Trump Encourages His Followers To Harass Widow Of Steve Jobs Over Her Support Of Biden

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This is one small, petty and sick man.

It takes a very sick and petty childish person to call for their followers to harass a widow. Only for the reason she donated money to his opponent.

How dare trump presume to know what Steve Jobs wants? He doesn't know Steve Jobs and it's an insult to his memory for trump to presume he can dictate how his widow lives and who she donates money to.

This isn't ok. This is very wrong.

View attachment 385698

Shrug. So what?

It's war, and she involved herself with the enemy.
War? Really?

Really. Two diametrically opposed governing philosophies - one based in individual liberty and the other based in collective totalitarianism.

There is no room for compromise. The Democrats must be politically castrated.

No doubt!
Good fucking grief! You people are not playing with a full deck. We are the totalitarians? How come we are the ones who want all people to vote vs voter suppression? How come we are the ones who decry a theocracy and an oligarchy - clearly forms of totalitarianism, while you support that?

Individual freedom. You support freedom when it suits you. But, you oppose the freedom to marry the one who you love or for women to have domain over their own bodies and reproductive choices? You do not think that children should be free of religious indoctrination in public schools or that we as a species should have the choice to avert a climate catastrophe .You are all so full of shit!

You talkin' to me?
Your rant is like diarrhea; splattered all over the place. :9:
Mop bucket; aisle 3, please.
Brilliant retort!! You can't refute what I'm saying so all that you can do is to invoke images of excrement. Fucking pathetic!

Everything you post invokes images of excrement. Nice job fitting all of those Prog talking points into one post.
You want to force businesses to go against their Christian beliefs.
You want to force everyone to drive what you think they should, you want to FORCE the Nation to change it's very economy because you think mankind is "ruining" the World.
YOU want to force others to allow their CHILDREN to have abortions without parental consent.

Yes, you Progs are effing totalitarians.
The poor widow is worth 20 billion (with a B). The president is referring to her magazine "the Atlantic" that printed slanderous lies about him. Meanwhile Biden's people encourage freaking anarchy and arson and looting.
This is one small, petty and sick man.

It takes a very sick and petty childish person to call for their followers to harass a widow. Only for the reason she donated money to his opponent.

How dare trump presume to know what Steve Jobs wants? He doesn't know Steve Jobs and it's an insult to his memory for trump to presume he can dictate how his widow lives and who she donates money to.

This isn't ok. This is very wrong.

View attachment 385698

Shrug. So what?

It's war, and she involved herself with the enemy.
War? Really?

Really. Two diametrically opposed governing philosophies - one based in individual liberty and the other based in collective totalitarianism.

There is no room for compromise. The Democrats must be politically castrated.

No doubt!
Good fucking grief! You people are not playing with a full deck. We are the totalitarians? How come we are the ones who want all people to vote vs voter suppression? How come we are the ones who decry a theocracy and an oligarchy - clearly forms of totalitarianism, while you support that?

Individual freedom. You support freedom when it suits you. But, you oppose the freedom to marry the one who you love or for women to have domain over their own bodies and reproductive choices? You do not think that children should be free of religious indoctrination in public schools or that we as a species should have the choice to avert a climate catastrophe .You are all so full of shit!

You talkin' to me?
Your rant is like diarrhea; splattered all over the place. :9:
Mop bucket; aisle 3, please.
Brilliant retort!! You can't refute what I'm saying so all that you can do is to invoke images of excrement. Fucking pathetic!

Everything you post invokes images of excrement. Nice job fitting all of those Prog talking points into one post.
You want to force businesses to go against their Christian beliefs.
You want to force everyone to drive what you think they should, you want to FORCE the Nation to change it's very economy because you think mankind is "ruining" the World.
YOU want to force others to allow their CHILDREN to have abortions without parental consent.

Yes, you Progs are effing totalitarians.
Clearly you have no understanding or appreciation of what totalitarianism actually is.
This is one small, petty and sick man.

It takes a very sick and petty childish person to call for their followers to harass a widow. Only for the reason she donated money to his opponent.

How dare trump presume to know what Steve Jobs wants? He doesn't know Steve Jobs and it's an insult to his memory for trump to presume he can dictate how his widow lives and who she donates money to.

This isn't ok. This is very wrong.

View attachment 385698

Shrug. So what?

It's war, and she involved herself with the enemy.
War? Really?

Really. Two diametrically opposed governing philosophies - one based in individual liberty and the other based in collective totalitarianism.

There is no room for compromise. The Democrats must be politically castrated.

No doubt!
Good fucking grief! You people are not playing with a full deck. We are the totalitarians? How come we are the ones who want all people to vote vs voter suppression? How come we are the ones who decry a theocracy and an oligarchy - clearly forms of totalitarianism, while you support that?

Individual freedom. You support freedom when it suits you. But, you oppose the freedom to marry the one who you love or for women to have domain over their own bodies and reproductive choices? You do not think that children should be free of religious indoctrination in public schools or that we as a species should have the choice to avert a climate catastrophe .You are all so full of shit!

You talkin' to me?
Your rant is like diarrhea; splattered all over the place. :9:
Mop bucket; aisle 3, please.
Brilliant retort!! You can't refute what I'm saying so all that you can do is to invoke images of excrement. Fucking pathetic!
There's no need to refute obvious fairytales.
This is one small, petty and sick man.

It takes a very sick and petty childish person to call for their followers to harass a widow. Only for the reason she donated money to his opponent.

How dare trump presume to know what Steve Jobs wants? He doesn't know Steve Jobs and it's an insult to his memory for trump to presume he can dictate how his widow lives and who she donates money to.

This isn't ok. This is very wrong.

View attachment 385698

Shrug. So what?

It's war, and she involved herself with the enemy.
War? Really?

Really. Two diametrically opposed governing philosophies - one based in individual liberty and the other based in collective totalitarianism.

There is no room for compromise. The Democrats must be politically castrated.

No doubt!
Good fucking grief! You people are not playing with a full deck. We are the totalitarians? How come we are the ones who want all people to vote vs voter suppression? How come we are the ones who decry a theocracy and an oligarchy - clearly forms of totalitarianism, while you support that?

Individual freedom. You support freedom when it suits you. But, you oppose the freedom to marry the one who you love or for women to have domain over their own bodies and reproductive choices? You do not think that children should be free of religious indoctrination in public schools or that we as a species should have the choice to avert a climate catastrophe .You are all so full of shit!

You talkin' to me?
Your rant is like diarrhea; splattered all over the place. :9:
Mop bucket; aisle 3, please.
Brilliant retort!! You can't refute what I'm saying so all that you can do is to invoke images of excrement. Fucking pathetic!

Everything you post invokes images of excrement. Nice job fitting all of those Prog talking points into one post.
You want to force businesses to go against their Christian beliefs.
You want to force everyone to drive what you think they should, you want to FORCE the Nation to change it's very economy because you think mankind is "ruining" the World.
YOU want to force others to allow their CHILDREN to have abortions without parental consent.

Yes, you Progs are effing totalitarians.
Clearly you have no understanding or appreciation of what totalitarianism actually is.
He sure as hell does. They are progressivism in spades
This is one small, petty and sick man.

It takes a very sick and petty childish person to call for their followers to harass a widow. Only for the reason she donated money to his opponent.

How dare trump presume to know what Steve Jobs wants? He doesn't know Steve Jobs and it's an insult to his memory for trump to presume he can dictate how his widow lives and who she donates money to.

This isn't ok. This is very wrong.

View attachment 385698
OK, President Trump has learned from you liberals and is acting like one.

Suddenly you don't like him doing the stuff YOU lefties do every day?

Does that mean you're going to stop?

Of course not.

You're just doing what you've been indoctrinated to do.

Now fuck off.
This is one small, petty and sick man.

It takes a very sick and petty childish person to call for their followers to harass a widow. Only for the reason she donated money to his opponent.

How dare trump presume to know what Steve Jobs wants? He doesn't know Steve Jobs and it's an insult to his memory for trump to presume he can dictate how his widow lives and who she donates money to.

This isn't ok. This is very wrong.

View attachment 385698

Shrug. So what?

It's war, and she involved herself with the enemy.
War? Really?

Really. Two diametrically opposed governing philosophies - one based in individual liberty and the other based in collective totalitarianism.

There is no room for compromise. The Democrats must be politically castrated.

No doubt!
Good fucking grief! You people are not playing with a full deck. We are the totalitarians? How come we are the ones who want all people to vote vs voter suppression? How come we are the ones who decry a theocracy and an oligarchy - clearly forms of totalitarianism, while you support that?

Individual freedom. You support freedom when it suits you. But, you oppose the freedom to marry the one who you love or for women to have domain over their own bodies and reproductive choices? You do not think that children should be free of religious indoctrination in public schools or that we as a species should have the choice to avert a climate catastrophe .You are all so full of shit!

You talkin' to me?
Your rant is like diarrhea; splattered all over the place. :9:
Mop bucket; aisle 3, please.
Brilliant retort!! You can't refute what I'm saying so all that you can do is to invoke images of excrement. Fucking pathetic!

Everything you post invokes images of excrement. Nice job fitting all of those Prog talking points into one post.
You want to force businesses to go against their Christian beliefs.
You want to force everyone to drive what you think they should, you want to FORCE the Nation to change it's very economy because you think mankind is "ruining" the World.
YOU want to force others to allow their CHILDREN to have abortions without parental consent.

Yes, you Progs are effing totalitarians.
Clearly you have no understanding or appreciation of what totalitarianism actually is.

You epitomize it, all Progs do. You think you know best about everything and that you have a moral obligation to make everyone do as you say.
This is one small, petty and sick man.

It takes a very sick and petty childish person to call for their followers to harass a widow. Only for the reason she donated money to his opponent.

How dare trump presume to know what Steve Jobs wants? He doesn't know Steve Jobs and it's an insult to his memory for trump to presume he can dictate how his widow lives and who she donates money to.

This isn't ok. This is very wrong.

View attachment 385698

He can't defend his past comments, so he's lashing out.
Goldberg's reputation, unlike Traitor Trump, is beyond reproach.
You can bet Trump is beating the bushes and browbeating those around him to come forward an LIE for him and say The Atlantic is lying.
I wish John Kelly would come forward and confirm, we KNOW that's where Goldberg got the information about what Trump said at Kelly's son's grave in Arlington.

Yeah, Trump browbeat John Bolton to lie on his behalf. LMFAO. If you people could only see how ridiculous you look trying to pretend you believe this BS.
This is one small, petty and sick man.
Ugly times indeed.

But the fact that he could win again says a lot about this country.

We have never had a president who has caused so much division and hate in our nation on purpose.

All other presidents have not lowered themselves to this disgusting level.

The fact that he won in the first place says a lot about out nation and it's not good.
He caused division and hate by not groveling before boot lickers like you and by not make productive Americans from bending over to cater to your demands. Thugs and criminals always hate it when their victims stand up for themselves.

Dims are little pussy bullies. Bullies hate it when they get called on their shit and punched in the face.

Trump is not some old school turn the other cheek RINO. Dims play hardball, Trump plays harder. It is no surprise they don't like it. Too ducking bad. :D
The Dims just love patsies like George W Bush who sat still to take whatever they dished out.

Trump 's unwillingness to take it up the ass is his best quality. Of course the Left and the media hate him for this.

Fuck 'em. :D

Oh yeah, Trump is such a big strong man, unwilling to take it up the ass from fellow Americans, but Putin, and Russia--it is like "thank you sir, may I have another".
Trumpsters like to pretend they like strength.

So who do they adore? An emotional, flamboyant, hyper-sensitive, psychological basket case.

We haven't seen a group pathology like this in the world for 80, 90 years.

Spot on, Mac.
We haven't seen a group pathology like this since 1933 Germany.
I went about three years trying to avoid making the comparison, because it can be misused.

But the similarities are just too obvious at this point. At least from the standpoint of the group.

I did too and I actually should have made a different comparison: Benito Mussolini, 1925. Trump's behavior mimics Mussolini's more than Hitler.
Now I'm deep into reading about the last civil war in "These Truths" (Jill Lepore, 2018) and looking for cultural and political similarities.

It's extraordinarily difficult reading, especially Grant's comments at Shiloh: "it would have been possible to walk across the clearing in any direction stepping on dead bodies without a foot touching the ground."
Anyone purporting another civil war with Trump in office clearly doesn't understand the danger.
Yeah, the first similarity I saw was in their gestures when speaking before large groups. Mussolini used to go over-the-top theatrical with his mannerisms and posing, too.

Trump adores the nationalist strongmen of history, and he knows there will always be a market for such "leaders". The "conservatives" are showing their true colors now.

The weird juxtaposition, of course, is that Trump is simultaneously an emotional, hyper-sensitive, victimized, flamboyant, needy, emotional, psychological wreck. I suppose it could be argued that his role models have been, too.
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This is one small, petty and sick man.

It takes a very sick and petty childish person to call for their followers to harass a widow. Only for the reason she donated money to his opponent.

How dare trump presume to know what Steve Jobs wants? He doesn't know Steve Jobs and it's an insult to his memory for trump to presume he can dictate how his widow lives and who she donates money to.

This isn't ok. This is very wrong.

View attachment 385698

oh and this bitch running her mouth is ok for you, huh? guess what , fair game, she is encouraging her shit, then she should be prepared for the backlash. you should stop crying
This is one small, petty and sick man.
Ugly times indeed.

But the fact that he could win again says a lot about this country.

We have never had a president who has caused so much division and hate in our nation on purpose.

All other presidents have not lowered themselves to this disgusting level.

The fact that he won in the first place says a lot about out nation and it's not good.
He caused division and hate by not groveling before boot lickers like you and by not make productive Americans from bending over to cater to your demands. Thugs and criminals always hate it when their victims stand up for themselves.

Dims are little pussy bullies. Bullies hate it when they get called on their shit and punched in the face.

Trump is not some old school turn the other cheek RINO. Dims play hardball, Trump plays harder. It is no surprise they don't like it. Too ducking bad. :D
The Dims just love patsies like George W Bush who sat still to take whatever they dished out.

Trump 's unwillingness to take it up the ass is his best quality. Of course the Left and the media hate him for this.

Fuck 'em. :D

Oh yeah, Trump is such a big strong man, unwilling to take it up the ass from fellow Americans, but Putin, and Russia--it is like "thank you sir, may I have another".
Trumpsters like to pretend they like strength.

So who do they adore? An emotional, flamboyant, hyper-sensitive, psychological basket case.

We haven't seen a group pathology like this in the world for 80, 90 years.

Spot on, Mac.
We haven't seen a group pathology like this since 1933 Germany.
I went about three years trying to avoid making the comparison, because it can be misused.

But the similarities are just too obvious at this point. At least from the standpoint of the group.

I did too and I actually should have made a different comparison: Benito Mussolini, 1925. Trump's behavior mimics Mussolini's more than Hitler.
Now I'm deep into reading about the last civil war in "These Truths" (Jill Lepore, 2018) and looking for cultural and political similarities.

It's extraordinarily difficult reading, especially Grant's comments at Shiloh: "it would have been possible to walk across the clearing in any direction stepping on dead bodies without a foot touching the ground."
Anyone purporting another civil war with Trump in office clearly doesn't understand the danger.
Yeah, the first similarity I saw was in their gestures when speaking before large groups. Mussolini used to go over-the-top theatrical with his mannerisms and posing, too.

Trump adores the nationalist strongmen of history, and he knows there will always be a market for such "leaders". The "conservatives" are showing their true colors now.

The weird juxtaposition, of course, is that Trump is simultaneously an emotional, hyper-sensitive, victimized, flamboyant, emotional, psychological wreck. I suppose it could be argued that his role models have been, too.
This is one small, petty and sick man.

It takes a very sick and petty childish person to call for their followers to harass a widow. Only for the reason she donated money to his opponent.

How dare trump presume to know what Steve Jobs wants? He doesn't know Steve Jobs and it's an insult to his memory for trump to presume he can dictate how his widow lives and who she donates money to.

This isn't ok. This is very wrong.

View attachment 385698

He can't defend his past comments, so he's lashing out.
Goldberg's reputation, unlike Traitor Trump, is beyond reproach.
You can bet Trump is beating the bushes and browbeating those around him to come forward an LIE for him and say The Atlantic is lying.
I wish John Kelly would come forward and confirm, we KNOW that's where Goldberg got the information about what Trump said at Kelly's son's grave in Arlington.

Yeah, Trump browbeat John Bolton to lie on his behalf. LMFAO. If you people could only see how ridiculous you look trying to pretend you believe this BS.
and how stupid you look defending demoncrats. tell me, i suppose you believe in the set-up at the dog grooming salon prune face was getting ITS fur groomed? you believe this BS
This is one small, petty and sick man.
Ugly times indeed.

But the fact that he could win again says a lot about this country.

We have never had a president who has caused so much division and hate in our nation on purpose.

All other presidents have not lowered themselves to this disgusting level.

The fact that he won in the first place says a lot about out nation and it's not good.
Obozo did cause more hate and division than anybody in history. No, nobody has lowered themselves to his bottom feeder level. The fact that anybody voted for him is not good. Truth hurt?
and anybody who supports the--i was set up--mentality is brain dead.. where the hell did you get your brain? kmart?
This is one small, petty and sick man.
Ugly times indeed.

But the fact that he could win again says a lot about this country.

We have never had a president who has caused so much division and hate in our nation on purpose.

All other presidents have not lowered themselves to this disgusting level.

The fact that he won in the first place says a lot about out nation and it's not good.
He caused division and hate by not groveling before boot lickers like you and by not make productive Americans from bending over to cater to your demands. Thugs and criminals always hate it when their victims stand up for themselves.

Dims are little pussy bullies. Bullies hate it when they get called on their shit and punched in the face.

Trump is not some old school turn the other cheek RINO. Dims play hardball, Trump plays harder. It is no surprise they don't like it. Too ducking bad. :D
The Dims just love patsies like George W Bush who sat still to take whatever they dished out.

Trump 's unwillingness to take it up the ass is his best quality. Of course the Left and the media hate him for this.

Fuck 'em. :D

Oh yeah, Trump is such a big strong man, unwilling to take it up the ass from fellow Americans, but Putin, and Russia--it is like "thank you sir, may I have another".

Completely false but a favorite Dim lie. Just like Russian Collusion. :lol: You realize no one believes the stupid shit you girls make up. It just stuff you tell each other as you giggle at your sleep overs.

Collusion, yes, it was there. I believe that has clearly been adjudicated, but you go ahead and bury your head in the sand. Russian troops targeting Americans--what did Trump do, not a damn thing. Russian government attempting to poison someone criticizing the government, what does Trump do, nothing. Pretty damn sad when Angela Merkel has a bigger set of balls than the coward Trump.

Trump has an empty sack. Those tiny things shrunk up a long time ago, about the time he was diagnosed with "bone spurs", and Daddy took care of his best boy so he never had to grow them back.
Obozo did cause more hate and division than anybody in history.
Right !He committed the crime of getting elected while black and you fucking people lost your shit over it.

Um no. It wasn't the color of the man, it was his anti colonialism, his Marxist tendencies, and his smug demeanor while running over the constitution and shoving his failed policies down his opponents throats.

He was a divisive shithead, and now we have our own version of that, and you idiots can't handle it.

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