Trump figures out what's dividing America. Turns out it's black people.

Trump: Black Lives Matter is 'dividing America'

He said there "could be" a problem in American policing where blacks are treated differently than whites.


I'm sure he's right. There "could be" a problem. But probably not.

Republicans are known by how kind and fair they treat all minorities.


We know that the GOP is just as fair as they can be, right?

Black Lies Matter does not speak for the black community and you know it.

Those Marxist shit4brains are not concerned with black lives either or else they would be trying to do something about gang wars, not cops that PROTECT blacks in crime infested neighborhoods.

Of course this does not matter to you anyway as you are simply a Dimbocrat Party shill, nothing more.
Trump is being programmed now by the establishment Republicans. They know they can't make inroads in the black vote,

so they employ their same old strategy - turn out the white racist vote with inflammatory rhetoric.

Trump is being taught the playbook.
Telling the Truth about Black Lies Matter is not inflammatory rhetoric, stupid ass.
The choice in this election is to pick either a party of patriotism, optimism and fairness or a party that only wants more free chit and is led by a criminal, serial perjuring Marxist.
Trump: Black Lives Matter is 'dividing America'

He said there "could be" a problem in American policing where blacks are treated differently than whites.


I'm sure he's right. There "could be" a problem. But probably not.

Republicans are known by how kind and fair they treat all minorities.


We know that the GOP is just as fair as they can be, right?

How many times did he say "sad" and "bad"? He needs some vocabulary.

His answer is that he's going to become a CHEERLEADER. Yeah, get the pompoms out, put on a short skirt and then all of a sudden the problem will go away.......

Then he says the jobs are going away, education sucks, but then doesn't say anything about how he's going to change this.

Basically he comes across as someone who doesn't have any answers at all. He just says it's bad and sad and sad and bad and bad and bad and sad and sad and that something needs to be done because it's bad and sad.

The problem is not that he didnt say it (this time) the problem is that you have not been paying attention all along.
you cant just listen to what the democrats say he said, you actually need to listen to what he says.

Except I watched TRUMP SPEAK and commented on WHAT HE SAID. And yet you've decided I'm listening to what democrats have said. No, I haven't read anything from anyone else on this, I watched the video and responded.

He has said in the past how he is going to correct these things.
Why does he have to keep repeating himself every time so that a sheeplike liberal will understand even though there is no way they would vote for him without direct party permission

Yeah, why repeat himself every time when he can repeat the words "sad" and "bad" all the time.

There are ways to make yourself look intelligent.

He says "that our educational system stinks, it's absolutely horrible, our educational system"

He felt the need to repeat education system, to use two words almost synonymously, but didn't make any further comment. Someone who wants to be taken seriously wouldn't keep repeating himself with simple words continuously.

If he's have said "black people are suffering because we have a poor educational system, and directing the educational system towards the needs of the people" would have sounded like a President, he doesn't need to repeat himself over and over, but he uses a variety of words, makes a claim, backs it up.

The way Obama speaks is different. He wanted to talk about hope. It's a theme he's used throughout his presidency, and something I'm beginning to see as one of the most important factors in people's lives. Everyone's looking for hope, when that fails then things become ugly.

The problem doesn't seem to be what Obama was saying, but how the media guy presented it. He took Obama saying that the police do good as positive, then hammered him for talking about centuries of discrimination. As if this discrimination should be brushed under the carpet. It is a problem and it needs to be addressed, but the media guy doesn't want it to be.

The media guy says bring up Jim Crow etc gives the haters an excuse. Sorry, but that excuse has existed for hundreds of years. They don't need Obama to give them excuses, the excuses are all around them, the discrimination, the way blacks have been treated after official discrimination has disappeared, the way the poor have been kept down (and blacks have a high percentage of poor for obvious reasons based on a history that has kept them down.)

The media guy says we have to put grievances behind us. But that's not going to happen until black people and other minorities stop feeling like the powers that be are against them. And the powers that be are often against them.

Trump has hit part of the problem. Jobs. Poor people suffer the most under economic recession. They suffer the most from war (that costs loads of money and sends the poor to die and be maimed), they suffer the most from the education system being shocking.

The problem is that Trump doesn't have the answers. He will say that they need crap manufacturing jobs back in the US so poor people can remain poor and do uneducated jobs. Rather than beef up education and change the jobs in the US so they're relevant to the modern world.

The media guy is talking about "bad behavior", as if protesting against the problems is "bad behavior". The media guy is talking to those white people, telling white people that this all shouldn't be happening and that black people should go back to their hovel and stop complaining and get on with life. Instead of looking at the PROBLEMS, which both Obama and Trump have actually hit on.

The media guy talks about never letting mass discrimination happen again. But it's always happened, and unless things CHANGE then it will never change. But he's talking as if mass discrimination isn't happening right now. He's ignoring stuff.

The media guy says Obama dwells on the problem rather than the solution. I'd agree. Trump has done the same thing.

However what Obama is doing is trying to tell people where the problem lies. If you don't acknowledge the real problems, how can you deal with them? Trump and Obama are coming at them from different angles. Trump is dealing with the problems of why black people are where they are. Education, jobs, opportunities. Obama is dealing with them from the sense that education, jobs and opportunities are poor for black people BECAUSE OF the bias, the discrimination that exists institutionally within these systems.

The media guy comes out with "white people have been the subject of bigotry as well". So fucking what? This has nothing to do with this situation right now. It's not white people feeling like they've been discriminated against. It's black people. But he's trying to pander to those people who want to be the victim so they can tell black people to go back to their hovels.

Basically the media guy is being worse than anyone else, the one stirring up the hatred. Obama and Trump don't say very much at all.

You have no clue about the real world do you.
are you 15 or something? seriously, since blacks and whites go to the same school and sit in the same classrooms, I doubt that the school can be blamed for blacks not doing as well. If you look at places like Baltimore you might discover that the Baltimore city schools have a higher per student spending budget than many of the "white" counties around it have, yet those students in Baltimore city do not do as well.
How long is long enough to cry about racism that they never experienced and expect those that were not responsible to pay?
If they dont like living in a poor section, how about actually studying instead of running the streets or doing drugs and work their way out.
Institutional racism? oh yes it does exist, companies that do business with the government have to adhere to minority targeting in their workforce, this means that whites are passed over just so the company can meet some made up number of minorities in their work place.
Trump: Black Lives Matter is 'dividing America'

He said there "could be" a problem in American policing where blacks are treated differently than whites.


I'm sure he's right. There "could be" a problem. But probably not.

Republicans are known by how kind and fair they treat all minorities.


We know that the GOP is just as fair as they can be, right?

How many times did he say "sad" and "bad"? He needs some vocabulary.

His answer is that he's going to become a CHEERLEADER. Yeah, get the pompoms out, put on a short skirt and then all of a sudden the problem will go away.......

Then he says the jobs are going away, education sucks, but then doesn't say anything about how he's going to change this.

Basically he comes across as someone who doesn't have any answers at all. He just says it's bad and sad and sad and bad and bad and bad and sad and sad and that something needs to be done because it's bad and sad.

So he recognizes the problems....
So he's already ahead of this administrarion.
Saw a poll from Pennsylvania that had black support 88-0 for Hillary.

How many times did he say "sad" and "bad"? He needs some vocabulary.

His answer is that he's going to become a CHEERLEADER. Yeah, get the pompoms out, put on a short skirt and then all of a sudden the problem will go away.......

Then he says the jobs are going away, education sucks, but then doesn't say anything about how he's going to change this.

Basically he comes across as someone who doesn't have any answers at all. He just says it's bad and sad and sad and bad and bad and bad and sad and sad and that something needs to be done because it's bad and sad.
The problem is not that he didnt say it (this time) the problem is that you have not been paying attention all along.
you cant just listen to what the democrats say he said, you actually need to listen to what he says.

Except I watched TRUMP SPEAK and commented on WHAT HE SAID. And yet you've decided I'm listening to what democrats have said. No, I haven't read anything from anyone else on this, I watched the video and responded.
He has said in the past how he is going to correct these things.
Why does he have to keep repeating himself every time so that a sheeplike liberal will understand even though there is no way they would vote for him without direct party permission

Yeah, why repeat himself every time when he can repeat the words "sad" and "bad" all the time.

There are ways to make yourself look intelligent.

He says "that our educational system stinks, it's absolutely horrible, our educational system"

He felt the need to repeat education system, to use two words almost synonymously, but didn't make any further comment. Someone who wants to be taken seriously wouldn't keep repeating himself with simple words continuously.

If he's have said "black people are suffering because we have a poor educational system, and directing the educational system towards the needs of the people" would have sounded like a President, he doesn't need to repeat himself over and over, but he uses a variety of words, makes a claim, backs it up.

The way Obama speaks is different. He wanted to talk about hope. It's a theme he's used throughout his presidency, and something I'm beginning to see as one of the most important factors in people's lives. Everyone's looking for hope, when that fails then things become ugly.

The problem doesn't seem to be what Obama was saying, but how the media guy presented it. He took Obama saying that the police do good as positive, then hammered him for talking about centuries of discrimination. As if this discrimination should be brushed under the carpet. It is a problem and it needs to be addressed, but the media guy doesn't want it to be.

The media guy says bring up Jim Crow etc gives the haters an excuse. Sorry, but that excuse has existed for hundreds of years. They don't need Obama to give them excuses, the excuses are all around them, the discrimination, the way blacks have been treated after official discrimination has disappeared, the way the poor have been kept down (and blacks have a high percentage of poor for obvious reasons based on a history that has kept them down.)

The media guy says we have to put grievances behind us. But that's not going to happen until black people and other minorities stop feeling like the powers that be are against them. And the powers that be are often against them.

Trump has hit part of the problem. Jobs. Poor people suffer the most under economic recession. They suffer the most from war (that costs loads of money and sends the poor to die and be maimed), they suffer the most from the education system being shocking.

The problem is that Trump doesn't have the answers. He will say that they need crap manufacturing jobs back in the US so poor people can remain poor and do uneducated jobs. Rather than beef up education and change the jobs in the US so they're relevant to the modern world.

The media guy is talking about "bad behavior", as if protesting against the problems is "bad behavior". The media guy is talking to those white people, telling white people that this all shouldn't be happening and that black people should go back to their hovel and stop complaining and get on with life. Instead of looking at the PROBLEMS, which both Obama and Trump have actually hit on.

The media guy talks about never letting mass discrimination happen again. But it's always happened, and unless things CHANGE then it will never change. But he's talking as if mass discrimination isn't happening right now. He's ignoring stuff.

The media guy says Obama dwells on the problem rather than the solution. I'd agree. Trump has done the same thing.

However what Obama is doing is trying to tell people where the problem lies. If you don't acknowledge the real problems, how can you deal with them? Trump and Obama are coming at them from different angles. Trump is dealing with the problems of why black people are where they are. Education, jobs, opportunities. Obama is dealing with them from the sense that education, jobs and opportunities are poor for black people BECAUSE OF the bias, the discrimination that exists institutionally within these systems.

The media guy comes out with "white people have been the subject of bigotry as well". So fucking what? This has nothing to do with this situation right now. It's not white people feeling like they've been discriminated against. It's black people. But he's trying to pander to those people who want to be the victim so they can tell black people to go back to their hovels.

Basically the media guy is being worse than anyone else, the one stirring up the hatred. Obama and Trump don't say very much at all.
You have no clue about the real world do you.
are you 15 or something? seriously, since blacks and whites go to the same school and sit in the same classrooms, I doubt that the school can be blamed for blacks not doing as well. If you look at places like Baltimore you might discover that the Baltimore city schools have a higher per student spending budget than many of the "white" counties around it have, yet those students in Baltimore city do not do as well.
How long is long enough to cry about racism that they never experienced and expect those that were not responsible to pay?
If they dont like living in a poor section, how about actually studying instead of running the streets or doing drugs and work their way out.
Institutional racism? oh yes it does exist, companies that do business with the government have to adhere to minority targeting in their workforce, this means that whites are passed over just so the company can meet some made up number of minorities in their work place.

Always worth starting a response of with an attack, just to prove how adult like you are.

Oh, didn't get past that to read the rest. I don't bother with posts that are like this.
Trump: Black Lives Matter is 'dividing America'

He said there "could be" a problem in American policing where blacks are treated differently than whites.


I'm sure he's right. There "could be" a problem. But probably not.

Republicans are known by how kind and fair they treat all minorities.


We know that the GOP is just as fair as they can be, right?

How many times did he say "sad" and "bad"? He needs some vocabulary.

His answer is that he's going to become a CHEERLEADER. Yeah, get the pompoms out, put on a short skirt and then all of a sudden the problem will go away.......

Then he says the jobs are going away, education sucks, but then doesn't say anything about how he's going to change this.

Basically he comes across as someone who doesn't have any answers at all. He just says it's bad and sad and sad and bad and bad and bad and sad and sad and that something needs to be done because it's bad and sad.

So he recognizes the problems....
So he's already ahead of this administrarion.

Well, Obama does too. I can find plenty of examples of this.

Problem is none of them have solutions that are real solutions.
Trump: Black Lives Matter is 'dividing America'

He said there "could be" a problem in American policing where blacks are treated differently than whites.


I'm sure he's right. There "could be" a problem. But probably not.

Republicans are known by how kind and fair they treat all minorities.


We know that the GOP is just as fair as they can be, right?

How many times did he say "sad" and "bad"? He needs some vocabulary.

His answer is that he's going to become a CHEERLEADER. Yeah, get the pompoms out, put on a short skirt and then all of a sudden the problem will go away.......

Then he says the jobs are going away, education sucks, but then doesn't say anything about how he's going to change this.

Basically he comes across as someone who doesn't have any answers at all. He just says it's bad and sad and sad and bad and bad and bad and sad and sad and that something needs to be done because it's bad and sad.

So he recognizes the problems....
So he's already ahead of this administrarion.

Well, Obama does too. I can find plenty of examples of this.

Problem is none of them have solutions that are real solutions.

Really? Blaming cops is not seeing the problem.
The problem is not that he didnt say it (this time) the problem is that you have not been paying attention all along.
you cant just listen to what the democrats say he said, you actually need to listen to what he says.

Except I watched TRUMP SPEAK and commented on WHAT HE SAID. And yet you've decided I'm listening to what democrats have said. No, I haven't read anything from anyone else on this, I watched the video and responded.
He has said in the past how he is going to correct these things.
Why does he have to keep repeating himself every time so that a sheeplike liberal will understand even though there is no way they would vote for him without direct party permission

Yeah, why repeat himself every time when he can repeat the words "sad" and "bad" all the time.

There are ways to make yourself look intelligent.

He says "that our educational system stinks, it's absolutely horrible, our educational system"

He felt the need to repeat education system, to use two words almost synonymously, but didn't make any further comment. Someone who wants to be taken seriously wouldn't keep repeating himself with simple words continuously.

If he's have said "black people are suffering because we have a poor educational system, and directing the educational system towards the needs of the people" would have sounded like a President, he doesn't need to repeat himself over and over, but he uses a variety of words, makes a claim, backs it up.

The way Obama speaks is different. He wanted to talk about hope. It's a theme he's used throughout his presidency, and something I'm beginning to see as one of the most important factors in people's lives. Everyone's looking for hope, when that fails then things become ugly.

The problem doesn't seem to be what Obama was saying, but how the media guy presented it. He took Obama saying that the police do good as positive, then hammered him for talking about centuries of discrimination. As if this discrimination should be brushed under the carpet. It is a problem and it needs to be addressed, but the media guy doesn't want it to be.

The media guy says bring up Jim Crow etc gives the haters an excuse. Sorry, but that excuse has existed for hundreds of years. They don't need Obama to give them excuses, the excuses are all around them, the discrimination, the way blacks have been treated after official discrimination has disappeared, the way the poor have been kept down (and blacks have a high percentage of poor for obvious reasons based on a history that has kept them down.)

The media guy says we have to put grievances behind us. But that's not going to happen until black people and other minorities stop feeling like the powers that be are against them. And the powers that be are often against them.

Trump has hit part of the problem. Jobs. Poor people suffer the most under economic recession. They suffer the most from war (that costs loads of money and sends the poor to die and be maimed), they suffer the most from the education system being shocking.

The problem is that Trump doesn't have the answers. He will say that they need crap manufacturing jobs back in the US so poor people can remain poor and do uneducated jobs. Rather than beef up education and change the jobs in the US so they're relevant to the modern world.

The media guy is talking about "bad behavior", as if protesting against the problems is "bad behavior". The media guy is talking to those white people, telling white people that this all shouldn't be happening and that black people should go back to their hovel and stop complaining and get on with life. Instead of looking at the PROBLEMS, which both Obama and Trump have actually hit on.

The media guy talks about never letting mass discrimination happen again. But it's always happened, and unless things CHANGE then it will never change. But he's talking as if mass discrimination isn't happening right now. He's ignoring stuff.

The media guy says Obama dwells on the problem rather than the solution. I'd agree. Trump has done the same thing.

However what Obama is doing is trying to tell people where the problem lies. If you don't acknowledge the real problems, how can you deal with them? Trump and Obama are coming at them from different angles. Trump is dealing with the problems of why black people are where they are. Education, jobs, opportunities. Obama is dealing with them from the sense that education, jobs and opportunities are poor for black people BECAUSE OF the bias, the discrimination that exists institutionally within these systems.

The media guy comes out with "white people have been the subject of bigotry as well". So fucking what? This has nothing to do with this situation right now. It's not white people feeling like they've been discriminated against. It's black people. But he's trying to pander to those people who want to be the victim so they can tell black people to go back to their hovels.

Basically the media guy is being worse than anyone else, the one stirring up the hatred. Obama and Trump don't say very much at all.
You have no clue about the real world do you.
are you 15 or something? seriously, since blacks and whites go to the same school and sit in the same classrooms, I doubt that the school can be blamed for blacks not doing as well. If you look at places like Baltimore you might discover that the Baltimore city schools have a higher per student spending budget than many of the "white" counties around it have, yet those students in Baltimore city do not do as well.
How long is long enough to cry about racism that they never experienced and expect those that were not responsible to pay?
If they dont like living in a poor section, how about actually studying instead of running the streets or doing drugs and work their way out.
Institutional racism? oh yes it does exist, companies that do business with the government have to adhere to minority targeting in their workforce, this means that whites are passed over just so the company can meet some made up number of minorities in their work place.

Always worth starting a response of with an attack, just to prove how adult like you are.

Oh, didn't get past that to read the rest. I don't bother with posts that are like this.
I'll try to use smaller words for you in the future.
Except I watched TRUMP SPEAK and commented on WHAT HE SAID. And yet you've decided I'm listening to what democrats have said. No, I haven't read anything from anyone else on this, I watched the video and responded.
He has said in the past how he is going to correct these things.
Why does he have to keep repeating himself every time so that a sheeplike liberal will understand even though there is no way they would vote for him without direct party permission

Yeah, why repeat himself every time when he can repeat the words "sad" and "bad" all the time.

There are ways to make yourself look intelligent.

He says "that our educational system stinks, it's absolutely horrible, our educational system"

He felt the need to repeat education system, to use two words almost synonymously, but didn't make any further comment. Someone who wants to be taken seriously wouldn't keep repeating himself with simple words continuously.

If he's have said "black people are suffering because we have a poor educational system, and directing the educational system towards the needs of the people" would have sounded like a President, he doesn't need to repeat himself over and over, but he uses a variety of words, makes a claim, backs it up.

The way Obama speaks is different. He wanted to talk about hope. It's a theme he's used throughout his presidency, and something I'm beginning to see as one of the most important factors in people's lives. Everyone's looking for hope, when that fails then things become ugly.

The problem doesn't seem to be what Obama was saying, but how the media guy presented it. He took Obama saying that the police do good as positive, then hammered him for talking about centuries of discrimination. As if this discrimination should be brushed under the carpet. It is a problem and it needs to be addressed, but the media guy doesn't want it to be.

The media guy says bring up Jim Crow etc gives the haters an excuse. Sorry, but that excuse has existed for hundreds of years. They don't need Obama to give them excuses, the excuses are all around them, the discrimination, the way blacks have been treated after official discrimination has disappeared, the way the poor have been kept down (and blacks have a high percentage of poor for obvious reasons based on a history that has kept them down.)

The media guy says we have to put grievances behind us. But that's not going to happen until black people and other minorities stop feeling like the powers that be are against them. And the powers that be are often against them.

Trump has hit part of the problem. Jobs. Poor people suffer the most under economic recession. They suffer the most from war (that costs loads of money and sends the poor to die and be maimed), they suffer the most from the education system being shocking.

The problem is that Trump doesn't have the answers. He will say that they need crap manufacturing jobs back in the US so poor people can remain poor and do uneducated jobs. Rather than beef up education and change the jobs in the US so they're relevant to the modern world.

The media guy is talking about "bad behavior", as if protesting against the problems is "bad behavior". The media guy is talking to those white people, telling white people that this all shouldn't be happening and that black people should go back to their hovel and stop complaining and get on with life. Instead of looking at the PROBLEMS, which both Obama and Trump have actually hit on.

The media guy talks about never letting mass discrimination happen again. But it's always happened, and unless things CHANGE then it will never change. But he's talking as if mass discrimination isn't happening right now. He's ignoring stuff.

The media guy says Obama dwells on the problem rather than the solution. I'd agree. Trump has done the same thing.

However what Obama is doing is trying to tell people where the problem lies. If you don't acknowledge the real problems, how can you deal with them? Trump and Obama are coming at them from different angles. Trump is dealing with the problems of why black people are where they are. Education, jobs, opportunities. Obama is dealing with them from the sense that education, jobs and opportunities are poor for black people BECAUSE OF the bias, the discrimination that exists institutionally within these systems.

The media guy comes out with "white people have been the subject of bigotry as well". So fucking what? This has nothing to do with this situation right now. It's not white people feeling like they've been discriminated against. It's black people. But he's trying to pander to those people who want to be the victim so they can tell black people to go back to their hovels.

Basically the media guy is being worse than anyone else, the one stirring up the hatred. Obama and Trump don't say very much at all.
You have no clue about the real world do you.
are you 15 or something? seriously, since blacks and whites go to the same school and sit in the same classrooms, I doubt that the school can be blamed for blacks not doing as well. If you look at places like Baltimore you might discover that the Baltimore city schools have a higher per student spending budget than many of the "white" counties around it have, yet those students in Baltimore city do not do as well.
How long is long enough to cry about racism that they never experienced and expect those that were not responsible to pay?
If they dont like living in a poor section, how about actually studying instead of running the streets or doing drugs and work their way out.
Institutional racism? oh yes it does exist, companies that do business with the government have to adhere to minority targeting in their workforce, this means that whites are passed over just so the company can meet some made up number of minorities in their work place.

Always worth starting a response of with an attack, just to prove how adult like you are.

Oh, didn't get past that to read the rest. I don't bother with posts that are like this.
I'll try to use smaller words for you in the future.

In the future, maybe try not bothering in the first place if this is crap you're going to come up with.
He has said in the past how he is going to correct these things.
Why does he have to keep repeating himself every time so that a sheeplike liberal will understand even though there is no way they would vote for him without direct party permission

Yeah, why repeat himself every time when he can repeat the words "sad" and "bad" all the time.

There are ways to make yourself look intelligent.

He says "that our educational system stinks, it's absolutely horrible, our educational system"

He felt the need to repeat education system, to use two words almost synonymously, but didn't make any further comment. Someone who wants to be taken seriously wouldn't keep repeating himself with simple words continuously.

If he's have said "black people are suffering because we have a poor educational system, and directing the educational system towards the needs of the people" would have sounded like a President, he doesn't need to repeat himself over and over, but he uses a variety of words, makes a claim, backs it up.

The way Obama speaks is different. He wanted to talk about hope. It's a theme he's used throughout his presidency, and something I'm beginning to see as one of the most important factors in people's lives. Everyone's looking for hope, when that fails then things become ugly.

The problem doesn't seem to be what Obama was saying, but how the media guy presented it. He took Obama saying that the police do good as positive, then hammered him for talking about centuries of discrimination. As if this discrimination should be brushed under the carpet. It is a problem and it needs to be addressed, but the media guy doesn't want it to be.

The media guy says bring up Jim Crow etc gives the haters an excuse. Sorry, but that excuse has existed for hundreds of years. They don't need Obama to give them excuses, the excuses are all around them, the discrimination, the way blacks have been treated after official discrimination has disappeared, the way the poor have been kept down (and blacks have a high percentage of poor for obvious reasons based on a history that has kept them down.)

The media guy says we have to put grievances behind us. But that's not going to happen until black people and other minorities stop feeling like the powers that be are against them. And the powers that be are often against them.

Trump has hit part of the problem. Jobs. Poor people suffer the most under economic recession. They suffer the most from war (that costs loads of money and sends the poor to die and be maimed), they suffer the most from the education system being shocking.

The problem is that Trump doesn't have the answers. He will say that they need crap manufacturing jobs back in the US so poor people can remain poor and do uneducated jobs. Rather than beef up education and change the jobs in the US so they're relevant to the modern world.

The media guy is talking about "bad behavior", as if protesting against the problems is "bad behavior". The media guy is talking to those white people, telling white people that this all shouldn't be happening and that black people should go back to their hovel and stop complaining and get on with life. Instead of looking at the PROBLEMS, which both Obama and Trump have actually hit on.

The media guy talks about never letting mass discrimination happen again. But it's always happened, and unless things CHANGE then it will never change. But he's talking as if mass discrimination isn't happening right now. He's ignoring stuff.

The media guy says Obama dwells on the problem rather than the solution. I'd agree. Trump has done the same thing.

However what Obama is doing is trying to tell people where the problem lies. If you don't acknowledge the real problems, how can you deal with them? Trump and Obama are coming at them from different angles. Trump is dealing with the problems of why black people are where they are. Education, jobs, opportunities. Obama is dealing with them from the sense that education, jobs and opportunities are poor for black people BECAUSE OF the bias, the discrimination that exists institutionally within these systems.

The media guy comes out with "white people have been the subject of bigotry as well". So fucking what? This has nothing to do with this situation right now. It's not white people feeling like they've been discriminated against. It's black people. But he's trying to pander to those people who want to be the victim so they can tell black people to go back to their hovels.

Basically the media guy is being worse than anyone else, the one stirring up the hatred. Obama and Trump don't say very much at all.
You have no clue about the real world do you.
are you 15 or something? seriously, since blacks and whites go to the same school and sit in the same classrooms, I doubt that the school can be blamed for blacks not doing as well. If you look at places like Baltimore you might discover that the Baltimore city schools have a higher per student spending budget than many of the "white" counties around it have, yet those students in Baltimore city do not do as well.
How long is long enough to cry about racism that they never experienced and expect those that were not responsible to pay?
If they dont like living in a poor section, how about actually studying instead of running the streets or doing drugs and work their way out.
Institutional racism? oh yes it does exist, companies that do business with the government have to adhere to minority targeting in their workforce, this means that whites are passed over just so the company can meet some made up number of minorities in their work place.

Always worth starting a response of with an attack, just to prove how adult like you are.

Oh, didn't get past that to read the rest. I don't bother with posts that are like this.
I'll try to use smaller words for you in the future.

In the future, maybe try not bothering in the first place if this is crap you're going to come up with.
butt hurt are you?
Yeah, why repeat himself every time when he can repeat the words "sad" and "bad" all the time.

There are ways to make yourself look intelligent.

He says "that our educational system stinks, it's absolutely horrible, our educational system"

He felt the need to repeat education system, to use two words almost synonymously, but didn't make any further comment. Someone who wants to be taken seriously wouldn't keep repeating himself with simple words continuously.

If he's have said "black people are suffering because we have a poor educational system, and directing the educational system towards the needs of the people" would have sounded like a President, he doesn't need to repeat himself over and over, but he uses a variety of words, makes a claim, backs it up.

The way Obama speaks is different. He wanted to talk about hope. It's a theme he's used throughout his presidency, and something I'm beginning to see as one of the most important factors in people's lives. Everyone's looking for hope, when that fails then things become ugly.

The problem doesn't seem to be what Obama was saying, but how the media guy presented it. He took Obama saying that the police do good as positive, then hammered him for talking about centuries of discrimination. As if this discrimination should be brushed under the carpet. It is a problem and it needs to be addressed, but the media guy doesn't want it to be.

The media guy says bring up Jim Crow etc gives the haters an excuse. Sorry, but that excuse has existed for hundreds of years. They don't need Obama to give them excuses, the excuses are all around them, the discrimination, the way blacks have been treated after official discrimination has disappeared, the way the poor have been kept down (and blacks have a high percentage of poor for obvious reasons based on a history that has kept them down.)

The media guy says we have to put grievances behind us. But that's not going to happen until black people and other minorities stop feeling like the powers that be are against them. And the powers that be are often against them.

Trump has hit part of the problem. Jobs. Poor people suffer the most under economic recession. They suffer the most from war (that costs loads of money and sends the poor to die and be maimed), they suffer the most from the education system being shocking.

The problem is that Trump doesn't have the answers. He will say that they need crap manufacturing jobs back in the US so poor people can remain poor and do uneducated jobs. Rather than beef up education and change the jobs in the US so they're relevant to the modern world.

The media guy is talking about "bad behavior", as if protesting against the problems is "bad behavior". The media guy is talking to those white people, telling white people that this all shouldn't be happening and that black people should go back to their hovel and stop complaining and get on with life. Instead of looking at the PROBLEMS, which both Obama and Trump have actually hit on.

The media guy talks about never letting mass discrimination happen again. But it's always happened, and unless things CHANGE then it will never change. But he's talking as if mass discrimination isn't happening right now. He's ignoring stuff.

The media guy says Obama dwells on the problem rather than the solution. I'd agree. Trump has done the same thing.

However what Obama is doing is trying to tell people where the problem lies. If you don't acknowledge the real problems, how can you deal with them? Trump and Obama are coming at them from different angles. Trump is dealing with the problems of why black people are where they are. Education, jobs, opportunities. Obama is dealing with them from the sense that education, jobs and opportunities are poor for black people BECAUSE OF the bias, the discrimination that exists institutionally within these systems.

The media guy comes out with "white people have been the subject of bigotry as well". So fucking what? This has nothing to do with this situation right now. It's not white people feeling like they've been discriminated against. It's black people. But he's trying to pander to those people who want to be the victim so they can tell black people to go back to their hovels.

Basically the media guy is being worse than anyone else, the one stirring up the hatred. Obama and Trump don't say very much at all.
You have no clue about the real world do you.
are you 15 or something? seriously, since blacks and whites go to the same school and sit in the same classrooms, I doubt that the school can be blamed for blacks not doing as well. If you look at places like Baltimore you might discover that the Baltimore city schools have a higher per student spending budget than many of the "white" counties around it have, yet those students in Baltimore city do not do as well.
How long is long enough to cry about racism that they never experienced and expect those that were not responsible to pay?
If they dont like living in a poor section, how about actually studying instead of running the streets or doing drugs and work their way out.
Institutional racism? oh yes it does exist, companies that do business with the government have to adhere to minority targeting in their workforce, this means that whites are passed over just so the company can meet some made up number of minorities in their work place.

Always worth starting a response of with an attack, just to prove how adult like you are.

Oh, didn't get past that to read the rest. I don't bother with posts that are like this.
I'll try to use smaller words for you in the future.

In the future, maybe try not bothering in the first place if this is crap you're going to come up with.
butt hurt are you?

Fine, you're on ignore.
Tonight, the RCN is highlighting both it's minority speakers.

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