Trump Easily Wins CPAC Straw Poll as Nikki Haley Heckled at CPAC

I'm not necessarily a big supporter of Nikki Haley, but they shouldn't be hecking her. That's not right.
Nikki said some smart stuff. Imagine that. Having the nerve to tell the truth.

Exactly what the feckless GOP should be endorsing.

Government spending is insane and financing it via ever more debt and inflation and taxation is utterly unacceptable. I don’t care if she took aim at Trump, DeSantis or anyone else. She’s right.
You don’t understand. Anybody who is not Trump is a heretic
You don’t understand. Anybody who is not Trump is a heretic
In the eyes of some true believers, you may have a point. But I know lots of people who (like, I do, still support Trump) are willing to consider alternative candidates.

I’m (so far) fine with DeSantis and I like Nikki, too.
In the eyes of some true believers, you may have a point. But I know lots of people who (like, I do, still support Trump) are willing to consider alternative candidates.

I’m (so far) fine with DeSantis and I like Nikki, too.
Haley is my first choice and then DeSantis
He is coming for all Democrat voters for having ruined this country. You should be afraid. He will have the FBI and CIA check all phone records of the voters and have them arrested and put in the Congressional Jail.
Seems the chant is proof that Trumpanzees enjoy their ignorance. See:

Trump / DeSantis is my first Choice

A. That's because you're a loser who likes losing.

B. It's also because you're ignorant as to our Constitution, which is in great irony seeing as how the Republicans always like to claim they are the Constitutional scholars.
DeSantis would be OK too. As would Ramswamy - he's energetic and well-spoken.

Ramswamy could end up being like a Republican Andrew Yang type figure and he may get some popularity, but ultimately, he won't end up with the nomination.
The left's analysis of a right wing convention is guaranteed to be biased but it takes up space that might otherwise be focused on the inept negligent Biden administration.

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