Trump falsely states USA is the most highly taxed nation in the world

So force them to stay in the country right?

Or we could elect guys who BELIEVE IN Gov't AND their policies that CAN make US great again, unlike EVERY CONservative/GOPer for 30+ years? You know since the wealth IS already in America, we could have laws that benefit SOCIETY as a whole AGAIN? Over the plutocrat class?
How about people who believe that goverments only role should be to empower the individual and protect from threats foreign and domestic. Not empower those who line their pockets and get them elected. You want to speak of robber Barron's like that's unfettered capitalism at work, but forget they used and influenced power quite frequently, pretty much wrote the book on it.

Myths and fairy tales Bubs, ONE nation to EVER use that Randian BS? EVER? lol

Unfettered capitalism ends ONE way, just like the game monopoly!
Oh does it, walk me through that, when that happens without help from the govt.

Gov't doesn't allow unfettered capitalism which like Communism and libertarianism is a failure!

Neo-Liberalism/Conservatives is/has destroyed the American Economy in favor of the so called "Job Creator"... In reality are "Job Exporters"...

I would love to see a 90% tax on any individual making a$100,000,000 dollars or more a year. I'm not anti rich but I am anti money hoarding, tax dodging, and legislative manipulating country destroying fool. Pay your fair share!

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it." Thomas Jefferson
What the heck is your definition of libertarianism!?!?

Why did Germany not invade the Swiss...bc they held their gold? Along with every other European country. So
Why is a mandatory military service bad in a NEUTRAL NATION?

And yes closed boarders for a welfare state is a popular libertarian idea. Open boarders so nations have to compete would be nice, but doesn't really work in a welfare state, that's just ridiculous.

And yes ppl who don't pay taxes shouldn't be allowed to vote bc they don't have a stake in where tax money goes, and will always vote for more handouts.

And I 100% agree with that Jefferson quote, I don't think you're idea of govt empowers people, it only admittedly empowers govt.
So force them to stay in the country right?

Or we could elect guys who BELIEVE IN Gov't AND their policies that CAN make US great again, unlike EVERY CONservative/GOPer for 30+ years? You know since the wealth IS already in America, we could have laws that benefit SOCIETY as a whole AGAIN? Over the plutocrat class?
How about people who believe that goverments only role should be to empower the individual and protect from threats foreign and domestic. Not empower those who line their pockets and get them elected. You want to speak of robber Barron's like that's unfettered capitalism at work, but forget they used and influenced power quite frequently, pretty much wrote the book on it.

Myths and fairy tales Bubs, ONE nation to EVER use that Randian BS? EVER? lol

Unfettered capitalism ends ONE way, just like the game monopoly!
Oh does it, walk me through that, when that happens without help from the govt.

Gov't doesn't allow unfettered capitalism which like Communism and libertarianism is a failure!

Neo-Liberalism/Conservatives is/has destroyed the American Economy in favor of the so called "Job Creator"... In reality are "Job Exporters"...

I would love to see a 90% tax on any individual making a$100,000,000 dollars or more a year. I'm not anti rich but I am anti money hoarding, tax dodging, and legislative manipulating country destroying fool. Pay your fair share!

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it." Thomas Jefferson
And I'm 100% against tax dodging, but how much is 90% of 100,000,000? Why make more than that? And 90% of 100 million is one thing. What the dem policy is calling for is around 50% on those who make 250,000 a year
Or we could elect guys who BELIEVE IN Gov't AND their policies that CAN make US great again, unlike EVERY CONservative/GOPer for 30+ years? You know since the wealth IS already in America, we could have laws that benefit SOCIETY as a whole AGAIN? Over the plutocrat class?
How about people who believe that goverments only role should be to empower the individual and protect from threats foreign and domestic. Not empower those who line their pockets and get them elected. You want to speak of robber Barron's like that's unfettered capitalism at work, but forget they used and influenced power quite frequently, pretty much wrote the book on it.

Myths and fairy tales Bubs, ONE nation to EVER use that Randian BS? EVER? lol

Unfettered capitalism ends ONE way, just like the game monopoly!
Oh does it, walk me through that, when that happens without help from the govt.

Gov't doesn't allow unfettered capitalism which like Communism and libertarianism is a failure!

Neo-Liberalism/Conservatives is/has destroyed the American Economy in favor of the so called "Job Creator"... In reality are "Job Exporters"...

I would love to see a 90% tax on any individual making a$100,000,000 dollars or more a year. I'm not anti rich but I am anti money hoarding, tax dodging, and legislative manipulating country destroying fool. Pay your fair share!

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it." Thomas Jefferson
And I'm 100% against tax dodging, but how much is 90% of 100,000,000? Why make more than that? And 90% of 100 million is one thing. What the dem policy is calling for is around 50% on those who make 250,000 a year

Weird you are either dishonest or don't understand the difference with how marginal rates work versus EFFECTIVE tax rates

50%? lol
Or we could elect guys who BELIEVE IN Gov't AND their policies that CAN make US great again, unlike EVERY CONservative/GOPer for 30+ years? You know since the wealth IS already in America, we could have laws that benefit SOCIETY as a whole AGAIN? Over the plutocrat class?
How about people who believe that goverments only role should be to empower the individual and protect from threats foreign and domestic. Not empower those who line their pockets and get them elected. You want to speak of robber Barron's like that's unfettered capitalism at work, but forget they used and influenced power quite frequently, pretty much wrote the book on it.

Myths and fairy tales Bubs, ONE nation to EVER use that Randian BS? EVER? lol

Unfettered capitalism ends ONE way, just like the game monopoly!
Oh does it, walk me through that, when that happens without help from the govt.

Gov't doesn't allow unfettered capitalism which like Communism and libertarianism is a failure!

Neo-Liberalism/Conservatives is/has destroyed the American Economy in favor of the so called "Job Creator"... In reality are "Job Exporters"...

I would love to see a 90% tax on any individual making a$100,000,000 dollars or more a year. I'm not anti rich but I am anti money hoarding, tax dodging, and legislative manipulating country destroying fool. Pay your fair share!

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it." Thomas Jefferson
What the heck is your definition of libertarianism!?!?

Why did Germany not invade the Swiss...bc they held their gold? Along with every other European country. So
Why is a mandatory military service bad in a NEUTRAL NATION?

And yes closed boarders for a welfare state is a popular libertarian idea. Open boarders so nations have to compete would be nice, but doesn't really work in a welfare state, that's just ridiculous.

And yes ppl who don't pay taxes shouldn't be allowed to vote bc they don't have a stake in where tax money goes, and will always vote for more handouts.

And I 100% agree with that Jefferson quote, I don't think you're idea of govt empowers people, it only admittedly empowers govt.

Libertarianism is the MYTH that individuals do things for their own best interests AND it transfers that to the good of a nation as a whole AND that the invisible hand will not jack US off!
only the social plan of tax code micromanagement instead of a capital plan to "earn" multibillion dollar bonuses for the People with the Peoples' money, my good Capitalist sirs?
How about people who believe that goverments only role should be to empower the individual and protect from threats foreign and domestic. Not empower those who line their pockets and get them elected. You want to speak of robber Barron's like that's unfettered capitalism at work, but forget they used and influenced power quite frequently, pretty much wrote the book on it.

Myths and fairy tales Bubs, ONE nation to EVER use that Randian BS? EVER? lol

Unfettered capitalism ends ONE way, just like the game monopoly!
Oh does it, walk me through that, when that happens without help from the govt.

Gov't doesn't allow unfettered capitalism which like Communism and libertarianism is a failure!

Neo-Liberalism/Conservatives is/has destroyed the American Economy in favor of the so called "Job Creator"... In reality are "Job Exporters"...

I would love to see a 90% tax on any individual making a$100,000,000 dollars or more a year. I'm not anti rich but I am anti money hoarding, tax dodging, and legislative manipulating country destroying fool. Pay your fair share!

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it." Thomas Jefferson
What the heck is your definition of libertarianism!?!?

Why did Germany not invade the Swiss...bc they held their gold? Along with every other European country. So
Why is a mandatory military service bad in a NEUTRAL NATION?

And yes closed boarders for a welfare state is a popular libertarian idea. Open boarders so nations have to compete would be nice, but doesn't really work in a welfare state, that's just ridiculous.

And yes ppl who don't pay taxes shouldn't be allowed to vote bc they don't have a stake in where tax money goes, and will always vote for more handouts.

And I 100% agree with that Jefferson quote, I don't think you're idea of govt empowers people, it only admittedly empowers govt.

Libertarianism is the MYTH that individuals do things for their own best interests AND it transfers that to the good of a nation as a whole AND that the invisible hand will not jack US off!
Ah so the Swiss are not libertarian solely bc of mandatory military (in a landlocked neutral nation in the middle of a historical hotbed of military activity) and bc of strict immigration laws.
Myths and fairy tales Bubs, ONE nation to EVER use that Randian BS? EVER? lol

Unfettered capitalism ends ONE way, just like the game monopoly!
Oh does it, walk me through that, when that happens without help from the govt.

Gov't doesn't allow unfettered capitalism which like Communism and libertarianism is a failure!

Neo-Liberalism/Conservatives is/has destroyed the American Economy in favor of the so called "Job Creator"... In reality are "Job Exporters"...

I would love to see a 90% tax on any individual making a$100,000,000 dollars or more a year. I'm not anti rich but I am anti money hoarding, tax dodging, and legislative manipulating country destroying fool. Pay your fair share!

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it." Thomas Jefferson
What the heck is your definition of libertarianism!?!?

Why did Germany not invade the Swiss...bc they held their gold? Along with every other European country. So
Why is a mandatory military service bad in a NEUTRAL NATION?

And yes closed boarders for a welfare state is a popular libertarian idea. Open boarders so nations have to compete would be nice, but doesn't really work in a welfare state, that's just ridiculous.

And yes ppl who don't pay taxes shouldn't be allowed to vote bc they don't have a stake in where tax money goes, and will always vote for more handouts.

And I 100% agree with that Jefferson quote, I don't think you're idea of govt empowers people, it only admittedly empowers govt.

Libertarianism is the MYTH that individuals do things for their own best interests AND it transfers that to the good of a nation as a whole AND that the invisible hand will not jack US off!
Ah so the Swiss are not libertarian solely bc of mandatory military (in a landlocked neutral nation in the middle of a historical hotbed of military activity) and bc of strict immigration laws.

Yes never mind all the SOCIALISM they practice right? lol STRONG welfare programs

Lets NOT forget I already had explained their HEAVY protectionist ag Biz right?

Welcome to the Swiss Alcohol Board

The Swiss Alcohol Board (SAB) is the oldest institution in the Confederation. It has been dedicated to alcohol policy since 1887 and has been entrusted with the practical implementation of alcohol legislation. All spirits and high-grade alcohol (ethanol) come within the scope of this legislation. The SAB fulfils tasks in the area of federal monopolies on the production of spirits and the production and importation of ethanol.

Oh does it, walk me through that, when that happens without help from the govt.

Gov't doesn't allow unfettered capitalism which like Communism and libertarianism is a failure!

Neo-Liberalism/Conservatives is/has destroyed the American Economy in favor of the so called "Job Creator"... In reality are "Job Exporters"...

I would love to see a 90% tax on any individual making a$100,000,000 dollars or more a year. I'm not anti rich but I am anti money hoarding, tax dodging, and legislative manipulating country destroying fool. Pay your fair share!

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it." Thomas Jefferson
What the heck is your definition of libertarianism!?!?

Why did Germany not invade the Swiss...bc they held their gold? Along with every other European country. So
Why is a mandatory military service bad in a NEUTRAL NATION?

And yes closed boarders for a welfare state is a popular libertarian idea. Open boarders so nations have to compete would be nice, but doesn't really work in a welfare state, that's just ridiculous.

And yes ppl who don't pay taxes shouldn't be allowed to vote bc they don't have a stake in where tax money goes, and will always vote for more handouts.

And I 100% agree with that Jefferson quote, I don't think you're idea of govt empowers people, it only admittedly empowers govt.

Libertarianism is the MYTH that individuals do things for their own best interests AND it transfers that to the good of a nation as a whole AND that the invisible hand will not jack US off!
Ah so the Swiss are not libertarian solely bc of mandatory military (in a landlocked neutral nation in the middle of a historical hotbed of military activity) and bc of strict immigration laws.

Yes never mind all the SOCIALISM they practice right? lol STRONG welfare programs

Lets NOT forget I already had explained their HEAVY protectionist ag Biz right?

Welcome to the Swiss Alcohol Board

The Swiss Alcohol Board (SAB) is the oldest institution in the Confederation. It has been dedicated to alcohol policy since 1887 and has been entrusted with the practical implementation of alcohol legislation. All spirits and high-grade alcohol (ethanol) come within the scope of this legislation. The SAB fulfils tasks in the area of federal monopolies on the production of spirits and the production and importation of ethanol.

I think your definition of libertarianism is anarchy. It's doesn't mean zero govt. There are thousands of different ideas of libertarianism, they just hold similarities to a certain set of principles. Unlike the two parties we see today where people follow essentially everything their party "leaders" say they should. It's alarming to see that.

It's also undeniable to say the Swiss must be doing something right, on account they are in the top of almost every category, standard of living, education, low crime, and overall citizen happiness. And they've been doing that for 500 years, essentially the oldest government in the world (we are heavily modeled after the Swiss), and they've been doing it right in the middle of one of the most war torn regions in the world. Why is that? It's certainly not from heavy socialist policy
Not true.

They are calling for the MAXIMUM BRACKET to be 50% --- it would still be progressive up to that point.

People making $200,000 would NOT pay 50%.

And they are also talking AGI --- Adjusted Gross Income --- which is their total AFTER credits and deductions such as medical expense and mortgage interest.

Most likely only people making over 1 million would even come close to paying 50%.


And I'm 100% against tax dodging, but how much is 90% of 100,000,000? Why make more than that? And 90% of 100 million is one thing. What the dem policy is calling for is around 50% on those who make 250,000 a year
why not lower the tax burden of the private sector by simplifying unemployment taxes into a general tax?

it would be much less expensive and easier to administer and more market friendly under any form of Capitalism.

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