Trump Doubles Down on Calling Miss Universe "Miss Piggy"

for "some reason" ,being- NOT for a crony Establishment Dem (hiLIARy) who has astronomical "untrustworthy" #'s? Yep. Guilty as charged

supposedly 'astronomically untrustworthy' establishment squawk squawk

untrustworthy with WHAT exactly, especially in contrast to the only realistic alternative...........??
Toro keeps trying to fluff the fluff out of HIllary. :lmao:

trump doubles down on misogyny and you blame the messenger.

Hillary doesn't give a f*** about the "little people", and she's gonna f*ck up America like she has in the past. Relative to that, I don't give a f*ck about Trump's superficial indiscretions whatsoever.
Which is why she spent years getting health care for children. Health care for first responders. Equal pay for women. Because it's all a scam. What she really wants is, is, uh, what is it that she wants?
Toro keeps trying to fluff the fluff out of HIllary. :lmao:

trump doubles down on misogyny and you blame the messenger.

Hillary doesn't give a f*** about the "little people", and she's gonna f*ck up America like she has in the past. Relative to that, I don't give a f*ck about Trump's superficial indiscretions whatsoever.
Which is why she spent years getting health care for children. Health care for first responders. Equal pay for women. Because it's all a scam. What she really wants is, is, uh, what is it that she wants?
She wants millions of dollars from crony capitalists and foreign governments looking for government favors.
Toro keeps trying to fluff the fluff out of HIllary. :lmao:

trump doubles down on misogyny and you blame the messenger.

Hillary doesn't give a f*** about the "little people", and she's gonna f*ck up America like she has in the past. Relative to that, I don't give a f*ck about Trump's superficial indiscretions whatsoever.
Which is why she spent years getting health care for children. Health care for first responders. Equal pay for women. Because it's all a scam. What she really wants is, is, uh, what is it that she wants?
When did Hillary get child care for children? When did she get women "equal pay?"
for "some reason" ,being- NOT for a crony Establishment Dem (hiLIARy) who has astronomical "untrustworthy" #'s? Yep. Guilty as charged

supposedly 'astronomically untrustworthy' establishment squawk squawk

untrustworthy with WHAT exactly, especially in contrast to the only realistic alternative...........??

Hillary doesn't give a f*** about the "little people", and she's gonna f*ck up America like she has in the past. Relative to that, I don't give a f*ck about Trump's superficial indiscretions whatsoever.

your hillary derangement has you confused. your ignorance is showing (again). :itsok:

Mike Breen, CEO of Truman National Security Project and a former Army officer who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, offers a harsh critique of Trump's approach.

"If you take the man at his word and you listen to his statements on the [campaign] trail, he set himself up, if he's elected, to trigger the largest civil military crisis probably since the American Civil War," he says.

Breen argues that Trump is suggesting that U.S. soldiers carry out "illegal orders" — things like targeting the children and families of terrorists, intentionally murdering civilians, and torturing for the sake of torturing.

"He says even if torture doesn't work, let's do it anyway," Breen says. "He says the Geneva Convention makes American soldiers afraid to fight. He's talking about, as a presidential candidate, issuing clearly illegal orders that I think our senior military leaders would be very unlikely to follow. That's a crisis we haven't had in a long time."

Veteran: Trump Will Throw the Military into 'Crisis'

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There Is a Moderate Republican in This Race, But She's Running as a Democrat | Huffington Post
Tim Kaine's Republican fan club
Is Clinton Running as the Conservative?
Here are the Republicans who've either endorsed Hillary Clinton, or say they would back her before voting Trump
Ohio newspaper bucks tradition, endorses Clinton
For first time in 100 years, N.H. paper doesn't endorse Republican
Praise for Hillary Clinton – Correct The Record
Toro keeps trying to fluff the fluff out of HIllary. :lmao:

trump doubles down on misogyny and you blame the messenger.

Hillary doesn't give a f*** about the "little people", and she's gonna f*ck up America like she has in the past. Relative to that, I don't give a f*ck about Trump's superficial indiscretions whatsoever.
Which is why she spent years getting health care for children. Health care for first responders. Equal pay for women. Because it's all a scam. What she really wants is, is, uh, what is it that she wants?
When did Hillary get child care for children? When did she get women "equal pay?"

Giving Hillary Credit for SCHIP

One of Clinton’s signature claims has come under fire from political foes, quoted by the Boston Globe, who say she doesn’t deserve credit for expanding federal health insurance for millions of children.

We review the record and conclude that she deserves plenty of credit, both for the passage of the SCHIP legislation and for pushing outreach efforts to translate the law into reality
Toro keeps trying to fluff the fluff out of HIllary. :lmao:

trump doubles down on misogyny and you blame the messenger.

Hillary doesn't give a f*** about the "little people", and she's gonna f*ck up America like she has in the past. Relative to that, I don't give a f*ck about Trump's superficial indiscretions whatsoever.
You imagine she's that way because that's the way Donald is. You can't seriously ever think Donald would work to get millions of children health care and school lunch. That would be ridiculous.
Awww, the dumb bitches are mad because Trump said a fat whore was fat? What worthless losers. Cry baby little bitches. I'll bet all the ones upset are fat ugly slobs.
Miss Universe can't be fat and wear the crown, just as Odell Beckham can't run a 12 second 40 and expect to be the starter (that's a football/wide receiver analogy) These are obvious facts.

Stating the obvious is somehow 'wrong'?

The woman got fat, she represents Miss Universe, it becomes a problem. If she became a raging alcoholic and made erratic appearances should she not be criticized? Don't want to upset anyone because she's a woman? Nonsense. Some things just are.

C'mon. You're smarter than this.

It's how Trump handled the situation. It's not that she put on weight. It's that he belittled, demeaned and degraded her.

Just like he does to so many others.

Which is why two-thirds of Americans think he doesn't have the temperament to be President.
He allegedly called her those names. There's no proof of it. My comments weren't addressing his alleged comments they were addressing what he said this morning.

This morning, he said she was awful, that she was the worst, the absolute worst.

This shows an utter lack of class and a need to demean and insult people.
allegedly she was a giant pain in the ass. Is there something wrong with addressing that in an honest manner? You can't be that sensitive?

What's wrong with addressing it the way Trump did, and continues to do, is that he's running for office,

and his success depends on how people perceive him and his words and actions.
Awww, the dumb bitches are mad because Trump said a fat whore was fat? What worthless losers. Cry baby little bitches. I'll bet all the ones upset are fat ugly slobs.

More likely the ones upset are the millions of normal women who were thin once and now are not.
And now the rest of the story,,,,
Miss Universe 'fat-shamed' by Donald Trump was accused of threatening to kill a judge and being an accomplice to a MURDER bid in her native Venezuela
Beauty 'fat-shamed' by Trump was accused of being murder accomplice


hiLIARy stepped in it, again!!

And Donald Trump has been accused of raping a 13 year old
One has been proved One has not....... and btw she was part of drug cartel
This will destroy him with women. They might come out on election day +30 for Hillary at this rate.

Why ? She decided to make her self a product. As such, if she wanted to remain a marketable product there were things she had to do, one was to be what her boss's considered hawt. She got fat and was told to fix it. Simple. What the real issue is, she was a spoiled rich bit cheaper who was never told no, and when she did it made her fat, then it made her a pergomatic barff mill, whatever. Where was she in 1997 anyway?
the op is a man, and trump's history of misogyny is at issue. misogyny is in the basket of deplorables!

of course our resident deplorabes imagine only fat ugly women are offended by men who bully women.

witness the deplorable responses here, designed to denigrate the character of this woman, as if proof she was deserving.

this anecdote also speaks to his unprofessional temperament, which trump brought up the other night.

he actually claimed his temperament may be his best asset, which is, of course, laughably ridiculous.
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"I have a winning temperament." - The Donald


Ms. Melton, a registered Republican who manages a team of software engineers, said that if the election were today, Mrs. Clinton — whom she, too, called “so much more presidential” — would get her vote. That alone was a milestone, she added: “I come from a long line of Republican family members who will turn over in their graves.”

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