trump finally admits the truth about how many lives he saved by banning flights from China!


Censored for Cynicism
Oct 20, 2008
At tonight's ABC town hall Tramp finally let the truth slip out! And don't say he misspoke, because when Biden gets a number wrong, you Trump CHUMPS say it is proof of diminished mental capacity. That knife cuts both ways!!!
TRUMP: I think what I did by closing up the country, I think I saved two, maybe two and a half, maybe more than that lives.
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At tonight's ABC town hall Tramp finally let the truth slip out! And don't say he misspoke, because when Biden gets a number wrong, you Trump offense removed edthecynic say it is proof of diminished mental capacity. That knife cuts both ways!!!
TRUMP: I think what I did by closing up the country, I think I saved two, maybe two and a half, maybe more than that lives.

OMG he's still downplaying the danger of the wuhan cause if just one person gets it he can kill hundreds
Even better is Tramp's new cure for the Trump-45 virus that is BETTER than a vaccine, "herd MENTALITY," from the same town hall.

STEPHANOPOULOS: It would go away without the vaccine?

TRUMP: Sure, over a period of time. Sure, with time it goes away.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And many deaths.

TRUMP: And you'll develop -- you'll develop herd -- like a herd mentality.
At tonight's ABC town hall Tramp finally let the truth slip out! And don't say he misspoke, because when Biden gets a number wrong, you Trump CHUMPS say it is proof of diminished mental capacity. That knife cuts both ways!!!
TRUMP: I think what I did by closing up the country, I think I saved two, maybe two and a half, maybe more than that lives.

WTF are you talking about, Holmes?

" TRUMP: I think we could have had two million deaths if we didn’t close out the country... "

Did you read your own link?

You are certainly cynical of anyone who distrusts government, aren't you?
Trump speaks his own words, and has said many times how he felt his unapproved-by-Left decision worked out for the lives of many people. Many smart people agreed, as any with a brain must.

Your interpretation is dumb. Biden's words are irrelevant, in that they are not his own. When they are his, they are generally in error from teleprompter words that are again not his. So you see, there can be no knife that cuts both ways.

If Joe wants to prove himself, he need to accept the Joe Rogan challenge of a true 1 vs 1 with Trump. We know Trump has agreed to get in the ring. Joe? lolz no way he has the guts, fortitude, or cognitive ability to accept.
At tonight's ABC town hall Tramp finally let the truth slip out! And don't say he misspoke, because when Biden gets a number wrong, you Trump CHUMPS say it is proof of diminished mental capacity. That knife cuts both ways!!!
TRUMP: I think what I did by closing up the country, I think I saved two, maybe two and a half, maybe more than that lives.

C'mon Ed, let's be fair here. Donald "up-played" the pandemic. Up is down, down is up and you're not supposed to remember anything he told us freaking YESTERDAY.

You know, "herd mentality" is a good way to describe Trump supporters. :D

At tonight's ABC town hall Tramp finally let the truth slip out! And don't say he misspoke, because when Biden gets a number wrong, you Trump CHUMPS say it is proof of diminished mental capacity. That knife cuts both ways!!!
TRUMP: I think what I did by closing up the country, I think I saved two, maybe two and a half, maybe more than that lives.

C'mon Ed, let's be fair here. Donald "up-played" the pandemic. Up is down, down is up and you're not supposed to remember anything he told us freaking YESTERDAY.

You know, "herd mentality" is a good way to describe Trump supporters. :D


Dude, you're a collectivist Democrat extremist. Herd mentality is your life
At tonight's ABC town hall Tramp finally let the truth slip out! And don't say he misspoke, because when Biden gets a number wrong, you Trump CHUMPS say it is proof of diminished mental capacity. That knife cuts both ways!!!
TRUMP: I think what I did by closing up the country, I think I saved two, maybe two and a half, maybe more than that lives.

Awwwwww. Isn't that 'precious'. Deranged, Trump-hating snowflakes are STILL trying to defend Biden and the rest of the Democrats who openly declared the Virus was nothing to worry about, told them to go on with their lives, come to China Town, ride packed subways, lick turn styles, herd in large numbers....who publicly opposed the Life-Saving travel bans and authored legislation designed to block them....only to admit later they were the right thing to do....

I think watching mentally challenged TDS-suffering sheep / parrots claiming President Trump did nothing to try to protect Americans when the factual data and timeline shows he was ahead of the lying WHO and 'light years' ahead of the Democrats.

I find it especially funny listening to partisan losers claim Trump NOT DOING ENOUGH got people killed when Democrats like Cuomo, the largest mass murderer in US history, and other Democrats intentionally took steps that led to the murder of THOUSANDS of American citizens. Cuomo, as we all know, publicly acknowledged seniors were the most vulnerable to die from the virus then packed nursing homes with virus-infected people....murdering over 10,000 elderly Americans in NY by himself.

Dude, you're a collectivist Democrat extremist. Herd mentality is your life

Meh - I'm not a Democrat, but sure don't see anything like this on the left! :D


You're not a Democrat???

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

No Suh - Registered Indy ... and I didn't vote for Hillary either.

Registering as an independent is irrelevant. And what happened with Hillary, flat tire on the way to the polling station?

Well, she ran a horrible campaign. That combined with two inappropriate Comey announcements, voter suppression and Putin's fake news was enough to only get her three million more votes. Thanks to the EC (aka last vestige of slavery) Dems now need to win by at least 5-6 million more votes.
Dude, you're a collectivist Democrat extremist. Herd mentality is your life

Meh - I'm not a Democrat, but sure don't see anything like this on the left! :D


You're not a Democrat???

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

No Suh - Registered Indy ... and I didn't vote for Hillary either.

Registering as an independent is irrelevant. And what happened with Hillary, flat tire on the way to the polling station?

Well, she ran a horrible campaign. That combined with two inappropriate Comey announcements, voter suppression and Putin's fake news was enough to only get her three million more votes. Thanks to the EC (aka last vestige of slavery) Dems now need to win by at least 5-6 million more votes.

The EC is about small States having some say in elections. Where the fuck did you get it was about slavery? Government schools, huh? The bastion of leftist ignorance
Dude, you're a collectivist Democrat extremist. Herd mentality is your life

Meh - I'm not a Democrat, but sure don't see anything like this on the left! :D


You're not a Democrat???

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

No Suh - Registered Indy ... and I didn't vote for Hillary either.

Registering as an independent is irrelevant. And what happened with Hillary, flat tire on the way to the polling station?

Well, she ran a horrible campaign. That combined with two inappropriate Comey announcements, voter suppression and Putin's fake news was enough to only get her three million more votes. Thanks to the EC (aka last vestige of slavery) Dems now need to win by at least 5-6 million more votes.

The EC is about small States having some say in elections. Where the fuck did you get it was about slavery? Government schools, huh? The bastion of leftist ignorance

Those who believe in one man, THREE votes should probably study up on history!

Dude, you're a collectivist Democrat extremist. Herd mentality is your life

Meh - I'm not a Democrat, but sure don't see anything like this on the left! :D


You're not a Democrat???

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

No Suh - Registered Indy ... and I didn't vote for Hillary either.

Registering as an independent is irrelevant. And what happened with Hillary, flat tire on the way to the polling station?

Well, she ran a horrible campaign. That combined with two inappropriate Comey announcements, voter suppression and Putin's fake news was enough to only get her three million more votes. Thanks to the EC (aka last vestige of slavery) Dems now need to win by at least 5-6 million more votes.

The EC is about small States having some say in elections. Where the fuck did you get it was about slavery? Government schools, huh? The bastion of leftist ignorance

Those who believe in one man, THREE votes should probably study up on history!

I know the leftist propaganda. And of curse you only went to opinion pieces on leftist sites.

So why did small States in the North want the EV? Why should 4-5 States be the only ones who matter in elections?
Dude, you're a collectivist Democrat extremist. Herd mentality is your life

Meh - I'm not a Democrat, but sure don't see anything like this on the left! :D


You're not a Democrat???

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

No Suh - Registered Indy ... and I didn't vote for Hillary either.

Registering as an independent is irrelevant. And what happened with Hillary, flat tire on the way to the polling station?

Well, she ran a horrible campaign. That combined with two inappropriate Comey announcements, voter suppression and Putin's fake news was enough to only get her three million more votes. Thanks to the EC (aka last vestige of slavery) Dems now need to win by at least 5-6 million more votes.

The EC is about small States having some say in elections. Where the fuck did you get it was about slavery? Government schools, huh? The bastion of leftist ignorance

Those who believe in one man, THREE votes should probably study up on history!

I know the leftist propaganda. And of curse you only went to opinion pieces on leftist sites.

So why did small States in the North want the EV? Why should 4-5 States be the only ones who matter in elections?

Cool, we'll put you down for one man - THREE votes!
- Special Thanks to 'Dr. Love'


I especially like this failed Democrat / Snowflake meme because it showcases several strategies the Democrats love to engage in. Let's take a look at them and breakdown what this particular snowflake is trying to infer:


Engaging in CLASS WARFARE to divide the nation has always been one of the preferred strategies of the Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats. This is an attempt to convince ignorant people who did not witness for themselves what President Trump accomplished - but instead juts listened to the BS they were fed by the Democrats - that President Trump hates Average Americans and his policies only benefit the Rich. This lie was destroyed by the historic, record-setting successes the President achieved that benefitted all Americans:

The Strongest Economy in DECADES
The Lowest Unemployment Rate in DECADES
The Lowest Black Unemployment Rate in US History
The Lowest Latino Unemployment Rate in US History
The Lowest Asian Unemployment Rate in US History
The Lowest Women's Unemployment Rate in US History
The Lowest Young Adult Unemployment Rate in US History
The most number of Americans working at 1 time in US history
Higher Wages, Raises, Bonuses, Opportunities To Advance
Record Stock Market
Millions of Americans able to get off of Welfare, Food Stamps, Unemployment
-- To escape the Democrats' policies of 'economic slavery'

In only 3 years, while facing non-stop attempts by the Democrats to undermine his administration / the govt and un-ending coup attempts, President Trump did more for Blacks, Latinos, Asians, and women than ANY President had...than BARRY had in his 8 years in office...

..which makes this 'Class Warfare' attempted reference especially humorous.


The Democrats - especially Joe Biden - would LOVE for the American people that it was he and Barak Obama who lied right in the faces of the American people, promising they would not lose their health care under Obamacare....only to have all nearly all of them lose both their plans and doctors. Everything Barry and Biden told them before forcing the minority-party Socialist Transition Plan onto the Majority of Americans who did NOT want it was a LIE:
- You won't lose your plan.
- You won't lose your doctor
- It will not cost a dime.
- It will pay for itself.
- It will LOWER the cost of premiums....

This part of the meme encompasses 2 of the Democrats favorite campaign strategies:
1. PROJECTION: Accusing others of doing what the Democratic Party already did
2. FEAR-MONGERING: Trying to scare people into voting for them.

* Biden declared justthe other day that Trump could control hurricanes, floods, fires, etc.. and warned if he was re-elected those would get worse. :p


The idiot who posted this meme will not tell you, perhaps because he isn't even aware of it himself, but this Quote came directly from Barak Obama during a campaign speech to ignorant snowflakes, many of whom I am sure believed Barry when he declared Republicans 'want dirtier water and dirtier air'. WTF? The FACT is if anyone had the desire to know the truth they could visit the EPS web site and see for themselves that carbon emissions, the 'gold standard' for Global Warming, are LOWER under President Trump than at any time during the Obama administration.

Silly snowflakes....


Too Easy (no pun intended): this is straight-up 'FEAR-MONGERING'. If I had $1 for every time / every election Democrats attempted to scare the hell out of the elderly by declaring the mean ol' GOP was going to steal their Social Security I could retire without needing my Social Security!


While I happen to agree with this one, this is pretty much mocking American Christians, those Americans who 'cling to their BIBLES and their guns', the Americans whose religious freedoms and rights the Democrats have trampled on in the name of 'COVID-19'.

It is ironic the snowflakes even reference God, as it usually 'burns' when they do so, but especially since they treated Obama like their 'messiah'.

Thanks again to 'Dr. Love' for the humorous meme - humorous because we got to analyze the Democrat strategies attempted in the meme that were funny - failed Democrat strategies / attempts at humor are always funny.



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I also liked the PINK hat the girl was wearing in the reminded me of the sea of 'pussy-hat-wearing' snowflakes at Democrat rallies:

How we recruited 50 (left wing pussyhat) candidates to run for office in  Greenwich, Ct — Christopher Fountain

Except rallies for Biden is NO WHERE NEAR this big


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