Trump Doubles Down on Calling Miss Universe "Miss Piggy"

Mr. Trump was merely fulfilling his duties to make sure she lived up to the contract SHE SIGNED

And called her Miss Piggy. Allegedly.

Then, yesterday, he was on TV running her down.

It has nothing to with whether or not she fulfilled her contract. She's not running for President.

This is about how the Republican candidate for President treats people, how he reacts to negative events, how he reacts to pressure, and whether he has the temperament to be Commander in Chief.

Americans in polls consistently by nearly a 2:1 margin say that Hillary is more qualified and has a better temperament to be President.

Did you hear the audience laugh when Trump said he has a great temperament? That debate and how he is responding to Miss Universe is why Americans don't believe him, and why he will ultimately lose.
BTW Ravi Kellogs yanked her image off the Special K boxes in Venezuela because she got too fat.

"The Kellogg company is yanking Miss Universe Alicia Machado from its Special K boxes in Venezuela because consumers aren’t swallowing her “eating machine” image on the diet cereal. We’ve decided to discontinue the campaign,” a Kellogg spokesman told Reuter in Caracas.
Hillary doesn't give a f*** about the "little people", and she's gonna f*ck up America like she has in the past. Relative to that, I don't give a f*ck about Trump's superficial indiscretions whatsoever.
Which is why she spent years getting health care for children. Health care for first responders. Equal pay for women. Because it's all a scam. What she really wants is, is, uh, what is it that she wants?
When did Hillary get child care for children? When did she get women "equal pay?"

Giving Hillary Credit for SCHIP

One of Clinton’s signature claims has come under fire from political foes, quoted by the Boston Globe, who say she doesn’t deserve credit for expanding federal health insurance for millions of children.

We review the record and conclude that she deserves plenty of credit, both for the passage of the SCHIP legislation and for pushing outreach efforts to translate the law into reality

Yeah, because we all know the Boston Globe is totally impartial, just like politifact.

LOL...Good thing you got Breitbart

LOL! What a king sized douche bag!
So? Who cares one way or the other?
What in the world has this got to do with politics?

Women care and they're 53% of the electorate.

Bullshit. What makes you think you can speak for women? Most of the women I know are smarter than that. You're selling them short.

Polls consistently show Trump losing women. The topic of this thread is a big reason why.
Please post them...with dates
This will destroy him with women. They might come out on election day +30 for Hillary at this rate.
Problem is.....Ms Piggy works for Hillary now.

She's from Venezuela and is a famous Hispanic porn star....threatened to kill a judge......oh and she drove a getaway car from a murder.

Nice lady:bye1:
Awww, the dumb bitches are mad because Trump said a fat whore was fat? What worthless losers. Cry baby little bitches. I'll bet all the ones upset are fat ugly slobs.

More likely the ones upset are the millions of normal women who were thin once and now are not.
stop being disingenuous kid. While you wear the crown, you must maintain the shape you were in when you won it but you knew that already didn't you?
Sez who? Where is this rule?
its common sense hon. You win a pageant, which is predicated predominantly upon beauty, and you're expected to not become a fat pig during your reign

Buy a clue why doncha'?

Maybe you should switch places w/ Toro & YOU be the Lap Poodle

Maybe the clue needs to go to The Donald

If there is a requirement to maintain weight, the pageant should inform her she has 60 days to lose 20 lbs or her crown will be stripped

Public shaming and calling her demeaning names is not professional behavior

This is a non issue. Morons like you bring it up because Hillary can not run on her record.
Mr. Trump was merely fulfilling his duties to make sure she lived up to the contract SHE SIGNED

And called her Miss Piggy. Allegedly.

Then, yesterday, he was on TV running her down.

It has nothing to with whether or not she fulfilled her contract. She's not running for President.

This is about how the Republican candidate for President treats people, how he reacts to negative events, how he reacts to pressure, and whether he has the temperament to be Commander in Chief.

Americans in polls consistently by nearly a 2:1 margin say that Hillary is more qualified and has a better temperament to be President.

Did you hear the audience laugh when Trump said he has a great temperament? That debate and how he is responding to Miss Universe is why Americans don't believe him, and why he will ultimately lose.
hiLIARy voted for Iraq AND is responsible for the Arab Winter you dummy, not to mention every lousy trade deal. You were saying?
The more we are talking about this, the more Trump is losing.

Orange Jesus's worshippers totally fail to understand this.

Edit - bloody autocorrect.
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Mr. Trump was merely fulfilling his duties to make sure she lived up to the contract SHE SIGNED

And called her Miss Piggy. Allegedly.

Then, yesterday, he was on TV running her down.

It has nothing to with whether or not she fulfilled her contract. She's not running for President.

This is about how the Republican candidate for President treats people, how he reacts to negative events, how he reacts to pressure, and whether he has the temperament to be Commander in Chief.

Americans in polls consistently by nearly a 2:1 margin say that Hillary is more qualified and has a better temperament to be President.

Did you hear the audience laugh when Trump said he has a great temperament? That debate and how he is responding to Miss Universe is why Americans don't believe him, and why he will ultimately lose.
You a good little drone who regurgitates Hillary's talking points perfectly. No go away. You have nothing worthwhile to contribute. We've already heard Hillary's talking points. We don't need you to repeat them.
Mr. Trump was merely fulfilling his duties to make sure she lived up to the contract SHE SIGNED

And called her Miss Piggy. Allegedly.

Then, yesterday, he was on TV running her down.

It has nothing to with whether or not she fulfilled her contract. She's not running for President.

This is about how the Republican candidate for President treats people, how he reacts to negative events, how he reacts to pressure, and whether he has the temperament to be Commander in Chief.

Americans in polls consistently by nearly a 2:1 margin say that Hillary is more qualified and has a better temperament to be President.

Did you hear the audience laugh when Trump said he has a great temperament? That debate and how he is responding to Miss Universe is why Americans don't believe him, and why he will ultimately lose.
hiLIARy voted for Iraq AND is responsible for the Arab Winter you dummy, not to mention every lousy trade deal. You were saying?

And are we talking about that?


We have a narcissist who doesn't have the sense to STFU and act with class rather than demean people. So we talk about Miss Universe instead.

So keep talking.

Glad you're on the side of Orange Jesus, "progressive." Nice company you're running with there, Dottie. Bernie would be proud.
Mr. Trump was merely fulfilling his duties to make sure she lived up to the contract SHE SIGNED

And called her Miss Piggy. Allegedly.

Then, yesterday, he was on TV running her down.

It has nothing to with whether or not she fulfilled her contract. She's not running for President.

This is about how the Republican candidate for President treats people, how he reacts to negative events, how he reacts to pressure, and whether he has the temperament to be Commander in Chief.

Americans in polls consistently by nearly a 2:1 margin say that Hillary is more qualified and has a better temperament to be President.

Did you hear the audience laugh when Trump said he has a great temperament? That debate and how he is responding to Miss Universe is why Americans don't believe him, and why he will ultimately lose.
You a good little drone who regurgitates Hillary's talking points perfectly. No go away. You have nothing worthwhile to contribute. We've already heard Hillary's talking points. We don't need you to repeat them.

Go start a GoFundMe page for your messiah, Orange Jesus. You can run ads calling Miss Universe a pig. Women love that. Maybe you'll raise more than $0 this time.
Mr. Trump was merely fulfilling his duties to make sure she lived up to the contract SHE SIGNED

And called her Miss Piggy. Allegedly.

Then, yesterday, he was on TV running her down.

It has nothing to with whether or not she fulfilled her contract. She's not running for President.

This is about how the Republican candidate for President treats people, how he reacts to negative events, how he reacts to pressure, and whether he has the temperament to be Commander in Chief.

Americans in polls consistently by nearly a 2:1 margin say that Hillary is more qualified and has a better temperament to be President.

Did you hear the audience laugh when Trump said he has a great temperament? That debate and how he is responding to Miss Universe is why Americans don't believe him, and why he will ultimately lose.
One of the funniest lines of the debate.....I laughed out loud also.
Mr. Trump was merely fulfilling his duties to make sure she lived up to the contract SHE SIGNED

And called her Miss Piggy. Allegedly.

Then, yesterday, he was on TV running her down.

It has nothing to with whether or not she fulfilled her contract. She's not running for President.

This is about how the Republican candidate for President treats people, how he reacts to negative events, how he reacts to pressure, and whether he has the temperament to be Commander in Chief.

Americans in polls consistently by nearly a 2:1 margin say that Hillary is more qualified and has a better temperament to be President.

Did you hear the audience laugh when Trump said he has a great temperament? That debate and how he is responding to Miss Universe is why Americans don't believe him, and why he will ultimately lose.
hiLIARy voted for Iraq AND is responsible for the Arab Winter you dummy, not to mention every lousy trade deal. You were saying?

And are we talking about that?


We have a narcissist who doesn't have the sense to STFU and act with class rather than demean people. So we talk about that instead.

So keep talking.

Glad you're on the side of Orange Jesus, "progressive." Nice company you're running with there, Dottie. Bernie would be proud.
read your own post dumb ass. YOU'RE the one who brought up "commander in chief"

You were saying?
Mr. Trump was merely fulfilling his duties to make sure she lived up to the contract SHE SIGNED

And called her Miss Piggy. Allegedly.

Then, yesterday, he was on TV running her down.

It has nothing to with whether or not she fulfilled her contract. She's not running for President.

This is about how the Republican candidate for President treats people, how he reacts to negative events, how he reacts to pressure, and whether he has the temperament to be Commander in Chief.

Americans in polls consistently by nearly a 2:1 margin say that Hillary is more qualified and has a better temperament to be President.

Did you hear the audience laugh when Trump said he has a great temperament? That debate and how he is responding to Miss Universe is why Americans don't believe him, and why he will ultimately lose.
You a good little drone who regurgitates Hillary's talking points perfectly. No go away. You have nothing worthwhile to contribute. We've already heard Hillary's talking points. We don't need you to repeat them.
We know you're in mourning after Monday night.

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