Trump Doubles Down on Calling Miss Universe "Miss Piggy"

Miss Piggy signed a contract that contained a weight clause. As soon as she won the crown she ballooned up to 170 pounds and was told to bring it down. If she knew that she had a problem just work for the cartel and not run for Miss Universe. What should have happened is the crown, money and anything else be stripped from her and given to the first runner up.
A big reason why Trump has been rising in the polls is because he hasn't said anything really stupid lately.

That's been a pattern with Trump since the primaries - when he doesn't say anything stupid, he rises in the polls.

But then he says something idiotic and everyone remembers why they don't want him in the first place, and his poll numbers start dropping.

He did so again on Fox & Friends this morning.

Donald Trump doubled down on criticism of a former Miss Universe he allegedly called ‘Miss Piggy’ on Tuesday morning, saying Venezuelan beauty queen Alicia Machado was “the absolute worst” contestant they had ever had.

“I know that person, she was a Miss Universe person and she was the worst we ever had — the worst, the absolute worst,” the Republican presidential hopeful said on a call in to the Fox & Friends studio. “She was the winner and she gained a massive amount of weight, and it was a real problem,” he added. ...

Trump, who was a partner in the company who owned the pageant at the time, also reportedly called Machado an “eating machine” and she claims he invited reporters to watch her exercise at a New York gym.​

The Former Beauty Queen Who Says Trump Called Her 'Miss Piggy'

This is a counter-point from Ace, (no real Trump lover himself)

Note: 1996's Miss Universe Winner Really Did Gain So Much Weight In Her Year of Reigning That Even <i>CNN</i> Had to Fat-Shame Her Ass

No one has to fat shame anyone.

People choose to fat shame women.

Men as well, or have you not seen the "fat guy in a speedo" memes that have been around for decades?

Just be like this guy:

the op is a man, and trump's history of misogyny is at issue. misogyny is in the basket of deplorables!

of course our resident deplorabes imagine only fat ugly women are offended by men who bully women.

witness the deplorable responses here, designed to denigrate the character of this woman, as if proof she was deserving.

this anecdote also speaks to his unprofessional temperament, which trump brought up the other night.

he actually claimed his temperament may be his best asset, which is, of course, laughably ridiculous.

You never heard that word until the media faggots started in with it. Stop crying. Loose a hundred pounds and then maybe Trump will have an overnighter with you. Take a bath.
Original comment was made 19 years ago.... The subversives have nothing and have to reach back that far to find anything the morons think they can use....I love slapping the shit out of them.....How about talking about Hildebeast emails where onever intercepted one by the Chinese caused a scientist to be killed...look it up people!
Original comment was made 19 years ago.... The subversives have nothing and have to reach back that far to find anything the morons think they can use....I love slapping the shit out of them.....How about talking about Hildebeast emails where onever intercepted one by the Chinese caused a scientist to be killed...look it up people!

Look up this numbnuts!!
Original comment was made 19 years ago.... The subversives have nothing and have to reach back that far to find anything the morons think they can use....I love slapping the shit out of them.....How about talking about Hildebeast emails where onever intercepted one by the Chinese caused a scientist to be killed...look it up people!

Look up this numbnuts!!

I was wrong she won in 1996...20 years ago!!!!

Now asshat, want to try something related to today's politics?
Awww, the dumb bitches are mad because Trump said a fat whore was fat? What worthless losers. Cry baby little bitches. I'll bet all the ones upset are fat ugly slobs.

More likely the ones upset are the millions of normal women who were thin once and now are not.
stop being disingenuous kid. While you wear the crown, you must maintain the shape you were in when you won it but you knew that already didn't you?
Awww, the dumb bitches are mad because Trump said a fat whore was fat? What worthless losers. Cry baby little bitches. I'll bet all the ones upset are fat ugly slobs.

More likely the ones upset are the millions of normal women who were thin once and now are not.
stop being disingenuous kid. While you wear the crown, you must maintain the shape you were in when you won it but you knew that already didnt you

Did I say anything about that?
Toro keeps trying to fluff the fluff out of HIllary. :lmao:

trump doubles down on misogyny and you blame the messenger.

Hillary doesn't give a f*** about the "little people", and she's gonna f*ck up America like she has in the past. Relative to that, I don't give a f*ck about Trump's superficial indiscretions whatsoever.
Which is why she spent years getting health care for children. Health care for first responders. Equal pay for women. Because it's all a scam. What she really wants is, is, uh, what is it that she wants?
When did Hillary get child care for children? When did she get women "equal pay?"

Giving Hillary Credit for SCHIP

One of Clinton’s signature claims has come under fire from political foes, quoted by the Boston Globe, who say she doesn’t deserve credit for expanding federal health insurance for millions of children.

We review the record and conclude that she deserves plenty of credit, both for the passage of the SCHIP legislation and for pushing outreach efforts to translate the law into reality

Yeah, because we all know the Boston Globe is totally impartial, just like politifact.
Mr. Trump was merely fulfilling his duties to make sure she lived up to the contract SHE SIGNED
Awww, the dumb bitches are mad because Trump said a fat whore was fat? What worthless losers. Cry baby little bitches. I'll bet all the ones upset are fat ugly slobs.

More likely the ones upset are the millions of normal women who were thin once and now are not.
stop being disingenuous kid. While you wear the crown, you must maintain the shape you were in when you won it but you knew that already didn't you?
Sez who? Where is this rule?
Awww, the dumb bitches are mad because Trump said a fat whore was fat? What worthless losers. Cry baby little bitches. I'll bet all the ones upset are fat ugly slobs.

More likely the ones upset are the millions of normal women who were thin once and now are not.
stop being disingenuous kid. While you wear the crown, you must maintain the shape you were in when you won it but you knew that already didn't you?
Sez who? Where is this rule?
its common sense hon. You win a pageant, which is predicated predominantly upon beauty, and you're expected to not become a fat pig during your reign

Buy a clue why doncha'?

Maybe you should switch places w/ Toro & YOU be the Lap Poodle :eusa_doh:
trump doubles down on misogyny and you blame the messenger.

Hillary doesn't give a f*** about the "little people", and she's gonna f*ck up America like she has in the past. Relative to that, I don't give a f*ck about Trump's superficial indiscretions whatsoever.
Which is why she spent years getting health care for children. Health care for first responders. Equal pay for women. Because it's all a scam. What she really wants is, is, uh, what is it that she wants?
When did Hillary get child care for children? When did she get women "equal pay?"

Giving Hillary Credit for SCHIP

One of Clinton’s signature claims has come under fire from political foes, quoted by the Boston Globe, who say she doesn’t deserve credit for expanding federal health insurance for millions of children.

We review the record and conclude that she deserves plenty of credit, both for the passage of the SCHIP legislation and for pushing outreach efforts to translate the law into reality

Yeah, because we all know the Boston Globe is totally impartial, just like politifact.

LOL...Good thing you got Breitbart
Awww, the dumb bitches are mad because Trump said a fat whore was fat? What worthless losers. Cry baby little bitches. I'll bet all the ones upset are fat ugly slobs.

More likely the ones upset are the millions of normal women who were thin once and now are not.
stop being disingenuous kid. While you wear the crown, you must maintain the shape you were in when you won it but you knew that already didn't you?
Sez who? Where is this rule?
its common sense hon. You win a pageant, which is predicated predominantly upon beauty, and you're expected to not become a fat pig during your reign

Buy a clue why doncha'?

Maybe you should switch places w/ Toro & YOU be the Lap Poodle

Maybe the clue needs to go to The Donald

If there is a requirement to maintain weight, the pageant should inform her she has 60 days to lose 20 lbs or her crown will be stripped

Public shaming and calling her demeaning names is not professional behavior
Awww, the dumb bitches are mad because Trump said a fat whore was fat? What worthless losers. Cry baby little bitches. I'll bet all the ones upset are fat ugly slobs.

More likely the ones upset are the millions of normal women who were thin once and now are not.
stop being disingenuous kid. While you wear the crown, you must maintain the shape you were in when you won it but you knew that already didn't you?
Sez who? Where is this rule?
He alludes to it here. They wanted to kick her out. It's well known that you are contractually obligated to stay looking a certain way (like when you won) and not act like a complete idiot in public. Not saying she acted like an idiot in public, I'm saying they must represent the pageant and the Title in a positive manner. That includes not getting fat as fuck.

Video from 1997 shows Alicia Machado cheering on Trump for making fun of overweight reporters
He alludes to it here. They wanted to kick her out. It's well known that you are contractually obligated to stay looking a certain way (like when you won) and not act like a complete idiot in public. Not saying she acted like an idiot in public, I'm saying they must represent the pageant and the Title in a positive manner. That includes not getting fat as fuck.

Video from 1997 shows Alicia Machado cheering on Trump for making fun of overweight reporters
^ that
Is this the porn star that was involved in 1998 with an attempted murder by her boyfriend, and threatened to kill the judge at her boyfriends trial....why YES, IT IS...Rumor is she works for Cunton before this piggy shit
..still investigating!!!!!!!

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