Trump Doubles Down on Calling Miss Universe "Miss Piggy"

The number is quantifiable, sure. But the value judgment --- to wt in this case "Miss Piggy" --- is not.

Again... left brain versus right brain, i.e. dry facts versus emotion.
Rump, you'll have to agree, runs entirely on the latter.

Again, to wit:
  • "They're rapists"....
  • I like people who weren't captured...."
  • "They're laughing at us".....
  • "Make America great again"....
  • "Blood coming out of her ... Wherever"....
  • "Little Marco".... "Ted's wife".... all that....

Well, you know --- too numerous to mention.

Not sure what that's supposed to link to --- I've learned to not trust USMB's permalinks. When I click it goes to post 23. :dunno:

But scroll down to the next post (24) to see exactly what this is all about.

Meanwhile, back at the topic ranch:

>> The would-be commander in chief — whose own health records would indicate he is overweight — has long made clear his preferences in body types. He has repeatedly referred to former co-host of “The View” Rosie O’Donnell as a “big fat pig,” and during Monday night’s debate he affirmed, “I said tough things to her and I think everybody would agree that she deserves it and nobody feels sorry for her.”

Last year he despaired that supermodel Heidi Klum is “sadly, no longer a 10.” He doesn’t limit his disgust to just women, either — in 2015, after he had a man kicked out of a rally in Massachusetts, he told the crowd, “You know, it’s amazing. I mention food stamps and that guy who’s seriously overweight went crazy.” And Monday night, he envisioned a potential hacker as “somebody sitting on their bed who weighs 400 pounds, OK?”

In contrast, he’s famously supportive of those who conform to his ideal body mass index, saying several years ago of his child, “She does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” << --- Salon
It occurs to me, just to play devil's advocate (in other words in Rump's sort-of defense) that even this Machado affair is not necessarily indicative of misogyny per se, at least not directly. It could be that, being an owner of the meat market, Rump is simply so callous and heartless that he saw Machado not as a human but as an investment, an investment to which he saw a threat by the weight gain (which of course, like the meat market itself, depends on objectifying women in the first place). Therefore with a threat to his profit, and seeing no humanity in the "investment", he denigrates the investment on the same dehumanized scale he would denigrate, say, a flood that washed one of his golf courses away.

As I noted elsewhere --- Rump has no heart. He doesn't need one.... he simply has blood coming out of his Wherever.
:lol: :lol:

Since you can't seem to read the perma-linked post I'll quote what it says :lol:
You're assuming he called her that. It's alleged and there's no proof.

^^^^^^^ I said that

You and Valerie need to follow along :lol:

OK but ---- what's your point?

Post 24 illustrates mine.
My point is that a Miss Universe winner must represent the pageant in a positive way and part of that is not getting all bloated and fat. When she won she was around 118 lbs and she ballooned up to 160 or 170. We're not talking Miss Universe Plus here.....the pageant has an image winners must uphold.
True. Shows what lengths the resident Dem Drone apologists will go to attack hiLIARy's opponent
Miss Universe can't be fat and wear the crown, just as Odell Beckham can't run a 12 second 40 and expect to be the starter (that's a football/wide receiver analogy) These are obvious facts.

Stating the obvious is somehow 'wrong'?

The woman got fat, she represents Miss Universe, it becomes a problem. If she became a raging alcoholic and made erratic appearances should she not be criticized? Don't want to upset anyone because she's a woman? Nonsense. Some things just are.

C'mon. You're smarter than this.

It's how Trump handled the situation. It's not that she put on weight. It's that he belittled, demeaned and degraded her.

Just like he does to so many others.

Which is why two-thirds of Americans think he doesn't have the temperament to be President.
He allegedly called her those names. There's no proof of it. My comments weren't addressing his alleged comments they were addressing what he said this morning.

This morning, he said she was awful, that she was the worst, the absolute worst.

This shows an utter lack of class and a need to demean and insult people.
allegedly she was a giant pain in the ass. Is there something wrong with addressing that in an honest manner? You can't be that sensitive?
In Toro's defense, he is EXTREMELY thin- skinned
Are you saying that she was unaware of the responsibilities of being the reigning Miss Universe? That would make her derelict in her duties

even if she was either or both, there's still no excuse for donald behaving so unprofessionally toward her.
funny how our resident thin skinned bernie bro will go to any lengths to defend mister drumpf
Are you saying that she was unaware of the responsibilities of being the reigning Miss Universe? That would make her derelict in her duties

even if she was either or both, there's still no excuse for donald behaving so unprofessionally toward her.
It seems like a good reason to me. She was costing him a lot of money. She was giving his business a band image.
When you're a contestant in a beauty contest, your body weight is fair game.

Fat bitch is fat!

don't let your hillary derangement bite you in the ass, boyz.

As I'm just watching her, in very halting English saying that this happened 20 years ago. Then she lied and said that because of what he said she suffered from anexoria and bulimia. Ahem, she's still fat.

Megyn Kelly nailed her, on an early interview she gave when she said she suffered from anexoria and bulimia BEFORE she ran for Miss Universe. Tsk tsk. When Kelly realized this muffin was lying through her teeth she cut her off.
FOX just played the 1997 interview with Howard Stern calling Miss Piggy a Fat Slob and congratulated The Donald on whipping her into shape. :p

As usual, the insane MSM attacks on The Donald backfire.
Let me ask a question. If you screw up at work, is it ok for your boss to call you a fucking retarded idiot?
FOX just played the 1997 interview with Howard Stern calling Miss Piggy a Fat Slob and congratulated The Donald on whipping her into shape. :p

As usual, the insane MSM attacks on The Donald backfire.

in what way did they backfire, exactly?
A big reason why Trump has been rising in the polls is because he hasn't said anything really stupid lately.

That's been a pattern with Trump since the primaries - when he doesn't say anything stupid, he rises in the polls.

But then he says something idiotic and everyone remembers why they don't want him in the first place, and his poll numbers start dropping.

He did so again on Fox & Friends this morning.

Donald Trump doubled down on criticism of a former Miss Universe he allegedly called ‘Miss Piggy’ on Tuesday morning, saying Venezuelan beauty queen Alicia Machado was “the absolute worst” contestant they had ever had.

“I know that person, she was a Miss Universe person and she was the worst we ever had — the worst, the absolute worst,” the Republican presidential hopeful said on a call in to the Fox & Friends studio. “She was the winner and she gained a massive amount of weight, and it was a real problem,” he added. ...

Trump, who was a partner in the company who owned the pageant at the time, also reportedly called Machado an “eating machine” and she claims he invited reporters to watch her exercise at a New York gym.​

The Former Beauty Queen Who Says Trump Called Her 'Miss Piggy'

You do understand that if the person selected to be miss universe turns into a big fat slob that it's bad for the Miss Universe business, don't you? Do you recall the kind of things Dims said about Linda Tripp?

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Why Linda Tripp (left And Right) And Other Women Are Forced To Endure Those Dirty Looks

Most tragically, Tripp's transformation seems to have been in vain. John Goodman, the beefy comic, has said he will go right on donning drag and a fright wig to do his portrayal of Tripp, pre-surgery and pre-weight loss, on "Saturday Night Live."

Journalists have called Linda Tripp 'Barracudaville,' smelling of 'gunpowder and garlic,''ugly and evil,' and Howard Stern in a Fright Wig,''a snitch and an ugly one at that.

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You do understand that it's degrading and demeaning to call a woman "Miss Piggy?"

Of course you don't, GoFundMeBrian.
A big reason why Trump has been rising in the polls is because he hasn't said anything really stupid lately.

That's been a pattern with Trump since the primaries - when he doesn't say anything stupid, he rises in the polls.

But then he says something idiotic and everyone remembers why they don't want him in the first place, and his poll numbers start dropping.

He did so again on Fox & Friends this morning.

Donald Trump doubled down on criticism of a former Miss Universe he allegedly called ‘Miss Piggy’ on Tuesday morning, saying Venezuelan beauty queen Alicia Machado was “the absolute worst” contestant they had ever had.

“I know that person, she was a Miss Universe person and she was the worst we ever had — the worst, the absolute worst,” the Republican presidential hopeful said on a call in to the Fox & Friends studio. “She was the winner and she gained a massive amount of weight, and it was a real problem,” he added. ...

Trump, who was a partner in the company who owned the pageant at the time, also reportedly called Machado an “eating machine” and she claims he invited reporters to watch her exercise at a New York gym.​

The Former Beauty Queen Who Says Trump Called Her 'Miss Piggy'

You do understand that if the person selected to be miss universe turns into a big fat slob that it's bad for the Miss Universe business, don't you? Do you recall the kind of things Dims said about Linda Tripp?

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Why Linda Tripp (left And Right) And Other Women Are Forced To Endure Those Dirty Looks

Most tragically, Tripp's transformation seems to have been in vain. John Goodman, the beefy comic, has said he will go right on donning drag and a fright wig to do his portrayal of Tripp, pre-surgery and pre-weight loss, on "Saturday Night Live."

Journalists have called Linda Tripp 'Barracudaville,' smelling of 'gunpowder and garlic,''ugly and evil,' and Howard Stern in a Fright Wig,''a snitch and an ugly one at that.

Read more:
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

You do understand that it's degrading and demeaning to call a woman "Miss Piggy?"

Of course you don't, GoFundMeBrian.

Yeah, it's also degrading and demeaning to call people "dumbass" and "douche bag," but that's exactly why I do it. See, some people deserve it.
Miss Universe can't be fat and wear the crown, just as Odell Beckham can't run a 12 second 40 and expect to be the starter (that's a football/wide receiver analogy) These are obvious facts.

Stating the obvious is somehow 'wrong'?

The woman got fat, she represents Miss Universe, it becomes a problem. If she became a raging alcoholic and made erratic appearances should she not be criticized? Don't want to upset anyone because she's a woman? Nonsense. Some things just are.
^ that

/end thread

Dottie <3s misogynist Trump.

No surprise there.
Yeah, it's also degrading and demeaning to call people "dumbass" and "douche bag," but that's exactly why I do it. See, some people deserve it.

Yes, anyone who dares to disparage your messiah, Orange Jesus, for any reason deserves to be insulted.

Good luck with that, GoFundMe$0Brian.

Make sure to blame everyone other than yourself when you lose in November.

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