Trump Ex-Bodyguard Testified Russians Offered Trump 5 Prostitutes During Pageant in Russia

..because if it were true that they were trying to set up Trump and his people in Moscow during the Mrs. Universe Pageant why the fuck would they trust them on this to meet them?

You haven't been out of country much -- I'd wager. You ever watch spy movies? Russia is very big place. The Kremlin isn't the ONLY PLACE with bad guys. You got your mafia, oligarchs, and just powerful govt/private companies doing their OWN "foreign relations". Much like this country. I RESENT the idea that you "don't trust Russians".

Just expect that in the 90s -- if you went to Russia on VERY HIGH biz that the govt would be minding you. Other than that -- it LOOKS to me -- like the threat from the Russian Lawyer/ Fusion GPS lady came from HILLARY'S campaign and NOT the Russians. At least not Russians at the Kremlin level..
It appears even more of the dossier is getting closer to being true than Trump supporters want to admit. On CNN they confirmed that Trump's ex-bodyguard Keith Schiller admitted that Trump was offered 5 prostitutes to come to his hotel room later that night, and at the time he laughed it off as a joke and said no... however Schiller admitted he didn't stay with Trump all night.

Report: Russians Offered To 'Send Five Women' to Trump's Moscow Hotel Room
So years before he ran for president, Trump was offered Russian prostitutes and he rejected it outright.

This actually makes Trump look really good. But Lefties are so stupid they keep repeating the story.

It does? Because he lied and said it never happened.
It didn't, he was offered prostitutes by people he had no knowledge of and he laughed it off. And this was before he was a candidate.

Ya think that perv Bill Clinton would have rejected it? I doubt it.
I'm sorry, so cheating on one's wife isn't wrong?

Probably is. But obviously that's a personal matter. UNTIL you become POTUS. Then if it's a secret -- it makes you blackmailable. And NOBODY with secrets like that ever gets even a Secret level clearance. Because you can be compromised.

Problem is -- this is all horseshit. Could have gotten him prostitutes is a big step from GOT him prostitutes. And the source for this comes thru the same PAID opo research crap that was embarrassing phony...

At issue however is, the same guy that Trump and his family thought were reliable for dirt on Clinton in the Trump Tower meeting, the Pop Star Oligarch's son, is also the same guy that one of his entourage offered Trump the 5 prostitutes.

Yeah. So why don't you get it? The Russian lawyer babe was deeply connected to the same agency that spawned the bogus appendix (dossier) to the phony "Intel Report".. Wasn't known at the time of the meeting. But this sure sounds like "entrapment" to reasonable folks.

And despite all the people here saying how smart Trump and his people are, they accepted the meeting at Trump Tower. How much sense does that make?

You meet with a lot of people before and during a campaign. Trump delegated it. It was a bust. Or more likely a STING to validate the "Russia Russia Russia" excuse.

In the case of THIS thread -- Trump and his security staff were WAY AHEAD of the KGB. Years before there ever was a mention of him running for office. MOST folks who are world savvy would know that you don't party hardy in Moscow Hotel if it's anything you don't want your mommy to know..

Nothing happened here. Other than finding out that it was handled perfectly..

You make assumptions and when given counter-arguments and asked to back your assumptions with facts you refuse to do so. I've asked you in multiple threads to do so, and now you have even resorted to trolling.

If Trump Jr. didn't know his meeting in Trump Tower was wrong, why did he lie and say it was about abortion? Why did Trump Sr. help him formulate that lie?

Will this make it easier for you to have a real debate if I go one item at a time? Or will you continue to seep down into the same type of category as trolls like bripat, jc, and others?
..because if it were true that they were trying to set up Trump and his people in Moscow during the Mrs. Universe Pageant why the fuck would they trust them on this to meet them?

You haven't been out of country much -- I'd wager. You ever watch spy movies? Russia is very big place. The Kremlin isn't the ONLY PLACE with bad guys. You got your mafia, oligarchs, and just powerful govt/private companies doing their OWN "foreign relations". Much like this country. I RESENT the idea that you "don't trust Russians".

Just expect that in the 90s -- if you went to Russia on VERY HIGH biz that the govt would be minding you. Other than that -- it LOOKS to me -- like the threat from the Russian Lawyer/ Fusion GPS lady came from HILLARY'S campaign and NOT the Russians. At least not Russians at the Kremlin level..

I HAVE been out of the country... and you continue to ignore the simple fucking question I've posed multiple times now.
It appears even more of the dossier is getting closer to being true than Trump supporters want to admit. On CNN they confirmed that Trump's ex-bodyguard Keith Schiller admitted that Trump was offered 5 prostitutes to come to his hotel room later that night, and at the time he laughed it off as a joke and said no... however Schiller admitted he didn't stay with Trump all night.

Report: Russians Offered To 'Send Five Women' to Trump's Moscow Hotel Room
So years before he ran for president, Trump was offered Russian prostitutes and he rejected it outright.

This actually makes Trump look really good. But Lefties are so stupid they keep repeating the story.

It does? Because he lied and said it never happened.
It didn't, he was offered prostitutes by people he had no knowledge of and he laughed it off. And this was before he was a candidate.

Ya think that perv Bill Clinton would have rejected it? I doubt it.


Please tell me the last time Trump refused to take the opportunity to brag about how smart he thinks he is? If he knew this would come out, he would have bragged from the very fucking beginning that when he was in Moscow that he knew that Russia tried to get compromising info on him but he was to smart to fall for it, and that is how he knew the dossier was fake... he didn't do that. He claimed THE ENTIRE THING WAS FAKE. That's a lie.
If it was handled so perfectly, then why did Trump call everything in the dossier fake including the part about the prostitutes?

Testing.. Thump Thump... Testing.. Is this on??? ---

THERE WERE NO PROSTITUTES. Not any peeing on the bed because "the Obama's slept there".

Only prostitutes around Trump these days are the one's the Sec. Service guys can't keep their paws off of in foreign countries... True story...
It appears even more of the dossier is getting closer to being true than Trump supporters want to admit. On CNN they confirmed that Trump's ex-bodyguard Keith Schiller admitted that Trump was offered 5 prostitutes to come to his hotel room later that night, and at the time he laughed it off as a joke and said no... however Schiller admitted he didn't stay with Trump all night.

Report: Russians Offered To 'Send Five Women' to Trump's Moscow Hotel Room
Talking Points Memo!

What else you going to parrot for us from billionaire Soros?

Youve given up trying to defend it.

The dossier is proven right again.
It appears even more of the dossier is getting closer to being true than Trump supporters want to admit. On CNN they confirmed that Trump's ex-bodyguard Keith Schiller admitted that Trump was offered 5 prostitutes to come to his hotel room later that night, and at the time he laughed it off as a joke and said no... however Schiller admitted he didn't stay with Trump all night.

Report: Russians Offered To 'Send Five Women' to Trump's Moscow Hotel Room
So years before he ran for president, Trump was offered Russian prostitutes and he rejected it outright.

This actually makes Trump look really good. But Lefties are so stupid they keep repeating the story.

It does? Because he lied and said it never happened.
It didn't, he was offered prostitutes by people he had no knowledge of and he laughed it off. And this was before he was a candidate.

Ya think that perv Bill Clinton would have rejected it? I doubt it.


Please tell me the last time Trump refused to take the opportunity to brag about how smart he thinks he is? If he knew this would come out, he would have bragged from the very fucking beginning that when he was in Moscow that he knew that Russia tried to get compromising info on him but he was to smart to fall for it, and that is how he knew the dossier was fake... he didn't do that. He claimed THE ENTIRE THING WAS FAKE. That's a lie.
Yes, the Dossier was a lie. Putin did not have compromising video of prostitutes peeing on Trump. It never happened. Hillary Clinton colluded with the Russians and then with the crooked media to spread those lies. Sounds like Hillary and individuals in the media and DNC to be put behind bars.

Please tell me the last time Trump refused to take the opportunity to brag about how smart he thinks he is? If he knew this would come out, he would have bragged from the very fucking beginning that when he was in Moscow that he knew that Russia tried to get compromising info on him but he was to smart to fall for it, and that is how he knew the dossier was fake... he didn't do that. He claimed THE ENTIRE THING WAS FAKE. That's a lie.

What the dossier claimed happened (prostitutes peeing etc.) did not. There is no proof of that whatsoever. The fact that the bodyguard left is no proof at all. So what if Trump didn't mention precisely that he'd been propositioned and turned it down? With the way you lefties and the crazy MSM treats Trump it's no wonder he didn't mention his denial of the proposition at the time. Bottom line there is NO PROOF that the prostitutes were even anywhere near his room. Seems you want to take 'no proof' and try to smear him with that. I call that desperation.
So the Leftie headline here that we've been bombarded with the last few days is, "OMG OMG OMG! Trump was offered Russian prostitutes and he rejected it! OMG OMG OMG! Stop the fake news media presses!"
It appears even more of the dossier is getting closer to being true than Trump supporters want to admit. On CNN they confirmed that Trump's ex-bodyguard Keith Schiller admitted that Trump was offered 5 prostitutes to come to his hotel room later that night, and at the time he laughed it off as a joke and said no... however Schiller admitted he didn't stay with Trump all night.

Report: Russians Offered To 'Send Five Women' to Trump's Moscow Hotel Room
Talking Points Memo!

What else you going to parrot for us from billionaire Soros?

Youve given up trying to defend it.

The dossier is proven right again.
And the Earth is flat.
If it was handled so perfectly, then why did Trump call everything in the dossier fake including the part about the prostitutes?

Testing.. Thump Thump... Testing.. Is this on??? ---

THERE WERE NO PROSTITUTES. Not any peeing on the bed because "the Obama's slept there".

Only prostitutes around Trump these days are the one's the Sec. Service guys can't keep their paws off of in foreign countries... True story...

There were no prostitutes? The FACTS say you are wrong... SCHILLER WHO WAS THERE TESTIFIED UNDER OATH ABOUT IT, and you won't answer a single question to defend your point.

If you ever decide to try to recapture even a portion of your reputation rather being a troll. Let me know. Otherwise I'm no longer going to waste my time responding to you.
If it was handled so perfectly, then why did Trump call everything in the dossier fake including the part about the prostitutes?

Testing.. Thump Thump... Testing.. Is this on??? ---

THERE WERE NO PROSTITUTES. Not any peeing on the bed because "the Obama's slept there".

Only prostitutes around Trump these days are the one's the Sec. Service guys can't keep their paws off of in foreign countries... True story...

There were no prostitutes? The FACTS say you are wrong... SCHILLER WHO WAS THERE TESTIFIED UNDER OATH ABOUT IT, and you won't answer a single question to defend your point.

If you ever decide to try to recapture even a portion of your reputation rather being a troll. Let me know. Otherwise I'm no longer going to waste my time responding to you.

You're only telling PART of the story. The Hoes were not standing around in lingerie. It was AN OFFER. You don't model them and choose. Schiller told them -- "no thanks". Am i missing anything here?

Are you just outraged that special visitors get OFFERS of escorts in foreign countries? Like I said, you haven't traveled much.
It appears even more of the dossier is getting closer to being true than Trump supporters want to admit. On CNN they confirmed that Trump's ex-bodyguard Keith Schiller admitted that Trump was offered 5 prostitutes to come to his hotel room later that night, and at the time he laughed it off as a joke and said no... however Schiller admitted he didn't stay with Trump all night.

Report: Russians Offered To 'Send Five Women' to Trump's Moscow Hotel Room
Talking Points Memo!

What else you going to parrot for us from billionaire Soros?

Youve given up trying to defend it.

The dossier is proven right again.
And the Earth is flat.

Well what a well researched retort. Its just a coincidence that Trumps bodyguard confirmed the prostitute claim from the dossier.
Wow, what a bad man Trump is. He was OFFERED prostitutes and he rejected it. How dare he be offered prostitutes, and how dare he not know that the prostitutes were actually part of a Russian plot? Impeach! Resist!
Last edited:
If it was handled so perfectly, then why did Trump call everything in the dossier fake including the part about the prostitutes?

Testing.. Thump Thump... Testing.. Is this on??? ---

THERE WERE NO PROSTITUTES. Not any peeing on the bed because "the Obama's slept there".

Only prostitutes around Trump these days are the one's the Sec. Service guys can't keep their paws off of in foreign countries... True story...

There were no prostitutes? The FACTS say you are wrong... SCHILLER WHO WAS THERE TESTIFIED UNDER OATH ABOUT IT, and you won't answer a single question to defend your point.

If you ever decide to try to recapture even a portion of your reputation rather being a troll. Let me know. Otherwise I'm no longer going to waste my time responding to you.

You're only telling PART of the story. The Hoes were not standing around in lingerie. It was AN OFFER. You don't model them and choose. Schiller told them -- "no thanks". Am i missing anything here?

Are you just outraged that special visitors get OFFERS of escorts in foreign countries? Like I said, you haven't traveled much.
He's just jealous he has to pay.
It appears even more of the dossier is getting closer to being true than Trump supporters want to admit. On CNN they confirmed that Trump's ex-bodyguard Keith Schiller admitted that Trump was offered 5 prostitutes to come to his hotel room later that night, and at the time he laughed it off as a joke and said no... however Schiller admitted he didn't stay with Trump all night.

Report: Russians Offered To 'Send Five Women' to Trump's Moscow Hotel Room
Talking Points Memo!

What else you going to parrot for us from billionaire Soros?

Youve given up trying to defend it.

The dossier is proven right again.
And the Earth is flat.

Well what a well researched retort. Its just a coincidence that Trumps bodyguard confirmed the prostitute claim from the dossier.
You mean the bullshit claim that Putin has compromising video of prostutues peeing on Trump? A claim which came as a result of Hillary's funding and collaboration with the Russians? That claim?
If it was handled so perfectly, then why did Trump call everything in the dossier fake including the part about the prostitutes?

Testing.. Thump Thump... Testing.. Is this on??? ---

THERE WERE NO PROSTITUTES. Not any peeing on the bed because "the Obama's slept there".

Only prostitutes around Trump these days are the one's the Sec. Service guys can't keep their paws off of in foreign countries... True story...

There were no prostitutes? The FACTS say you are wrong... SCHILLER WHO WAS THERE TESTIFIED UNDER OATH ABOUT IT, and you won't answer a single question to defend your point.

If you ever decide to try to recapture even a portion of your reputation rather being a troll. Let me know. Otherwise I'm no longer going to waste my time responding to you.

You're only telling PART of the story. The Hoes were not standing around in lingerie. It was AN OFFER. You don't model them and choose. Schiller told them -- "no thanks". Am i missing anything here?

Are you just outraged that special visitors get OFFERS of escorts in foreign countries? Like I said, you haven't traveled much.

You still haven't answered the very simple questions I asked, and instead decided to deflect. Pretty disreputable really. I expected more from you.

I went through SEVERAL assumptions you made in this thread and you gave ZERO proof to back any of them up... despite common sense telling you that you are far off base.

PS. I told you I have traveled... and despite that you say I haven't. You are becoming a troll.
If it was handled so perfectly, then why did Trump call everything in the dossier fake including the part about the prostitutes?

Testing.. Thump Thump... Testing.. Is this on??? ---

THERE WERE NO PROSTITUTES. Not any peeing on the bed because "the Obama's slept there".

Only prostitutes around Trump these days are the one's the Sec. Service guys can't keep their paws off of in foreign countries... True story...

There were no prostitutes? The FACTS say you are wrong... SCHILLER WHO WAS THERE TESTIFIED UNDER OATH ABOUT IT, and you won't answer a single question to defend your point.

If you ever decide to try to recapture even a portion of your reputation rather being a troll. Let me know. Otherwise I'm no longer going to waste my time responding to you.
If it was handled so perfectly, then why did Trump call everything in the dossier fake including the part about the prostitutes?

Testing.. Thump Thump... Testing.. Is this on??? ---

THERE WERE NO PROSTITUTES. Not any peeing on the bed because "the Obama's slept there".

Only prostitutes around Trump these days are the one's the Sec. Service guys can't keep their paws off of in foreign countries... True story...

There were no prostitutes? The FACTS say you are wrong... SCHILLER WHO WAS THERE TESTIFIED UNDER OATH ABOUT IT, and you won't answer a single question to defend your point.

If you ever decide to try to recapture even a portion of your reputation rather being a troll. Let me know. Otherwise I'm no longer going to waste my time responding to you.

THERE IS NO PROOF THERE WEREN'T... just the same as there is no proof there were. Trump has NO alibi. Schiller admitted that UNDER OATH.

This same time last year all the Trump supporters were saying EVERY part of the dossier was fake. We KNOW FOR A FACT the offer of prostitutes WAS TRUE.

Keep arguing against fact. It only makes you continue to look more ridiculous.

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