Trump Drops To Knees, Fellates KGB Putin

Does that somehow excuse Turkey buying oil from ISIS?
Turkey, or Turkish black marketeers?

What do you want to do about it? You want us to break our alliance with Turkey? That's Putin's aim, tool.

The liberals wanted us to break our alliances during the Cold War so Russia would have an advantage.

Think about what you are doing here and whose interests you are serving.
So we should just ignore it and go on? WHose side are you on, btw?
Who says we are ignoring it, tool?
Make up your mind.
What are you talking about?

As I said, every country has dirt on it. That means even our allies. We don't break up over it, we put diplomatic pressure on them.

They have dirt on us and they put pressure on us.

Round and round it goes.

Putin is exploiting your naivete and your ignorance. Don't be a tool.
So did Turkey buy oil from ISIS? Yes or no.
Was Putin telling the truth about it? Yes or no
Did that news prompt discussion here? Yes or no

You are an idiot of the first order. Youa re approaching JakeStarkey territory.
the key word there is "reportedly". That the best you got Sport?
"So you posted a link reporting ties between Turkey and ISIS exist.... that all you got, sport?"

That's all I need, 'skippy', and there's more where that came some homework.
Yeah we know that any news that makes obama or the democrats look bad is fake while any rumor or meme that makes the GOP look bad is gospel truth.
the key word there is "reportedly". That the best you got Sport?
"So you posted a link reporting ties between Turkey and ISIS exist.... that all you got, sport?"

That's all I need, 'skippy', and there's more where that came some homework.
So you don't know what the qualifier "reportedly" means? I'm shocked I tell you. SHOCKED!!! :rolleyes-41:

You don't have the smarts to be a believable hack.
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Doesnt change anything I wrote.
If we've been bombing them so much how come the Russians and French have actually achieved results after a week when we've been fucking arounf for over a year?

Because the 'Rules of Engagement' Obama put in place protected critical ISIS targets... As Obama himself declared, he hasn't been trying to DEFEAT them. He has been trying (and failing) to 'contain' them.
Funny how the dictator Putin seems to be truthful, but our liberals LIE like the Obomanation!

When the greatness of Martin Luther King is spoken of, it can always be counted upon that someone will talk about his infidelities with women.

When the greatness of our Founders are spoken of, it can always be counted up that someone will talk about them as rich, white slave owners.

During the Cold War, whenever the Right alerted our country to the dangers and evils of the USSR, particularly their human rights violations, the liberals could always be counted upon to point out our own weaknesses and our treatment of minorities.

This tactic is one which attempts to draw some kind of moral equivalency between two entities which are nowhere near alike on the scale of evil.

So now you retards have a choice to make. Right now, you are being tools of a KGB thug. You are useful idiots.

It's time to wake up and see what is going on. Putin wants free rein to commit mass atrocities in Syria. He wants us and our allies out of the way.

That is what is going on.

He would also like an oil price shock since his economy is in a deep recession due to low oil prices.

It is time to take Putin's cock out of your mouth.

Stop being a KGB thug's tool.
^ that

Lots of Pooty Poot fellator Trumptites in the thread
Doesnt change anything I wrote.
If we've been bombing them so much how come the Russians and French have actually achieved results after a week when we've been fucking arounf for over a year?

Because the 'Rules of Engagement' Obama put in place protected critical ISIS targets... As Obama himself declared, he hasn't been trying to DEFEAT them. He has been trying (and failing) to 'contain' them.
And now we see the purpose was to allow Turkey to continue its oil trade. That should certainly be considered treason. Any reason it isnt?
Funny how the dictator Putin seems to be truthful, but our liberals LIE like the Obomanation!

When the greatness of Martin Luther King is spoken of, it can always be counted upon that someone will talk about his infidelities with women.

When the greatness of our Founders are spoken of, it can always be counted up that someone will talk about them as rich, white slave owners.

During the Cold War, whenever the Right alerted our country to the dangers and evils of the USSR, particularly their human rights violations, the liberals could always be counted upon to point out our own weaknesses and our treatment of minorities.

This tactic is one which attempts to draw some kind of moral equivalency between two entities which are nowhere near alike on the scale of evil.

So now you retards have a choice to make. Right now, you are being tools of a KGB thug. You are useful idiots.

It's time to wake up and see what is going on. Putin wants free rein to commit mass atrocities in Syria. He wants us and our allies out of the way.

That is what is going on.

He would also like an oil price shock since his economy is in a deep recession due to low oil prices.

It is time to take Putin's cock out of your mouth.

Stop being a KGB thug's tool.
^ that

Lots of Pooty Poot fellator Trumptites in the thread
WTF? Are you 14 years old or something?
Turkey, or Turkish black marketeers?

What do you want to do about it? You want us to break our alliance with Turkey? That's Putin's aim, tool.

The liberals wanted us to break our alliances during the Cold War so Russia would have an advantage.

Think about what you are doing here and whose interests you are serving.
So we should just ignore it and go on? WHose side are you on, btw?
Who says we are ignoring it, tool?
Make up your mind.
What are you talking about?

As I said, every country has dirt on it. That means even our allies. We don't break up over it, we put diplomatic pressure on them.

They have dirt on us and they put pressure on us.

Round and round it goes.

Putin is exploiting your naivete and your ignorance. Don't be a tool.
So did Turkey buy oil from ISIS? Yes or no.
Was Putin telling the truth about it? Yes or no
Did that news prompt discussion here? Yes or no

You are an idiot of the first order. Youa re approaching JakeStarkey territory.
Was the Shah of Iran a dictator, yes or no? Did he torture dissidents, yes or no?

Did our Founders own slaves, yes or no?

See how that works, tool? You are behaving EXACTLY like the liberals of the 70s.
So you don't know what the qualifier "reportedly means? I'm shocked I tell you. SHOCKED!!! :rolleyes-41:

You don't have the smarts to be a believable hack.

When it is 'reported' that evidence is found, that means it is being reported that evidence is found.

Russia Presents Detailed Evidence Of ISIS-Turkey Oil Trade
LINK: Russia Presents Detailed Evidence Of ISIS-Turkey Oil Trade | Zero Hedge

Links between Turkey and ISIS are now 'undeniable ...

New Evidence Reveals Turkish Government Is Directly Funding ISIS
LINK: New Evidence Reveals Turkish Government Is Directly Funding ISIS

The evidence that ISIS survives largely because Turkey allows it
LINK: The evidence that ISIS survives largely because Turkey allows it --

ISIS has thousands of oil tanker trucks and operating oil facilities.

They are funding 50% of their terrorist operations through black market sales of their stolen crude.

There are only so many places the oil can be taken, sold, and shipped via pipeline...such as Turkey, right across their border...

...yet YOU seem to think they aren't actually selling it to anyone, at least not Turkey.

You must also think that it is nearly impossible to track nearly 2,000 oil tankers running stolen oil out of Syria....'re a genius. You should share all of your collected evidence and Intel proving Turkey is completely innocent....

What's that? You have NONE? Surprise, surprise....
So you are committed to being a useful idiot. Check.

I hope you understand what I mean when I say assholes like you are destroying the conservative brand.
I don't support Putin. He is a totalitarian asshole. I just don't buy into the rhetorical bullshit. Turkey is a state sponsor of terrorism. But you are a committed to being a useful idiot...
By regurgitating Putin's propaganda, you are signing up to be his tool.

The noise about Turkey is coming straight from Putin.
You deny the Kurds (even though some military commander said IS is wayyyy bigger than what is said)
You deny European intelligence
FFS, you deny everything but current American rhetoric!
Wow. This is so Orwellian.

NONE OF YOU started talking about Turkey UNTIL PUTIN DID.

Do you think maybe the fact that Putin didnt talk about Turkey but actually presented solid evidence that Turkey was complicit with ISIS, making it NEWS, might have something to do with this?
Are you talking about Russian media? The same media that Vladimir asassinates reporters who don't toe the party line?

You rw'ers have gone "ALL IN" w/ the "party before country" stance. Wide stancers.
So you don't know what the qualifier "reportedly means? I'm shocked I tell you. SHOCKED!!! :rolleyes-41:

You don't have the smarts to be a believable hack.

When it is 'reported' that evidence is found, that means it is being reported that evidence is found.
I'll help you here Pooty Poot fellator:

Your first sourcing used the word- reportedly. You were obviously grasping to reinforce your pre-formed opinion as espoused by rw media and Russian media:


  1. according to what some say (used to express the speaker's belief that the information given is not necessarily true):

Go back to school
[QUOTE="ClosedCaption, post: 12939063, member: 25032:]

What is your homosexual obsession with liberals?[/QUOTE]

You continuously talk about guys blowing guys, I question what's up with that, and you are seriously trying to spin it as if I have the problem? Sorry, I did not mean to offend your fantasies and sexual preferences...please continue. :p
I don't support Putin. He is a totalitarian asshole. I just don't buy into the rhetorical bullshit. Turkey is a state sponsor of terrorism. But you are a committed to being a useful idiot...
By regurgitating Putin's propaganda, you are signing up to be his tool.

The noise about Turkey is coming straight from Putin.
You deny the Kurds (even though some military commander said IS is wayyyy bigger than what is said)
You deny European intelligence
FFS, you deny everything but current American rhetoric!
Wow. This is so Orwellian.

NONE OF YOU started talking about Turkey UNTIL PUTIN DID.

Do you think maybe the fact that Putin didnt talk about Turkey but actually presented solid evidence that Turkey was complicit with ISIS, making it NEWS, might have something to do with this?
This is exactly how propaganda works, tool.

Do you think it is a coincidence Putin did this right after Turkey gave him a bloody nose?

Nope. It isn't.

And you went right along with the ride.

Putin is trying to drive a wedge between the US and our allies, and you are going right along with it.

There's a reason he is doing this. Do you really think Putin did this out of some humanitarian motive?

Don't be a useful idiot.
I think you're asking a little much of one of the pre-eminent ODS Sufferers on the board. He isn't going to change. He is the NEW Repub voter who puts party before country, Harley seems to be that way too. Sad, sad, SAD!!!
I suppose I should be surprised to see alleged right wingers putting the interests of a KGB thug above that of our country's interests.

But unfortunately, these things just don't surprise me any more.

Boris and Harley are suck buddies. Its a long line. Tiny bubbles, communist thugs, RW's.
What? lol
communist? LMAO

are you really too stupid to know Boris was a KGB communist bastard ?

so go blow him, youre a commie.
^ that

What OP has been saying. rw Trumpites buying into KGB propagandist for purely political reasons- to spite the President.
I don't support Putin. He is a totalitarian asshole. I just don't buy into the rhetorical bullshit. Turkey is a state sponsor of terrorism. But you are a committed to being a useful idiot...
By regurgitating Putin's propaganda, you are signing up to be his tool.

The noise about Turkey is coming straight from Putin.
You deny the Kurds (even though some military commander said IS is wayyyy bigger than what is said)
You deny European intelligence
FFS, you deny everything but current American rhetoric!
Wow. This is so Orwellian.

NONE OF YOU started talking about Turkey UNTIL PUTIN DID.

Do you think maybe the fact that Putin didnt talk about Turkey but actually presented solid evidence that Turkey was complicit with ISIS, making it NEWS, might have something to do with this?
Are you talking about Russian media? The same media that Vladimir asassinates reporters who don't toe the party line?

You rw'ers have gone "ALL IN" w/ the "party before country" stance. Wide stancers.

isn't it funny that if it means they can continue to bash the president they'll even support commies?
By regurgitating Putin's propaganda, you are signing up to be his tool.

The noise about Turkey is coming straight from Putin.
You deny the Kurds (even though some military commander said IS is wayyyy bigger than what is said)
You deny European intelligence
FFS, you deny everything but current American rhetoric!
Wow. This is so Orwellian.

NONE OF YOU started talking about Turkey UNTIL PUTIN DID.

Do you think maybe the fact that Putin didnt talk about Turkey but actually presented solid evidence that Turkey was complicit with ISIS, making it NEWS, might have something to do with this?
This is exactly how propaganda works, tool.

Do you think it is a coincidence Putin did this right after Turkey gave him a bloody nose?

Nope. It isn't.

And you went right along with the ride.

Putin is trying to drive a wedge between the US and our allies, and you are going right along with it.

There's a reason he is doing this. Do you really think Putin did this out of some humanitarian motive?

Don't be a useful idiot.
I think you're asking a little much of one of the pre-eminent ODS Sufferers on the board. He isn't going to change. He is the NEW Repub voter who puts party before country, Harley seems to be that way too. Sad, sad, SAD!!!

modern RW's don't have a party. They just love Russians.
By regurgitating Putin's propaganda, you are signing up to be his tool.

The noise about Turkey is coming straight from Putin.
You deny the Kurds (even though some military commander said IS is wayyyy bigger than what is said)
You deny European intelligence
FFS, you deny everything but current American rhetoric!
Wow. This is so Orwellian.

NONE OF YOU started talking about Turkey UNTIL PUTIN DID.

Do you think maybe the fact that Putin didnt talk about Turkey but actually presented solid evidence that Turkey was complicit with ISIS, making it NEWS, might have something to do with this?
Are you talking about Russian media? The same media that Vladimir asassinates reporters who don't toe the party line?

You rw'ers have gone "ALL IN" w/ the "party before country" stance. Wide stancers.

isn't it funny that if it means they can continue to bash the president they'll even support commies?
Isnt it funny that you never post anything that is not insulting to other posters. Its like you have no grasp of facts and are incapable of reasoned argument. Almost like you are merely pretending to be an educated professional and in fact are some high school poseur.

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