trump endorsed PA candidate says men used to defend women from dinosaurs

One question:

Can a man become a woman?

Once you've coherently answered THAT question, you can smugly chortle about how much "smarter" you believe yourself to be.

As for the quote that you're nitpicking to support the ego you wish you deserved, look up the word "hyperbole".
You are using trumpism diversion.....look up the years dinosaurs lived....idiot

“From an evolutionary standpoint, it used to be women were attracted to your strength because you could defend them from dinosaurs,” said Parnell. (Dinosaurs went extinct more than 65 million years before humans evolved.)
I am speechless. I mean...really....speechless....

He probably watched this movie::

We have seen men watching a rape and a woman punched in the face. We have been emasculated.
Yeah, science is the strong point among the horse paste eaters and flat earthers the right has become.
There we go! Call it “horse paste”, when it’s a drug approved by the FDA decades ago for humans. Almost all drugs are tested in animals before they are approved for humans. Do you call these drugs “rat pills”? Why does a drug being used for another animal suddenly mean it can’t do anything for humans? I guess it’s some special science only lefties are smart enough to understand.

“From an evolutionary standpoint, it used to be women were attracted to your strength because you could defend them from dinosaurs,” said Parnell. (Dinosaurs went extinct more than 65 million years before humans evolved.)
I am speechless. I mean...really....speechless....

He probably watched this movie::

obviously he was talking about joe biden billy clinton john conyers and other ancient democrats
There we go! Call it “horse paste”, when it’s a drug approved by the FDA decades ago for humans. Almost all drugs are tested in animals before they are approved for humans. Do you call these drugs “rat pills”? Why does a drug being used for another animal suddenly mean it can’t do anything for humans? I guess it’s some special science only lefties are smart enough to understand.
Yeah, approved for treatment of parasites. Not COVID. Now all the Facebook and Youtube medical experts are extolling the virtues of Ivermectin, and idiots believe them and rush out to get it in whatever form they can find. As far as FDA approval goes, the Pfizer vaccine has full FDA approval, and it is designed for COVID, not as a dewormer.

“From an evolutionary standpoint, it used to be women were attracted to your strength because you could defend them from dinosaurs,” said Parnell. (Dinosaurs went extinct more than 65 million years before humans evolved.)
I am speechless. I mean...really....speechless....

He probably watched this movie::

Dear God.. Is he a Trumpie?
You need to learn how to recognize a metaphor from a literal, Jim. Politicians are not stratigraphic scientists. The implied scenario was that cavemen went out hunting food and defending women from the other wild animals, WHATEVER THEY WERE 50,000 to 3 million years ago.
You have to excuse him. I'm sure he hasn't met a man that will stick up for himself or protect his family. Liberal men are like,
This intrepid Congressman was right about Conservative he-men protecting our womenfolk from Dinosaurs.

Except the dinosaur was this one:

The left wing media isn't wasting any time smearing republican candidates when they saw how the mid-mid terms went for republicans.
Got it. Right wingers don't know what they are talking about, so we are supposed to ignore their stupid remarks.
Hard to ignore this one…

The idea that a woman doesn’t need a man to be successful, the idea that a woman doesn’t need a man to have a baby, the idea that a woman can live a happy and fulfilling life without a man, I think it’s all nonsense,” said Parnell.
Obviously this was a figure of speech and not meant to be a scientific opinion.
Yea, a lot of congressional candidates use figures of speech which makes them look like a moron just to impress voters.

That must be how MTG, Boebert, Gosar & a few others got elected.
You beat me to it, poster Coyote.

I too thought there were some, ummm, notable non-dinosaurian insights by Mr. Parnell.
For example (the first you've already pointed out.....but it bears repeating.)

  • “The idea that a woman doesn’t need a man to be successful........ I think it’s all nonsense,” said Parnell.
  • "I feel like the whole happy wife, happy life nonsense has done nothing but raise one generation of women tyrants after the next.”
  • went on to talk in the Fox Nation appearance about his own failed marriage, and he criticized women on Instagram who post “duck-billed selfies,” ......"
(underlining by my avatar)
Ignorance is curable, stupidity is not. The statement appears to be more ignorant than stupid.

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