trump endorsed PA candidate says men used to defend women from dinosaurs

You are using trumpism diversion.....look up the years dinosaurs lived....idiot

No, you are claiming intellectual superiority you have no right to, and I'm giving you a chance to prove that you have any claim at all.

I think your dodge answered the question for us. You think men can become women, so you have nothing to say on ANY science question.

Also, did you ever bother to look up the word "hyperbole"? No? So take your orders for me to look up what you want and cram it right up your jacksie.
No it wasn't....the idiot probably did defend women against dinosaurs....since he sounds like a Neanderthal.

Coming from someone so "scientific" that he thinks men can magically become women just by wishing it, that insult means nothing. I really doubt he was looking for the approval of a moron like you.
I really doubt he was looking for the approval of a moron like you.

Nor, clearly, was he looking for approval from women.
To wit:

  • “The idea that a woman doesn’t need a man to be successful........ I think it’s all nonsense,” said Parnell.
  • "I feel like the whole happy wife, happy life nonsense has done nothing but raise one generation of women tyrants after the next.”
  • went on to talk in the Fox Nation appearance about his own failed marriage, and he criticized women on Instagram who post “duck-billed selfies,” ......"
I quite agree with the poster above who suggested the dinosaur remark was likely more ignorance than stupidity. Lotsa people think people and dinosaurs were concurrent. And I doubt movies like Jurassic Park or or Walking With Dinosaurs......convinced them otherwise.

However, with that said, the argument about 'stupidity' goes to a different level with:

  • 'independent women and success = nonsense'.
  • Or, 'happy wife' = women tyrants.'

Then, dear reader, stupidity does enter into the discussion.

Lastly, I also quite agree the guy does sound like a cultural Neanderthal.
But even then, he'd be way way late (about 65 million years late) for his imagined take-down of a Velociraptor.
There we go! Call it “horse paste”, when it’s a drug approved by the FDA decades ago for humans. Almost all drugs are tested in animals before they are approved for humans. Do you call these drugs “rat pills”? Why does a drug being used for another animal suddenly mean it can’t do anything for humans? I guess it’s some special science only lefties are smart enough to understand.

Lots of medications used in humans have versions used for animals who get similar conditions. If, for example, you take your dog to the vet because he has some sort of inflammation, he's going to be prescribed prednisone, the same thing a human's doctor would prescribe for it. And obviously, medications to treat parasites are going to be basically the same, since the parasites gotten by animals and humans are the same. It requires someone with some scientific knowledge to know that, though, so that lets these twerps out.
Yeah, approved for treatment of parasites. Not COVID. Now all the Facebook and Youtube medical experts are extolling the virtues of Ivermectin, and idiots believe them and rush out to get it in whatever form they can find. As far as FDA approval goes, the Pfizer vaccine has full FDA approval, and it is designed for COVID, not as a dewormer.

Yes, because no medication is EVER used for purposes other than the original stated purpose. *eye roll*
Nor, clearly, was he looking for approval from women.
To wit:

  • “The idea that a woman doesn’t need a man to be successful........ I think it’s all nonsense,” said Parnell.
  • "I feel like the whole happy wife, happy life nonsense has done nothing but raise one generation of women tyrants after the next.”
  • went on to talk in the Fox Nation appearance about his own failed marriage, and he criticized women on Instagram who post “duck-billed selfies,” ......"
I quite agree with the poster above who suggested the dinosaur remark was likely more ignorance than stupidity. Lotsa people think people and dinosaurs were concurrent. And I doubt movies like Jurassic Park or or Walking With Dinosaurs......convinced them otherwise.

However, with that said, the argument about 'stupidity' goes to a different level with:

  • 'independent women and success = nonsense'.
  • Or, 'happy wife' = women tyrants.'

Then, dear reader, stupidity does enter into the discussion.

Lastly, I also quite agree the guy does sound like a cultural Neanderthal.
But even then, he'd be way way late (about 65 million years late) for his imagined take-down of a Velociraptor.

Would it shock you to know that, unlike you, many people aren't seeking "approval" from anyone at all? That they actually just say what they believe, and the approval you've been taught that the whole world desperately wants from you means nothing?
Yeah, approved for treatment of parasites. Not COVID. Now all the Facebook and Youtube medical experts are extolling the virtues of Ivermectin, and idiots believe them and rush out to get it in whatever form they can find. As far as FDA approval goes, the Pfizer vaccine has full FDA approval, and it is designed for COVID, not as a dewormer.
The problem with your propaganda is that there is real world data from countries all around the world. Our corrupt FDA is full of former executives from Pfizer and other Big Pharma, so of course they are pushing only Pfizer and other Big Pharma.

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