Trump fans MOCK Floyd death at peaceful protest

I was well aware of that when I made the double entendre, joe.

Oh, okay, so you are admitting you are being openly racist. That's nice. You go with that.
Who is/are the arbiters of racism? Remember this when the propaganda elites are in total control and do a 360 on you and your brethern. They do not like competition for limited positions. And limited employment. Or real employment not the ones forced on those who comply. In our race to hit bottom with stupidity, it is you who are in first place.
I'm voting for Trump, but I have a big problem with this.

If you are voting for Trump, you have no problem with this, Twinkie. This is what Trump stands for.
I thought people were allowed to peacefully protest. Why do you want to demonize these peaceful protesters?

Shutters the idiot who boycotted the NFL because some players peacefully protested.
You have problem people protesting the kneeling? Is that what youre saying?
I'm pointing out your hypocrisy, dill.
I'm voting for Trump, but I have a big problem with this.

If you are voting for Trump, you have no problem with this, Twinkie. This is what Trump stands for.
I thought people were allowed to peacefully protest. Why do you want to demonize these peaceful protesters?

Shutters the idiot who boycotted the NFL because some players peacefully protested.
You have problem people protesting the kneeling? Is that what youre saying?
I'm pointing out your hypocrisy, dill.
Im pointing out YOUR hypocrisy.
I'm voting for Trump, but I have a big problem with this.

If you are voting for Trump, you have no problem with this, Twinkie. This is what Trump stands for.
I thought people were allowed to peacefully protest. Why do you want to demonize these peaceful protesters?

Shutters the idiot who boycotted the NFL because some players peacefully protested.
You have problem people protesting the kneeling? Is that what youre saying?
I'm pointing out your hypocrisy, dill.
Im pointing out YOUR hypocrisy.
Oh? Where did I try to prevent them from protesting??
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


I want to make myself perfectly clear.

What those men did was evil and monstrous. It's totally the opposite of what America is about.


They have every right in the world to show the world what total assholes they are. The constitution gives everyone in America the right to be as much of an asshole as they want within our laws and to let the whole world know about it.

If the man worked for a private prison I would support their actions in regard to that man. He works for a state prison. Which the state can't persecute him for exercising his right to free speech and expression. Especially away from work on his own private property.

I'm defending our constitution, freedom, liberty and everything America stands for.

It's very easy to protect and defend speech you agree with. It's not so easy to do the same with speech you don't agree with and with a government that had no right to take the action they took.

The government should have sent him to some classes to learn about race history and relations.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


I want to make myself perfectly clear.

What those men did was evil and monstrous. It's totally the opposite of what America is about.


They have every right in the world to show the world what total assholes they are. The constitution gives everyone in America the right to be as much of an asshole as they want within our laws and to let the whole world know about it.

If the man worked for a private prison I would support their actions in regard to that man. He works for a state prison. Which the state can't persecute him for exercising his right to free speech and expression. Especially away from work on his own private property.

I'm defending our constitution, freedom, liberty and everything America stands for.

It's very easy to protect and defend speech you agree with. It's not so easy to do the same with speech you don't agree with and with a government that had no right to take the action they took.

The government should have sent him to some classes to learn about race history and relations.
I couldn't agree more, as a passionate advocate for freedom of expression.

And this moment in our history is a perfect example of why: I want these people to feel free to self identify for us, as a reminder that this ugliness still exists.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and freedom of expression is the sunlight.
Employers of the Trumper morons are terminating their employment. A prison guard has been suspended pending an investigation and a FedEx employee has been outright terminated.

I applaud Fed Ex for firing that employee.

However the government can't suspend or persecute that employee for exercising his constitutional right of free speech or expression.

A private employer can but the government can't.

I'm not defending what those people did or said. I'm defending their right to be able to say and do it without the government persecuting them.

I believe everyone should be treated equally under our laws by our government.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


I'm voting for Trump, but I have a big problem with this.
It's cool......I believe the majority of Trump supporters also don't agree with this...

But in this current climate -- there is this need to believe you are "owning the libs" that takes precedence over calling out disgusting BS like this...

So you will probably see most Trump voters either silent or try to find some way to deflect -- you are one of the few who can call out BS without feeling you are responsible for it.....the voters who are silent are the ones who are culpable.....
Who is/are the arbiters of racism? Remember this when the propaganda elites are in total control and do a 360 on you and your brethern. They do not like competition for limited positions. And limited employment. Or real employment not the ones forced on those who comply. In our race to hit bottom with stupidity, it is you who are in first place.

Does your doctor know you are off your medications?

and you continue to prove you're stupid.

Go away, little boy

Guy, you thought you were being clever, but you really weren't. When people whine about "Political Correctness", they are really whining about being called on their racism.
My culture being subverted because home invader who resisted arrest while high from illegal drugs died.

I don't generally encourage mocking private people. But obviously this whole chain of events needs some serious mocking.

More black people die by drowning in bath tubs.

Has Mac tried making a non Trump related thread by the way? His TDS is getting very boring and even more predictable, as always.
Has Mac tried making a non Trump related thread by the way? His TDS is getting very boring and even more predictable, as always.
I know that someone like you probably won't understand this, but here goes:

Damn near all my threads are not about Trump. They're about Trumpsters and Trumpism. He's just a totem.

I made that as clear and simple as I could. Who knows if it got in.

Your MDS is long since tedious.
Who is/are the arbiters of racism? Remember this when the propaganda elites are in total control and do a 360 on you and your brethern. They do not like competition for limited positions. And limited employment. Or real employment not the ones forced on those who comply. In our race to hit bottom with stupidity, it is you who are in first place.

Does your doctor know you are off your medications?

and you continue to prove you're stupid.

Go away, little boy

Guy, you thought you were being clever, but you really weren't. When people whine about "Political Correctness", they are really whining about being called on their racism.

Guy, you thought you were being clever, but you really weren't. When people whine about "Political Correctness", they are really whining about being called on their racism.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


Enough of your feigned outrage bullshit. You act like there's no black and brown racists. I hope the entire country improves racial relations but be honest about the narrative. There's a hell of lot more places a white person can't go at night than a black or brown person. Funny how the n word is banned but cracker is a ok.

I do hope you're kidding.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


I'm voting for Trump, but I have a big problem with this.

Same. It's provocative and just plain fucking stupid!
Please tell me when Malcom x said the white liberal won’t save the black man. Misleading, don’t you think. Are the republican right helping to bring America together by spending 90 percent of their time pushing law and order only.
Trumpism, 2020. This guy and his pal are play-acting Floyd's murder and screaming at protestors in front of his 'murican flag, Trump poster and pick-em up truck.

Doesn't seem very nice. Do any Trump fans have any kind of problem with this?


I'm voting for Trump, but I have a big problem with this.

Same. It's provocative and just plain fucking stupid!
Please tell me when Malcom x said the white liberal won’t save the black man. Misleading, don’t you think. Are the republican right helping to bring America together by spending 90 percent of their time pushing law and order only.
A quote by Malcolm X

“The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man. Let me explain what I mean by the white liberal. In America there is no such thing as Democrat or Republican anymore. In America you have liberals and conservatives. The only people living in the past who think in terms of I’m a Democrat or Republican, is the American Negro...."

You don't know Malcolm X

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