Trump files, jury sees classified files or Trump wins

For the last time. He did comply and six weeks later Garland/Biden opened a criminal investigation. Deal with the reality.
He did not comply.

Hence the search of MAL.
Really? That’s how you envision it?

Witnesses will say “oh yeah, Trump ignored the subpoena. For sure.”

They don’t have to explain how they don’t have to show what the subpoena was for and prove that Trump still had it by showing it?

Yeah. You haven't heard of witness testimony before?

Where do you get the idea that the jury “can’t see it?”

CIPA laws.

The jury will have to have a security clearance to see any classified information. But as I explained it another post, it’s so happens that the same partisan hacks who are prosecuting Trump are the ones in charge of granting or not granting clearances. All they gotta do is give the jury clearances.

Why would they? How would that help any of the indictments?

Not like it’s a big flex for them to do that. They offered a Twitter exec to give him a “block” of clearances to pass out like candy - just to make it easier for them to censor negative information about Biden.

Now you drift into nonsensical ranting, that cannot logically be responded to.

What ranting are you referring too?

OK, you seem to have set the bar pretty high for your prediction. Wager accepted!
What did I predict?
For the last time. He did comply and six weeks later Garland/Biden opened a criminal investigation. Deal with the reality.

He complied a little bit, which is the same as not really complying.

If he had complied there would not have been any boxes for the FBI to find
She's a hack and a shill for Dear Leader.

Aileen Cannon Might Actually Get Herself Kicked Off the Trump Classified Docs Case

The recent news about possible Russian space nukes reminds us that we live in a very insecure world. That is why perhaps none of Donald Trump’s four criminal cases is more troubling than the federal prosecution brought by special counsel Jack Smith for mishandling classified documents. Unfortunately, the judge handling the case, Aileen Cannon—a last-minute appointment rushed through in the waning days of the Trump administration—has proved herself to be by far the worst of the jurists overseeing these momentous cases. Her decisions during the investigative phase of the case strayed wildly from precedent, leading to brutal reversals by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit. Now Smith appears to be preparing to ask that body to overturn at least one and possibly two of her decisions. In our view, while he is there on those other issues, he should also petition them to remove her from the case.

She is trying to get kicked off the case, that would cause a long delay for the case, which is all they care about
The classified documents is a statement I made, as far as I know, I am not the news. I heard it on the Dan Bongino show. We will see once the trial starts if my statement becomes fact.

Either way, in this case, I am not making a proclamation that I am presenting the news hence your idea that what I stated is fake is preposterous
You have no problem spreading misinformatjon as long as it fits your own preferred conspiracy theories.
Just a general rule of thumb should be to NEVER quote anything you pick up from the likes of Bongino, Hannity, Levin, Kirk, etc.
These guys are entertainers not truth tellers.
They "entertain" by stoking outrage, grievance, and paranoia.
Don't be one of their suckers.
Right. If they did it, prosecute them too.

Go after them too.

Your complaining and then want to imprison people you don't like without charges.
I'm complaining that the leader of your party has chosen to only criminally prosecute his political foe, although all of these others, including himself, are guilty of the same offense. A sad, sad turn in American politics.

Smooth Move there Poindexter.
You big poopyhead. I win.
Why would they? How would that help any of the indictments?
Juries create a verdict based on evidence. The classified doc's are at the very center of the case.
If he had complied there would not have been any boxes for the FBI to find
FBI spent hours there sorting through boxes, with His permission. Even told Him to put a better lock on the storage room.
I think He complied.
Yeah. You haven't heard of witness testimony before?
Sure, I’m just wondering if you are really trying to convince yourself that all they need is witnesses. They don’t need any of the actual documents to show.
CIPA laws.
You should read them. CIPA laws provide for discoverability and use of classified information in criminal trials.

What gave you the idea that they forbid the use of classified information in criminal trials?
Why would they? How would that help any of the indictments?
Don’t ask me how the prosecution can help with a set of bogus indictments. If the defense needs to use the classified material to fight the indictments, the justice department has no excuse to prevent them from doing so.
What ranting are you referring too?

What did I predict?
Harpy Eagle made a prediction, not you.
Juries create a verdict based on evidence. The classified doc's are at the very center of the case.

FBI spent hours there sorting through boxes, with His permission. Even told Him to put a better lock on the storage room.
I think He complied.
You do not think he complied. You post stupid shit intentionally for attention.

He did not comply, as anyone who read the indictment knows.
Yup prejudiced and biased by objective fact. Biden wasn't prosecuted , Hillary wasn't prosecuted, Bill wasn't prosecuted, Pence wasn't prosecuted, Carter wasn't prosecuted
Every case is different. The hardest part is proving willfulness.

With Biden, they had the strongest case with the statement he made to his ghostwriter. Hur weight several other factors before deciding not to charge him. Controversial decision, no doubt. But not one that is a total absurdity.

Bill Clinton had no case. He didn't retain classified documents.

Hillary Clinton had a difficult case too. The problem with prosecuting her is that she wasn't retaining classified documents like Trump. They merely had emails that talked about classified information, making it much harder to charge.

No one really knows that much about Carter's case but again proving willfullness is the tricky part. The only article I saw talking about it said he returned the documents when they were found.

He complied. And for the fourth time, six weeks later Garland/Biden opened a criminal investigation. Your "non-response does nothing to refute my argument."

He didn't comply. Obviously he didn't comply. The FBI had to raid his house in order to get all the documents back.

When Trump refused to comply with the subpoena, he made the case against him immensely stronger as he lost the ability to claim that he simply made an oversight with the documents.
There was two schools of thought on whether a raid should have been conducted at all. One group thought talking to Trump was working and a better optic than raiding......while the other group wanted to go full cowboy......who just happened to be the same group who were involved in the Russia hoax. Trump has the Russia hoax files and they know it. Hear all the BS stories about files they didn't find?
Talking to Trump clearly wasn't working. They had been talking to Trump for many months and he was still holding out.

Ultimately, the raid was proven to be necessary.
Juries create a verdict based on evidence. The classified doc's are at the very center of the case.

Except in cases where CIPA this case.

FBI spent hours there sorting through boxes, with His permission. Even told Him to put a better lock on the storage room.
I think He complied.
If he complied then they wouldn't have needed a subpeana, Trump wouldn't have tried to obstruct justice or conspire to obstruct or have espionage documents found by the FBI during a warrant authorized search.
She is trying to get kicked off the case, that would cause a long delay for the case, which is all they care about
First of all, I fully admit that delaying the case is the goal. Why shouldn’t I admit it? I predicted this months ago, and none of y’all would believe me. Everybody was so wee-wee’d up about convicting Trump before the election. Aaah, good times!

Second, getting herself kicked off doesn’t seem like a strategy to delay the case. How long would it take to replace her? A day? Likely a replacement would be some Trump deranged, sham judge like that idiot in New York.

No… She’ll stay on and do everything she can to stop this railroad from running over the American voter.
Sure, I’m just wondering if you are really trying to convince yourself that all they need is witnesses. They don’t need any of the actual documents to show.

Not sure if that is all they need or even if that is all they have.

That will be up to the jury.

You should read them. CIPA laws provide for discoverability and use of classified information in criminal trials.

Not if it isn't relevant or helpful.

What gave you the idea that they forbid the use of classified information in criminal trials?


Don’t ask me how the prosecution can help with a set of bogus indictments. If the defense needs to use the classified material to fight the indictments, the justice department has no excuse to prevent them from doing so.

Harpy Eagle made a prediction, not you.
The indictments are not bogus.

Not according to CIPA.

How do you think the jury seeing classified documents will help Trump?
Let the truth come out and persecution takes a big hit
Libs don’t want the facts to get out
She is trying to get kicked off the case, that would cause a long delay for the case, which is all they care about
With all the time wasted on frivolous motions and her dragging her feet there's no way the trial will take place before the election. So she's done her job in Trump's eyes.
He did not comply.

Hence the search of MAL.
Skipping to the middle of the story, LOL.


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