Trump Doubles Down on Calling Miss Universe "Miss Piggy"

"Americans in polls consistently by nearly a 2:1 margin say that Hillary is more qualified and has a better temperament to be President".

No source? I don't believe you. I think you're just trying to beg the question. I'd say that Trumps temperament is exactly what we need in a President.
Mr. Trump was merely fulfilling his duties to make sure she lived up to the contract SHE SIGNED

And called her Miss Piggy. Allegedly.

Then, yesterday, he was on TV running her down.

It has nothing to with whether or not she fulfilled her contract. She's not running for President.

This is about how the Republican candidate for President treats people, how he reacts to negative events, how he reacts to pressure, and whether he has the temperament to be Commander in Chief.

Americans in polls consistently by nearly a 2:1 margin say that Hillary is more qualified and has a better temperament to be President.

Did you hear the audience laugh when Trump said he has a great temperament? That debate and how he is responding to Miss Universe is why Americans don't believe him, and why he will ultimately lose.
You a good little drone who regurgitates Hillary's talking points perfectly. No go away. You have nothing worthwhile to contribute. We've already heard Hillary's talking points. We don't need you to repeat them.

Go start a GoFundMe page for your messiah, Orange Jesus. You can run ads calling Miss Universe a pig. Women love that. Maybe you'll raise more than $0 this time.
go light a powder keg in N Africa & Syria. People love that

Toro lol
For Trump, and obese man, to go on about this woman being to fat is....interesting.
What did the fucking witch say to the secret service agents?

You are all fucking clowns. All of you. Especially when you show your pathetic hypocritical moral "superiority."

You, especially you, are a joke.
Mr. Trump was merely fulfilling his duties to make sure she lived up to the contract SHE SIGNED

And called her Miss Piggy. Allegedly.

Then, yesterday, he was on TV running her down.

It has nothing to with whether or not she fulfilled her contract. She's not running for President.

This is about how the Republican candidate for President treats people, how he reacts to negative events, how he reacts to pressure, and whether he has the temperament to be Commander in Chief.

Americans in polls consistently by nearly a 2:1 margin say that Hillary is more qualified and has a better temperament to be President.

Did you hear the audience laugh when Trump said he has a great temperament? That debate and how he is responding to Miss Universe is why Americans don't believe him, and why he will ultimately lose.
You a good little drone who regurgitates Hillary's talking points perfectly. No go away. You have nothing worthwhile to contribute. We've already heard Hillary's talking points. We don't need you to repeat them.

Go start a GoFundMe page for your messiah, Orange Jesus. You can run ads calling Miss Universe a pig. Women love that. Maybe you'll raise more than $0 this time.
go light a powder keg in N Africa & Syria. People love that

Toro lol
Bernie I got. This mystifies me. Not that I'm voting for her.
Mr. Trump was merely fulfilling his duties to make sure she lived up to the contract SHE SIGNED

And called her Miss Piggy. Allegedly.

Then, yesterday, he was on TV running her down.

It has nothing to with whether or not she fulfilled her contract. She's not running for President.

This is about how the Republican candidate for President treats people, how he reacts to negative events, how he reacts to pressure, and whether he has the temperament to be Commander in Chief.

Americans in polls consistently by nearly a 2:1 margin say that Hillary is more qualified and has a better temperament to be President.

Did you hear the audience laugh when Trump said he has a great temperament? That debate and how he is responding to Miss Universe is why Americans don't believe him, and why he will ultimately lose.
You a good little drone who regurgitates Hillary's talking points perfectly. No go away. You have nothing worthwhile to contribute. We've already heard Hillary's talking points. We don't need you to repeat them.

Go start a GoFundMe page for your messiah, Orange Jesus. You can run ads calling Miss Universe a pig. Women love that. Maybe you'll raise more than $0 this time.
go light a powder keg in N Africa & Syria. People love that

Toro lol
Bernie I got. This mystifies me. Not that I'm voting for her.
hiLIARy is the absolute worst candidate for commander in chief. Her record proves it.

Is it any wonder the resident Dem Establ drones want to talk about beauty pageants lol
BTW Ravi Kellogs yanked her image off the Special K boxes in Venezuela because she got too fat.

"The Kellogg company is yanking Miss Universe Alicia Machado from its Special K boxes in Venezuela because consumers aren’t swallowing her “eating machine” image on the diet cereal. We’ve decided to discontinue the campaign,” a Kellogg spokesman told Reuter in Caracas.

look at you, master of all things beside the point...
For Trump, and obese man, to go on about this woman being to fat is....interesting.
What did the fucking witch say to the secret service agents?

You are all fucking clowns. All of you. Especially when you show your pathetic hypocritical moral "superiority."

You, especially you, are a joke.

You are referring to incidents which cannot be verified by video or sworn testimony. Just gossip by Ron Kessler who has made a bundle over the past 20 years writing about so-called inside info on the presidents and family.

I just posted a link from Reuters to the video of Trump accompanying this young woman to the gym and inviting the press along to record her work out after he took exception to her gaining 12 pounds. And humiliating her to the press.

Go oink yourself if you can't prove your allegations.
For Trump, and obese man, to go on about this woman being to fat is....interesting.

Even if he were rail thin, he was so totally out of line for public condemnation of her and the whole 12 pounds she gained. What an asshole this man is.

Election 2016
Trump and the Beauty Queen
She gained 60 lbs, you dumb bitch.

This is a non issue. If Hillary could run on her record, she wouldn't have to resort to these sleazy tactics.
For Trump, and obese man, to go on about this woman being to fat is....interesting.
What did the fucking witch say to the secret service agents?

You are all fucking clowns. All of you. Especially when you show your pathetic hypocritical moral "superiority."

You, especially you, are a joke.

You are referring to incidents which cannot be verified by video or sworn testimony. Just gossip by Ron Kessler who has made a bundle over the past 20 years writing about so-called inside info on the presidents and family.

I just posted a link from Reuters to the video of Trump accompanying this young woman to the gym and inviting the press along to record her work out after he took exception to her gaining 12 pounds. And humiliating her to the press.

Go oink yourself if you can't prove your allegations.
Miss Michaido's claims about what Trump said also cannot be verified. As usual, Hillary's douche bag supporters have one standard of evidence for Trump and a different standard for Hillary.
blaming Trump because the contestant violated the terms of her contract?

Classic Dem Establ pretzel logic
And called her Miss Piggy. Allegedly.

Then, yesterday, he was on TV running her down.

It has nothing to with whether or not she fulfilled her contract. She's not running for President.

This is about how the Republican candidate for President treats people, how he reacts to negative events, how he reacts to pressure, and whether he has the temperament to be Commander in Chief.

Americans in polls consistently by nearly a 2:1 margin say that Hillary is more qualified and has a better temperament to be President.

Did you hear the audience laugh when Trump said he has a great temperament? That debate and how he is responding to Miss Universe is why Americans don't believe him, and why he will ultimately lose.
You a good little drone who regurgitates Hillary's talking points perfectly. No go away. You have nothing worthwhile to contribute. We've already heard Hillary's talking points. We don't need you to repeat them.

Go start a GoFundMe page for your messiah, Orange Jesus. You can run ads calling Miss Universe a pig. Women love that. Maybe you'll raise more than $0 this time.
go light a powder keg in N Africa & Syria. People love that

Toro lol
Bernie I got. This mystifies me. Not that I'm voting for her.
hiLIARy is the absolute worst candidate for commander in chief. Her record proves it.

Is it any wonder the resident Dem Establ drones want to talk about beauty pageants lol
So you'd prefer a racist who mocks those with disabilities? With financial ties to Putin?
Oh right she's just sooooooooooooo sensitive.

Sex on a reality TV show, a Playboy photo shoot, a threat to kill a judge and claims that a drug lord fathered her baby: Behind the Hillary Clinton campaigner 'fat-shamed' by Trump

  • Alicia Machado's life has been turned upside down after Hillary Clinton used her to show Donald Trump's sexism for 'fat-shaming' her in 1996

  • News reports in Spanish indicate that she fathered a child with a notorious Mexican drug kingpin, something she denies

  • The witness who testified about that relationship was killed by a hitman

  • Venezuelan judge accused her of threatening to kill him for charging her boyfriend with attempted murder in a case where she drove getaway car

  • Machado wouldn't deny that on CNN Tuesday night: 'I'm not a saint girl. ... that happened 20 years ago'

  • She also appeared in a 2005 Spanish reality TV show, having sex with a fellow contestant on-camera while moaning: 'What a tasty d***'

  • Shuttered her Twitter account in 2010 after wishing for 'peace between the Chinas' – mistaking China for North and South Korea
Behind the Miss Universe Clinton campaigner 'fat-shamed' by Trump
You a good little drone who regurgitates Hillary's talking points perfectly. No go away. You have nothing worthwhile to contribute. We've already heard Hillary's talking points. We don't need you to repeat them.

Go start a GoFundMe page for your messiah, Orange Jesus. You can run ads calling Miss Universe a pig. Women love that. Maybe you'll raise more than $0 this time.
go light a powder keg in N Africa & Syria. People love that

Toro lol
Bernie I got. This mystifies me. Not that I'm voting for her.
hiLIARy is the absolute worst candidate for commander in chief. Her record proves it.

Is it any wonder the resident Dem Establ drones want to talk about beauty pageants lol
So you'd prefer a racist who mocks those with disabilities? With financial ties to Putin?

That bullshit about mocking the journalist with disabilities has been blown out of the water. And what financial ties to Putin?
You a good little drone who regurgitates Hillary's talking points perfectly. No go away. You have nothing worthwhile to contribute. We've already heard Hillary's talking points. We don't need you to repeat them.

Go start a GoFundMe page for your messiah, Orange Jesus. You can run ads calling Miss Universe a pig. Women love that. Maybe you'll raise more than $0 this time.
go light a powder keg in N Africa & Syria. People love that

Toro lol
Bernie I got. This mystifies me. Not that I'm voting for her.
hiLIARy is the absolute worst candidate for commander in chief. Her record proves it.

Is it any wonder the resident Dem Establ drones want to talk about beauty pageants lol
So you'd prefer a racist who mocks those with disabilities? With financial ties to Putin?

Who's a racist? Who mocked someone with disabilities?
Check the Washington post as this was a conspiracy by several news organization
and they have complete timeline of this porno bitch and crooked Hildebeast....Hannity talking now about this fraud....typical scumbag DemoRATS smear compaign!!!!!
Go start a GoFundMe page for your messiah, Orange Jesus. You can run ads calling Miss Universe a pig. Women love that. Maybe you'll raise more than $0 this time.
go light a powder keg in N Africa & Syria. People love that

Toro lol
Bernie I got. This mystifies me. Not that I'm voting for her.
hiLIARy is the absolute worst candidate for commander in chief. Her record proves it.

Is it any wonder the resident Dem Establ drones want to talk about beauty pageants lol
So you'd prefer a racist who mocks those with disabilities? With financial ties to Putin?

Who's a racist? Who mocked someone with disabilities?

What difference does it make...did it involves the death of 4 men?
CNN just had a full report on the story.

No mention of the porn or the legal problems, she's just the victimized beauty queen being attacked by The Bad Guy.

Okay, par for the course...
CNN just had a full report on the story.

No mention of the porn or the legal problems, she's just the victimized beauty queen being attacked by The Bad Guy.

Okay, par for the course...
Should we expect different to the Cunton News Network...they are part of the conspiracy to defame Trump and continue the fraud!....Cunton must be scared to death with Trump's Surge, and we finding out just how many of these polls have fudged numbers with 10-40 % higher numbers of DemoRATS taking part than Republicans

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