trump finally admits the truth about how many lives he saved by banning flights from China!

Dude, you're a collectivist Democrat extremist. Herd mentality is your life

Meh - I'm not a Democrat, but sure don't see anything like this on the left! :D


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Trump speaks his own words, and has said many times how he felt his unapproved-by-Left decision worked out for the lives of many people. Many smart people agreed, as any with a brain must.

Your interpretation is dumb. Biden's words are irrelevant, in that they are not his own. When they are his, they are generally in error from teleprompter words that are again not his. So you see, there can be no knife that cuts both ways.

If Joe wants to prove himself, he need to accept the Joe Rogan challenge of a true 1 vs 1 with Trump. We know Trump has agreed to get in the ring. Joe? lolz no way he has the guts, fortitude, or cognitive ability to accept.

And yet the facts just don't back up Trumpy Bear's assertion that he's saved ANY lives. In fact, we can point to numerous facts which show that his actions COST LIVES and saved no one. Every single one of them, including his decision to close the border with China.

200,000 dead and one of the highest death rates in the world isn't achieved by doing a "great job". It is the greatest failure by an American President in the history of the country. No matter how many times you try to spin this as a job well done, there isn't a single fact or economic number you can show us that indicate that Trump's work here ranks amongst the biggest government failures in world history.

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