Trump falsely claims nearly 3,000 Americans in Puerto Rico 'did not die'

More Fake News from the lying left. The death toll is 64. These fake news stories are sighting “studies” using “prediction models” based off surveys, not actual body counts. It’s a complete fabrication by the MSM and left wing lunatics.

The death toll stands at 64, period.

Fact Check: Trump is Right About Puerto Rico, Critics Manipulating Hurricane Maria Death 'Estimates' | Breitbart
Nope! The models are based on deaths during and after the storm, just like the rest of the storms before Maria.

Bullshit. No death tolls have ever been based off of bogus models based on surveys and statistics about the population from previous years. These “death tolls” of 1000, 2000, or even 3000 aren’t based on anyone actually dying. It’s pure bullshit and you leftwing lunatics are swallowing it whole.
The total death toll is official; Puerto Rico revises Hurricane Maria death toll to 2,975 after study - CNN

As always, Trump is wrong.

Nope, the “study” dosn’t even look at individual deaths. It’s just monkey math using statistics. Does the government of PR have a list of the victims by name, with dates and cause of death? Nope.

President Trump is right, as always.

Monkey Math? LoL - The study was quite scientific, 6 months in the making, and PEER REVIEWED. Learn something Trumpling:
How Puerto Rico's Hurricane Maria death toll of 3,000 was calculated

An earlier study from Harvard estimated as many as 8,800:
NEJM - Error

Trump is always right? :lol:
Read the studies dumbass. They do NOT have a body count and list of names and causes of death. They use statistics only.
As i and others have pointed out , 'pr' was a mess before the hurricane WTP so poorly maintained roads , bridges and infrastructure are more easily destroyed by bad hurricane type weather WTP .
Except it didn’t kill three thousand residents!

Sounds like a hunch based on entirely wishful thinking to me.
I'll stick with the scientists and researchers who spent 6 months on that report.
It is accepted as the official number by the governor - NOTHING will change that.
So the funerals, body bags, and death certificates? Are where?

Didn't you know, they officially "perished".
Yeah! That’s what I heard, on a computer in a university full of libtards!

Sorry, a Harvard study before this one put the number at 8,800. THAT one was based on models - typical death rates vs post Maria.
THIS one was far more conservative and was researched by a team that was THERE for 6 months.
Their findings have been endlessly peer reviewed.
It's over - And time for your Orange Overlord and his minions to get the fuck over it.
So did they produce body bags? Records of Funerals? Clips of mass funerals? Death Certificates? Anything at all?
as pointed out by links , the islanders had no will to ever better themselves . They had infrastructure at one time but let it detriorate for years and years . And the 'island' Authorities' hate TRUMP and want to make him look bad WTP .
So wait a minute. Let me see if I get this straight. So, you are saying that PR had no will to better themselves, and that they had infrastructure at one time. Meaning, they no longer have it. Really? So, if that's the case, why would the Trump administration be sending supplies to an area with no infrastructure? Lol! That's like ordering a brand new car from a dealership that doesn't come with a steering wheel or a motor. How am I going to drive it off the lot?
So what's the end equation in the aftermath..........

1/3rd of the population moved to the United States.

This move was funded by the tax payer and put them into hotels and gave grants to them for their move.

Puerto Rico gets a brand new infrastructure.........not just the electrical grid.........but a new dam, new roads, a newly renovated harbor....dredged and water supplies..............

They are getting a infrastructure upgrade from hell...............and they want more.

gimmie gimmie gimmie......leftist
anybody ever been to 'pr' before the hurricane . What was it like , was it falling down except in the Tourist Areas and Hotel Areas .
As i and others have pointed out , 'pr' was a mess before the hurricane WTP so poorly maintained roads , bridges and infrastructure are more easily destroyed by bad hurricane type weather WTP .
Ah, isn't that sweet. So who's the dumb ass who sent the supplies that were never going any where? Take a wild guess?
So what's the end equation in the aftermath..........

1/3rd of the population moved to the United States.

This move was funded by the tax payer and put them into hotels and gave grants to them for their move.

Puerto Rico gets a brand new infrastructure.........not just the electrical grid.........but a new dam, new roads, a newly renovated harbor....dredged and water supplies..............

They are getting a infrastructure upgrade from hell...............and they want more.

gimmie gimmie gimmie......leftist
"Gets a brand new infrastructure"? You mean after the fact? But not before the supplies had to sit on the runway, but is supposed to be someone else's fault right? Lol! You folks are a trip.
as pointed out by links , the islanders had no will to ever better themselves . They had infrastructure at one time but let it detriorate for years and years . And the 'island' Authorities' hate TRUMP and want to make him look bad WTP .
So wait a minute. Let me see if I get this straight. So, you are saying that PR had no will to better themselves, and that they had infrastructure at one time. Meaning, they no longer have it. Really? So, if that's the case, why would the Trump administration be sending supplies to an area with no infrastructure? Lol! That's like ordering a brand new car from a dealership that doesn't come with a steering wheel or a motor. How am I going to drive it off the lot?
Laughing faces are for cowards who surrendered their argument. See you later.
as pointed out by links , the islanders had no will to ever better themselves . They had infrastructure at one time but let it detriorate for years and years . And the 'island' Authorities' hate TRUMP and want to make him look bad WTP .
So wait a minute. Let me see if I get this straight. So, you are saying that PR had no will to better themselves, and that they had infrastructure at one time. Meaning, they no longer have it. Really? So, if that's the case, why would the Trump administration be sending supplies to an area with no infrastructure? Lol! That's like ordering a brand new car from a dealership that doesn't come with a steering wheel or a motor. How am I going to drive it off the lot?
----------------------------------------- TRUMP sends supplies and its up to 'pr' gov and governor to distribute on the roads and infrastructure that 'pr' and its workers were supposed to maintain . I mean , that was their job to maintain the roads , electric , bridges , water supply . I suppose that now you will want traveling American maintenance people ariving on ships and planes with their toolbags to maintain your new rebuilt ' pr ' roads and bridges eh WTP .
as pointed out by links , the islanders had no will to ever better themselves . They had infrastructure at one time but let it detriorate for years and years . And the 'island' Authorities' hate TRUMP and want to make him look bad WTP .
So wait a minute. Let me see if I get this straight. So, you are saying that PR had no will to better themselves, and that they had infrastructure at one time. Meaning, they no longer have it. Really? So, if that's the case, why would the Trump administration be sending supplies to an area with no infrastructure? Lol! That's like ordering a brand new car from a dealership that doesn't come with a steering wheel or a motor. How am I going to drive it off the lot?
Laughing faces are for cowards who surrendered their argument. See you later.
Tell me about it! That libtard Dr. Love just left me one! He’s a loser!
It's a conspiracy theory - All like - DEEPY STATE-n-Stuff -
They are OUT TO GET HIM!!

"3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000..."​

Trump falsely claims nearly 3,000 Americans in Puerto Rico 'did not die' - CNNPolitics

Gov. Ricardo Rosselló UN-FUCKING-LOADS No MAS on 2nd class citizenship!!

ONE MORE TIME: Just another TOTAL LIE by the Left. And Orange Kooks like Dr. Glove. The figure of 2900 was only a hypothetical estimate taken of a guesstimate of deaths up to a HALF YEAR after the hurricane that in some loose, vague way might have had some minor distant connection with the hurricane event. Like saying that a guy who died in a car crash six months after the hurricane on his way somewhere was a victim of the hurricane because had a bridge not been washed out by it, the driver would not have been driving the alternate route he was on when he died. In other words, like this thread: TOTAL BULLSHIT.
i figure that 'pr' is full of 'island type' people that aren't very motivated . And except for not being an island the whole of falling down 'south america' is the same as 'pr' . You must be a 'pr' guy or gal ehh WTP ??
No, and I'm also not as clueless as you are. Lol! And what in the hell does sending supplies and dropping them off on a runway, with no means to get those supplies off that runway, have to do with unmotivated PR people? Answer, nothing!

The question should have been, knowing there are no motivated PR people and no infrastructure, why did the Trump administration drop the ball by sending the supplies to begin with?
as pointed out by links , the islanders had no will to ever better themselves . They had infrastructure at one time but let it detriorate for years and years . And the 'island' Authorities' hate TRUMP and want to make him look bad WTP .
So wait a minute. Let me see if I get this straight. So, you are saying that PR had no will to better themselves, and that they had infrastructure at one time. Meaning, they no longer have it. Really? So, if that's the case, why would the Trump administration be sending supplies to an area with no infrastructure? Lol! That's like ordering a brand new car from a dealership that doesn't come with a steering wheel or a motor. How am I going to drive it off the lot?
----------------------------------------- TRUMP sends supplies and its up to 'pr' gov and governor to distribute on the roads and infrastructure that 'pr' and its workers were supposed to maintain . I mean , that was their job to maintain the roads , electric , bridges , water supply . I suppose that now you will want traveling American maintenance people ariving on ships and planes with their toolbags to maintain your new rebuilt ' pr ' roads and bridges eh WTP .
:777:Are you brain dead? Explain the operational procedure for maintaining roads, bridges, and water, during and after a category 5 hurricane?
why do you people have a government and a governor , mayors , public employees WTP . Its because it is they that are in charge . Trump as Head sent you people what you needed concerning supplies . After you got the supplies its up to you 'pr' people to distribute on the roads and infrastructure that you should have been Properly maintaining WTP !!
properly maintained infrastructure is better able to withstand bad weather . Poorly maintaining infrastructure makes it succeptable to damage more easily WTP .
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as pointed out by links , the islanders had no will to ever better themselves . They had infrastructure at one time but let it detriorate for years and years . And the 'island' Authorities' hate TRUMP and want to make him look bad WTP .
So wait a minute. Let me see if I get this straight. So, you are saying that PR had no will to better themselves, and that they had infrastructure at one time. Meaning, they no longer have it. Really? So, if that's the case, why would the Trump administration be sending supplies to an area with no infrastructure? Lol! That's like ordering a brand new car from a dealership that doesn't come with a steering wheel or a motor. How am I going to drive it off the lot?
----------------------------------------- TRUMP sends supplies and its up to 'pr' gov and governor to distribute on the roads and infrastructure that 'pr' and its workers were supposed to maintain . I mean , that was their job to maintain the roads , electric , bridges , water supply . I suppose that now you will want traveling American maintenance people ariving on ships and planes with their toolbags to maintain your new rebuilt ' pr ' roads and bridges eh WTP .
:777:Are you brain dead? Explain the operational procedure for maintaining roads, bridges, and water, during and after a category 5 hurricane?
How can one maintain what wasn’t there to begin with?
The Dr Love fakery is st00pid obvious. I mean, c'mon many thousands died in NYC post- Sandy? Hundreds of thousands? More? He thinks everybody but him was born a week ago!!

In 10 days, absolutely nobody is going to be caring about Maria or Puerto Rico. St00pid jackasses let the government build tons of RIP off the public wind farms in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. Makes the poor poorer and offuckingcourse is going to get train wrecked in a hurricane. Duh. If those people cant figure out how to throw out their corrupt government.....fuck them. Everybody knows that!!!:flirtysmile4::flirtysmile4:
as pointed out by links , the islanders had no will to ever better themselves . They had infrastructure at one time but let it detriorate for years and years . And the 'island' Authorities' hate TRUMP and want to make him look bad WTP .
So wait a minute. Let me see if I get this straight. So, you are saying that PR had no will to better themselves, and that they had infrastructure at one time. Meaning, they no longer have it. Really? So, if that's the case, why would the Trump administration be sending supplies to an area with no infrastructure? Lol! That's like ordering a brand new car from a dealership that doesn't come with a steering wheel or a motor. How am I going to drive it off the lot?
----------------------------------------- TRUMP sends supplies and its up to 'pr' gov and governor to distribute on the roads and infrastructure that 'pr' and its workers were supposed to maintain . I mean , that was their job to maintain the roads , electric , bridges , water supply . I suppose that now you will want traveling American maintenance people ariving on ships and planes with their toolbags to maintain your new rebuilt ' pr ' roads and bridges eh WTP .
:777:Are you brain dead? Explain the operational procedure for maintaining roads, bridges, and water, during and after a category 5 hurricane?
How can one maintain what wasn’t there to begin with?
-------------------------------------------- infrasturcture was there at one time , maybe years ago but it was never maintained by 'pr' people after being built .

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