Trump falsely claims nearly 3,000 Americans in Puerto Rico 'did not die'

President Trump merely quoted the Puerto Rico governor. Where did George Washington U come up with the figures?

Those are projected numbers, expected deaths as per computer model.

Since it was expected for that many to die, why not to claim they died and make Trump to look bad.

The same model was used to project that Trump will be responsible for 80,000 deaths in the next decade. If they really want him to look bad, they should've said he's gonna be responsible for death of 800,000 in next hundred years. You see, he's almost like a Hitler.
More disguised dumb ass arguments just to make excuses for a failed operation. Trump made himself look bad by tossing out paper towels, when he should have been telling FEMA, that dumping off supplies at a runway with no way to get those supplies to the people is worth nothing. We need infrastructure, and equipment asap. But no! His shitty attitude and the pitiful paper towel toss is as far as he was going to go. That is why 3,000 people died.

What exactly has failed?

Please explain, what FEMA was required to do that they failed to do, and how Trump, or even Congress are responsible for Puerto Rico rotten infrastructure (power grid, water, sewer, etc)?
If Obama was stll president those supposidly deaths would mean nothing to you.

Had Obama been president we'd have - a) helped them prepare b) brought supplies in early c) spared no expense d) not whined about cost or engaged in Twit wars, and e) sent in the fucking cavalry.

No Moon Bat you are confused.

If that asshole Obama had been President he would have brought all the fucking 'Ricans to Florida and put them on welfare so that they would vote Democrat in the next election. You know, like he was doing with the Illegals.

He would have spared no expense to do that.
Puerto Rican devastation could mean more Florida voters

Florida has nominally a 300K Red State plurality. It is possible the welfare queen 'Ricans that were too chickenshit to stay on their own little island could mess that up.

That is the problem with Florida. The Moon Bats that fucked up other places come to Florida and then fuck up this state. is reported that over 200k Puerto Ricans now live there now.

Yes, and they will all be voting on 11-6 :)
LOL I don’t know why I’m even trying with you. It’s evident you’ll cling to your precious CNN article and call anything I provide bullshit and I’ve no interest in completely wasting my time. You don’t understand that most of the mainstream media plays partisan politics and this has been intensified tenfold in the wake of Trump’s victory. And you, just like many people from both sides, only believe stories from outlets that echo your sentiment. The outlets that haven’t made it their mission to destroy Trump, you’re not going to believe bc they don’t wish to destroy Trump like you do so they MUST be wrong, right?

If you knew what I knew, could see what I’ve seen—numerous crafty “journalists” spinning stories to promote a certain narrative, you’d question everything you’ve read no matter what it’s about or who it’s trying to bash or protect. Much of the time I have the ability to isolate instances of deceit within a news piece and even one instance is too much, making whatever “information” provided therein worthless.

Do you know how maddening it is to, time and time again, spot out-and-out LIES disguised as truth and know there are tens of thousands of people who are going to fall for it?

Without lies and fake news these stupid Moon Bats have nothing.

That is why it is better to just ridicule them rather than try to educate them. They are not educable. If they were they wouldn't be Liberals.
The intellectual bankruptcy is on display in living color here folks. They can't even explain how those pallets were going to get from point A to point B. Lol! Maybe if they had thrown enough paper towels on top of those pallets, the great roads, bridges, and equipment that didn't exist then, would have gotten those pallets of water to their destination? And it was a great success according to Trump. What a bunch of friggin idiots.

Did you Communist deliberately block the delivery of food, water, and medicine to the people of Puerto Rico, which FEMA delivered? Was Rossello attempting to sell the supplies to enrich himself?
-------------------------------- i don't think that 'rosello' is a crook , think that it was everyone around him that was the crook and hinderer of anything TRUMP tried to do . Sure the roads were out but there was no TEAM of 'pr' workers and authorities except for teams working against the TRUMP . I think the enemies or crooks that hindered were the 'pr' mayors and others or many in any position of power or authority .

Rossello is on the level of Idi Amin or Baby Doc in his gross embezzlement.

Puerto Rico, despite being an American territory, runs as a banana republic of open corruption and graft.
Puerto Rico’s Untold Tale of Corruption
Puerto Rico was a disaster long before Maria ravaged the island
One excuse on top of another. We get it. You, along with the rest of the Trump apologists, are siphoning off the last gas with this argument. The problem was, your tank was running on empty from the beginning.
Had Obama been president we'd have - a) helped them prepare b) brought supplies in early c) spared no expense d) not whined about cost or engaged in Twit wars, and e) sent in the fucking cavalry.

No Moon Bat you are confused.

If that asshole Obama had been President he would have brought all the fucking 'Ricans to Florida and put them on welfare so that they would vote Democrat in the next election. You know, like he was doing with the Illegals.

He would have spared no expense to do that.
Puerto Rican devastation could mean more Florida voters

Florida has nominally a 300K Red State plurality. It is possible the welfare queen 'Ricans that were too chickenshit to stay on their own little island could mess that up.

That is the problem with Florida. The Moon Bats that fucked up other places come to Florida and then fuck up this state. is reported that over 200k Puerto Ricans now live there now.

Yes, and they will all be voting on 11-6 :)

Puerto Rico is not a state, Comrade fucktard.

They always send a democrat to the house, who cannot vote on most issues.

You are really fucking stupid, even for a Communist.

Take a civics class, dumbass.
as pointed out by links , the islanders had no will to ever better themselves . They had infrastructure at one time but let it detriorate for years and years . And the 'island' Authorities' hate TRUMP and want to make him look bad WTP .
Without lies and fake news these stupid Moon Bats have nothing.

That is why it is better to just ridicule them rather than try to educate them. They are not educable. If they were they wouldn't be Liberals.
The intellectual bankruptcy is on display in living color here folks. They can't even explain how those pallets were going to get from point A to point B. Lol! Maybe if they had thrown enough paper towels on top of those pallets, the great roads, bridges, and equipment that didn't exist then, would have gotten those pallets of water to their destination? And it was a great success according to Trump. What a bunch of friggin idiots.

Did you Communist deliberately block the delivery of food, water, and medicine to the people of Puerto Rico, which FEMA delivered? Was Rossello attempting to sell the supplies to enrich himself?
-------------------------------- i don't think that 'rosello' is a crook , think that it was everyone around him that was the crook and hinderer of anything TRUMP tried to do . Sure the roads were out but there was no TEAM of 'pr' workers and authorities except for teams working against the TRUMP . I think the enemies or crooks that hindered were the 'pr' mayors and others or many in any position of power or authority .

Rossello is on the level of Idi Amin or Baby Doc in his gross embezzlement.

Puerto Rico, despite being an American territory, runs as a banana republic of open corruption and graft.
Puerto Rico’s Untold Tale of Corruption
Puerto Rico was a disaster long before Maria ravaged the island
One excuse on top of another. We get it. You, along with the rest of the Trump apologists, are siphoning off the last gas with this argument. The problem was, your tank was running on empty from the beginning.

What is your excuse as to why the Puerto Rican government failed or refused to distribute the food, water, and medicine that FEMA provided? Why did they lie about it? Why did the Marxist press cover up their lie with more lies on CNN and the other Stalinist media?
Without lies and fake news these stupid Moon Bats have nothing.

That is why it is better to just ridicule them rather than try to educate them. They are not educable. If they were they wouldn't be Liberals.
The intellectual bankruptcy is on display in living color here folks. They can't even explain how those pallets were going to get from point A to point B. Lol! Maybe if they had thrown enough paper towels on top of those pallets, the great roads, bridges, and equipment that didn't exist then, would have gotten those pallets of water to their destination? And it was a great success according to Trump. What a bunch of friggin idiots.

Did you Communist deliberately block the delivery of food, water, and medicine to the people of Puerto Rico, which FEMA delivered? Was Rossello attempting to sell the supplies to enrich himself?
-------------------------------- i don't think that 'rosello' is a crook , think that it was everyone around him that was the crook and hinderer of anything TRUMP tried to do . Sure the roads were out but there was no TEAM of 'pr' workers and authorities except for teams working against the TRUMP . I think the enemies or crooks that hindered were the 'pr' mayors and others or many in any position of power or authority .

Rossello is on the level of Idi Amin or Baby Doc in his gross embezzlement.

Puerto Rico, despite being an American territory, runs as a banana republic of open corruption and graft.
Puerto Rico’s Untold Tale of Corruption
Puerto Rico was a disaster long before Maria ravaged the island
One excuse on top of another. We get it. You, along with the rest of the Trump apologists, are siphoning off the last gas with this argument. The problem was, your tank was running on empty from the beginning.

They never seem to tire of Trumpelthinskin, his flying monkeys, or their never-ending barrage of lies, ignorance, racism and propaganda.

[Ewe wanted them to build a runway?

Mindless little Stalinists like WTP think FEMA is responsible for providing the infrastructure of Puerto Rico.

Of course the little Hitler also thinks Trump causes hurricanes.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:If at first you can't beat your first best idiotic statement, come back with one even better. Guess what? You succeeded.

Do you even understand what FEMA's role is? Let me blow your mind on this new revelation. FEMA is supposed to coordinate with other agencies, to ensure all resources have a way and a means to get those resources to their destinations. That way, they know to transport those resources so they won't just sit there. No one ever said that FEMA was supposed to deliver the goods to everyone's door step. But what they did do, is they did exactly like Trump. They threw paper towels at the problem, and their job was complete.

At the end of the day, it's all about attitude and leadership. And this administration has neither.
Did three thousand die when the hurricane hit? Why did they report only a few? Would ewe be interested in knowing the dates on all three thousand death certificates?

Do you think death certificates would convince Trump of anything? He huffed absurd Obama birth certificate conspiracies for nearly half a decade.
Forget Trump! Don’t ewe wonder what they took an entire year to go from a report of 64 to 3000?

Did you ever wonder why there would only be 64 deaths when the island was hit by TWO massive hurricanes in a row?

Didn't that number seem remarkably low?

No, it does not. Hurricanes drown people and Puerto Rico did not flood very much. Very few people are killed by flying debris or trees falling on their homes in a hurricane..
[Ewe wanted them to build a runway?

Mindless little Stalinists like WTP think FEMA is responsible for providing the infrastructure of Puerto Rico.

Of course the little Hitler also thinks Trump causes hurricanes.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:If at first you can't beat your first best idiotic statement, come back with one even better. Guess what? You succeeded.

Do you even understand what FEMA's role is? Let me blow your mind on this new revelation. FEMA is supposed to coordinate with other agencies, to ensure all resources have a way and a means to get those resources to their destinations. That way, they know to transport those resources so they won't just sit there. No one ever said that FEMA was supposed to deliver the goods to everyone's door step. But what they did do, is they did exactly like Trump. They threw paper towels at the problem, and their job was complete.

At the end of the day, it's all about attitude and leadership. And this administration has neither.

Yep - FEMA is only as good as the instructions that come from and the example set by the top of the food chain.
Even if the top of said food chain is a bottom feeder.

Had Obama been president we'd have - a) helped them prepare b) brought supplies in early c) spared no expense d) not whined about cost or engaged in Twit wars, and e) sent in the fucking cavalry.

No Moon Bat you are confused.

If that asshole Obama had been President he would have brought all the fucking 'Ricans to Florida and put them on welfare so that they would vote Democrat in the next election. You know, like he was doing with the Illegals.

He would have spared no expense to do that.
Puerto Rican devastation could mean more Florida voters

Florida has nominally a 300K Red State plurality. It is possible the welfare queen 'Ricans that were too chickenshit to stay on their own little island could mess that up.

That is the problem with Florida. The Moon Bats that fucked up other places come to Florida and then fuck up this state. is reported that over 200k Puerto Ricans now live there now.

Yes, and they will all be voting on 11-6 :)
Which is as we stated a strategy of your side to use migration to take control of a high electoral count State........Yes....we know you will use any trick in the book to gain power................and in this case you repeat absolute lies about a major Hurricane damage to smear Trump for Political reasons.......

You don't care about what don't care about the only care how you can use it to attack the opposing party.

Everyone here knows do you.
No Moon Bat you are confused.

If that asshole Obama had been President he would have brought all the fucking 'Ricans to Florida and put them on welfare so that they would vote Democrat in the next election. You know, like he was doing with the Illegals.

He would have spared no expense to do that.
Puerto Rican devastation could mean more Florida voters

Florida has nominally a 300K Red State plurality. It is possible the welfare queen 'Ricans that were too chickenshit to stay on their own little island could mess that up.

That is the problem with Florida. The Moon Bats that fucked up other places come to Florida and then fuck up this state. is reported that over 200k Puerto Ricans now live there now.

Yes, and they will all be voting on 11-6 :)

Puerto Rico is not a state, Comrade fucktard.

They always send a democrat to the house, who cannot vote on most issues.

You are really fucking stupid, even for a Communist.

Take a civics class, dumbass.
A million migrating here after the storm and over 200k to Florida will be used against us........just like the illegals.
[Ewe wanted them to build a runway?

Mindless little Stalinists like WTP think FEMA is responsible for providing the infrastructure of Puerto Rico.

Of course the little Hitler also thinks Trump causes hurricanes.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:If at first you can't beat your first best idiotic statement, come back with one even better. Guess what? You succeeded.

Do you even understand what FEMA's role is? Let me blow your mind on this new revelation. FEMA is supposed to coordinate with other agencies, to ensure all resources have a way and a means to get those resources to their destinations. That way, they know to transport those resources so they won't just sit there. No one ever said that FEMA was supposed to deliver the goods to everyone's door step. But what they did do, is they did exactly like Trump. They threw paper towels at the problem, and their job was complete.

At the end of the day, it's all about attitude and leadership. And this administration has neither.
Well ya gotta admit those dumbass administrators in PR ain’t so damn hot either.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:If at first you can't beat your first best idiotic statement, come back with one even better. Guess what? You succeeded.

Do you even understand what FEMA's role is? Let me blow your mind on this new revelation. FEMA is supposed to coordinate with other agencies, to ensure all resources have a way and a means to get those resources to their destinations. That way, they know to transport those resources so they won't just sit there. No one ever said that FEMA was supposed to deliver the goods to everyone's door step. But what they did do, is they did exactly like Trump. They threw paper towels at the problem, and their job was complete.

At the end of the day, it's all about attitude and leadership. And this administration has neither.

"No one ever said that FEMA was supposed to deliver the goods to everyone's door step".

Except you, since that's exactly what you're saying.
The intellectual bankruptcy is on display in living color here folks. They can't even explain how those pallets were going to get from point A to point B. Lol! Maybe if they had thrown enough paper towels on top of those pallets, the great roads, bridges, and equipment that didn't exist then, would have gotten those pallets of water to their destination? And it was a great success according to Trump. What a bunch of friggin idiots.

Did you Communist deliberately block the delivery of food, water, and medicine to the people of Puerto Rico, which FEMA delivered? Was Rossello attempting to sell the supplies to enrich himself?
-------------------------------- i don't think that 'rosello' is a crook , think that it was everyone around him that was the crook and hinderer of anything TRUMP tried to do . Sure the roads were out but there was no TEAM of 'pr' workers and authorities except for teams working against the TRUMP . I think the enemies or crooks that hindered were the 'pr' mayors and others or many in any position of power or authority .

Rossello is on the level of Idi Amin or Baby Doc in his gross embezzlement.

Puerto Rico, despite being an American territory, runs as a banana republic of open corruption and graft.
Puerto Rico’s Untold Tale of Corruption
Puerto Rico was a disaster long before Maria ravaged the island
One excuse on top of another. We get it. You, along with the rest of the Trump apologists, are siphoning off the last gas with this argument. The problem was, your tank was running on empty from the beginning.

They never seem to tire of Trumpelthinskin, his flying monkeys, or their never-ending barrage of lies, ignorance, racism and propaganda.

Just above you slipped admitted the refugees will help your you go back to standard fool nobody.
No Moon Bat you are confused.

If that asshole Obama had been President he would have brought all the fucking 'Ricans to Florida and put them on welfare so that they would vote Democrat in the next election. You know, like he was doing with the Illegals.

He would have spared no expense to do that.
Puerto Rican devastation could mean more Florida voters

Florida has nominally a 300K Red State plurality. It is possible the welfare queen 'Ricans that were too chickenshit to stay on their own little island could mess that up.

That is the problem with Florida. The Moon Bats that fucked up other places come to Florida and then fuck up this state. is reported that over 200k Puerto Ricans now live there now.

Yes, and they will all be voting on 11-6 :)

Puerto Rico is not a state, Comrade fucktard.
They always send a democrat to the house, who cannot vote on most issues.
You are really fucking stupid, even for a Communist.
Take a civics class, dumbass.

There are well over a million Puerto Ricans living in Florida fukwit.
Even the ones who just arrived are eligible to register and vote - They will not be voting for your Orange Goon.
Take a civics class, dumbass.
Okay, maybe he can muster 15% of the PR vote. :)

A Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation survey found that 52 percent of respondents said Trump did a “poor” job with his response. Only 15 percent said Trump’s response to Hurricane Maria, which killed more than 3,000 residents after making landfall in September 2017, was “excellent,” “very good” or “good.”

Florida has nominally a 300K Red State plurality. It is possible the welfare queen 'Ricans that were too chickenshit to stay on their own little island could mess that up.

That is the problem with Florida. The Moon Bats that fucked up other places come to Florida and then fuck up this state. is reported that over 200k Puerto Ricans now live there now.

Yes, and they will all be voting on 11-6 :)

Puerto Rico is not a state, Comrade fucktard.
They always send a democrat to the house, who cannot vote on most issues.
You are really fucking stupid, even for a Communist.
Take a civics class, dumbass.

There are well over a million Puerto Ricans living in Florida fukwit.
Even the ones who just arrived are eligible to register and vote - They will not be voting for your Orange Goon.
Take a civics class, dumbass.
You can't articles showed a little over 200k to Florida..........the rest of the million were elsewhere...........

derp............using my facts for your own trolling and you can't even get that right.....

You need a re education on proper trolling from your masters.

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