Trump Doubles Down on Calling Miss Universe "Miss Piggy"

Check the Washington post as this was a conspiracy by several news organization
and they have complete timeline of this porno bitch and crooked Hildebeast....Hannity talking now about this fraud....typical scumbag DemoRATS smear compaign!!!!!

For some reason it's not coming up for me. Can you put up a link please?
I just looked at a pic of her and yes.... She's porky!!!
So what?
Check the Washington post as this was a conspiracy by several news organization
and they have complete timeline of this porno bitch and crooked Hildebeast....Hannity talking now about this fraud....typical scumbag DemoRATS smear compaign!!!!!

For some reason it's not coming up for me. Can you put up a link please?
Gingrich just mentioned it on Hannity...Sean will feature tonight on his Tzv show!
This incident shall be known forever as the Hildebeasts....."PIGGY-GATE"!

The day which will be remembered and USED FOREVER against her when the complicit MSM was definitely proven to be IN THE TANK for the bitch!
Awww, the dumb bitches are mad because Trump said a fat whore was fat? What worthless losers. Cry baby little bitches. I'll bet all the ones upset are fat ugly slobs.

More likely the ones upset are the millions of normal women who were thin once and now are not.
stop being disingenuous kid. While you wear the crown, you must maintain the shape you were in when you won it but you knew that already didn't you?
Sez who? Where is this rule?
its common sense hon. You win a pageant, which is predicated predominantly upon beauty, and you're expected to not become a fat pig during your reign

Buy a clue why doncha'?

Maybe you should switch places w/ Toro & YOU be the Lap Poodle :eusa_doh:
So there is no rule. I didn't think so. She was nine pounds underweight when she won an when Trump called her fat she was a normal weight. You like your women to be boyish, lmao.
Awww, the dumb bitches are mad because Trump said a fat whore was fat? What worthless losers. Cry baby little bitches. I'll bet all the ones upset are fat ugly slobs.

More likely the ones upset are the millions of normal women who were thin once and now are not.
stop being disingenuous kid. While you wear the crown, you must maintain the shape you were in when you won it but you knew that already didn't you?
Sez who? Where is this rule?
He alludes to it here. They wanted to kick her out. It's well known that you are contractually obligated to stay looking a certain way (like when you won) and not act like a complete idiot in public. Not saying she acted like an idiot in public, I'm saying they must represent the pageant and the Title in a positive manner. That includes not getting fat as fuck.

Video from 1997 shows Alicia Machado cheering on Trump for making fun of overweight reporters
Then show me the rule. It was reported at the time that the pageant never considered taking her crown back. And she wasn't fat as fuck. That would be old Donald.
Mr. Trump was merely fulfilling his duties to make sure she lived up to the contract SHE SIGNED

And called her Miss Piggy. Allegedly.

Then, yesterday, he was on TV running her down.

It has nothing to with whether or not she fulfilled her contract. She's not running for President.

This is about how the Republican candidate for President treats people, how he reacts to negative events, how he reacts to pressure, and whether he has the temperament to be Commander in Chief.

Americans in polls consistently by nearly a 2:1 margin say that Hillary is more qualified and has a better temperament to be President.

Did you hear the audience laugh when Trump said he has a great temperament? That debate and how he is responding to Miss Universe is why Americans don't believe him, and why he will ultimately lose.
plus, there is no such rule. Dot is lying.
BTW Ravi Kellogs yanked her image off the Special K boxes in Venezuela because she got too fat.

"The Kellogg company is yanking Miss Universe Alicia Machado from its Special K boxes in Venezuela because consumers aren’t swallowing her “eating machine” image on the diet cereal. We’ve decided to discontinue the campaign,” a Kellogg spokesman told Reuter in Caracas.
Not surprised you didn't provide a link. Here, I will.

Kellogg has stopped featuring Miss Machado on Special K boxes but said it had nothing to do with her weight. ''Our contract with her expired,'' spokesman Anthony Hebron said. ''It was a very successful campaign.''

Miss Universe shaping up for all the world to see
CNN just had a full report on the story.

No mention of the porn or the legal problems, she's just the victimized beauty queen being attacked by The Bad Guy.

Okay, par for the course...
Should we expect different to the Cunton News Network...they are part of the conspiracy to defame Trump and continue the fraud!....Cunton must be scared to death with Trump's Surge, and we finding out just how many of these polls have fudged numbers with 10-40 % higher numbers of DemoRATS taking part than Republicans
cunton, that's awesome. I'm going to tweet it to Donald to use.
That bullshit about mocking the journalist with disabilities has been blown out of the water.

Trump handicap.gif


Why can't he just keep his mouth shut about things like this? He thinks he's important because his daddy gave him some cash. Makes him look like a loud mouth. Stick to the issues....admit a mistake. Move on.
So this lady actually has a criminal past. How ironic is that Crooked Hillary mentioned her by trying to hide the facts?
Why can't he just keep his mouth shut about things like this? He thinks he's important because his daddy gave him some cash. Makes him look like a loud mouth. Stick to the issues....admit a mistake. Move on.
Apparently YOU didn't read the whole PIGGY-GATE STORY and the FRAUD it is!
blaming Trump because the contestant violated the terms of her contract?

Classic Dem Establ pretzel logic


Dottie along with Odious and Vagifail on the same team.

So this lady actually has a criminal past. How ironic is that Crooked Hillary mentioned her by trying to hide the facts?
Does she? At least she didn't rape a 13 year old, like Trump did. I wonder if the 13 deserved it because she was fat.
That bullshit about mocking the journalist with disabilities has been blown out of the water.

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Catholics for Trump completely disproves that Trump was targeting the journalist. I'll get the link.

And they post other videos on their website that Trump makes these "flustered" movements when he's mocking anyone that's an asshole.

He didn't make these movements to mock the man's disabilities.

The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability
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