Trump falsely claims nearly 3,000 Americans in Puerto Rico 'did not die'

If Obama had been president the number of deaths would still be at 64 but the anti-Trumpers will NEVER understand this.
Negative! Obama supporters aren't uninformed idiots. They understand that physical and environmental factors figure into the death toll for obvious reasons. Which is the whole point. This argument is an obvious one, where there can be only one answer. That is why, up until now, no one has ever contested Hurricane death numbers. It takes a lead clown and his subordinate Sheep to come up with idiotic arguments they can't defend.

Game on. These death totals are "hurricane related". They moved the goal posts in the study.

6 months after the hurricane if a construction worker took a header off a roofing job and broke his neck and died, he is logged as a "hurricane related death".

4 months after the hurricane if a person ran into a tree that had fallen down after Maria, that person who died was logged as a "hurricane related death".

One of the ones that I really loved. 5 months after Maria the power goes out again.....electric grid shit IN PR for decades, but nonetheless.....traffic lights go out and there is a 4 way collision and people died....hehehehe .....hurricane related death.

Move those goal posts and jack that fucking death toll high.
Hurricane related deaths from Katrina were never contested. Come back when you can prop up a real argument.

I'm not contesting the "hurricane related deaths". I personally think that these studies are crucial to understanding the total toll a catastrophic incident inflicts on a geographic area to understand better what "after disaster" mechanisms we need to put into place to help survivors.

But let me tell you about Katrina. Its personal. That fucking bitch rolled in and wrecked my dreams. I was a Louisiana Catahoula Breeder heading south after taking a summer off in Northern Ontario ready to move south and be with all my friends out of Ponchatoula baby. I had my main man Jimdandy, his bitch Rubystar, American Bad Ass and my wonderous Dusty Roads with two cats Pyewacket and Nitro in a van ready to get there and be with my fellow breeders when that bitch Katrina came in long story.

Hurricanes take more than just a physical toll. Our life had to rock a different world. My friends in Louisiana were wiped out. I ended up staying in Manitoba.

My arguments are based on real shit that has not only happened to me, but to my friends who barely survived that bitch Katrina. Oh and btw. The death totals out of Katrina are way out of whack. There were many more in the aftermath.

But what is the key here is who dies directly due to the storm, but then study without a political purpose to discover all the injuries and deaths that happen "hurricane related" btw ditto "tornado related" and definitely "flood related".

My bitch about this is that the media went whacko koo koo bye bye over unfinished studies to get Trump. I want truth in this not political bullshit.

He is not going to get it and will surely call you whatever names he can think of bc you see things differently—you know, like a true intellectual LMAO.
Would you care to have an intellectual discussion to go over infrastructure and logistics to get supplies from point A to point B, and what that actually involves? Would you care to have an intellectual discussion on how an administration should be prepared for such a disaster, so as to make sure that infrastructure is ready to go, along with the equipment in place to have the capability to have that infrastructure built, asap? If we were talking intellectually, we would be admitting to ourselves, that that never happened with Katrina or Maria. We simply were not prepared.

I've worked in natural disasters. I understand the intellectual value in knowing what one is talking about. You, on the other hand, have offered us nothing related to real solutions to real problems, nor has Trump. He fixes his failures with paper towels.
well , guess that those 3000 won't ever vote again or move to Florida eh ??

Serious ^ Then FUCK YOU

Comrade fucktard, why is it you Stalinists can't produce the names of the victims?

Why did Ricardo Rossello block delivery of food, water, and medicine?

How is it you little Hitlers blame Trump for a hurricane, do you think he is god and controls the weather?
Did three thousand die when the hurricane hit? Why did they report only a few? Would ewe be interested in knowing the dates on all three thousand death certificates?

Do you think death certificates would convince Trump of anything? He huffed absurd Obama birth certificate conspiracies for nearly half a decade.

Death certificates?

You Bolsheviks can't even come up with names.

You spit forth numbers with your rage and hatred, but there appears to be no connection to any particular person or persons.

Further, IF there was a high death toll, then Gov. Ricardo Rosselló is responsible for them.

View attachment 216651

Did you communists deliberately deny food, water and medicine to craft a narrative?

It sure looks like you did.
Where's the good road and equipment to get there?
Did three thousand die when the hurricane hit? Why did they report only a few? Would ewe be interested in knowing the dates on all three thousand death certificates?

Do you think death certificates would convince Trump of anything? He huffed absurd Obama birth certificate conspiracies for nearly half a decade.

Death certificates?

You Bolsheviks can't even come up with names.

You spit forth numbers with your rage and hatred, but there appears to be no connection to any particular person or persons.

Further, IF there was a high death toll, then Gov. Ricardo Rosselló is responsible for them.

View attachment 216651

Did you communists deliberately deny food, water and medicine to craft a narrative?

It sure looks like you did.
Where's the good road and equipment to get there?

Sold to fund Rossello's Swiss bank account.

So did you Marxists deliberately block the delivery of food, water, and medicine, which rotted on the runway, or was the gross incompetence of the Puerto Rican officials coupled with the corruption that has dominated the island for decades the reason?


FEMA delivered the goods, but the Puerto Rican government let it rot.

Explain that Communists?
Remember when that filthy ass TDS suffering San Juan Mayor bitch was telling everybody that Trump wasn't doing anything when she was standing in a warehouse full of FEMA supplies?

Just this August over 10 containers filled of rotting food and medical supplies were found right in San Juan.

What a useless incompetent government in PR.

If the stories of her incompetence are true no wonder she’s pointing the finger at Trump—the press’s obsession with demonizing Trump is very convenient for her!
Stories? From wh
Remember when that filthy ass TDS suffering San Juan Mayor bitch was telling everybody that Trump wasn't doing anything when she was standing in a warehouse full of FEMA supplies?

Just this August over 10 containers filled of rotting food and medical supplies were found right in San Juan.

What a useless incompetent government in PR.

If the stories of her incompetence are true no wonder she’s pointing the finger at Trump—the press’s obsession with demonizing Trump is very convenient for her!
Stories? From who? Do you have a reputable source for her incompetency, or is this just the pot calling the kettle black?

LOL I don’t know why I’m even trying with you. It’s evident you’ll cling to your precious CNN article and call anything I provide bullshit and I’ve no interest in completely wasting my time. You don’t understand that most of the mainstream media plays partisan politics and this has been intensified tenfold in the wake of Trump’s victory. And you, just like many people from both sides, only believe stories from outlets that echo your sentiment. The outlets that haven’t made it their mission to destroy Trump, you’re not going to believe bc they don’t wish to destroy Trump like you do so they MUST be wrong, right?

If you knew what I knew, could see what I’ve seen—numerous crafty “journalists” spinning stories to promote a certain narrative, you’d question everything you’ve read no matter what it’s about or who it’s trying to bash or protect. Much of the time I have the ability to isolate instances of deceit within a news piece and even one instance is too much, making whatever “information” provided therein worthless.

Do you know how maddening it is to, time and time again, spot out-and-out LIES disguised as truth and know there are tens of thousands of people who are going to fall for it?

Without lies and fake news these stupid Moon Bats have nothing.

That is why it is better to just ridicule them rather than try to educate them. They are not educable. If they were they wouldn't be Liberals.
The intellectual bankruptcy is on display in living color here folks. They can't even explain how those pallets were going to get from point A to point B. Lol! Maybe if they had thrown enough paper towels on top of those pallets, the great roads, bridges, and equipment that didn't exist then, would have gotten those pallets of water to their destination? And it was a great success according to Trump. What a bunch of friggin idiots.
Just this August over 10 containers filled of rotting food and medical supplies were found right in San Juan.

What a useless incompetent government in PR.

If the stories of her incompetence are true no wonder she’s pointing the finger at Trump—the press’s obsession with demonizing Trump is very convenient for her!
Stories? From wh
Just this August over 10 containers filled of rotting food and medical supplies were found right in San Juan.

What a useless incompetent government in PR.

If the stories of her incompetence are true no wonder she’s pointing the finger at Trump—the press’s obsession with demonizing Trump is very convenient for her!
Stories? From who? Do you have a reputable source for her incompetency, or is this just the pot calling the kettle black?

LOL I don’t know why I’m even trying with you. It’s evident you’ll cling to your precious CNN article and call anything I provide bullshit and I’ve no interest in completely wasting my time. You don’t understand that most of the mainstream media plays partisan politics and this has been intensified tenfold in the wake of Trump’s victory. And you, just like many people from both sides, only believe stories from outlets that echo your sentiment. The outlets that haven’t made it their mission to destroy Trump, you’re not going to believe bc they don’t wish to destroy Trump like you do so they MUST be wrong, right?

If you knew what I knew, could see what I’ve seen—numerous crafty “journalists” spinning stories to promote a certain narrative, you’d question everything you’ve read no matter what it’s about or who it’s trying to bash or protect. Much of the time I have the ability to isolate instances of deceit within a news piece and even one instance is too much, making whatever “information” provided therein worthless.

Do you know how maddening it is to, time and time again, spot out-and-out LIES disguised as truth and know there are tens of thousands of people who are going to fall for it?

Without lies and fake news these stupid Moon Bats have nothing.

That is why it is better to just ridicule them rather than try to educate them. They are not educable. If they were they wouldn't be Liberals.
The intellectual bankruptcy is on display in living color here folks. They can't even explain how those pallets were going to get from point A to point B. Lol! Maybe if they had thrown enough paper towels on top of those pallets, the great roads, bridges, and equipment that didn't exist then, would have gotten those pallets of water to their destination? And it was a great success according to Trump. What a bunch of friggin idiots.

Did you Communist deliberately block the delivery of food, water, and medicine to the people of Puerto Rico, which FEMA delivered? Was Rossello attempting to sell the supplies to enrich himself?
Did three thousand die when the hurricane hit? Why did they report only a few? Would ewe be interested in knowing the dates on all three thousand death certificates?

Do you think death certificates would convince Trump of anything? He huffed absurd Obama birth certificate conspiracies for nearly half a decade.

Death certificates?

You Bolsheviks can't even come up with names.

You spit forth numbers with your rage and hatred, but there appears to be no connection to any particular person or persons.

Further, IF there was a high death toll, then Gov. Ricardo Rosselló is responsible for them.

View attachment 216651

Did you communists deliberately deny food, water and medicine to craft a narrative?

It sure looks like you did.
Where's the good road and equipment to get there?

Sold to fund Rossello's Swiss bank account.

So did you Marxists deliberately block the delivery of food, water, and medicine, which rotted on the runway, or was the gross incompetence of the Puerto Rican officials coupled with the corruption that has dominated the island for decades the reason?


FEMA delivered the goods, but the Puerto Rican government let it rot.

Explain that Communists?
FEMA delivered the goods to the runway. And? Did the government let it rot, or was the absence of roads, bridges, and equipment where the ball was dropped? Take a wild guess?

Folks are explaining, but dumb asses like you aren't answering.

Here in New York, millions have died since Sandy.:113:

And anyway, by Monday, nobody is going to care about this.

Well, Trump certainly doesn't care .. A+ The best response EVER .. TERRIFIC! -
You lack the empathy gene too. Sad
But, but, it's the Democrats fault. Fault for what? Because the Democrats blame Trump? If it was a success, there is nothing to blame the Democrats about? Trump is a schizophrenic, narcissist, wacko bird.

Those are all good words but I could think of a 500 more.
Please God, let this internationally embarrassing reality shit-show be OVER
poor smeagle.....

------------------------------------------- that stupid avatar is very 'smeagle like' and very appropriate , the bonehead as SMEAGLE is excellent .
Last edited:
If the stories of her incompetence are true no wonder she’s pointing the finger at Trump—the press’s obsession with demonizing Trump is very convenient for her!
Stories? From wh
If the stories of her incompetence are true no wonder she’s pointing the finger at Trump—the press’s obsession with demonizing Trump is very convenient for her!
Stories? From who? Do you have a reputable source for her incompetency, or is this just the pot calling the kettle black?

LOL I don’t know why I’m even trying with you. It’s evident you’ll cling to your precious CNN article and call anything I provide bullshit and I’ve no interest in completely wasting my time. You don’t understand that most of the mainstream media plays partisan politics and this has been intensified tenfold in the wake of Trump’s victory. And you, just like many people from both sides, only believe stories from outlets that echo your sentiment. The outlets that haven’t made it their mission to destroy Trump, you’re not going to believe bc they don’t wish to destroy Trump like you do so they MUST be wrong, right?

If you knew what I knew, could see what I’ve seen—numerous crafty “journalists” spinning stories to promote a certain narrative, you’d question everything you’ve read no matter what it’s about or who it’s trying to bash or protect. Much of the time I have the ability to isolate instances of deceit within a news piece and even one instance is too much, making whatever “information” provided therein worthless.

Do you know how maddening it is to, time and time again, spot out-and-out LIES disguised as truth and know there are tens of thousands of people who are going to fall for it?

Without lies and fake news these stupid Moon Bats have nothing.

That is why it is better to just ridicule them rather than try to educate them. They are not educable. If they were they wouldn't be Liberals.
The intellectual bankruptcy is on display in living color here folks. They can't even explain how those pallets were going to get from point A to point B. Lol! Maybe if they had thrown enough paper towels on top of those pallets, the great roads, bridges, and equipment that didn't exist then, would have gotten those pallets of water to their destination? And it was a great success according to Trump. What a bunch of friggin idiots.

Did you Communist deliberately block the delivery of food, water, and medicine to the people of Puerto Rico, which FEMA delivered? Was Rossello attempting to sell the supplies to enrich himself?
Asking a retarded question is only meant for losers. Try again.
I heard the Geraldo say just yesterday that Puerto Rico had a 70% power outage routinely before the hurricane!
President Trump merely quoted the Puerto Rico governor. Where did George Washington U come up with the figures?

Those are projected numbers, expected deaths as per computer model.

Since it was expected for that many to die, why not to claim they died and make Trump to look bad.

The same model was used to project that Trump will be responsible for 80,000 deaths in the next decade. If they really want him to look bad, they should've said he's gonna be responsible for death of 800,000 in next hundred years. You see, he's almost like a Hitler.
Remember when that filthy ass TDS suffering San Juan Mayor bitch was telling everybody that Trump wasn't doing anything when she was standing in a warehouse full of FEMA supplies?

Just this August over 10 containers filled of rotting food and medical supplies were found right in San Juan.

What a useless incompetent government in PR.

If the stories of her incompetence are true no wonder she’s pointing the finger at Trump—the press’s obsession with demonizing Trump is very convenient for her!
Stories? From wh
Remember when that filthy ass TDS suffering San Juan Mayor bitch was telling everybody that Trump wasn't doing anything when she was standing in a warehouse full of FEMA supplies?

Just this August over 10 containers filled of rotting food and medical supplies were found right in San Juan.

What a useless incompetent government in PR.

If the stories of her incompetence are true no wonder she’s pointing the finger at Trump—the press’s obsession with demonizing Trump is very convenient for her!
Stories? From who? Do you have a reputable source for her incompetency, or is this just the pot calling the kettle black?

LOL I don’t know why I’m even trying with you. It’s evident you’ll cling to your precious CNN article and call anything I provide bullshit and I’ve no interest in completely wasting my time. You don’t understand that most of the mainstream media plays partisan politics and this has been intensified tenfold in the wake of Trump’s victory. And you, just like many people from both sides, only believe stories from outlets that echo your sentiment. The outlets that haven’t made it their mission to destroy Trump, you’re not going to believe bc they don’t wish to destroy Trump like you do so they MUST be wrong, right?

If you knew what I knew, could see what I’ve seen—numerous crafty “journalists” spinning stories to promote a certain narrative, you’d question everything you’ve read no matter what it’s about or who it’s trying to bash or protect. Much of the time I have the ability to isolate instances of deceit within a news piece and even one instance is too much, making whatever “information” provided therein worthless.

Do you know how maddening it is to, time and time again, spot out-and-out LIES disguised as truth and know there are tens of thousands of people who are going to fall for it?

Without lies and fake news these stupid Moon Bats have nothing.

That is why it is better to just ridicule them rather than try to educate them. They are not educable. If they were they wouldn't be Liberals.
Educate who about what? You're either prepared, or you are not, dumb ass. Hauling supplies on pallets to set them down on a runway, with no infrastructure or equipment to get it there, is worth teats on a male Gorilla. Who the hell was in charge of this botched operation?
FEMA delivered the goods to the runway. And? Did the government let it rot, or was the absence of roads, bridges, and equipment where the ball was dropped? Take a wild guess?

Folks are explaining, but dumb asses like you aren't answering.

Again, FEMA is a relief agency, they provide supplies. They are not the government of Puerto Rico.

Where was Rossello with the billions in aid that has been provided to the Island? Why is Puerto Rico a third world shit hole when America has pumped billions and billions into it for decades?

Well, we all know. The money that we give to Puerto Rico goes into the pockets of crooks like Rossello.

But the question remains, did Rossello delibertely block the distribution of the FEMA aid that was put in his lap - that he and the Marxist press of LIED ABOUT for over a year, because he was attempting to sell the supplies?

Why did the NY Times lie that goods were not provided? Why has the Marxist press HIDDEN the fact that the relief goods were there all along? Why did it take a free lance photographer stumbling across the hidden supplies to bring to light the massive lies and cover up by the DNC controlled Marxist press?
If the stories of her incompetence are true no wonder she’s pointing the finger at Trump—the press’s obsession with demonizing Trump is very convenient for her!
Stories? From wh
If the stories of her incompetence are true no wonder she’s pointing the finger at Trump—the press’s obsession with demonizing Trump is very convenient for her!
Stories? From who? Do you have a reputable source for her incompetency, or is this just the pot calling the kettle black?

LOL I don’t know why I’m even trying with you. It’s evident you’ll cling to your precious CNN article and call anything I provide bullshit and I’ve no interest in completely wasting my time. You don’t understand that most of the mainstream media plays partisan politics and this has been intensified tenfold in the wake of Trump’s victory. And you, just like many people from both sides, only believe stories from outlets that echo your sentiment. The outlets that haven’t made it their mission to destroy Trump, you’re not going to believe bc they don’t wish to destroy Trump like you do so they MUST be wrong, right?

If you knew what I knew, could see what I’ve seen—numerous crafty “journalists” spinning stories to promote a certain narrative, you’d question everything you’ve read no matter what it’s about or who it’s trying to bash or protect. Much of the time I have the ability to isolate instances of deceit within a news piece and even one instance is too much, making whatever “information” provided therein worthless.

Do you know how maddening it is to, time and time again, spot out-and-out LIES disguised as truth and know there are tens of thousands of people who are going to fall for it?

Without lies and fake news these stupid Moon Bats have nothing.

That is why it is better to just ridicule them rather than try to educate them. They are not educable. If they were they wouldn't be Liberals.
The intellectual bankruptcy is on display in living color here folks. They can't even explain how those pallets were going to get from point A to point B. Lol! Maybe if they had thrown enough paper towels on top of those pallets, the great roads, bridges, and equipment that didn't exist then, would have gotten those pallets of water to their destination? And it was a great success according to Trump. What a bunch of friggin idiots.

Did you Communist deliberately block the delivery of food, water, and medicine to the people of Puerto Rico, which FEMA delivered? Was Rossello attempting to sell the supplies to enrich himself?
-------------------------------- i don't think that 'rosello' is a crook , think that it was everyone around him that was the crook and hinderer of anything TRUMP tried to do . Sure the roads were out but there was no TEAM of 'pr' workers and authorities except for teams working against the TRUMP . I think the enemies or crooks that hindered were the 'pr' mayors and others or many in any position of power or authority .
President Trump merely quoted the Puerto Rico governor. Where did George Washington U come up with the figures?

Those are projected numbers, expected deaths as per computer model.

Since it was expected for that many to die, why not to claim they died and make Trump to look bad.

The same model was used to project that Trump will be responsible for 80,000 deaths in the next decade. If they really want him to look bad, they should've said he's gonna be responsible for death of 800,000 in next hundred years. You see, he's almost like a Hitler.
More disguised dumb ass arguments just to make excuses for a failed operation. Trump made himself look bad by tossing out paper towels, when he should have been telling FEMA, that dumping off supplies at a runway with no way to get those supplies to the people is worth nothing. We need infrastructure, and equipment asap. But no! His shitty attitude and the pitiful paper towel toss is as far as he was going to go. That is why 3,000 people died.
Just this August over 10 containers filled of rotting food and medical supplies were found right in San Juan.

What a useless incompetent government in PR.

If the stories of her incompetence are true no wonder she’s pointing the finger at Trump—the press’s obsession with demonizing Trump is very convenient for her!
Stories? From wh
Just this August over 10 containers filled of rotting food and medical supplies were found right in San Juan.

What a useless incompetent government in PR.

If the stories of her incompetence are true no wonder she’s pointing the finger at Trump—the press’s obsession with demonizing Trump is very convenient for her!
Stories? From who? Do you have a reputable source for her incompetency, or is this just the pot calling the kettle black?

LOL I don’t know why I’m even trying with you. It’s evident you’ll cling to your precious CNN article and call anything I provide bullshit and I’ve no interest in completely wasting my time. You don’t understand that most of the mainstream media plays partisan politics and this has been intensified tenfold in the wake of Trump’s victory. And you, just like many people from both sides, only believe stories from outlets that echo your sentiment. The outlets that haven’t made it their mission to destroy Trump, you’re not going to believe bc they don’t wish to destroy Trump like you do so they MUST be wrong, right?

If you knew what I knew, could see what I’ve seen—numerous crafty “journalists” spinning stories to promote a certain narrative, you’d question everything you’ve read no matter what it’s about or who it’s trying to bash or protect. Much of the time I have the ability to isolate instances of deceit within a news piece and even one instance is too much, making whatever “information” provided therein worthless.

Do you know how maddening it is to, time and time again, spot out-and-out LIES disguised as truth and know there are tens of thousands of people who are going to fall for it?

Without lies and fake news these stupid Moon Bats have nothing.

That is why it is better to just ridicule them rather than try to educate them. They are not educable. If they were they wouldn't be Liberals.
Educate who about what? You're either prepared, or you are not, dumb ass. Hauling supplies on pallets to set them down on a runway, with no infrastructure or equipment to get it there, is worth teats on a male Gorilla. Who the hell was in charge of this botched operation?
Ewe wanted them to build a runway?
Stories? From wh
Stories? From who? Do you have a reputable source for her incompetency, or is this just the pot calling the kettle black?

LOL I don’t know why I’m even trying with you. It’s evident you’ll cling to your precious CNN article and call anything I provide bullshit and I’ve no interest in completely wasting my time. You don’t understand that most of the mainstream media plays partisan politics and this has been intensified tenfold in the wake of Trump’s victory. And you, just like many people from both sides, only believe stories from outlets that echo your sentiment. The outlets that haven’t made it their mission to destroy Trump, you’re not going to believe bc they don’t wish to destroy Trump like you do so they MUST be wrong, right?

If you knew what I knew, could see what I’ve seen—numerous crafty “journalists” spinning stories to promote a certain narrative, you’d question everything you’ve read no matter what it’s about or who it’s trying to bash or protect. Much of the time I have the ability to isolate instances of deceit within a news piece and even one instance is too much, making whatever “information” provided therein worthless.

Do you know how maddening it is to, time and time again, spot out-and-out LIES disguised as truth and know there are tens of thousands of people who are going to fall for it?

Without lies and fake news these stupid Moon Bats have nothing.

That is why it is better to just ridicule them rather than try to educate them. They are not educable. If they were they wouldn't be Liberals.
The intellectual bankruptcy is on display in living color here folks. They can't even explain how those pallets were going to get from point A to point B. Lol! Maybe if they had thrown enough paper towels on top of those pallets, the great roads, bridges, and equipment that didn't exist then, would have gotten those pallets of water to their destination? And it was a great success according to Trump. What a bunch of friggin idiots.

Did you Communist deliberately block the delivery of food, water, and medicine to the people of Puerto Rico, which FEMA delivered? Was Rossello attempting to sell the supplies to enrich himself?
-------------------------------- i don't think that 'rosello' is a crook , think that it was everyone around him that was the crook and hinderer of anything TRUMP tried to do . Sure the roads were out but there was no TEAM of 'pr' workers and authorities except for tezms working against the TRUMP . I think the enemies or crooks that hindered were the 'pr' mayors or many in any position of power or authority .
Really? "You think"? What the hell does that mean? Exactly! It means jack squat. Stop making excuses for this failure.

It's not a matter of people in a position of power dumb ass. It's a matter of having the necessary resources to get from point A to point B, when they couldn't. The whole place was destroyed. Get a clue.
Stories? From wh
Stories? From who? Do you have a reputable source for her incompetency, or is this just the pot calling the kettle black?

LOL I don’t know why I’m even trying with you. It’s evident you’ll cling to your precious CNN article and call anything I provide bullshit and I’ve no interest in completely wasting my time. You don’t understand that most of the mainstream media plays partisan politics and this has been intensified tenfold in the wake of Trump’s victory. And you, just like many people from both sides, only believe stories from outlets that echo your sentiment. The outlets that haven’t made it their mission to destroy Trump, you’re not going to believe bc they don’t wish to destroy Trump like you do so they MUST be wrong, right?

If you knew what I knew, could see what I’ve seen—numerous crafty “journalists” spinning stories to promote a certain narrative, you’d question everything you’ve read no matter what it’s about or who it’s trying to bash or protect. Much of the time I have the ability to isolate instances of deceit within a news piece and even one instance is too much, making whatever “information” provided therein worthless.

Do you know how maddening it is to, time and time again, spot out-and-out LIES disguised as truth and know there are tens of thousands of people who are going to fall for it?

Without lies and fake news these stupid Moon Bats have nothing.

That is why it is better to just ridicule them rather than try to educate them. They are not educable. If they were they wouldn't be Liberals.
The intellectual bankruptcy is on display in living color here folks. They can't even explain how those pallets were going to get from point A to point B. Lol! Maybe if they had thrown enough paper towels on top of those pallets, the great roads, bridges, and equipment that didn't exist then, would have gotten those pallets of water to their destination? And it was a great success according to Trump. What a bunch of friggin idiots.

Did you Communist deliberately block the delivery of food, water, and medicine to the people of Puerto Rico, which FEMA delivered? Was Rossello attempting to sell the supplies to enrich himself?
-------------------------------- i don't think that 'rosello' is a crook , think that it was everyone around him that was the crook and hinderer of anything TRUMP tried to do . Sure the roads were out but there was no TEAM of 'pr' workers and authorities except for teams working against the TRUMP . I think the enemies or crooks that hindered were the 'pr' mayors and others or many in any position of power or authority .

Rossello is on the level of Idi Amin or Baby Doc in his gross embezzlement.

Puerto Rico, despite being an American territory, runs as a banana republic of open corruption and graft.
Puerto Rico’s Untold Tale of Corruption
Puerto Rico was a disaster long before Maria ravaged the island
If the stories of her incompetence are true no wonder she’s pointing the finger at Trump—the press’s obsession with demonizing Trump is very convenient for her!
Stories? From wh
If the stories of her incompetence are true no wonder she’s pointing the finger at Trump—the press’s obsession with demonizing Trump is very convenient for her!
Stories? From who? Do you have a reputable source for her incompetency, or is this just the pot calling the kettle black?

LOL I don’t know why I’m even trying with you. It’s evident you’ll cling to your precious CNN article and call anything I provide bullshit and I’ve no interest in completely wasting my time. You don’t understand that most of the mainstream media plays partisan politics and this has been intensified tenfold in the wake of Trump’s victory. And you, just like many people from both sides, only believe stories from outlets that echo your sentiment. The outlets that haven’t made it their mission to destroy Trump, you’re not going to believe bc they don’t wish to destroy Trump like you do so they MUST be wrong, right?

If you knew what I knew, could see what I’ve seen—numerous crafty “journalists” spinning stories to promote a certain narrative, you’d question everything you’ve read no matter what it’s about or who it’s trying to bash or protect. Much of the time I have the ability to isolate instances of deceit within a news piece and even one instance is too much, making whatever “information” provided therein worthless.

Do you know how maddening it is to, time and time again, spot out-and-out LIES disguised as truth and know there are tens of thousands of people who are going to fall for it?

Without lies and fake news these stupid Moon Bats have nothing.

That is why it is better to just ridicule them rather than try to educate them. They are not educable. If they were they wouldn't be Liberals.
Educate who about what? You're either prepared, or you are not, dumb ass. Hauling supplies on pallets to set them down on a runway, with no infrastructure or equipment to get it there, is worth teats on a male Gorilla. Who the hell was in charge of this botched operation?
Ewe wanted them to build a runway?
OMG! Another retard!

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