Trump: Fine with same-sex marriage

He may be fine with it but his supreme court picks anx cabinet members won't be.

I understand how folks who still have an iota of faith in the MSM propaganda machine might be surprised by this, but it is no revelation.

Those of us who ignored the MSM and sought out the facts for ourselves already knew this.

How do I feel about it? The same way Trump does...

Has anyone ever changed your opinion on a topic on this forum?

Gay usmb.png

What was the final argument that won me over? Sharia law. If Islam, and not Christianity was the majority religion in the U.S., I wouldn't want the Government forcing a different religions ethics on me. Gave me a whole new perspective on codifying religious tenants in secular governance.
They would represent the majority on this issue as the older anti-SSM people died off. When I was a teenager, being called gay or a fagot was an insult. For the young people of today, not so much. The reason Obama 'evolved'" on this issue is because he knew the demographics were changing in favor of SSM.

To be honest, I believe Obama always supported gay marriage, but waited for the right political time to make his true feelings known.
Like most of the Dems. They waited until they could use it to beat people down. It should be up to the states and people should not be bullied or shamed for having traditional values.

And niether should people be bullied or shamed for being gay. For me, I have this slavish devotion to the Golden Rule. I treat people the way I wish to be treated. Of course, that kindness shouldn't be mistaken for weakness b/c I am certainly not some fragile Cinderella. lol
They would represent the majority on this issue as the older anti-SSM people died off. When I was a teenager, being called gay or a fagot was an insult. For the young people of today, not so much. The reason Obama 'evolved'" on this issue is because he knew the demographics were changing in favor of SSM.

To be honest, I believe Obama always supported gay marriage, but waited for the right political time to make his true feelings known.
Like most of the Dems. They waited until they could use it to beat people down. It should be up to the states and people should not be bullied or shamed for having traditional values.

And niether should people be bullied or shamed for being gay. For me, I have this slavish devotion to the Golden Rule. I treat people the way I wish to be treated. Of course, that kindness shouldn't be mistaken for weakness b/c I am certainly not some fragile Cinderella. lol
Who was bullying you for being gay? All the popular culture has embraced it quite openly. The right hasn't been the ones stirring up crap and causing problems.
They would represent the majority on this issue as the older anti-SSM people died off. When I was a teenager, being called gay or a fagot was an insult. For the young people of today, not so much. The reason Obama 'evolved'" on this issue is because he knew the demographics were changing in favor of SSM.

To be honest, I believe Obama always supported gay marriage, but waited for the right political time to make his true feelings known.
Like most of the Dems. They waited until they could use it to beat people down. It should be up to the states and people should not be bullied or shamed for having traditional values.

And niether should people be bullied or shamed for being gay. For me, I have this slavish devotion to the Golden Rule. I treat people the way I wish to be treated. Of course, that kindness shouldn't be mistaken for weakness b/c I am certainly not some fragile Cinderella. lol
Who was bullying you for being gay? All the popular culture has embraced it quite openly. The right hasn't been the ones stirring up crap and causing problems.

I didn't say I was being bullied for being gay. I have no doubt other people have and are being bullied for being gay, though.
They would represent the majority on this issue as the older anti-SSM people died off. When I was a teenager, being called gay or a fagot was an insult. For the young people of today, not so much. The reason Obama 'evolved'" on this issue is because he knew the demographics were changing in favor of SSM.

To be honest, I believe Obama always supported gay marriage, but waited for the right political time to make his true feelings known.
Like most of the Dems. They waited until they could use it to beat people down. It should be up to the states and people should not be bullied or shamed for having traditional values.

And niether should people be bullied or shamed for being gay. For me, I have this slavish devotion to the Golden Rule. I treat people the way I wish to be treated. Of course, that kindness shouldn't be mistaken for weakness b/c I am certainly not some fragile Cinderella. lol
Who was bullying you for being gay? All the popular culture has embraced it quite openly. The right hasn't been the ones stirring up crap and causing problems.

I didn't say I was being bullied for being gay. I have no doubt other people have and are being bullied for being gay, though.

They do plenty of bullying as well. DV occurs at an astronomically higher rate in homo households.
I hope they really let that sleeping dog lie.
Who's talking about changing gay marriage? It isn't even on the radar as far as I know.
Yea i agree, i'm just no wizard when it comes to bringing cases to court and overturning law and such. My assumption is that even if Trump appointed a judge to the supreme court that has openly and actively promoted the idea of genocide against lgbt people, he/she still couldn't really do anything about it.
I hope they really let that sleeping dog lie.
Who's talking about changing gay marriage? It isn't even on the radar as far as I know.
Yea i agree, i'm just no wizard when it comes to bringing cases to court and overturning law and such. My assumption is that even if Trump appointed a judge to the supreme court that has openly and actively promoted the idea of genocide against lgbt people, he/she still couldn't really do anything about it.
It's like abortion. They created the law and took it from states but they aren't going to repeal their own decision, it would be an admission they went too far. I haven't heard Trump speak out against gay marriage or gays in general. Just the opposite, like with the Florida shootings.
He may be fine with it but his supreme court picks anx cabinet members won't be.
Well, there would have to be a reason for them to review an earlier ruling.

But I think the main problem here is that one of his supporters' favorite sports is gay bashing.
We don't give a shit, we never have.

Forcing bakeries and churches to serve faggot ceremonies is something yet again.

Every business should have the right to decide whom they wish to conduct business with. They can could dent service for any reason, to any person without punishment from the law. If you don't want to serve X,Y, and, Z that's fine. Let the free market decide that shit.
I've already warned many fellow Trump Voters that Trump is not a staunch Conservative or Constitutionalist. He's never claimed to be. He does lean Liberal on some issues. So Trump Voters shouldn't come along later whining about how Trump lied to them. He never promised em staunch 'Christian Conservatism.' For me, if he just stands by his pledges to secure our border, reform our Immigration System nightmare, and appoint a couple reasonable Supreme Court Justices, he'll always have my support.

I'm not concerned with much else. Nothing's gonna change in regards to our massive Debt and starting more Wars. That'll stay the status quo. We are gonna get more Debt and Wars. And i'm not interested in social issues like Abortion and Gay Marriage either. Those are just old tired issues both Parties use to divide the People further. Trump only needs to deliver on a couple things for me. The rest is just silly stuff to get the sheep all worked up about. Just remember what you voted for. You didn't vote for a staunch Christian Conservative or Constitutionalist. You voted for the only viable alternative to the corrupt Clintons. Nothing more, nothing less.
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It's like abortion. They created the law and took it from states but they aren't going to repeal their own decision, it would be an admission they went too far. I haven't heard Trump speak out against gay marriage or gays in general. Just the opposite, like with the Florida shootings.
Yea. Of all the hysteria from the left i always thought the LGBT fear in particular was the most ridiculous. Trump has never been anti-LGBT and is the most pro-gay marriage of any republican candidate ever.
So you believe in special rights for christian business owners?

There are no special rights for Christian business owners. There is a general right for all citizens to freedom of expression of faith; which doesn't come with a time clock or location specification..

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