Trump Drops To Knees, Fellates KGB Putin

Your first sourcing used the word- reportedly.

You are SERIOUSLY going with the Bill Clinton ;Definition of the word 'IS' defense while ignoring all of these (and more) sources showing there is undeniable evidence showing the link between Turkey and ISIS?

I suppose I should be surprised to see alleged right wingers putting the interests of a KGB thug above that of our country's interests.

But unfortunately, these things just don't surprise me any more.

Boris and Harley are suck buddies. Its a long line. Tiny bubbles, communist thugs, RW's.
What? lol
communist? LMAO

are you really too stupid to know Boris was a KGB communist bastard ?

so go blow him, youre a commie.
^ that

What OP has been saying. rw Trumpites buying into KGB propagandist for purely political reasons- to spite the President.
It has been going around for years. I posted an article of when Obama met with turkey about them buying oil!
[QUOTE="ClosedCaption, post: 12939063, member: 25032:]

What is your homosexual obsession with liberals?

You continuously talk about guys blowing guys, I question what's up with that, and you are seriously trying to spin it as if I have the problem? Sorry, I did not mean to offend your fantasies and sexual preferences...please continue. :p[/QUOTE]

I said it once and your ears perked up. Who's fault is that? Mine?
Your first sourcing used the word- reportedly.

You are SERIOUSLY going with the Bill Clinton ;Definition of the word 'IS' defense while ignoring all of these (and more) sources showing there is undeniable evidence showing the link between Turkey and ISIS?

When confronted with facts and logic libs resort to:
I said it once (guys blowing each other) and your ears perked up. Who's fault is that? Mine?

So how often do you publicly spout off your sexual fantasies then try to blame others once you realize you didn't use your 'inside-your-head voice' / keep it to yourself?! :p
I said it once (guys blowing each other) and your ears perked up. Who's fault is that? Mine?

So how often do you publicly spout off your sexual fantasies then try to blame others once you realize you didn't use your 'inside-your-head voice' / keep it to yourself?! :p

Why are you editing my posts?

And why are you still asking about homosexual shit when its been over? I guess you still thinking about it is my fault too?
Germany is countering Putin's charges with claims that Assad, Putin's puppet, has been buying oil from ISIS:

German Foreign Ministry deputy spokeswoman Sawsan Chebli told a news conference in Berlin on Tuesday that there was evidence of oil transactions between the Assad regime and ISIL. Anadolu Agency quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

Asked about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s claim that Turkey was buying oil from ISIL, Chebli said that German authorities have no information supporting these particular claims.

But what we know for example is that the Assad regime has received large amounts of oil from ISIL. We have evidence; we have indications showing that this is the case,” she added.

The US placed sanctions on Syrian government networks a week ago for buying oil from ISIS: Treasury Sanctions Networks Providing Support to the Government of Syria, Including For Facilitating Syrian Government Oil Purchases from ISIL

OFAC designated George Haswani today for materially assisting and acting for or on behalf of the Government of Syria, and HESCO Engineering and Construction Company (HESCO) for being owned or controlled by Haswani. Haswani is a Syrian businessman who serves as a middleman for oil purchases by the Syrian regime from ISIL. HESCO is a Syrian engineering and construction company that operates energy production facilities in Syria, reportedly in areas controlled by ISIL. The European Union (EU) added Haswani to its sanctions list in March 2015.
Germany is countering Putin's charges with claims that Assad, Putin's puppet, has been buying oil from ISIS:

German Foreign Ministry deputy spokeswoman Sawsan Chebli told a news conference in Berlin on Tuesday that there was evidence of oil transactions between the Assad regime and ISIL. Anadolu Agency quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

Asked about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s claim that Turkey was buying oil from ISIL, Chebli said that German authorities have no information supporting these particular claims.

But what we know for example is that the Assad regime has received large amounts of oil from ISIL. We have evidence; we have indications showing that this is the case,” she added.

The US placed sanctions on Syrian government networks a week ago for buying oil from ISIS: Treasury Sanctions Networks Providing Support to the Government of Syria, Including For Facilitating Syrian Government Oil Purchases from ISIL

OFAC designated George Haswani today for materially assisting and acting for or on behalf of the Government of Syria, and HESCO Engineering and Construction Company (HESCO) for being owned or controlled by Haswani. Haswani is a Syrian businessman who serves as a middleman for oil purchases by the Syrian regime from ISIL. HESCO is a Syrian engineering and construction company that operates energy production facilities in Syria, reportedly in areas controlled by ISIL. The European Union (EU) added Haswani to its sanctions list in March 2015.
How does that counter Russia's claim? Be specific.
Germany is countering Putin's charges with claims that Assad, Putin's puppet, has been buying oil from ISIS:

German Foreign Ministry deputy spokeswoman Sawsan Chebli told a news conference in Berlin on Tuesday that there was evidence of oil transactions between the Assad regime and ISIL. Anadolu Agency quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

Asked about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s claim that Turkey was buying oil from ISIL, Chebli said that German authorities have no information supporting these particular claims.

But what we know for example is that the Assad regime has received large amounts of oil from ISIL. We have evidence; we have indications showing that this is the case,” she added.

The US placed sanctions on Syrian government networks a week ago for buying oil from ISIS: Treasury Sanctions Networks Providing Support to the Government of Syria, Including For Facilitating Syrian Government Oil Purchases from ISIL

OFAC designated George Haswani today for materially assisting and acting for or on behalf of the Government of Syria, and HESCO Engineering and Construction Company (HESCO) for being owned or controlled by Haswani. Haswani is a Syrian businessman who serves as a middleman for oil purchases by the Syrian regime from ISIL. HESCO is a Syrian engineering and construction company that operates energy production facilities in Syria, reportedly in areas controlled by ISIL. The European Union (EU) added Haswani to its sanctions list in March 2015.
How does that counter Russia's claim? Be specific.
Germany said they have no evidence supporting Putin's claims, tool.

They do have evidence that Putin's puppet is buying from ISIS.
Man you guys transitioned right from BDS to TDS.... I mean, just like that!!!!

Trump must be laughing his ass off knowing he is living rent free in the minds of moonbats everywhere!
Turkey has changed for the worse under Erdogan and many Turks feel that way as well.

"Erdogan long ago became the Turkish equivalent of corrupt Russian leader Vladimir Putin, minus the polonium tea (at least until he gets his hands on some polonium). He has sworn “to raise a religious generation,” and he will now succeed."

"More recently, however, Erdoğan .......... has spoken more openly of his desire to recast the country along conservative lines. “We want to raise pious generations,” he told an assembly of AKP youth members in 2012. The party’s new catchphrase calls for a “New Turkey”."

"But critics have increasingly accused the 61-year-old leader of polarising the country - by brooking no dissent and harbouring a secret agenda to turn Turkey into a fundamentally conservative Muslim society."

Recep Tayyip Erdogan - Turkey's bruised battler - BBC News

"And Mr. Erdogan’s increasingly religious direction seems to contradict the interests of most Turks. The same survey found that only 12 per cent of Turks would favour making Islamic sharia law “the law of their country,” one of the lowest levels of support in the Islamic world (and only 43 per cent of that 12 per cent minority felt that sharia should “also apply to non-Muslims”) – compared to, for example, 42 per cent support for sharia among Russian Muslims or 86 per cent for Malaysians."

The Turkish people outgrew their President long before the election

also see:

So we should just ignore it and go on? WHose side are you on, btw?
Who says we are ignoring it, tool?
Make up your mind.
What are you talking about?

As I said, every country has dirt on it. That means even our allies. We don't break up over it, we put diplomatic pressure on them.

They have dirt on us and they put pressure on us.

Round and round it goes.

Putin is exploiting your naivete and your ignorance. Don't be a tool.
So did Turkey buy oil from ISIS? Yes or no.
Was Putin telling the truth about it? Yes or no
Did that news prompt discussion here? Yes or no

You are an idiot of the first order. Youa re approaching JakeStarkey territory.
Was the Shah of Iran a dictator, yes or no? Did he torture dissidents, yes or no?

Did our Founders own slaves, yes or no?

See how that works, tool? You are behaving EXACTLY like the liberals of the 70s.
Deflection. You see how that works?
If you had committed yourself by answering the questions you would have undermined your own argument OR looked like a total and complete liar and fraud.
Hard choice.

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