Trump files, jury sees classified files or Trump wins

So why isn't Biden going to prison?
Biden is still within his tenor as President and once that tenor ends he may be prosecuted per DOJ guidelines. Go for it.

So why isn't Hillary going to prison? So why isn't Bill going to prison? So why isn't Pence going to prison? So why isn't Carter going to prison?
HRC and Pence go for it. Bill...Clinton? If there is evidence go for it.
Carter is in hospice.
Six weeks after he voluntarily turned over boxes and boxes of documents. Biden/Garland chose to turn this in to a criminal matter. Unprecedented in US history. A truly sad day for this country.

Because he refused to turn over the rest.
That's a different quote from the testimony. They were referring mostly to members of Congress. Not to administrations.
Both articles roll that way citing presidential administrations. Those records are the ultimate responsibility of the president.
No way. Trump is a coward, he will run if he loses the election.
Ever see His dacha on the Black Sea coast near Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Krai, Russia?
I believe there are some people that do not want to vote for Biden but would be even less inclined to vote for a felon. Not everyone is a mindless partisan drone like you.
So far every time Lawfare has been perpetrated on Donald Trump, his support grownand galvanized. That is due to the clear and blatant bias. That drives these prosecutions. Do you anticipate that stopping soon? Why will it stop?
No way. Trump is a coward, he will run if he loses the election.


Trump leaves the country and the reasonable interpretation is that he is avoiding charges or jail time and I’m gone.

You pick the reasonable cut off time to say well obviously he’s not leaving the country. Maybe his death? His reelection? Charges dropped?

Six weeks after he voluntarily turned over boxes and boxes of documents. Biden/Garland chose to turn this in to a criminal matter. Unprecedented in US history. A truly sad day for this country.
Trump did by hiding the docs.
Returning classified documents to the federal government is taken pretty seriously as it should.

It's also irrelevant to the issue of Trump refusing to comply with the subponea.
LOL Seems it's only serious when it's TRUMP
That may be all that Jack Smith wants him to know. Don’t they need to know that the documents were somehow against the law for him to have?

The jury needs to know he ignored a grand jury subpoena.

The witnesses can testify to that.

Imagine if this were a case of possessing an illegal weapon with any prosecutor worth assault, show the jury a weapon with a canvas cover on it and say, “this weapon is so illegal that we cannot even show it to you?”

Imagine cases where mishandling classified documents is in enforceable because the jury isn't authorized to see them...which is why we have CIPA.

When the prosecution is allowed to just tell the jury about suppose evidence, and hide it from them, that is the definition of a kangaroo court. Kudos to judge Cannon for not letting her court be that.

You did know Smith has at least two who have testified that he instructed justice and that is just what we know.

Violating the espionage by retaining national security information. If those are the charges, then the information is the evidence.

Again, study up on CIPA. I don't make the laws, I am just telling you they exist.

In a case in which a person was charged with sending a terroristic threat in the mail, imagine a prosecutor refusing to show the jury the piece of mail with the threat. Could he say “this is so threatening that cannot even be shown to you!“ And expect a conviction?”

False equivalence. Let's stick to documents covered under the espionage act.

Jeez, you want your trial so bad, but you’re not interested if it will be anywhere close to a fair trial?

Nothing unfair about I can see.

Trump obstructed justice, lied to investigators, conspired to obstruct and violated the espionage act.

Other than the obvious?

Sure, look it up. I’m not doing your legwork for you.

And applying your own non-expert interpretation.
No. Just pointing out the actual indictments, testimony and CIPA laws.
Never heard him sing.

Wow, if this isn't a deal breaker, I don't know what is. Judge says jury entitled to see classified evidence....or screw it.

Mar-a-Lago Judge’s Stark Ruling: Jury Sees Secret Files or Trump Wins​

Department of Justice Special Counsel Jack Smith must now choose whether to allow jurors at the upcoming criminal trial to peruse through the many classified records found at the former president’s South Florida mansion or give jurors instructions that would effectively order them to acquit him.

Alternatively, Smith could appeal to the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, where more experienced judges have already overturned Cannon and reined her in. But doing that will only further delay a trial that’s at least three months behind schedule, entirely by the judge’s own design. (She froze the investigation and tried to slow-roll document review until the appellate court forced her to stop.)

Or he could just ask for Cannon to be taken off the case for slow walking what was an obvious request...

She had a number of options as Judge if she was thinking of ruling this way... She could have sent it up much earlier...

She rules like this and gets overturned again there will be huge pressure to taken off the case... She keeps on getting over turned where she was favouring one party who she has ties too...
So far every time Lawfare has been perpetrated on Donald Trump, his support grownand galvanized. Do you anticipate that stopping soon? Why will it stop?

yes, those of you who worship him, worship him even more. He literally could gun down people live on TV and you would still support and vote for him. You are not part of this equation.

There are people out there that are not like you or like the mindless Biden drones.


Trump leaves the country and the reasonable interpretation is that he is avoiding charges or jail time and I’m gone.

You pick the reasonable cut off time to say well obviously he’s not leaving the country. Maybe his death? His reelection? Charges dropped?

Before any of his actual court dates on all the cases he will have delayed till after the election. it will not take long for him to run if he loses.
They'd have to pick a jury and do background checks.......extending the trial for months.

The judge is saying how can jury come to a conclusion/rule on evidence they can not see.

"Trust Us"

No. Existing TS Clearance holders. Should be able to free up a dozen for Trump.

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