is a mandatory program under federal law,” said Scott Serota, president of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. “Without a quick resolution . . . this action will significantly increase 2019 premiums for millions of individuals and small business owners. . . . It will undermine Americans’ access to affordable coverage, particularly for those who need medical care the most.”

Matt Eyles, president of America’s Health Insurance Plans, noted in a statement that the timing of this latest move could be particularly disruptive, because this is the season during which insurers around the country decide whether to take part in ACA marketplaces for 2019 and, if so, what rates to charge. “This decision . . . will create more market uncertainty and increase premiums for many health plans,” Eyles said.

Yo, stop passing Propaganda BS, idiot!!!! Not Trump Administration A-Hole, it`s a Court Ruling!!!!

July 8, 2018

The U.S. agency that administers Obamacare is freezing payments to insurers that cover sicker patients, saying a federal court ruling ties its hands. The move brought a sharp response from health insurers warning of market disruptions and higher costs.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said Saturday that the February action by the trial court in New Mexico “prevents CMS from making further collections or payments under the risk adjustment program, including amounts for the 2017 benefit year, until the litigation is resolved.”

"""The court’s ruling""" bars the agency from collecting or making payments under the current methodology, which uses a statewide average premium, said CMS, which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services.

The move by CMS may affect publicly traded insurers that have stuck with Obamacare, such as St. Louis-based Centene Corp.

“As a result of this litigation, billions of dollars in risk adjustment payments and collections are now on hold,” CMS Administrator Seema Verma said in the agency’s statement.

“CMS has asked the court to reconsider its ruling, and hopes for a prompt resolution that allows CMS to prevent more adverse impacts on Americans who receive their insurance in the individual and small group markets,” Verma said.

Trump Administration Freezes Payments to Affordable Care Act Insurers with Sicker Patients


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